County Court Minutes Book A: January, 1839, Session

County Court Minutes Book A: January, 1839, Session

transcribed by list members and contributed by Dana Hill (date unknown)

Page (212) cont
January Term 1839.
The State of Tennessee at a County Court begun and held for the County of Marshall at the Court house in the town of Lewisburg the place appointed by law for holding Court in said county in the year of our Lord 1839 the same being the same being the 7th day of the month- present John HATCHETT Chairman Harris MAULDEN Robert JOHNSON James ADAMS Thomas WILSON William WILKS William B. COOK James ELLIOTT Benjamin WILLIAMS Peter WILLIAMS James REED Benjamin BRANTLEY Thomas HARDISON Joseph CLEEK Asa HOLLAND S. C. CHETWOOD James V. EWING Lile A. EWING William COWDEN A. F. LILLARD
Thomas CUMMINGS James L. EWING, and Andrew LAIRD Gentlemen Justices
of the peace proclamation &C.

John CHANDLER presented his resignation as Justice of the peace for Marshall County which was received by the Court.

On motion it is ordered by the Court that Benjamin WILLIAMS and A. E. McCLURE be appointed revenue commissioners to settle with County officers for the Year 1839.

On motion and the vote being taken it is ordered that the County tax be assessed in the maner and form following ti wit that the County tax be five cents to each one hundred dollars and each white poll Twelve and one half cents and the —- tax two and one half cents to each one hundred dollars.

On motion it is ordered by the Court that Thomas B. FAVOR be apointed overseer of the Fishing ford road in the room of A. ALLEN and that he have the same hands to keep said road in repaire. Issued.

January Term 1839.
On motion it is ordered by the court that Wynn TWITTY Robert BIGGERS, Alexander BIGGERS, James WHITSETT, Benjamin BINGAMAN, Joseph McGAHEY and Joseph McBRIDE be appointed a jury of View to change the Pulaski road beginning at Margart HUGH’s and intersect the road near Benjamin BINGAMANS if in their opinion the good of the public and that of individuals require it and report to the next April term of this Court.

The Jury of View appointed at a former term of this Court to mark out a road from Petersburg to Williams CARUTHERS report as follows to wit:
The undersigned freeholders having been summoned by the Sherriff of Marshall County and duly sworn on as a July of View to lay out the road described in the within order have proceeded to perform the duty assigned them and to agree upon and make the following report, to wit:
the said road shall begin at the County line near Petersburg running with the road to HOUSES lane thence with the lane to the north end of said lane thence the old marked way to WILSONS fence thence through said woods pasture as marked untill Strikes the line between WILSON and TALLY thence west to Luna Spring makeing an osfet leaving the spring on the left thence with LUNA and TALLY line to a walnut leaving the Walnut on the left hand thence with said road as now cut out to William CARUTHERS we have thus laid out said road to the greatest advantage to the inhabitance & as little as may be to the prejudice of encloseures to the best of our knowledge & skill all of which we respectfully
submit to the consideration of the worshipful Court this 22nd day of December 1838.
Richard McKEE, R. P. DAVIS
Which report having been seen and by the Court understood was in all things confirmed and made the order of this Court Twelve Justices of the peace voting.

January Term 1839.
On motion it is ordered by the Court that John C. YOUNG be appointed overseer to open and cut out a road as marked out by the July of View commenceing at the County line near Petersburg and terminating at William CARUTHERS and that he have the hands in the following bounds, to wit: beginning at Samuel DUCKWORTHS thru HEMPHILLS to Wm. CARUTHERS thence down the Creek to J. G. LUNA thence by James LUNA with the road to J. Isom HOUSES and William D. HOUSES thence by James B. TALLYS leaving out Henry TALLEYS thence to Sameul TALLEYS and Samuel FINDLEYS thence to the beginning. Issued.

On motion it is ordered by the Court that James PATTON be appointed overseer of the road from RAINEY store to a ledge of rock at the back of Josiah WILSONS field and that he have the following hands, to wit:

On motion it is ordered by the Court that Gilbert DEER be appointed overseer of the road from Lewisburg to John CHRISTOPHERS old place and that he have the former hands. Issued.

