Wilson Liscomb Land Grant (1815)
Tennessee General Land Grants Book K, page 410 Grant # 4582
Grant to Wilson Liscomb recorded 29 August 1815
To all to whom these presents shall come–greetings
KNOW YE, That, in consideration of military service performed by Wilson Liscomb to the State of North Carolina warrant No. 3571 dated the 24th day of October 1787 and entered on the 24th day of August 1807 by No. 309
there is granted by the State of Tennessee, unto the said Wilson Liscomb
and his Heirs
a certain Tract or Parcel of LAND, containing two hundred and seventy four acres lying in Bedford County in the Second District, Second range and fourth section on Rock Creek, the waters of Duck River. Beginning at a beech in the East boundary line of said section the South East corner of Minos Cannon’s entry for fifteen hundred and forty acres, thence South with the section line two hundred poles to a hickory, thence West two hundred nineteen and one fourth poles to an ash, thence North two hundred poles to an Ash, thence East two hundred nineteen and one fourth poles to the beginning. Surveyed the 23rd of January 1809 by James Smith
With the hereditaments and appurtenances. To HAVE and to HOLD the said Tract or Parcel of LAND, with its appurtenances, to the said Wilson Liscomb
and his heirs forever.
In Witness Whereof, Willie Blount, Governor of the State of Tennessee hath hereunto set his hand and caused the Great Seal of the State to be affixed, at Nashville, on the 28th day of February in the year of our lord, one thousand eight hundred and thirteen, and of the independence of the United States, the thirty seventh.
BY THE GOVERNOR: Willie Blount
W. G. Blount
contributed by Dick Wood (date unknown)