Court Records: Probate of Deeds, Gifts & Bills of Sale, 1839

Court Records: Probate of Deeds, Gifts & Bills of Sale, 1839

Transcribed from Marshall County Probate of Deeds 1836-1840, TN State Library & Archives microfilim roll #A-2188 and contributed by Dana Hill in October, 2002

Explanatory note:  “Probate” in the context of these records does not mean an estate process was begin heard in the court session, although the instruments may have derived from an estate settlement.  “Probate” here means proven, or validated.  Someone personally represented to the clerk that the document brought in for registration was legitimate.  You will see similar references in early land transactions where the record says witnesses appeared in open court, and the instrument was ordered to be registered.

Transcriber’s notes:

Each entry is separate, with the source listed first. There were only page numbers on the first 3 pages.
A couple of pages were filmed twice, but I did not number them the same so that if you got a copy of the original you would have to count the pages you would [hopefully] get a copy of the desired page.

My comments are in [square brackets]
* = one character I couldn’t make out
— are — as they are in the film

Page 125
Garland PARRISH) to John WILES
To indenture and bargain and Sale of 45 acres of Land in Marshall County was this day acknowledged before me by the Said Garland PARRISH and by me certified for registration January 1st 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk

John ACUFF Deed for 59 acres & 51 Poles of Land executed to him by John M PARK was this day proven before me by the Oath of Joseph NICHOL and on the 5th March 1838 by the Oath of James H PARK Subscribing witnesses thereto and and by me certified by registration Janry 5th 1839
M. W Oakley clk By Wm Williams D.C.

Samuel F GIPSON Deed for 30 148/160 acres of Land executed to him by Jesse MORTON was this day acknowledged before me by the said MORTON and by me certified for Registration Janry 5th 1839
M. W Oakley clk By Wm Williams DC

James MELLON Deed for 15 Acres of Land Executed to him by Wm WILLIAMS Sr was this day acknowledged before me by the Said WILLIAMS and by me certified for Registration January 7th 1839
M. W Oakley clk By Wm Williams D.C.

Galen McKINNEY Deed of trust of personal property Executed to him by John d PLAIN[?] for the benefit of Ira McKINNEY & John MURDOCK proven
By the oath of Henry A WOOD & William DAVIS Subscribing witnesses there to before me and by me Certified for registration January 7 1839
M. W Oakley CLK By Wm Williams DC.

Page 126

Alexander C. FOWLER deed of Gift of personal property executed to him by Sherwood FOWLER was this proven by the oaths of John ENGLAND & Jacob B. FOWLER Subscribing witnesses thereto & by me Certified for registration January 7. 1839.
M. W. Oakley Clk By Wm. Williams DC

Jefferson A. BROWN Deed for three Town Lots executed to him by the Commissioners of the Town of Lewisburg, was this day acknowledged before by Wm WILLIAMS Joel YOWELL & James OSBURNE three of the commissioners of Said Town whose names appear on Said deed and by me Certified for registration. January 7. 1839
M. W Oakley Clerk By Wm. Williams D.C.

James Y. CAUDLE deed for one town executed to him by the Commissioners of the Town of Lewisburg was this day acknowleded by Wm. WILLIAMS, Joel YOWEL & James OSBORNE three of the Commissioners of the Town whose names appear and Said and by me Certified for registration. January 7. 1839
M. W. Oakley Clk By Wm Williams DC

Wm F.[?] NOWLIN and D. WARREN Deed for one town Lot executed to them by Wm WILLIAMS Sr. Joel YOWEL and James OSBORNE Commissioners of the
Town of Lewisburg was this day acknowledged before me and by me certified for registration Janry. 1839
M. W Oakley Clk By Wm Williams DC

Samuel S RALSTON Deed for 150 acres of Land executed to him by Wm McCADAMS was this day acknowledged before me by the Said McCADAMS and by me Certified for registration Janry 7. 1839
M. W. Oakley Clk By Wm Williams DC

Page 127

Joseph KENNEAR to Robert NIX
To indenture & bargain and Sale of 10 acres of land in Marshall County was this day acknowledged by the Said KENNEAR and by me certified for registration Jan. 8th 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk

Gideon FOX to John FOX
To indenture and bargain and sale of 38 acres of land in Marshall County was this day proven before me by the oath of John FATE and J. LEGGETT and by me certified for registration Jan 7th 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk

Robert NIX to Wm COOK
To indenture and bargain and sale of 66 acres of land in Marshall County was this day acknowledged before me by said NIX and by me certified for registration January 7th 1839
M. .W Oakley (clk

Robert N. ADAMS to H. W. McLANE
To indenture and bargain and Sale of 90 acres of land was this day acknowledged before me by the Said ADAMS and by me certified for registration January 7th 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk

Edward BRAY Deed for One Town Lot executed to him by Wm WILLIAMS Sr. Joel YOWEL and James OSBURN Commissioners of the Town of Lewisburg was this day ackowleded by Said Commissioners and by me Certified for registraion Jan 15th 1839
M. W Oakley Clk By Wm Williams D.C.

Page 128

R. & W. WILLIAMS Deed for 55 Acres of Land executed to this by Wm BETHUNE was this day acknowledged before me by Said BETHUNE and by me certified for Registration
M. W Oakley clk By Wm Williams D.C.

Richard G GRANT Deed for 2 Town Lots executed to him by Wm WILLIAMS Sr Joel YOWEL and James OSBURN Commissioners of the Town of Lewisburg was this day Acknowledged before me by the Said Commissioners and by me certified for registration January 15th 1839
M. W Oakley clk By Wm Williams D.C.

John OSBURNS Deed for One Town Lot executed to him by Wm WILLIAMS Sr Joel YOWEL and James OSBURN Comissioners of the Town of Lewisburg was this day acknowledged before me by the Said Commissioners and by me certified for registration Jan 15. 1839

Wm S CALLEHAN Deed for 243 Acres Land Executed to him by Robert NIX was this day acknowledged before me by Said NIX and by me certified for registration Jan 17th 1838
M. W Oakley clk By Wm Williams DC

William WILKS Trust Deed for 164 acres of Land Executed to him by Jessee MORTON for the benefit of John W DILLEYHAY was the day acknowleded before me by me and by me certified for registration Jan 17. 1839
M. W Oakley clk By Wm Williams D.C.

Page 129

To indenture and bargain & sale of 38 acres of land in Marshall County was this day proven before me by the Oaths of John BECK and Samuel GLENN and by me certified for registration January 12th 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk

Joseph KINNEAR to Samuel GLENN
To indenture and bargain & sale of of 45 acres of land was this day proven before me by the oath of John BECK & Samuel GLENN this 12th day of Januay 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk

Richard DAUGHERTY Deed for 95 Acres Land executed to him by John S PHILLIPS was this day acknowledged before me by the Said PHILLIPS and By me certified for Registration January 26 1839
M. W. Oakley clk By Wm Williams D.C.

James D EWING Deed for 135 Acres of Land Executed to him by James BRECHEEN was this day proven before me by the oaths of John A. McCLLAND and Samuel B. APPLEBY Subscribing Witnesses there to and by me certified for registration Jny 28. 1839
M. W Oakley By Wm Williams D.C.

To indenture and bargain and sale of 47 acres of land was this day proven before me by the Oath of Charles HOPPER & John FISHER and by me certified for registration this 28th day

Page 130

John M JONES to William TILMAN
To indenture and bargain and Sale of 60 acres of land in Marshall Cty was this acknowledged before me by the Said John M JONES and by me certified for registration January 29th 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk

Lease bond executed by John B FOWLER and G W HAYWOOD was this day proven before me by James MERRET and Jacob B FOWLER the Subscribing witnesses thereto and by me certified for registration Jan 30 1839
M. W. Oakley clerk By Wm Williams D.C.

E. P. OLIVER to William W CLIFT
To indenture and bargain and sale of 208 acres of land in Marshall County was this day proven before me by the oath of Levi GARRETT & Wilson P DAVIS Febuary 2nd 1839
M. W Oakley (clk

Alexander ALLEN Bill of Sale for Eleven negroed Executed to him by Boling HARWELL was this day acknowledged before me by the Said HARWELL and by me certified for registration Feb 4. 1839
M. W. Oakley clk By Wm Williams D.C.

Alexander ALLEN Deed of Trust for the benefit of Alizabeth HARWELL Executed to him by Dorcas WOODWARD was this day proven before me by the oaths of J M YOWEL and Sarah P WOODWARD Subscribing witnesses thereto and by me certified for registration Feb. 4. 1839
M. W. Oakley Clerk By Wm Williams D.C.

