Court Records: Probate of Deeds, Gifts & Bills of Sale, 1838

Court Records: Probate of Deeds, Gifts & Bills of Sale, 1838

Transcribed from Marshall County Probate of Deeds 1836-1840, TN State Library & Archives microfilim roll #A-2188 and contributed by Dana Hill in October, 2002

Explanatory note:  “Probate” in the context of these records does not mean an estate process was begin heard in the court session, although the instruments may have derived from an estate settlement.  “Probate” here means proven, or validated.  Someone personally represented to the clerk that the document brought in for registration was legitimate.  You will see similar references in early land transactions where the record says witnesses appeared in open court, and the instrument was ordered to be registered.

Transcriber’s notes:

Each entry is separate, with the source listed first. There were only page numbers on the first 3 pages.
A couple of pages were filmed twice, but I did not number them the same so that if you got a copy of the original you would have to count the pages you would [hopefully] get a copy of the desired page.

My comments are in [square brackets]
* = one character I couldn’t make out
— are — as they are in the film

Page 63 cont

To indenture & bargain & Sale of 85 acres of Land in Marshall County was this day acknowledged before me by E. B. SMITH and by me certified for registration. January 1st 1838
M. W. Oakley (clk

Edmund B. SMITH To Johnson CHADWELL
to indenture & bargain & Sale of 152 acers & 45 poles of land in Marshall County was this day acknowledged before me by Said SMITH & by me as such certified for regestration January 1st 1838
M. W. Oakley (clk

To Archibald McCONNEL, To indenture & bargain & Sale of one Lot in the Town of Lewisberg Marshall County was this day proven before me by the Oath of W. J. NOWLIN & Joseph DUNCAN & by me certified for registration Jan 2nd
M. W. Oakley (clk

To indenture & bargain & Sale of 140 acres of land in Marshall County was this day proven before me by the oath of Americus GIFFORD & William H. GARRET & by me certified for registration January 1st 1838
M. W. Oakley (clk

Page 64

Morgan CLATON & James H. DAVIS to Elias PALMER & Jessee LOVE
To indenture of bargain & Sale of 150 acres of Land in marshall County was this day proven before me by the oath of William HAYS & William COWDEN and by me certified for registration January 1st 1838
M. W. Oakley (clk

Morgan CLATON & James H. DAVIS To Elias PALMER & Jesse LOVE
To indenture & bargain & Sale of 100 acres of Land in Marshall County was this day proven before me by the oath of William HAYS & William COWDEN & by me certified for registration January 1st 1838
M. W. Oakley (clk

Joseph DUNCAN To Sterling CARROLL
To indenture & bargain & Sale of 70 acres of Land in Marshall County was this day acknowledged before me by Joseph DUNCAN & by me Certified for registration, January 1st 1838
M. W. Oakley (clk

Isaac MOORE To) William MARTIN
To indenture & bargain & Sale of 160 acres of Land was this day proven before me by the oath of William COWDEN & Jesse LOVE & by me certified for registration January 1st 1838
M. W. Oakley (clk

Sterling CARRELL to) Joseph WILSON
To indenture & bargain & sale of 31 acres & 132 polls of Land in Marshall County was this day ack before ny said CARRELL & by me Certified for registration January 1st 1838
M. W. Oakley (clk

Page 65

To indenture & bargan & sale of 50 acres of Land in Marshall County was this day proven before me by Samuel McCURDY & Samul BB APPLEBY & by me certified for registration Janury 3rd
M. W. Oakley (clk

William CAWLFIELD to Burgess HARDEN. Indenture and sale of thirty Acres of land in Marshall County proven by Francis K. RAMBO & Elias RAMBO, and by me certified for registration January 5th 1838
M. W. Oakley Clerk By D. MGAHEY DC

Samul ORMOND to Commissioners of the house establishment, Indenture & bargain & Sale of 72 1/2 acres of land in Marshall County was acknowledged by Said ORMAN & certified registration January 1st 1838
M. W. Oakley (clk

James BRECHEEN to James D. EWING Indenture & bargain & Sale of 32 acr3es and 28 polls of land in Marshall County was proven by Samuel McCURDY & Joel YARBOROUGH & by me Certified for registration Jan 4th 1838.
M. W. Oakley (clk

