William Emerson Will (1862)

William Emerson Will (1862)

contributed by Dana Hill, 2005

From TSLA microfilm Marshall Co. #42 Will Book B, p 131

The last will and testamen

I William EMERSON do make and publish this as my last will and testament hereby revoking and making void all other wills made by me at any other time.

1st I direct that my funeral expences and all my debts be paid as soon after my death as possible and of any moneys that I may die possessed of or may first come into the hands of my Executors.

2nd I give and bequeath to my beloved wife Elizabeth all my real Estate and personal property during her natural life.

3rd I give to my grandson Robert V EMERSON the Sum of Fifty Dollars.

4th I give to my grandson James L. EMERSON the Sum of Fifty Dollars

5th I direct my wife Elizabeth if there is any stock on hand that she does not kneed, to dispose of it to the best advantage.

6th At the [?] death of my wife Elizabeth I want all my property equally divided between all my lawful heirs.

7th Lastly I do hereby nominate and appoint James C. EMERSON and John A. EMERSON my Executorw00: In witness whereof I do to this my Will st hand and Seal. This the 4th day of March 1862.



William WILSON)

D. G. BILLS ) Jurat April 7th 1862.


State of Tennessee Marshall County.

County Court. April term 1862.

Personally appeared here in open Court William WILSON and D. G. BILLS the subscribing witnesses to the foregoing will and who after being duly qualified prived the due execution of the same as the law directs. It is therefore ordered by the court that the clerk of this Court so certify and record the same. Witness my hand at office

April 7th 1862 S. TALLY Clk

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