Page 131

Sarah P WOODWARD Deed for 149 acres of Land Executed to her by Dorcas WOODWARD was this day proven before me by the Oaths of J M YOWEL and Boling HARWELL and by me Certified for registration Feb 4. 1839
M. W Oakley clk By Wm Williams D.C.

Absolem ALEXANDER Deed 56 acres Land executed to him by Jones [James?] COLLINS was this day acknowledged before me by Said COLLINS and by me Certified for registration Feb 5 1839
M. W Oakley Clerk Wm Williams DC

Losson M RICKMAN Deed of trust Executed to him by James W RUTLEDGE for one Carding maching for the benefit of James WILLIAMS was this day proven before me by R N WILLIAMS and W M ALFORD Subscribing Witnesses thereto and b me certified for registration Feb 5. 1839
M. W Oakley clerk By Wm Williams D.C.

Robert R. HILL to Joseph MORRIS Bill Sale for negro boy was this day acknowledged before me by Said HILL and by me certified for registration February 4th 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk

Solomon MEADOWS to John T NEIL Bill sale for negro man Pleasant was this day acknowledged before me by Said MEADOWS and by me certified for registration February 5th 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk

Page 132

John F. McCUTCHEN to L. B. ANDERSON to deed trust for personal property was this day acknowledged before me by the Said McCUTHEON and by me certified for registration February 5th 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk

M. A. LONG to deed trust for personal property was this day acknowledged before me by the Said DAVIS and by me certified for registration February 4th 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk

Benjamin F. HICK to Lewis W. HOGG
To deed trust for Personal property was this day acknowledged befoe me by the Said HICKS and by me certified for registration February 5th 1839
M. W. Oakley

To deed trust for personal property was this day acknowledged before me
By Said KING and by me certified for registration February 5th 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk

To indenture & bargain & Sale of 160 acres of land was this day acknowledged before me by Said BLACKWELL and by me certified for registration Februay 4th 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk

Page 133

To indenture & bargain and Sale of of 60 acres of land in Marshall County was this day proven before me by the oath of J H L NEEL and William NEEL and by me certified for registration February 4th 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk

Franas SHORT to William McCRORY
To indenture and bargain and Sale of 114 acres of Land in Marshall County was this day proven before me by the oath of Solomon MEADOWS and Wade H McCRORY and by me certified for registration February 4th 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk

To indenture and bargain and sale of 101 acres of land in Marshall County was this day proven before me by the oath of James ELLIOTT and R A WILSON and by me certified fore registration February 4th 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk

John L. WOOD to Harris DARK
To indenture & bargain & sale of 100 acres of Land was this day proven before me by Samuel ALDRIDGE one of the Subscribing witnesses to Said deed. And the handwright of Amieh the other witness to said deed proven
By John ALDRIDGE February 4th 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk

To indenture and bargain & Sale of 300 acres of land in Marshall County was this day acknowledged before me by the Said BLACKWELL and by me certified fore registration Februay 4th 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk

Page 134

Felix G GIBSON to William G CLAYTON
To indenture and bargain and Sale of 206 acres of land in Marshall County was this day acknowledged before by the Said GIBSON and by me certified for registration FEBRUARY 4th 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk

To indenture and bargain and Sale of 61 acres of Land in Marshall County was this acknowledged before me by the Said HOLLAND and by me certified for registration February 4th 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk

To indenture & bargain and sale of 62 3/4[6 & 3/4] acres of land in Marshall County was this day acknowledged before me by the Said CALAHAN and by me certified for registration February 4th 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk

To indenture & bargain & Sale of 147 acres of land was this day proven before me by the oath of Charles R NEIL and J. H. L. NIEL and by mew certified for registration February 4th 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk

To indenture and bargain and sale of 267 acres of land was this day proven by the oath of G. H. ALLEN one of the Subscribing witnesses to Said deed and the signature of the other witness E. B. SMITH proven to be genuin & that he was not a resident of this State by the oath of A. McLANE and N. BAXTER & by me certified for refistration February 4th 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk

Page 135

Alexander FAUSSETT to Dovet FAUSETT
To indenture and bargain & Sale of 125 acres of land was this day acknowledged before me by said Alexander FAUSETT and by me certified for registration February 4th 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk

To indenture & bargain and Sale of personal property was this day acknowledged before me by the Said GARDNER and by Me certified for registration February 4th 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk

Jonathan CATHEL to James OLD
To indenture & bargain and Sale of 750 acres of land in Marshall County was this day proven before me by the oath of John WEBB and William D MOORE and by Me certified for registration February 4th 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk

Tidance[?] LANE to Thomas GRAY
To indenture and bargain and sale of 160 acres of land in Marshall County was this day acknowledged before by the Said LANE & by me certified for registration February 4th 1839
M. W. OALEY (clk

Robert NIX to Solomon MEADOWS
To indenture and bargain & sale of 20 acres of land was this day proven before me by the oath of Joseph McBRIDE & James ELLIOTT and by me certified for registration February 4th 1839–
M. W. Oakley (clk

William COOK to W. HOPWOOD
To bargain & Sale of 50 acres of land in Marshall County was this day ack. before me by Said COOK and certified for registration February 4th 1839
M. W OAKELY (clk

Page 136

Richard McKEE[McREE?] to William McRORY Bill sale of a negro man Jessee was this day acknowledged before me by Said McKEE[McREE?] and by me certified for registration February 4th 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk

William NIEL to Osmon ROSSON
To indenture and bargain and sale of 150 acres of Land in Marshall County was this day acknowledged before me by the Said NEIL and by me certified for registration February 4th 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk

Phillip MOSES to Joseph R TURNER
To indenture & bargain and Sale of 23 acres of Land in Marshall County was this day proven before me by the oath of L. BULLOCK & Aaron BOYD by me certified for registration February 4th 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk

George GULLETT to Samuel McLEAR
To indenture & bargain and Sale 1/3 of 200 acres of land was this day proven before Me by the oath of G. H. ALLEN and G. J. ALLEN and by me certified for registration February 4th 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk

Phillip MOSES to Joseph R TURNER
To indenture & bargain and Sale of 29 3/4 acres of was this day proven before me by the oath of L. BULLOCK and Aaron BOYD and by me certified for registration February 4th 1839
M. W. Oakley clk

Woodsn HOPWOOD to Samuel WILSON
To indenture & bargain & sale of 124 acres of land was this day acknowledged before me by Said HOPWOOD and by me certified for registration February 4th 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk

Page 137

Jonathan WILSON to M. D. WILSON
To indenture & bargain and sale of 150 acres of Land was this day proven before me by William NIEL and Hiram WILSON and by me certified for registration February 4th 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk

Jonathan WILSON to Hiram WILSON
To indenture and bargain & Sale of 195 acres of land was this day proven before me by the oath of Marquis D. WILSON & William NEIL and by me certified for registration February 4th 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk

R. M. WALTER & Esther E. WALTER to John H BEATY
To indenture & bargain & sale of 93 acres of land in Marshall County was this day proven before me by the oath of Lile A EWING and John RAMSEY and by me certified for registration February 4th 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk

Matthew MOORE to Gideon FOX
To indenture & bargain and Sale of 200 acres of land was this day proven before me by the Oath of John WEBB & A M. C. BENNETT and by me certified for registration February 4th 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk

James ALDRIDGE to Tidance LANE
To indenture & bartgain & Sale of 100 acres of land was this day acknowledged before me by Said ALDREDGE adn by me certified for registration February 4th 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk

John L. WOOD to Harris DARK
To indenture & bargain & Sale of 30 acres of land was this day proven before me by the oath of Samuel ALDRIDGE one of the Subscribing witnesses & the signature of Eli AMICH the other Subscribing witness to said deed proben by the oath of John ALDRIDGE and by me certified for eristration Februay 4th 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk

Page 138

Absolem ALEXANDER Deed for 56 acres Land Executed to him by Jones COLLINS was this day acknowledged before me by the Said COLLINS and by me certified for Registration Feb 5th 1839
M. W. Oakley clk By Wm Williams D.C.

Horatio M PHILLIPS Deed for 6 24/160 acres of Land Executed to him by Absolem ALEXANDER was this day acknowledged before me by the Said ALEXANDER and by me certified for Registration Feb 5th 1839
M. W Oakley clk By Wm Williams D. C.

John M PATERICK Deed for 2 Town Lots Executed to him by Wm WILLIAMS Sr James C. RECORD Joel YOWEL and James OSBURN Commissioners of the
Town of Lewisburg was this day acknowledged before me by the Said Commissioners and by me certified for Registration Feb 5th 1830
M. W. Oakley clk By Wm Williams DC

James BOND [BUNCH?] Wm RECORD Deed for 140 acres of and Executed to them by Thomas NIX was this day ackowledged befoe me by the Said NIX and by me certified for Registration this 5th day of February 1839
M. W. Oakley clk By Wm Williams D.C.