William ALLEN to Samuel McCURDY Indenture & bargain & Sale of 60 acres of Land in Marshall County this day proven by Joel YARBOROUGH & Sherwood W. BEATY & by me certified for registration January 4th 1838.
M. W. Oakley (clk

William ALLRED to SAmuel McCURDY Indenture & bargain & Sale of 25 acres of land in Marshall County was proven by Joel YARBOROUGH & Sherwood BEATY & by me Certified for registration January 4th
M. W. Oakley (clk

Page 66

William GARRETT to John F. HARDEN Indenture of Bargain & sale of 55 acres of Land in Marshall County was proven by Henry HARDEN & Burgess HARDEN & certified for registration January 6th
M. W. Oakley (clk

To indenture & bargain & sale of 20 acres of land in Marshall County was this day acknowledged before me by Said COOK & nby me Certified for registration January 22nd 1838
M. W. Oakley (clk

W. W. WEBSTER To Robert & Ledy [Lidy?] HILL Bill of Sale for his interest in Seven Negroes was this day acknowledeged before me by Sd WEBSTER & by me certified for registration January 26th
M. W. Oakley clk

Wade H. McCRORY to Levi G. PYLE Indenture and bargain & sale of Two sevenths of 227 Acres of Land in Marshall County acknowledged by Wade H. McCRORY, and Certified for registration January 27 1838.
M. W. Oakley Clk By D. McGAHEY DC-

John MORRIS To) James H. NEIL deed of trust for personal property was this day acknowledged before me by John MORRIS & by me certified for registration January 30th
M. W. Oakley (clk

Richard LONG To George W. OGLEVIE & others &C.
To indenture & gift for a **an of Land for a School house was this day proven before me by David C. CRISWELL & Gabriel LONG & certified for registration Jan 30th 1838
M. W. Oakley (clk

Page 67

To indenture & bargain & sale of 85 acres of Land in Marshall County was this day proven y Jeffrey BECK & by me as such certified for Registration January 31st 1838
M. W. Oakley (clk

To indenture & bargain & Sale of a undivided intrest in two tracts of Land was this day acknowledged before me by J W H BLACKWELL & by Me certified for registration January 31st 1838
M. W. Oakley (clk

To bill sale for personal property was acknowledgbed before me by J W H BLACKWELL and by me certified for registration January 31st 1838
M. W. Oakley (clk

Peter ALDRIDGE & wife Martha ALDRIDGE to Robert D. FRELAND to indenture bargain & sale of distribution share of 286 Acres of Land in Marshall County Acknowledged before me by the Peter & Martha ALDRIDGE, and by me certified for registration January 31. 1838. M W. Oakley Clk Distribution Share One tenth– by D. McGAHEY D.C–

Thomas H. HARDIN to James CLEEK to indenture, bargain & Sale of Sixty one Acres of land in Marshall County Acknowledged before me by Thomas H. HARDIN, and by me Certified for registration, February 5th 1838.
M. W. Oakley Clerk By D McGAHEY DC

Thomas H. HARDIN to John F. GLENN to Indenture bargain & sale of 60 Acres of land in Marshall County acknowledged before me by the Said Thomas H. HARDIN and certified for registration February 5th
M. W. Oakley Ck by D. McGAHEY DC

Page 68

Thomas H. HARDIN, to Francis K. RAMBO
To Indenture, bargain & Sale of 113 Acres of Land in Marshall County, was this day acknowledged before me by the Said Thomas H. HARDIN, and certified for registration. February 5.
M. W. Oakley Clk By D. McGAHEY DC

Hugh B. BIGHAM to Josiah DUNCAN to Indenture, bargain & Sale of 10 Acres of Land in Marshall County was this day acknowledged before me by the Said Hugh B. BIGHAM and certified for registration. February 5.
M. W. Oakley Clerk By D. McGAHEY DC

To indenture & bargain & Sale of 80 acres of Land in Marshall County was this day acknowledged before me by Ambrose WAKEFIELD and by me Certified for registration Feberay 6th
M. W. Oakley Clerk By D. McGAHEY DC

Hugh McMURRY to George A. HORN for the use of James EWING
To deed of trust of Personall property was this day proven before me by Newton CUMMINGS & James H. EWING & by me certified for registration Febuay 7th
M. W. Oakley (clk

John MOOR To) Susannah & Peter WILLIAMS
To indenture & bargain & Sale of 60 acres of land in Marshall County was proven by Isaac GARDNER & William WILKS and by me certified for registration Febuary 5th
M. W. Oakley (clk