On motion it is ordered by the Court that Daniel MORPHAS be appointed overseer of the fishing ford road commenceing at the two mile post south of Farmington and terminating at Richard RANKINS and that he have the hands in the following boundsm to wit: beginning at the two mile post thence east to the county line including Robert MONTGOMERYS thence south with the County line to the north boundary and the north boundary of Richard RANKINS order thence to Alexanders order thence with said boundary to James MILLERS thence to Edwin HUNTERS thence east to the beginning.

The Jury of View appointed at a former term of thus Court to mark out a road from John CHRISTOPHERS old place to John PATTERSONS reports as follows, to wit:
We the Jury of View have been appointed and sworn viewed and marked out comenceing on the road near to John CHRISTOPHERS old place running south of Baryella BROWN farm through Wm. MARTINS lane crossing the DRYDEN fork of

Rock Creek at the John MILLERS BUDGE from thence by Caleb BROWNS crossing the Huntsville road below John ERWIN thence by E. NEWTONS by Joseph BRECHEN to the County line near John PATTERSONS this 14th of December 1838.
Alexander DYSART, Jas. BRECHEM
Vincent B. MARTIN
Which report being seen and by the Court understood was in all things confirmed and made the order of this Court Twelve Justices being present & voting.

On motion it is ordered by the Court that Joseph WALLACE be appointed overseer of the old Shelbyville road commencing at the Maury County line and terminating at Caney Spring and that he have the following named hands, Jeffrey BECKS (5) A. VENALBLE (2) Rueben MORRIS (2) G. W. GILLAM, A. N. MOSELEY, Thornton MOSELEY, Lewis RING, J.P. HAWKINS, H. LASITER, Daniel McRAY, Zebulen SLANTER Moses B. ATKINS, Johnson COCKRELL, C. C. HARRIS, Joel SHIRES, William SHIRES, Haris DARK, (2) McFADDEN (2) G. W. HARMON, Lucy CARTER, Jefferson CARTER Flower ALDRIDGE, E. F. KIRK, James HARDISON, Andrew PATTERSON Lemuel SMITH, C. C. SMITH, John SMITH, John CATHEY (2) overseer WALLACE and all hands who may remove to or within the bounds of the above named hands shall be subject to work on said road, it is further ordered by said Court that the overseer with the consent of a majority of the hands may remove said road to the north of said J. B. WALLACE’s house.

On motion it is ordered by the Court that the east boundary line of District No.13 be altered as follows, to wit Beginning on the Elk Ridge where the road leading from Lewisburg to Fayetteville crosses the said ridge Known by Reeds gap running northwardly with the extreme highth a ridge dividing the waters of Reeds branch and McCleaslies Creek to Shadrick MUSTEENS leaving out the said MUSTEEN. Edmond BRADLEY Elisha GARRETT and John CHRISTOPHER old place then to the center then with the line that was run from the center

stake to the seventeen Mile tree then to and including Wm. MARSH John H. BRECHEM William RHEA G. W. RECORD and Widow RECORD then with the Halls ford old road leading from Lewisburg to Cornersville then with this road to the Giles County line thence with this line to the Buckeye corner thence with the extreme highth of Elk ridge to the beginning.

A Juror of View appointed at a former term of this Court reports in words and figures following, to wit: June 5th 1838 We the undersigned commissioners having summoned and sworn have proceeded to view said Road according to the order and have agreed to turn said road according to the prays of individuals that in turning said road it will not be a great injury to the publick as it will benefit the individuals complains.
Giving under our hands and seal, Commissioners
James JOICE Sr.
Which report was seen by the Court and in all things fully understood and was ordered by the Court to be recorded Twelve Justices of the peace voting-

Martin W. OAKLEY clerk of this Court presented a settlement made by him with John H. ROBINSON as Guardian of the minor heirs of Joel RIGGS deceased which report being seen and by the Court understood was ordered to be recorded.

Martin W. OAKLEY clerk of this Court presented to this Court a settlement made by him with Andrew LAIRD as Gur of the minor heirs of Joseph ROSSON deceased for the year 1838. which was ordered to be recorded.

Martin W. OAKLEY, clerk of this Court presented to this Court an account of a settlement made by him with made with Henry B. ERWIN guardian Sinah P. ERWIN for the year 1838 which was ordered to be recorded.

January Term 1839.
Martin W. OAKLEY clerk of this Court presented to this Court an account of a settlement made by him with John ELLISON guardian of Chapman B. DAVIS for the year 1839 which was ordered to be recorded.