James W CALLEHAN Deed for 1 Town Lot Executed to him by Wm WILIAMS Sr Joel YOWEL James OSBURN commissioners of the Town of Lewisburg was this day acknowledged before me by the Said commissioners and by me certified for Registration this 16th day of February 1839
M. W. Oakley clk By Wm Williams D.C.

Page 139

James M KIER Deed for 1 Town Lot Executed to him by Wm WILLIAMS Sr Joel YOWEL James OSBURN and James C RECORD Commissioners of the Town of Lewisburg was this day acknowledged before me by Said Commissioners and By me certified for Registration Feb 16. 1839
M. W Oakley clk By Wm Williams DC

Wm J NOWLIN Deed of Gifr for One Negro Girl Executed to him by Jabus NOWLIN was this day ackowledged before me by the Said NOWLIN and by me certified for Registration Feb 16th 1839
M. W. Oakley clk By Wm Williams D.C.

Edward BRAY Deed for 60 acres of Land Executed to him by Thomas D CHEEK Trustee &C was this day acknowledged before me by the Said CHEEK and by me certified for Registration Feb 16th 1839
M. W Oakley clk By Wm Williams D.C.

J. SMITH. Josiah WILSON. Newton WALL. James S. HAYNES. Willis BAUCUM and Thomas WILSON. to Mary WILSON
To indenture and bargain and Sale of 71 acres of Land in Marshall County was this day proven before me by the oath of E A WILSON and James M. WILSON & by me certified for registration February 15th 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk

To indenture and bargain and Sale of two lots in the town of Lewisburg was this day proven before me by the oath of Asa HOLLAND and John ORR Jr. and certified for registration February 5th 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk

Page 140

James WILSON to James D WILSON
To indenture and bargain and Sale of 63 acres of land was this day proven before me by the oath of Moses WILSON and Susannah WILSON and by me certified for registration February 13th 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk

Matilda WILSON to Hiram WILSON
To indenture and bargain and Sale of 22 1/2 acres of land was this day acknowledged before me by the Said Matilda WILSON and by me certified for registration February 13th 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk

Gideon PILLOW to Daniel BLAKEMON
To indenture & bargain and Sale of 66 acrs of land in Marshall County was this ack. before me by the Said PILLOW & by me certified for registration Feburary 6th 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk

Jabus NOWLIN to Thoms HALL
To deed Gift of one Negro girl was this day proven before me by the oath of B. W. NOWLIN and by me certified for registration February 4th 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk

William BARRON to Hiram WILSON
To indenture and bargain and Sale of 20 acres of land in Marshall County was this day acknowledged before me by the Said William BARRON and by me certified for registration February 13th 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk

William BARRON to Matilda WILSON
To indenture & bargain & Sale of 103 acres of land in Marshall County was this ackn. before me by the Said William BARRON and by me certified for registration February 13th 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk

Page 141

Samuel WILSON & Wm WALTON to Susannah WILSON–To indenture & bargain & Sale of 22 1/2 acres of land in Marshall County was this day proven befor me by the oath of Moses WILSON & James M WILSON and by me certified for registraiton Feburary 13th 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk

William Birmingham to George W. OGELVIE
To indenture & bargain & Sale of 102 acres of land in Marshall County was this day acknowledged before me by the Said BIRMINGHAM and by me certified for registration January 11th 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk

James H NIEL to Robert EWING
To indenture & bargain & Sale of one lot in Farmington was this day acknowledged before me by the Said NIEL & by me certified for registration February 5th 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk

G W McBRIDE Deed of Trust Executed to him by John COOPER on personal property for the benefit of John DAVIS Henry HARRIS Wm COWDEN Daniel GOODRAN Joseph NICHOL and John COWDEN was this day proven before me by the oaths of Wilson P DAVIS and Willis G DAVIS Subscribing witnesses thereto and by me certified for Registration Feb 21st 1839
M. W. Oakley Clk By Wm Williams DC.

Isaac N RAINEY to Zacheas P REED
To indenture and bargain and Sale of 108 pole of land in Marshall County was this day proven before me by the oath of Samuel D REED & S. D. WILSON and by me certified for registration March 4th 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk

Page 142

William S. CALAHAN to Edwin BRADLEY
To indenture and bargain and Sale of 40 acres of land was this day proven before me this day by the oath of David McGAHY and B. WILLIAMS and by me certified for registration February 9th 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk

Joshua CHERRY to Joshua WILSON
To indenture & bargain & Sale of 120 acres of land in Marshall County was this day proven before me by the oaths of John ROBINSON and James PATTERSON and by me certified for registration, March 15th 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk

Stephen W. RAINEY to Joseah WILSON
To indenture and bargain and Sale of 7 3/4 acres of land in Marshall County was this day proven befoe me by the Oath of John ROBINSON and Jonah[Josiah?] T. WILSON and by me certified for registration March 15th 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk

John COCHRAN & Mary his wife to William McRORY
To indenture and bargain and Sale of 21 acres of land was this day aknowledged before me by the Said COCHRAN & Mary his wife and by me certified for registration March 16th 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk

Jeremiah GANT to Richard G. GANT to Deed Gift One Negro Boy Named Squire Was this day proven before me by the Oath of Henry H. GANT & James M. GANT & by me Certified for Registration March the 21st 1837 [This probably should be 1839, but it looks more like 1837]
M. W. Oakley Clk By John Elliott D.C.

Page 143

Jeremiah GANT To Henry H. GANT
To Deed Gift One Negro Boy Named Jacob Was this day proven by the Oath of Richard B. GANT & James M. GANT and by me Certified for Registration March the 21st 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk By John Elliott D.C.

James EWING to Wm D. McCLARY
To Indenture & Bargain and Sale of Land containing 50 Acres In Marshall County Was this day acknowledged before me by the Said James EWING and
By me Certified for registration April 1st 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk By John Elliott D.C.

Robert McCRORY to Wm H. A. CROOK
To Indenture & Bargain and Sale of 10 1/4 Acres of Land was this day acknowledged before me by the Said Robert McCRORY and by me Certified for Registration April 2nd 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk By John Elliott D.C.

Lile A EWING to Ephram HUNTER)
To indenture & bargain and Sale of 2 1/2 lots in Farmington Marshall County was this day acknowledged before me and by me certified for registration March 30th 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk

Hugh McMURRY to George A HON
To bill of Sale for the one half part of a Stalion horse Citizen was this day acknowledged before me by the Said McMURRY and by me certified for registration April 1st 1839.
M. W. Oakley (clk

Page 144

To deed trust personal property was this day proven before me by the oath of E G FORREST and John M TELES and me certified for registration April 1st 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk

To indenture & bargain and Sale of 24 acres of Land in Marshall County was this day acknowledged before me by Said Willis HOPWOOD and by me Certified for ergestration April 1st 1839.
M. W. Oakley (clk

To bill Sale for one negro Girl Hanna was this day proven before me by the oath of Elisha C FORREST & John M. TILES and by me certified for registration. April 1st 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk

Ashley MOORE to Bery MOORE Wm MARSH & others Commissioners
To Indenture & Bargain & Sale of 4 Acres & 140 poles of Land In Marshall County was this day acknowledged before me by Said Ashley MOORE and by me Certified for Registration April 6th 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk By his Depeaty John Elliott

James MILLER to Andrew MILLER
To indenture & bargain & sale of 110 acres of Land in Marshall County was this day proven before me by the oath of John MILLER & Jas. H MILLER and by me certified for registration April 19th 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk

Page 145

Enoch RUST to Wm B. BINGR deed trust for 58 acres Land in Marshall County was this day ack. before me by Said RUST and by me certified for Registration April 22nd 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk

To indenture & bargain & Sale of 20 acres of land in Marshall County, was this day acknowledged before me by the Said Isaac HENDRIX and by me certified for registration April 22nd 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk

Isaac HENDRIX Sr to Isaac HENDRIX Jr.
To indenture and bargain and Sale of 66 acres of land in Marshall County, was this day acknowledged before me by the Said Isaac HENDRIX and by me certified for registration April 22nd 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk

To indenture and bargain & Sale of 40 acres of Land was this day acknowledged me by the Said Isaac HENDRIX and certified for registration April 22nd 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk

To indenture & bargain & Sale of 10 1/2 acres of land was this day acknowledged before me & by me certified for registration April 22nd 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk

Elisha J DOTSON Deed for 136 Acres of Land Executed to him by John H HOLT was this day acknowledged before me by Said HOLT and by me certified for Registration March 4. 1839
M. W Oakley clk By Wm Williams D.C.