Page 69

To indenture & bargain & sale of 52 acres of Land in Marshall County was this day acknowledged before me by Henry COLLINS & by me certified for Registration Febuay 5th
M. W. Oakley (clk

William TILMAN & Harry BRAY (to) William RHEA,
To indenture & bargain & Sale of 1 3/4 acres of Land in Marshall County was this day Acknowledged by Said TILMAN & BRAY & by me certified for registration, Febuay 5th
M. W. Oakley (clk

S. W. BEATY (to) Thomas WEAVER
To indenture & bargain & Sale of 26 acres of Land in Marshall County was this day acknowledged by S. W. BEATY & by me certified for registration Feb. 5th 1838.
M. W. Oakley (clk

To indenture & bargain & sale of 453 acres of Land in Marshall County was this day proven by the oath of Felix G. GIPSON & John H. CLAYTON & by me certified for registration Febuary 7th 1838.
M. W. Oakley (clk

Joab BUCKLEY to James H. PARK
To indenture & bargain & Sale of 126 acres of Land in Marshall County was this day proven by the Oath of William R. DAVIS & Joseph NICHOL & certified for registration Febuary 1838
M. W. Oakley (clk

Page 70

To indenture & bargain & sale of 60 1/2 acres of Land in Marshall County was this day acknowledged before me by Said CHISTOPHER & by me certified for registration Febuay 6th 1838
M. W. Oakley (clk

To indenture & bargain & Sale of 55 acres of Land in Marshall County was this day acknowledged by Said BILLS & by me certified for registration Febuary 6th
M. W. Oakley (clk

To deed of Gift of one Bureau one Feather Bed and Bed Stead & furnitue
To Marry Ann LOGAN and Two Beds and furnitue one cupboard one Clock one Loom two tables one Candle Stand one Looking Glass Six chairs one Kettle and one Pot to be equally divided among David M. John D. Tarlton L Francis M. and Benjamin T Dated 10th day of October 1836 was this day acknowledged by Said Jane And Daniel MORPHIS and certified for Registration February 9.
M W Oakley clk By W. Williams Jr. DC

Young M HUDSON to Mortgage Deed to A. B. HUDSON Junr. for one Gray Colt one Bay Colt Stock of Hogs Thirty Barrels of Corn one Spotted Cow one press Three Tables Two Stacks of Fodder one Shovel & pair Tongues Fire Irons four Chairs one Pot one oven one Skillet one Flax wheel Two Trunks one Candle Stand Eight Head Sheep one Barsteur[?] plow one Bull tongue one pair Gears one Mans Salddle one Side Saddle for Two hundred and Twelve Dollars to be paid

Page 71

[cont] by the 25 Dec. 1839 with interest there on date 3rd day of February
was this day proven by R. C. DABNEY and H B WADE Subcribing witnesses and by me certified for Registration February 9. 1838 M W Oakley Clk By Wm. Williams Jr. D.C.

Thos. I.[?] HEDDER to Ashley MOOR
To indenture & bargain & Sale of 121 3/4 acres of Land was this day proven before me by the oath of John R. B. JONES and William M. ORR and by me certified for registration Febuary 9th
M. W. Oakley (clk

Wm. H. PHILLIPS to N. J. P. SMITH Personal property one feather bed & boulster & two pillows one Sheet & one figured Counterpane–one Cherry Cloths Chest with two drawes one black & red Spotted Sow & one black Sow with white list[?] round her was this day acknowledged before me by Wm. H PHILLIPS & certified for registration Febuary 12th 1838
M. W. Oakley (clk

B. R. CHEEK to deed trust Jackson LIGGETT for the use of Hampton LIGGETT for personal property one bay mare one bone ass, two beds & steds, 1 cherry chest, one trunk, 1 foaling leaf table 40 head of Stock hogs 7 head of Cattle & one Loom was this day proven before me by the oath of John FIELD & David HUMPHREYS & certified for registration Febuary 13th
M. W. Oakley (clk

Page 72

William LEGGITT to John FEELEG[?]
To indenture & bargain & Sale of 50 acres of Land in Marshall County was this day acknowledged before me by William LEGGITT and certified for registration Febuary 13th 1838.
M. W. Oakley (clk