Clerk of Circuit Court) Allowances for costs in State vs ) Cases.
Marshall County )

David McGAHEY clerk of the Circuit Court of Marshall County  presented the following accounts for cost in State cases, to wit:

State of Tennessee) Clerks fees $2.25
vs )
Richard L. SHAW )
Attorney General 2.50
Sheriff HILL .16 ½
Ephriam HUNTER Esqr. .50
Sheriff BEATY .50
Witness John HARKS .75
Chas. HOPPER .75 ) 1.50
$7.41 ½

January Term 1839.
State of Tennessee) Clerk fees $2.00
vs )
Attorney Genl. 2.50
John EAKINS ) Sheriff 1 arrest .50
Special Dept. .25

State of Tennessee)
vs )
Henry M. WALL )
Attorney General $1.87 ½
Clerks fees 2.50
Sheriff ROSS 1.00
$5.87 ½

State of Tennessee)
vs )
Alexander WILES ) Clerks fees $2.06
J. R. HILL Shff. 1.50
Attorney General 2.50
John W. HOUSTON 1.50

State of Tennessee) January Term 1839.
vs ) Clerks fees $3.00
Daniel OLDS )
Sheriff MEADOWS 1.00
Attorney General 2.00

In all forty six dollars and 42 cents and the vote being taken thereupon stood as follows- Ayes, James ELLIOTT, Wm. B. COOK, James ADAMS, Harris MAULDEN, Thomas CUMMINGS, Andrew LAIRD, John FIELD, Thomas HARDISON, Peter WILLIAMS Thomas WILSON, Benjamin WILLIAMS, As HOLLAND 12, Noes none.
It is therefore ordered by the Court that the County Trustee pay the same and the fees of the County Court Clerk on this order out of any moneys in his hands not otherwise appropriated. Issued to Attorney General for $17.00 his part. All issued.

On motion the court went into an election for a chairman and the votes being taken and counted stood as follows: for Benjamin WILLIAMS seventeen, votes for John HATCHETT, one, for Asa HOLLAND, one vote, for John FIELD one vote, whereupon Benjamin WILLIAMS was declared to be duly and constitutionally elected chairman for the year 1839.

The report of Samuel ORMAND Superior tendant of the poor house for the year 1838 was presented and rejected, and it was ordered by the Court that the Clerk issue Scire facias to warn him and his security or securities to make a better report to the next April Term of this Court.

On motion the Court went into an election for a coroner and after the votes being counted out James V. EWING duly Asa HOLLAND and Robert
JOHNSON was duly sworn and constitutionally elected the coroners for the present year 1838.

James REED appeared in Court and resigned his commission as Justice of the peace for said County.

(219) [should be 220]
January Term 1839.
Wade H. McCRORY appeared in Court and was thereupon appointed guardian of Rachael McCRORY & Anna McCRORY minor orphans of Hugh McCRORY decd he having Executed his bond in the sum of three hundred dollars with William McCRORY and Levi G. PILE his security which was accepted by the Court.

On motion it is ordered by the Court that Edwin C. HUNTER Garshum BILLS, Joseph McADAMS, Isaac WALKER and Baseley BROWN be appointed a Jury of View to assess damages to James ADAMS Andrew DYSART & Robert C. DYSART in consequence of a road marked out from John CHRISTOPHERS old place to the County line near John PATTERSONS if their judgement they have sustained any damages aforesaid and report thereon to the next April Term of this Court. Issued.

John H. ROBINSON appeared in Court and presented his resignation as guardian of the minor heirs of Joel RIGGS decd. which resignation was by the Court received. It is therefore ordred by the Court that the said John H. ROBINSON Guardian as aforesaid be released from any further liabilities in consequence of his said appointment.

The last will and testament of John WILSON deceased was this day presented om open Court for probated by John RAMSEY the Executor therein named and the dueExecution of said will being duly proven by Benjamin C. BRANTLEY and Lile A. EWING subscribing witnesses thereto and the said John RAMSEY having Executed his bond in the sum of three thousand dollars with Lile A. EWING and James P. DYSART his securities which was accepted by the Court, it is therefore ordered that Letters testamentary Issue accordingly he having qualified according to Law.

Joseph McCORD )
vs ) Appropriation $5
Marshall County)

Joseph McCORD Coroner of Marshall County this day present his  account for five dollars for summoning a Jury to hold an inquest over the dear body of Thomas GRANT deceased.

