Ezra Collins and Absolem Whittsette Land Grant (1840)
Middle Tennessee Land Grant Book 19, page 802
Ezra Collins & Absolem Whitsette Grant # 16702
To all to whom these presents shall come–greetings
KNOW YE, That, for and in consideration of an Entry made in the Entry Taker’s Office of Marshall County pursuant to an act of the General Assembly of the said State passed on the Ninth day of January one thousand eight Hundred and thirty and entered on the 13th day of March one thousand eight Hundred and thirty Nine by No. 122
there is granted by the State of Tennessee, unto Ezra Collins and Absolem Whittsette
a certain Tract or Parcel of LAND, containing One hundred and three acres and fifty poles
by survey bearing date the Second day of August 1839 lying in said county, And bounded as follows, to wit: Beginning at a Sugartree, the South West corner of a 58 acre Survey in the name of Elizabeth Whitsette; then East one hundred and thirty six poles to a Sugartree, Erwin McAdams’ corner: then South with his line fifty four poles to a stake among a Beech, Sugartree and Hackberry; then West seventy two poles to two Sourwoods; then North twenty four poles to a bunch of Lynns; then West ninety four poles to a Sugartree and Lynn in the East boundary line of a School Tract, then North 5 & 1/2 degrees West with the School land line and passing the corner at 183 poles, an Ash marked “S. L.” North East corner of the same, continuing 78 poles, in all two hundred and sixty one poles to the old Bedford County line, a Sugartree among two Sugartrees and a Pin Oak on or near the County line of Marshall; then with it North 38 degrees East thirty four poles to a Sugartree and Hickory in said line in Ervin McAdams line; then South with said line thirty poles to a stake among two Sugartrees and an Ash; then East fourteen and one half poles to a stake, near a Hickory and Lynn; then South six and one half poles to a Sugartree – the North West corner of an eight acre Survey near a bunch of Lynns; then passing the South West corner of it at forty poles on an Ash and Buckeye and continuing 148 poles in all one hundred and ninety four and one half poles to the Beginning – Containing 103 acres & 50/160 poles.
With the hereditaments and appurtenances. To HAVE and to HOLD the said Tract or Parcel of LAND, with its appurtenances, to the said Ezra Collins & Absolem Whitsette and their heirs forever.
In Witness Whereof, James K. Polke, Governor of the State of Tennessee hath hereunto set his hand and caused the Great Seal of the State to be affixed, at Nashville, on the 17th day of December in the year of our lord, one thousand eight hundred and forty , and of the independence of the United States, the fiftieth.
John L. Young
contributed by Dick Wood (date unknown)