Page 146

Benjamin SMITH To Wm R. HUGHES
To indenture & Bargain & Sale of 63 Acres of Land in Marshall County was this day proven before me by the oaths of Edmond M. MANIRE & John F. SMITH & by me Certified for Registration April 27th 1839.
M. W. Oakley (clk By his Deputy John Elliott

W. M. ALFORD to Philip MANIRE to Indenture & Bargain & Sale of 50 Acres of Land in Marshall County was this day proven before me by the Oaths of John A. MANIRE and Elijah W. MANIRE & By me Certified for Registration April 27th 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk By his Deputy John Elliott

Philip MANIRE to Elijah W. MANIRE
To Indenture & Bargain & Sale of 40 Acres of Land in Marshall County was this day proven before me by the Oaths of Edmond M. MANIRE & John M SMITH & by me Certified for Registration April 27th 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk By his Deputy John Elliott

Philip MANIRE to John A. MANIRE to Indenture & Bargain & Sale of 40 Acres of Land in Marshall County was this day proven before me by the oaths of Elijah W. MANIRE & Edmond M. MANIRE & by me Certified for Registration April 27th 1839–
M. W. Oakley (clk By his Deputy John Elliott

Page 147

Jane PATTERSON to Thos. B. FAVOR to indenture & bargain & Sale of on eghth part of 56 acres of Land in Marshall County was this day acknowledged before me by Jane PATTERSON & by me certified for registration April 29th 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk

Washingtin D. MEDERIS To Richard SANDAFER to Indenture & Bargain & Sale of Fifty Acres of Land in Marshall County was this day proven by the Oaths of H. S. BLAKEMORE & John WOODWARD & by me Certified for Registration may 6th 1839
M. W. Oakley clk By his Deputy John Elliott

John WOODWARD to Richard SANTIFER to Indenture & Bargain & Sale of 165 Acres of Land in Marshall County was this day proven by the Oaths of H. S. BLAKEMORE & Wm C. SWANSON & by me Certified for Registration this 6th day of May 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk By his Deputy John Elliott

To Mortgage for Leace & Mare & Colt in Marshall County was this day proven by the Oaths of John CATHEY & Hezekiah CHISN & by me Certified for Registration this 8th day of May 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk By his Deputy John Elliott

Page 148

Jessee MORTON to Thomas McKEE
To indenture and bargain and Sale of 217 acres of land was this day acknowledged before me by the Said MORTON and by me certified for registration May 9th 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk

James GLENN to A. C. GLENN
To indenture & bargain & Sale of 52 1/2 acres of land in Marshall County was this day acknowledged before me by the Said James GLENN & by me certified for registration May 15th 1839 M. W. Oakley (clk

To indenture & bargain & Sale of 45 acres of Land in Marshall County was this day acknowledged before me by the Said James GLENN & by me certified for registration May 15th 1839.
M. W. Oakley (clk

Sarah HANLY Hardin HANLY & Reuben FISHER to bond) James GRAHAM for the conveyance of 55 acres of Land in Marshall County was proven before me by the Oath of A. LAIRD & Elias BILLINGTON & by me certified for registration May 17th 1839.
M. W. Oakley (clk

Sarah HANBY [or HANLEY] & Harden HANBY [or HANLEY] to James GRAHAM,
To indenture & bargain & Sale of 55 acres of Land in Marshall County has been proven before me by the oath of A. LAIRD & Elias BILLINGTON & by me certified for registration May 17th 1839.
M. W. Oakley (clk

Page 149

R. W. HILL to Joseph MORRIS Bill of Sale for one Girl Slave Named Silver was this day acknowledged before me by the Sd. R. W. HILL & By me Certifired for Registration this May 18th 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk By his Deputy John Elliott

William H. WOOD & Mary M. WOOD to Edmund BRADLEY To Indenture & Bargain & Sale of 20 Acres of Land in Marshall County Was this day acknowledged before me by the Sd William H. WOOD & Mary M. WOOD & by Me Certified for Registration May 18th 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk By his Deputy John Elliott

William WILLIAMS James OSBURN & Joel YOWEL to James T. WALKER
To Indenture & Bargain & Sale of 3 – Town Lots in the Town of Lewisburg was this day acknowledged before me by the Sd Wm WILLIAMS James OSBURN & Joel YOWEL Commissioners for Sd Town & by me Certified for Registration May 18th 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk By his Deputy John Elliott

A. C. FREEMAN & Margaret M. FREEMAN to Daniel BACHMAN To Indenture & Bargain & Sale of 20 1/4 acres of Land in Marshall County was by the Said Margaret M FREEMAN acknowledged befoe me on the 17th of April 1839 & the acknowledgement of the Sd A. C. FREEMAN was proven by the Oaths of Wm. T. MEBUR[?]&

Page 150

John J. MEDLOCK on the 18th of May 1839 and by me Certified for Registration May 18th 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk By his Deputy John Elliott

Francis K. RAMBO & Polly RAMBO his wife to Leonard H. TWITTY
To indenture & bargain & Sale of an Equal & undivided Intrest in 113 Acres of Land in Marshall County was this day acknowledged before me by the Said Francis K. RAMBO & Polly RAMBY & by me Certified for Registration this 23rd May 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk By his Deputy John Elliott

Berry MOORE to Thos. ROSS To trust Deed for 60 Acres of Land in Marshall County & personall property for the Benefit of John WILKS & others was this day acknowledged before me by the Said Berry MOORE & By me Certified for Registration This 31st day of May 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk By his Deputy John Elliott

Thos. D. CHEEK to Richard G. GRANT Trust Deed for personal property for the benefit of Adam ORMON & others was this day acknowledged before me by the Sd Thos. D. CHEEK & by me Certified for Registration this 3rd day of June 1839—
M. W. Oakley (clk By his Deputy John Elliott

Page 151

Marriel D. MYERS to Daniel BACHMAN
To Indenture & Bargain & Sale of 56 Acres of Land in Marshall County was this day proven by the Oaths of Williams D. POWELL & H. B. ELLIOTT and
By me Certified for Registration This 3rd day of June 1839—
M. W. Oakley (clk By his Deputy John Elliott

Gideon J. PILLOW to Deed Alfred B. GREEN to Indenture & Bargain & Sale of 61 Acres of Land in Marshall County was this day acknowledged before me by the Sd Gideon J. PILLOW & by me Certified for Registration this 4th day of June 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk By his deputy John Elliott

Elijah MAYFIELD to Sterling SLEDGE
To indenture and bargain and Sale of 3 1/2 acres of Land in Marshall County was this day acknowledged by the Said MAYFIELD and by me certified for registration June 4th 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk

Madison R. HUGHES to Banister ROYSTER
To indenture & bargain & Sale of 200 acres of Land in Marshall County was this day acknowledged before me by the Said HUGHES and by me certified for registration June 3rd 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk

Reubin HUGHES to Banister ROYSTER
To indenture & bargain & sale of 54 acres of Land was this day acknowledged before me by Said HUGHS and certified for registration June 3rd 1839.
M. W. Oakley (clk

Page 152

To indenture & bargain and of 125 acres of Land in Marshall County was this day proven before me by the oath of R. B. HUGHES and Wm. CLARK and certified for registration June 3rd 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk

James WILLIAMS to William R. HUGHS
To indenture & bargain & Sale of 150 acres of Land in Marshall County was this day proven before me by the oath of William CLARK & R. B. HUGHS and by me certified for registration June 3rd 1839.
M. W. Oakley (clk

Museman BURNS to Elizabeth RIGGS
To indenture & bargain & Sale of 60 acres of Land in Marshall County, was this day proven before me by the oath of John LAWS and J. B. SHUFFIELD and by me certified for registration, June 4th 1839.
M. W. Oakley (clk

James WILLIAMS to Allen N. McCORD
To indenture & bargain & Sale of 67 acres of Land in Marshal County was this day proven before me by the oath of R. B. HUGHS and Wm. CLARK and
By me certified for registration, this 3 day of June 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk

James REID to Joseph M. REID
To indenture and bargain & Sale of of 100 acres of Land in Marshall County was proven before me by the oath of David CHADWELL and William NEIL and b me certified for registration June 4th 1839.
M. W. Oakley (clk

James REID to Samuel D. REID
To indenture & bargain & sale of 100 acres of Land in Marshall County was this day proven before me by the oath of David CHADWELL & Wm NEIL and by me certified for registration June 4th 1839
M. W. Oakley clk

Page 153

Jas REID to Zacheus P REID
To indenture & bargain & Sale of 100 acres of Land in Marshall County was this day proven before Me by the oath of David CHADWELL and William NEIL and by Me certified for registration June 4th 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk

E. A. PATTON & wife to deed trust
To Aaaron BOYD for the use of David RIGGS their intrust in in a tract of Land a joining the Land of Gedeon RIGGS, E. J. DODSON and in an tract No 9. was this day proven before bny the oath of John H HOLL [HOLT or HALL?] & E. J. DODSON and by me certified for registration March 4th 1839

Orson GRAY to deed trust to Richard CAMPBELL for the use of Tabetha G DRIVER three negro slaves & other property was this day proven before me by the oath of Joel YOWEL and Griffeth J. LEONARD and by Me certified for registration June 6th 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk

Jeremiah HAY to Joseph D CLEEK for the use of Wm BLICK to deed trust of 109 acres of Land in Marshall Copunty was this day acknowledged before me by the Said HAY and by me certified for registration June 13th 1839.
M. W. Oakley (clk

Matthew MOORE to John R. B. JONES
To indenture & bargain and Sale of 168 acres of Land in Marshall County was this proven before me by the oath of Williamson SMITH and Jackson LEGGITT and by me certified for registration June 4th 1839.
M. W. Oakley (clk

Page 154

Nathaniel LAIRD to Matthew WALLACE
To indenture and bargain & Sale of 81 acres of Land in Marshall County was this day proven before me by the oath of Andrew LAIRD & by me certified for registration June 3rd 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk

To indenture & bargain and Sale of 172 acres of Land in Marshall County was this day proven before me by the oath of Elisha BRAY and Thos. HARDISON and by me certified for registration June 4th 1839.
M. W. Oakley (clk

Samuel B. WALL, Willis BAUCOM
To indenture & bargain & Sale of 336 acres of Land was this day proven before me by th oath of by the oath of Thos. P WELLS & Elijah MAYFIELD and by me certified for registration June 4th 1839.
M. W. Oakley (clk

Matthew MOORE to Thos. N. BARHAM
To indenture & bargain & Sale of 300 acres of Land in Marshall County was this day proven before me by the oath John WEBB & Jackson LEGGITT and by me certified for registration June 3rd 1839.
M. W. Oakley (clk

Matthew MOORE to Thos. N. BARHAM
To indenture & bargain & Sale of 37 acres of Land was this day proven before Me by the oath of John WEBB & Jackson LEGGITT and by me certified for registration June 3rd 1839.
M. W. Oakley (clk

John W. M. SHORT to Jonas COLLINS
To indenture & bargain & Sale of 15 acres of Land in Marshall County was this day proven before me by the oath of G. W. McBRIDE & Wade H McCRORY & by me certified for registration June 3rd 1839.
M. W. Oakley (clk

Page 155

James H. PARK to Elias PRUETT
To indenture & bargain & Sale of 100 acres of Land in Marshall County was this day proven before me by the Oath of Wm. COWAN and Moses PARK and by me certified for registration June 3rd 1839.
M. W. Oakley (clk

Samuel D. FRIERSON attorny in fact for William DAVIDSON) to Wm EMMERSON
To indenture and bargain & Sale of 169 acres of Land in Marshall County was this day acknowledged before me by Said FRIERSON & by me certified for registration June 3rd 1839.
M.W. Oakley (clk

Lydia HILL to James HART
To indenture & bargain & Sale of 32 1/2 acres of Land in Marshall County was this day proven before mem by the oath of S. M. HUGHS and R. W. HILL and by me certified for registration June 3rd 1839.
M. W. Oakley (clk

Susan CARR to Thos. N. BARHAM
To indenture & bargain & Sale of 60 acres of Land was this day proven before me by the oath of Charles HARDISON & Humphrey HARDISON and by Me certified for registration June 7th 1839.
M. W. Oakley (clk

W. J. NOWLIN To. Saml. B. APPLEBY to Bill Sale for Girl Slave Named Vilet was this day acknowledged before me by the Sd. W. J. NOWLIN and by me Certified for Registration this 14th of Jne 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk By his Deputy John Elliott

Page 156

Samuel HILLIS & Betsy HILLIS to John HILLS, Title bond for 67 3/4 acres of Land in Marshall County was this day proven before Me by the oath of Janes McCONNEL and Squire LARUE and by me Certified for registration June 22nd 1839.
M. W. Oakley (clk

Moses & Meriah T. JONES to Mary KEYS
To deed Gift of 60 acres of Land in Marshall County was this day acknowledged before Me by Said Moses & Meriah JONES and by me certified for registration this 22nd day of June 1839.
M. W. OALEY (clk

M. C. JOSE to Miles PARDER[PARDU?] & Lile A. EWING to Indenture & Bargain & Sale of 1 Town Lot in the town of Farmington in Marshall County Was this day Acknowledged before me & By me Certified for Registration this 22nd of June 1839–
M. W. Oakley (clk By his Deputy John Elliott

Page 156

R. W. McWHERTER to Joel YARBOROUGH for the use of S.W. BEATY to deed trust for personal property was this day proven b before Me by the oath of George FISHER & W. D. FISHER and by me certified for registration June 24th 1839.
M. W. Oakley (clk

William WILLIAMS Snr. to William WILLIAMS Jnr. to Indenture & Bargain & Sale of 100 Acres of Land in Marshall County was this day acknowledged before me by the Said William WILLIAMS Snr. and by me Certified for registration June 25th 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk By his Deputy John Elliott

Page 157

William WILLIAMS Snr. to Sarah & Wm. J. NOWLIN to Indenture & Bargain & Sale of 200 Acres of Land in Marshall County was this day acknowledged before me by the Sd. William WILLIAMS Snr. and by me Certified for Registration June 25th A.D. 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk By his Deputy John Elliott

James ADAMS to James BELL
To Indenture & Bargain & Sale of 121 Acres of Land in Marshall County Was proven by the oaths of Joseph C. ORR on the 30th of January last & Robert A ORR on this day & by me Certified for Registration this 4th day of July 1839– —

Daniel FREEMAN to Jeffrey BECK to Bill of Sale for a Man Slave Named Love {Leve?] Was this day proven before me by the Oaths of W. R. WELLS and G. J. ALLEN & by me Certified for registration this 5th July 1839–
M W Oakley (clk By his Deputy John Elliott

John EVANS to Thos. PARKS to Indenture & Bargain & Sale of 125 Acres of Land in Marshall County was proven by the Oath of James W. RITCHEY on the 27th of April 1839 & Elijah T GLENN on this day & By me Certified for Registration this 6th day of July 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk By his Deputy John Elliott

Page 158

John ELLISON Sam. ***TH [smeared] the will annexed of A. B. REID and to Jose [John?] STEGELL)
To indenture & bargain and Sale of 122 acres of Land in Marshall County was this day acknowledged before me by the Said [smeared] ELLISON and
By me certified for registration July 1st 1839.
M. W. Oakley (clk

Levi RONE to Dr Eli RONE to Indenture & Bargain & Sale of 100 Acres of Land in Marshall County was this day acknowledged before me by the Said Levi RONE & By me Certified for registration this 13th day of July 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk By his deputy John Elliott

Simeon MARSH & Thos. ROSS to John B. FOWLER to indenture & Bargain & Sale of 144 Acres of Land in Marshall County Was this day Acknowledged before me by the Said MARSH & ROSS and by me Certified for Registration This 20th day of July 1839
M. W. Oakley clk By his Deputy John Elliott

John COLLINS & Elizabeth his Wife For Russel BRYANT to Inture & Bargain & Sale of 29 3/4 Acres of Land in Marshall County Was this day acknowledged before me by the Sd John & Elizabeth COLLINS and by me Certified for Registration This July 27th 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk By his Deputy John Elliott

Page 159

To Bargain & Sale of one Woman Slave Named Mary Was this day acknowledged before me by the Said Henry COLLINS and by me Certified for Registration This 27th July 1839–
M. W. Oakley (Clk By his Deputy John Elliott

To Indenture & Bargain & Sale of Interest in Land in Franklin County North Carolina Was this day Acknowledged before me by the Sd Elisha COLLINS & by me Certified for Registration This 27 day of July 1839–
M. W. Oakley (clk By his Deputy John Elliott

Hezekiah DAVIS to William HILL
To Indenture & Bargain & Sale of 50 Acres of Land in Marshall County Was this day proven before me by the Oaths of James PATTERSON & David A. HILL and by me Certified for Registration This 2th day of July 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk By his Deputy John Elliott

Thos. S. COLLINS & Wm & Tempy TURNER to James COLLINS to Indenture & Bargain & Sale of Interest in Land in Franklin County North Carolina Was this day acknowledged before me by the Said Thos. S. COLLINS & Wm & Tempy TURNER & by me Certified for Registration This 29th day of July 1839.
M. W. Oakley (clk By his Deputy John Elliott