January term 1839.
And on motion of the ayes and Noes were taken which stands as follows, to wit: Ayes, William COWDEN, William B. COOK, James ELLIOTT, S. C. CHETWOOD, Benjamin C. BRANTLEY, Andrew LAIRD, Thomas HARDISON, John HATCHETT, William I ANDERSON Peter WILLIAMS, B. WILLIAMS, Asa HOLLAND, 23, Noes none, It is therefore ordered by the Court that the County Trustee pay the same out of any public moneys in his hands not otherwise appropriated. Issued 26th Jan. 39

Jesse MORTON the former guardian of the minor heirs of Bird STAMPS deceased moved tje Court to correct an error made by him in a former settlement made with this Court by Striken from the records sixty dollars which he received from Floyd TANNER. It is therefore ordered by the Court that the said sixty dollars be stricken from the records and corrected by the clerk of this Court.

State of Tennessee) Venira for February term 1839.
vs )
Bluford ARTHUR & ) others
It is ordered by the Court that the following named persons be appointed to attend and serve as Jurors at the next term of the circuit Court to be held for Marshall County at the Court house in the town of Lewisburg on the first Monday in February next- viz.
1 In Civil District No. 1 Bluford ARTHUR Daniel BAUCHMON
In Dist. 2 Joseph McBRIDE Silas McCLELLAND
No. 3 William FINDLEY
No. 4 John R. BAGLEY James B. TALLEY
No. 5 Samuel WOOD Henry ERWIN
No. 5 James EWING Henry ERWIN
No. 6 James EWING George NEIL
No. 7 Thomas HOPPER
No. 8 Thomas C. H. MILLER Andrew PATTERSON
No. 9 Joseph H. BRITAIN
No. 10 James PATTERSON
No. 11 Joel HARDISON Charles E. WOODS
No. 12 Branson McCASLIN William D. BALDRIDGE
No. 13 Jesse MORTON Richard WILKS
No. 14 Benjamin F. HOUSTON
No. 15 James GLENN William J. NOWLAN
All good and lawful men above the age of Twenty one years and it is ordered by the Court that Harvey

B. WELCH & Thomas BOAZ Constables for the seventeenth and fifteenth districts attend said Court in the capacity of constables and it is further ordered by the Court that the Sheriff of Marshall County summon said Jurors and constables to attend at the Court house in the town of Lewisburg on the first Monday in February next then & there to attend in the capacity of Jurors and constables during the term of said Court. Issued.

David YANCY appeared in Court and present an account of the sales of the estate of Washington D. MEDEARIS deceased which was ordered to be recorded.

Joseph DUNCAN and Joseph TILMAN appeared in Court and presented an account of sales of the estate Reuben T. TILLMAN decd which was ordered to be recorded.
Court adjourned untill nine oclock tomorrow morning.

Tuesday morning January 8th. 1839.
Court met according to adjournment present Benjamin WILLIAM Chairman. Asa HOLLAND, Robert JOHNSON, William COWDEN, William B. COOK, S. C. CHETWOOD James ELLIOTT Harris MAULDEN Thomas WILSON John HATCHETT, James V. EWING & Benjamin C. BRANTLEY Gentlemen Justices of the peace
proclamation &C,

On motion it is ordered by the Court that Joseph CLOUD be appointed overseer of the McCOLUMS Gap road commenceing at the north corner of Russels BRYANTS field and terminating at the Cornersville road near Lewisburg and that he have the following hands, to wit:
E. McKNIGHT and hands James TURNER & hand, William TURNER & Russell
BRYANT. Issued.

January term 1839.
On motion it is ordered by the Court that Hooper CAMPBELL be appointed overseer of the Pulaski road comenceing at James EWINGS and terminating when said road intersects the fishing ford road and that he have the following hands, to wit: Benjamin AP LEBY, I. A. T. HIGHTOWER, CAMPBELLS, Elihu HUNTER & hand and any hands which live on George CATHEYS and Jonathan THOMAS Lands west of the east fork of Rock Creek and any hand that may live on the lands of the above named bounds. Issued

It having been represented to the satisfaction of this Court that Thomas GRANT has died leaving no will and Earley T. REASONOVER appeared in Court and made application for letters of administration of all and singular the goods and chattles rights and credits of him the said Grant and he having extended executed his bond in the sum of Eight hundred dollars with R. G. GRANT and William P. BOATRIGHT his securities which was accepted by the Court. It is therefore ordered by the Court that the letters of Administration Issue accordingly be taken the oath prescribed by law.