Page 160

Russel BRYANT To Ebenezer BECK
To Bargain & Sale of 3 Acres of Land in Marshall County Was this day acknowledged before my by the Said Russel BRYANT & By me Certified for registration this 1st day of August 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk By his Deputy John Elliott

R. W. HILL to Levi COCHRAN to Bargain & Sale of 1 Girl Slave Named Silvey Was this day proven before me by the Oaths of James HARKNESS & Thos. D. CHEEK & by me Certified for registration this 3rd day of August 1839
M. W. Oakley clk By his Deputy John Elliott

John ELLIOTT Deed for 10 Acres of Land Executed to him by B*ttisond BOYETT was this day acknowledged before me by Said BOYETT and by me certified for registration this 3rd August 1839
M. W Oakley clk By Wm Williams DC

Jones COLLINS to James COLLINS to Indenture & Bargain & Sale of Interest in Land in Franklin County North Carolina was this day acknowledged before me by the Sd Jones COLLINS & by me Certified for Registration This 3rd day of August 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk By his Deputy John Elliott

Page 161

William J. CROWDER to Susand MEADOWS to Indenture & Bargain & Sale of 50 Acres of Land in Marshall County was proven before me by the Oaths of Richard DAVIS & Moses PARK PARK appeared on the 3rd of June 1839 & Davis on this day & by me Certified for Registration This 2nd day of August 1839– M W Oakley cl

John WEBB to Williamson WEBB power of attorney was this day proven before me by the oaths of Jas EAGLE and Williamson SMITH and by me Certified for registration August 5th 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk

William WILLIAMS Jr. Alexander D. ADAMS to indenture & bargain & Sale of 74 acres of land was this day acknowledged by the Said WILLIAMS and
By me certified for registration August 5th 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk

Jeremiah GANT to James M. GANT
To deed gift of 71 acres of Land was this day acknowledged before me by the Said J. GANT and by me certified for registration August 5th 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk

Jasper DAZEY to Vincent S. TERRY to deed of Relinquishment was this day proven by the Oaths of Amanda ADAMS & Sarahann M. ADAMS before me & by me Certified for Registration this 6th day of Aughst 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk By his Deputy John Elliott

Page 162

D. WEAVER to Wm. J.NOWLIN to Indenture & Bargain & Sale of One Town Lot in the Town of Lewisburg Marshall County was this day acknowledged before me by the Said D. WEAVER & by me Certified for Registration this 9th day of August 1839–
M. W. Oakley (clk By John Elliott D.C.

Solomon H. OWEN to R. M. WALTERS
To indenture and bargain & sale of 172 acres of Land in Marshall County was this day proven and before me by the oath of J. J. BROWN & Richard McN and by me certified for registration August 9th 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk

Edmund BRADLEY to Benjamin WILLIAMS to Bargaingain & Sale in Trust 40 Acres of Land in Marshall County was this day proven before me by the Oath of Wilson P DAVIS & John CRAWFORD And by me Certified for Registration This 15th August 1839–
M. W. Oakley (clk By his Deputy John Elliott

Nathan G. PINSON Attorney in fack for Matthew MOSS to Joseph NICHOLS to Indenture & Bargain & Sale of 175 Acres of Land in Marshall County was this day proven before Me by the Oaths of John ACUFF & Bradley ACUFF and by me Certified for Registration This 26th August 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk By his Deputy John Elliott

Page 163

Joseph NICHOLS to James M. PARK to Indenture & Bargain & Sale of 337 Acres of Land in Marshall County Was this day acknowledged before me by the Said Joseph NICHOLS And by me Certified for Registration This 26th day of August 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk By his Deputy John Elliott

Jonathan SMITH to Wm GREEN to Indenture & Bargain & Sale of 48 Acres of of Land in Marshall County was this day acknowledged before me by the Said Jonathan SMITH and by me Certified for Registration This 27th day of August 1839–
M. W. Oakley (clk By his Deputy John Elliott

Matthew N. POWELL Meraih ALLEN to indenture & bargain & Sale of 51 1/4 acres of Land in Marshall County was this day acknowledged before me by the Said POWELL & by me certified for registration August 17th 1839.
M. W. Oakley (clk

Joseph NICHOLS to Samuel HALL to Bargain and Sale of 7 Slaves was this day acknowledged before me by the Said Joseph NICHOLS & by me Certified for registration this 30th day of August 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk By his Deputy John Elliott

Page 164

Cary T. KELLY to John BECK
To indenture & bargain and Sale of 202 acres la Land was this day acknowledged before me by the Said KELLY and by Me certified for registration, Sept 2nd 1839.
M. W. Oakley (clk

Charles HOPPER to John BULLOCK
To indenture & bargain & Sale for 100 acres of land in Marshall County was this day acknowledged before me by the Said HOPPER and by me certified for registration Sept 9th 1839.
M. W. Oakley (clk

To Deed of Trust personal property for the Benefit of Eli. B. DYSART was this day acknowledged before me by the Said H. J. GILMORE & by me Certified for Registration This 11th of September 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk By John Elliott D.C.

James BASS to John BASS to indenture & Bargain & Sale of 232 Acres of Land in Marshall County & other property Was this day proven before me by the Oaths of S. VENABLE & H. J. GILMORE & by me Certified for Registration this 12th day of September 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk By John Elliott D.C.

Page 165

Samuel THOMPSON to H & J STONE to Mortgage of personal property was this day proven before me by the Oaths of G. W. MOORE & H. H. RIVES & By me Certified for Registration this 13th September 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk By John Elliott D.C.

To Mortge of personal property was this day proven before me by the Oaths of G. W. MOORE & H. H. RIVES & by me Certified for Registration This 13th September 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk By John Elliott D.C.

James BARNES to Jackson LUND [LUNA?] to Indenture & Bargain & Sale of 87 Acres of Land in Marshall County Was this day proven Before me by the Oaths of W. H. DRIVER & Robert LUND [LUNA?] and By me Certified by me for Registration This 16th day of September 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk By John Elliott D.C.

Page 166

To indenture and bargain and sale of 160 acres of land in Kentucky was this day acknowledged before me by the Said Samuel & Fany WINSTEAD and
By me certified for registration August 29th 1839.
M. W. Oakley (clk

S. C. CHITWOOD to Wright LUNA to Indenture & Bargain & Sale of 7 acres of Land in Marshall County was this day acknowledged Before me by the Said CHITWOOD & by me Certified for Registration this 2nd day of September 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk By John Elliott Deputy

Bennet B. MERRIT to Ambrose R. LAREWOOD
To Indenture & Bargain & Sale of 4 1/8 acres of Land in Marshall County was this day proven before me by the Oaths of Asa HOLLAND & S. C. CHITWOOD & By me Certified for Registration this 2nd day of September 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk By his Deputy John Elliott

Orson GRAY to Ambrose R. LARWOOD
To Indenture & Bargain & Sale of 6 3/4 Acres of Land in Marshall County was this day proven before me by the Oaths of Robert JOHNSTON & S. C. CHITWOOD & By me Certified for Registration this 2nd day of September 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk By John Elliott Deputy

Page 167

Richard GRIFFIN & Elizabeth GRIFFIN to George W. BIRMINGHAM to Indenture & Bargain & Sale 13 1/3 Acres of Land in Marshall County Was this day Acknowledged before by the Sd. Richard & Elizabeth GRIFFIN & by me Certified for registration this 3nd day of September 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk By John Elliott Deputy

L B ANDERSON & Wm P BOATRIGHT to Felix F. DYER to deed of trust for Book accounts and notes was this day acknoledged before me by the Said ANDERSON & BOATRIGHT and by me certified for regestration Sept 25th 1839.
M. W. Oakley (clk

E B DYSART to Benjamin BINGAMAN deed of trust for a tanyard in Lewisburg and Stock of leather was this day acknowledged before me by the Said DYSART and by me certified for regestration September 25th 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk By John Elliott Deputy

Wm A BINN[?] to Gedeon RIGGS
To deed trust & Intrust in Negroes was this day acknowledged before me
By the Said BINN and by me certified for registration September 25th 1839.
M. W. Oakley (clk

Wm A BINN to Gideon RIGGS
To deed trust for crop corn &C. & hores[?] was this day acknowledged before me by the Said BINN and b me Certified for registration September 25th 1839.
M. W. Oakley (clk

Page 168

Abram PARRISH to Michael S. ANDREWS to Indenture & Bargain & Sale of 140 Acres of Land in Marshall County Was this day proven before me by the Oaths of John VINCENT & John M. ANDREWS & by me Certified for Registration This 30th September 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk By his Deputy John Elliott

Ashley MOORE to Samuel MOORE Indenture of Obligation Bond for personal property was this day Acknowledged before me by the Said Ashley MOORE & by me Certified for Registration this 30th of September 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk By John Elliott D.C.

T. H. RICHARDSON to Green WILSON to indinture & Bargain & Sale of 52 1/2 acres of land in Marshall County Was this day acknowledged before me by the Said T. H. RICHARDSON & by me Certified for Registration this 30th day of September 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk By his Deputy John Elliott

James DAVIS to Alex. S. TAYLOR to Indenture & bargain & Sale of 50 Acres of Land in Marshall County Was this day acknowledged before me by the Said James DAVIS & By me Certifyed for Registration this 30th September 1839–
M. W. Oakley (clk By John Elliott Deputy

Page 169

To Bargain and Sale of personal property in trust for the benefit of John RHEA was this Day acknowledged before me by the Said John APPLEBY Jr & By me Certified for Registration this 30th day of September 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk By John Elliott D.C.

To Indenture & Bargain and Sale of 85 Acres of Land in Marshall County was this day acknowledged before me by the Said J. R. TILMAN & by me Certified for Registration this 30th of September 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk By John Elliott D.C.

James McKEE to William GREEN
To Indenture & Bargain & Sale of 12 Acres of Land in Marshall County was this day acknowledged before me by the Said James McKEE & by me Certified for Registration This 30th of September 1839–
M. W. Oakley (clk By John Elliott D.C.

To indenture & bargain & Sale of 100 acres of Land was this day acknowledged before me by the Said WILLIAMS & by me certified for registration Sept. 27th 1839.
M. W. Oakley (clk

Page 170

John HENLY to John H. PRICE
To Indenture & bargain and Sale of 48 acres of Land in Marshall County was this day proven before me by the oath of Eben E. THOMPSON and James MANGRIN and by me certified for registration Sept 28th 1839.
M. W. Oakley (clk

John H PRICE to benezer E. THOMPSON
To indenture & bargain and sale of 81 acres of Land was this day acknowledged before me by the Said PRICE and by me certified for registration Sept 27th 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk

Jonathan FORREST to Amos SWINNEY
To indenture & bargain and Sale of 100 acres of Land in Marshall County was this day proven before me and by me certified for registration Sept 27th 1839.
M. W. Oakley (clk

Boling HARWELL to J. M. YOWEL to Bargain & Sale in trust for personal property Was this day proven before me by the Oaths of H. H. RIVES & G. W. MOORE & by me Certified for registration This 4th of October 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk By John Elliott D.C.

James JOICE to Lemuel H RICKMAN to Indenture & Bargain & Sale of 10 acres of Land in Marshall County was this day proven before me by the Oaths of Wilson P DAVIS & Jno. CRAWFORD & by me Certified for registration This 5th day of October 1839.
M. W. Oakley (clk By John Elliott D.C.

Page 171

E. B. DYSART to Wm. D WINSTON to Bargain & Sale in Trust for the Benefit of Wm. WILLIAMS Jr & W. J. NOWLIN 1. Town Lot in Farmington Was this day acknowledged before me by the Said E. B. DYSART & By me Certified for Registration This 5th day of October 1839–
M. W. Oakley (clk By his deputy John Elliott

Daniel P. & Martha G. OSBORN to Elizabeth BLACKWELL to Indenture & Bargain & Sale of about 40 Acres of Land in Marshall County the acknowledgement of the Sd Daniel P. OSBORN Was this day proven before me by the Oaths of Thomas CUMMINGS & James G. BLACKWELL & the acknowledgement of the Sd Martha G. OSBORN of the Same was by me taken & by me Certified for Registration this 7th of October 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk By John Elliott D.C.

Edwin C. HUNTER to Eunice CUMMINGS
To Indenture & Bargain & Sale of 77 Acres of Land in Marshall County Was this day proven before me by the Oaths of Robert C. DYSART & Amos L. BILLS & by me Certified for Registration This 7th of October 1839–
M. W. Oakley (clk By John Elliott D.C.

Elizabeth DIVR to E J FRIERSON
To Bill sale for one Negro boy was this day ackowledged before me by the Said DIVER and by me certified for registration October 9th 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk

Page 172

Ladrick MOORE to William McGAUGH
To Indentuure & Bargain & Sale of 55 acres of Land was this day proven before me by the Oaths of G.W. McBRIDE & James HARRIS & By me Certified for registration this 7th of October 1839–
M. W. Oakley (clk By his Deputy John Elliott

James D. LOYD to Richard SANDIFER
To power of attorney Was this day proven before Me by the Oaths of Joel YOWEL & G. W. MOORE & By me Certified by for Registration This 10th day of October 1839
M. W. OALEY (clk By his Deputy John Elliott

To indenture and bargain and Sale of 4 acres of land in Marshall County was this day acknowledged before me by the Said HAYS and by me certified for registration October 7th 1839.
M. W. OALEY (clk

To indenture and bargain and Sale of 105 acres of land was this day acknowledged before me by the Said ALLEN and by me certified for registration October 8th 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk

Jas. & John ALDRIDGE to S. W. BEATY
To and Trust of 263 acres of land was this day acknowledged before me by the Said ALDRIDGES and by me certified for registration October 7th 1839.
M. W. Oakley (clk

Page 173

To indenture and bargain and Sale of 50 acres of land was this day proven before me by the Oath of A. F. LILLARD and B. G. RAINEY and by me certified for registration October 7th 1839.
M. W. Oakley (clk

Samuel WILSON to William COOK to Indenture & Bargain & Sale of 11 acres of Land in Marshall County Was this day Acknowledged before me by the Said Samuel WILSON & by me Certified for Registration This 7th day of October 1839
M. W. OALEY (clk By John ELLIOTT Register

To release porw[?] his Intrus of D[?] WHITWORTH istate[?] was this day proven before me by the oath of Joseph P THOMPSON & John THOMPSON and by me certified for registration October 10th 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk

Drury MASSEY to Anderson C. FREEMAN
To indenture and bargain and Sale of 50 acres of Land was this day proven before Me by the Oath of Liberty BEASLEY & William SHAW and by me certified for registration October 11th 1839.
M. W. Oakley (clk

Edward C. EGGLESTON to Ebenezer C. STODDER
To Indenture & Bargain & Sale of 57 1/4 Acres of Land in Marshall County was this day proven before me by the Oaths of Wm. C. MOORE & John GANT & by me Certified for Registration this 22nd of October 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk By John Elliott D.C.

Page 174

Martha A SIMMONS to Edward C. EGGLESTON to Indenture & Bargain & Sale of 57 1/4 Acres of Land in Marshall County Was this day proven before me by the Oaths of Wm. C. MOORE & John GANT & by me Certified for Registration this 22nd of October 1839–
M. W. Oakley (clk By John ELLIOTT D.C.

Moses WILSON to James WALKER
To indenture & bargain and Sale of 10 acres of Land in Marshall County was this day acknowledged before me by the Said Moses WILSON and by me certified for registration October 25th 1839.
M. W. Oakley (clk

John W CLARK to W. CLIFT to Bargain & Sale in trust of Land & other property in Marshall County Was this day proven before me by the Oaths of Moses PARK Snr. and Wm. H. McREE & by me Certified for Registration this 28th October 1839
M. W. OALEY (clk By John Elliott D.C.

Richard HALL to William H. McKEE
To Indenture & Bargain & Sale of 42 1/2 Acres of Land in Marshall County Was this day Acknowledged before me by the Said Richard HALL & by me Certified for Registration This 28th day of October 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk By John Elliott D.C.

Page 175

John GRANT to Robert McATEER
To indenture and Sale of 40 acres of land in Said County, was this day acknowledged before me by the Said GRANT and by me certified for registration October 30th 1839.
M. W. Oakley (clk

James C. THOMPSON to David G. STEPHENS to Indenture & bargain & Sale of 3 town Lots in Farmington Was this day proven before me by the Oath of John STEPHENSON and on the 15th October 1836 by John RAMSEY & by me Certified for Registration this 4th November 1839
M. W. OALEY (clk

John Will[or W M] SHORT to Solomon MEADOWS
To indenture and bargain and Sale of 130 acers of Land in Marshall County was this day acknowledged before me by the Said SHORT and by me certified for registration November 11th 1839.
M. W. OALEY (clk

To Indenture & Bargain & Sale of Interest in Land in Meckinburgh County North Carolina Containing 50 Acres Was this day proven before me by the Oaths of Nathaniel BAXTER & Jame V. EWING & by me Certified for Registration this 13th day of November 1839
M. W. OALEY (clk by John Elliott Deputy clk

Page 176

Burwell WILKS to William H. PICKENS
To Indenture & bargain & Sale of 112 1/2 Acres of Land in Marshall County Was this day proven before Me by the Oaths of William WILLKS & James O. PICKENS & by me Certified for Registration This 16th day of November 1839–
M. W. Oakley (clk By John Elliott D.C.