It having been represented to the satisfaction of this Court that Thomas G. SEATON has died leaving no will and Thomas H. R. TETT appeared in Court and made application for letters of administration of all and singular the goods and chattles rights and credits of him the said SEATON, and he having executed his bond in the sum of one thousand dollars with Nathaniel T. MOORE & S. MEADOWS his securities which was accpeted by the Court. It is therefore ordered by the Court Letters of Administration Issue accordingly he takening the oath prescribed by law.

On motion it is ordered by the Court that Thomas BRENTS Josiah BLACKWELL, George M. CUMMINGS, John ORR, George CUNNINGHAM, S. C. CHETWOOD, Daniel BLAKEMORE and James B. GILPIN be appointed a


Jury of View to lay off and mark a road leaving the Nashville road between RANKINS old shop and BRISONS meeting house and to intersect said road some where near John C, LUN’s Black smiths shop takening into consideration the good of the place public and that of individuals and report to the next April term of this Court. Issued.

Ambros R. LARWOOD who was qualified as constable of Marshall County at a former term of this Court appeared in Court, and thereupon released Robert JOHNSON who was his security in a former bond as Constable, it is thereupon ordered by the Court that the said JOHNSON be released from any further liabilities as security as aforesaid the said LAREWOOD having executed his bond in the words and figures following to wit:
State of Tennessee Marshall County. Know all men by these presents that we Ambrose R. LAREWOOD Asa HOLLAND and Stephen C. CHETWOOD all of said County are held and firmly bound tunto Newton CANNON Govorner of the State of Tennessee as his successors in office in the sum of Four thousand dollars for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made we bind ourselves jointly firmly and severly by these presence sealed with our seals and dated this 8th day of January 1839.
The condition of the above obligation is such that where as the above bound Ambrose R. LAREWOOD hath been Elected constable in the third District in the County of Marshall and been duly qualified as such therefore if the said Ambrose T. LAREWOOD shall well and truly Execute and a true return make upon all and every process which may come into his hands as constable as aforesaid and faithfully pay over and account for all moneys by him collected by him as such to whomsoever may be legally authorized to receive the same to do and perform all and such duties as are required by law on him as constable then this
obligation to be void otherwise to remain in full force and virtue day and date above written.
Test: M. W. OAKLEY Clk. Ambrose LAREWOOD (seal)
Asa HOLLAND (seal)
Which bond was accepted by the Court.

January term 1839.
On motion it is ordered by the court that Samuel ELLIOTT Joseph HACKNEY, William Hackney COWDEN, James ELLIOTT, and Daniel BIVENS be appointed a Jury of View to Change a part of the McCollums Gap road commenceing near the north west corner of M. HOPWOODS field and intersecting said road south of said field if in their Judgement the good of the public not injured and report to be present term of this Court. Issued.

The Jury appointed at the present term of this Court change the McColums Gap near W. HOPWOODS reports as follows, to wit:
We the undersigned being appointed at the present term sworn to view & determine on the propriety of turning that part of the public road leading from Lewisburg to McColums Gap do report that in our opinion the said road ought to be changed as follows to wit: Commenceing near the northwest c corner of W. HOPWOODS field and intersecting said road south of said field all of which is respectfully submitted to said Court this 8th of January 1839.
Samuel ELLIOTT Sr. Daniel BIVENS
Which report being seen and by the court understood was in all things confirmed and made the order of this Court.

On motion is irdered by the Court that John GILBERT be appointed superintendant of the poor house in Marshall County he having executed his bond in the sum of one thousand dollars with John WEAVER his security which was accepted by the Court and took the oath prescribed by law.

January term 1839.
The Court went into an Election for a County surveyor and after counting out the votes, Samuel ELLIOTT was duly and constitutionally elected County surveyor for Marshall County.

The Court went into an Election for entry taker for Marshall County and after counting out the votes Wilson DAVIS was duly and constitutionally elected entry taker who Executed his bond in the sum of Ten thousand dollars with Williams COWDEN his security which was accepted by the Court and took the oath prescribed by law.

vs ) Appropriation $10
Marshall County )
S. W. BEATTY this day presented his account against Marshall County for his services for redistricting said County for Ten dollars and the vote being taken stands as follows to wit: Ayes, William COWDEN, James ELLIOTT, William B. COOK S. C. CHETWOOD, Harris MAULDEN, Benjamin C. BRANTLEY, Peter WILLIAMS, Thomas WILSON, John HATCHETT, B. WILLIAMS Asa HOLLAND and Robert JOHNSON 12, Noes none. It is therefore ordered by the Court that the Trustee of Marshall County pay the same out any public moneys in his hands not other-wise appropriated.