Jno H STONE to Sarah P. [or D.] WOODWARD
To Bill of Sale for Girl Slave Named Marrella Was this day proven before me by the Oaths of J. M. YOWELL & Bling HARWELL and by me Certified for registration This 16th day of November 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk By John Elliott D.C.

To indenture and bargain and Sale of 103 acres of land in Marshall County was this day acknowledged before me by the Said CHANDLER & by me certified for registration November 18th 1839.
M. W. OALEY (clk

James DILLARD to Richard WARNER
To deed trust for 103 Acres of Land in Marshall County was this day acknowledged before me by the Said DILLARD and by me certified for registration, November 1839.
M. W. Oakley (clk

Page 177

To Bargain & Sale of personal property in trust for the Benefit of Wm. B. HILL & others was this day proven before me by the Oaths of Wm. P. BOATRIGHT & Wm. F. DYER & by me Certified for Registration This 21st day of November 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk By John Elliott D.C.

Isaac L. GRAVES to Joseph DAVIS to obligation Bond for title of Land in Marshall County Was this day acknowledged before Me by the Said Isaac L. GRAVES & By me Certified for Registration This 22nd of November 1839
M. W. OALEY (clk By John Elliott D.C.

To indenture and bargain and Sale of one Town Lot in Farmington was this day acknowledged before me by the Said DYSART and by me Certified for registration. November 23rd 1839.
M. W. Oakley (clk

James Y. CAUDLE to David FAUSETT
To Indenture & Bargain & Sale of One Lot in the Town of Lewisburg Marshall County Was this day acknowledged before My by the Said James Y. CURDLE & by me Certified for Registration This 26th of November 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk By John Elliott Deputy—Clk

Page 178

James F. MEEK & Margery MEEK To Thomas O HUNTER
To Indenture and bargain and Sale of 130 acres of Land in Marshall County was this day ackowledged before me by the Said James & Margery MEEK and by me certified for registration November 26th 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk

To indenture & bargain & Sale of 28 acres of land in Marshall County was this day acknowledged before me and by me certified for registration Decr. 2nd 1839.
M. W. Oakley (clk

To indenture & bargain & Sale of 36 acres of Land was this day acknowledged before by Said ADAMS & by me certified for registration Dcr. 2nd 1839.
M. W. Oakley (clk

S. W. COOPER to Felix R. McGAUGH to Deed Trust for the benefit of Robt. W. McGAUGH for personal property was this day proven before Me by the oaths of R. C. DABNEY & W. A. HOPWOOD & by me certified for Registration This 5th December 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk By John Elliott D.C.

Wm. WILLIAMS Jr. to Joel YOWEL to Indenture & Bargain & Sale of 67 1/2 Acres of Land in Marshall County Was this day acknowledged before Me by the Said Wm WILLIAMS Jr. & by me Certified for Registration This 4th day of December 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk By John Elliott D.C.

Page 179

James B RECORD to Joseph DAVIS
To indentue & bargain & Salel of 133 1/2 acres of Land was this day acknowledged before me by the Said RECORD & by me certified for registration December 2nd 1839.
M. W. Oakley (clk

To indenture & bargain & Sale of 1 Town Lot in Farmington was this day acknowledged before Me by the Said RAMSEY and by me certified for registration December 6th 1839
M W Oakley (clk

Charles & Mary CALHOON To Thomas B FAVOR,
To Indenture & bargain & Sale of 7 acres of Land in Marshall County was this day acknowledged before me by the Said Charles and Mary CALHOON and by me certified for registration December 7th 1839.
M. W. Oakley (clk

Kelly LUCKETT & Co. to James Z.[Y.?] CAUDLE
To indenture & bargain & Sale a patent right for selling Threshing machines in Marshall County was this day proven before me by the oath of John HATCHETT and G. W. MOORE and by me Certified for registration December 12th 1839.
M. W. Oakley (clk

To deed trust for personal property was this day acknowledged before me
By the Said MITCHELL and by me Certified registration December 13th 1839.
M. W. Oakley (clk

James R BRYAN & Michael S. ANDREWS
To the same division deed of of 280 acres of Land was this day proven before me by the oath of the HILL & BILLS and by me certified for registration Februay 1st 1840
M. W. OALEY (clk

Page 180

Thos. ROSS & Simeon MARSH to Daniel BIVINS to Indenture & Bargain & Sale of 200 Acres of Land in Marshall County was this day acknowledged before Me by the Sd Thos. ROSS & Simeon MARSH & by me Certified for Registration This 14th December 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk By John Elliott D.C.

Jonathan GREEN to Wm I. ANDERSON
To indenture & bargain & sale of 96 acres of Land in Marshall County was this day proven before me by the oath of Joseph W. WINSTON & Jas. C. RECORD and by me certified for registration December 16th 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk

To indenture & bargain and Sale of 91 acres of Land in Marshall County was this day acknowledged before me by the Said ANDERSON & by me certified for registration December 16th 1839.
M. W. Oakley (clk

Joseph A. WRIGHT to Samuel WRIGHT
To bond to refund a tract of for 91 acres of Land was this day proven before me by the oath of W. I. ANDERSON & John HATCHETTT and by me certified for registration December 16th 1839.
M. W. Oakley (clk

Joseph B. HOLAND to Nathaniel BAXTER & James BAXTER to Deed in Trust for 160 Acres of land & personal property in Marshall County Was this day proven before Me by the Oaths of Jno. W. CAMPBELL & Simeon VENABLE & by me Certified for Registration This 17th day of December 1830
M. W. Oakley (clk By John Elliott D.C.

Page 181

William ALDRIDGE to Humphrey HARDISON
To Bargain & Sale in trust of 150 Acres of Land in Marshall Counnty Was this day proven before Me by the oaths of Thomas HARDISON & A. S. HARDISON & by Me Certified for Registration This 18th December 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk By John Elliott D.C.

Adam COLLINS & wife to Elijah HOOTON
To maintain & bargain and Sale of 40 acres of Land was this day acknowledged before Me by the Said COLLINS & wife and by me certified for registration December 27th 1837. [probably should be 1839]
M. W. Oakley (clk

To Bargain & Sale of personal property in Trust Was this day acknowledged before Me by the Said John N. GINNINGS & by me Certified for Registration This 25th December 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk By John Elliott D.C.

To maintain & bargain and Sale of 38 acres of Land in Marshall County was this acknowledged before me by the Said AUSLEY and by me certified for registration December 27th 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk

Wm. WILLIAMS Joel YOWEL & James C. RECORD to William COWDEN to Indenture & Bargain & Sale of 2 Lots in the Town of Lewisburg Was this day acknowledged before me by the Said Wm WILLIAMS Joel YOWEL & James C. RECORD & by Me Certified for Registration This 28th December 1830
M. W. Oakley (clk By John Elliott D.C.

Page 182

Wm. WILLIAMS Joel YOWEL & James C. RECORD to George W HAYWOOD to Bargain & Sale of One Lot in the Town of Lewisburg Was this day acknowledged before me by the Said Wm. WILLIAMS Joel YOWEL & James C. RECORD & by me Certified for Regisration This 28th December 1830
M. W. Oakley (clk By John Elliott D.C.

Wm. WILLIAMS, Joel YOWEL & James C. RECORD, to John R. HILL to Bargain & Sale of One Lot in the Town of Lewisburg Was this day acknowleged before Me by the Said Wm. WILLIAMS Joel YOWEL & James C RECORD & by me Certified for Registration This 28th December 1829
M W Oakley (clk By John Elliott D.C.

To indenture & bargain & sale of 125 acres of Land was this day acknowledged before me by the Said NEELY and by me certified for registration December 31st 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk

Azar COCHRAN to John B FOWLER to Indenture & Bargain & Sale of 33 acres of Land in Marshall County Was this day ackowledged before me by the Said Azar COCHRAN & By me Certified for Registration This 31st day of December 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk By John Elliott D.C.

Page 183

Abram BIVINS to Daniel BIVINS to Indenture & Bargain & Sale of 110 1/2 Acres of Land in Marshall County Was this day acknowldeged before me by the Sd Abram BIVINS & By me Certified for Registration This 31st December 1839
M. W. Oakley (clk By John Elliott D.C.

[page 183 continues in 1840]

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