Robert McCRORY )
vs ) Appropriation $3.37 ½
Marshall County )
Robert McCRORY presented his account for boarding Merret WALL in Jail for three dollars 37 ½ cents and the vote being taken stands as follows to wit: Ayes William COWDEN James ELLIOTT, William B. COOK, S. C. CHETWOOD, Harris MAULDEN B.C. BRANTLEY, Peter WILLIAMS, Thomas WILSON, John HATCHETT, B. WILLIAMS, Asa HOLLAND & Robert JOHNSON 12, Noes none. It is therefore ordered by the Court that the County trustee pay the same out of any public moneys in his hands not otherwise appropriated. Issued.

January Term 1839.
On motion it is ordered by the Court that the Martin BARNS be appointed overseer of the road leading from Clarksville to Pulaski commenceing at the County line near Samuel MOORE’s and terminating at the land Martin BARNS and that he have the following hands, to wit:
Francis SMITH, William McREE, Samuel N. HOBBS, Nathaniel BRADFORD, William BRADFORD, Elijah DOWNING, William BEARDEN and any hands that may live where they do. Issued.

On motion it is ordered by the Court that James STILWELL be appointed overseer of the road from Lewisburg to STEPHEN’s Mill and that he have the hands in the following bounds to wit: beginning at the southwest corner of Lewisburg and running to James BOYT’S so as to include said BOYT then to the south west corner of the land, owned by Ebenezer ELLIOTT at the time of his death then east with said ELLIOTT’s line to the S. E. corner tjen north to (N. T. MORRIS) N. T. MOORE’s Mill so as to include STEPHENS first class road. Issued.

On motion it is ordered by the Court that Maberry PARNEL be appointed overseer of the road from WILLIAMS Mill on Duck river to the center of the east fork of Rock Creek, and that he have the hands in the following bounds to wit: running east of north from whare the said road crosses East Rock Creek to include all the improvements to John Ro JONES to Duck river thence down said river to the mouth of Rock Creek then up to the east fork of rock Creek to the beginning. Issued.

On motion it is ordered by the Court that William CHILTON be appointed overseer the WILLIAMS Mill road commenceing at the center of the east fork of Rock Creek and terminating at HALLS camp ground and that he have all the hands on the west side of said road, to west Rock creek & south to the Columbia road and north to the east fork of Rock Creek and he be released from any other road.

January Term 1839.
On motion it is ordered by the Court that the hands in the Court that) the following bounds work under E. E. VERNER overseer of the road Including the place where Gabreel SANDERS lives thence to John THOMPSON thence the old willows place John O. JONES the old CHRISTENBURG place thence with said road including W. D. McCLEARY to the beginning. Issued.

On motion it is ordered that the following named roads be classed in the manner & form following to wit:
Lewisburg & Cornersville road 1st class
McCOLUMS Gap from DAVS to ridge 2 do
Fayetteville road by REEDS Gap 2 do
Sheoby ville road by R & W WILLIAMS stores 2 do
From Lewisburg by RANKINS old shop 2 do
Lewisburg & Fishing ford road 2 do
Lewisburg road to Franklin by HALLS ford 1 do
do Columbia 2 do
do Mooresville 2 do
from Cornersville road towards Laranceburg 2 do
Huntsville and Nashville road 1 do
Shelbyville & Columbia 1 do
Fayetteville to Cornersville 2 do

It is ordered by the Court that Henry WELSH be appointed overseer on the road from the Lincoln County line near WELSHES to where it intersects the Nashville road near Anson GRAY’S and that he have the hands on Nicholas WELSHES plantation 9 Justices present.

Court adjourned untill nine o’clock tomorrow morning.
B. WILLIAMS Chariman

January term 1839.
Wednesday morning January 9th 1839.
Court met according to adjournment, present Benjamin WILLIAMS, Chariman John HATCHETT and James V. EWING Gentlemen Justices of the peace Proclamation &C.

After reading the Minutes of yesterday there was no other business in Court. Therefore Court adjourned untill Court in Course.
B. WILLIAMS Chairman

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