To indenture & bargain & Sale of 55 3/4 Acres of Land in Marshall County was this day acknowledged before my by Said CAPLE & certified for registration Febuary 13th 1838.
M. W. Oakley (clk

Jas. N. FORREST to Martin ADAMS
To indenture & bargain & Sale of one acre of Land in Marshall County was this day acknowledged before me by Said FORREST and by me certified for registration Febuary 14th 1838,
M. W. Oakley (clk

To deed of Trust one Town Lots in Lewisburg was this day acknowledged by Said KING & by me certified for registration Also two Sets of Black Smiths tools 3 beds & steds 6 chares & one Side Saddle, Febuary 17th
M. W. Oakley (clk

The Commissioners of Marshall County
To bargain Sale of one Town Lot in Lewisburg
To John CHRISTOPHER was this day acknowledged before me By Said Commissioners and certified for Registration Febuary 20.
M W Oakley Clk By Wm. Williams DC

Sarah BINGAMAN to Joel YOWEL Indenture and bargain Sale of Eighty acres of Land on McCERBYS fork

Page 73

of West Rock Creek acknowledged before me by Said Sarah BINGAMAN and by me Certified for Registration this 20th February
M. W. Oakley Clk By Wm. Williams D.C.

To deed of trust to personal property was this day acknowledged by said John F McCUTCHEAN and by me certified for Registration this 21st Febry
M. W. Oakley Clk By Wm. Williams D. C.

Commissioners of Marshall County to bargain Sale of one Town Lot in Lewisburg to G. W. BIRMINGHAM wast his day acknowledged before me by Said Commissioners and by me certified for Registration February 20
M W Oakley Clk By Wm. Williams D.C.

Commissioners of Marshall County to Willis M HOPWOOD R C DABNEY and Wm. F McGREGOR to bargain Sale of one Town Lot in the Town of Lewisburg was this day acknowledged before me and certified for Registration this 20th day of February
M W Oakley Clk By Wm Williams D. C.

Commissioners of Marshall County to James HARKNESS bargain Sale of one
Town lot in the Town of Lewisburg was this day acknowledged by Said Commissioners before me and by me certified for Registration this 20th day of February
M. W. Oakley Clk By Wm. Williams D. C.

Page 74

Hiram & Jane MURDOCK To John HUGHS
To indenture & bargain & Sale of 153 acres of Land was this day acknowledged by Hiram & Jane MURDOCK & by me certified for registration Febuary 21st 1838
M. W. Oakley (clk

To deed of Trust for one horse & one accorios[?] to one table one bureau one bed & furnitue one shugar chest & one set Chars was this day proven acknowledged before me by L. AMOS & by me certified for registration Febuary 23rd
M. W. Oakley (clk

R C PARK to Joseph MIES Deed of Trust for Personal property was this day acknowled before me by R C PARK and by me certified for Registration Febuary 24.
M. W OAKLY Clk By Wm. Williams D. C.

Thomas B. FAVOR to Martin ADAMS
To indenture & barain & Slae of one Lot in Chapelhill in Said County was proven by the oath of James N. FORREST & James M RIGS & by me certified for registration Febuary 24th
M. W. Oakley clk

To deed of Trust for personal property was this day acknowledged before me by John MORRIS & by me certified for registration February 26th
M. W. OAKLY (clk

Page 75

Samuel HILLIS to Levi HILLIS
To indenture & bargain & Sale of 68 17/160 acres of land in Marshall County was this day proven by the oath of J. W. DAVIS and Robert OSBURN and by me certified for registration Febuary 27th 1838.
M. W. Oakley (clk

Robert OSBURN To Joseph W. DAVIS
To indenture & bargain & sale of 17 1/10 acres of land in Marshall County was this day acknowledged before by Said OSBURN & by me certified for registration February 27th
M. W. Oakley (clk

Robert OSBURN to Levi HILLIS
Tol indenture & bargain & Sale of 14 acres of land in Marshall County was this day acknowledged by Said OSBURN & by me certified for registration February 17th
M. W. Oakley (clk

Wm. S CALEHAN Deed for 40 acres of Land executed to him by Alexander H. SWAN was this day proven before me and by me certified for Registration March 3. 1838 M W OAKLY Clk By Wm. Williams D.C.

Squire LARUE Deed for 52 1/2 acres of Land executed to him by Joel L HART and James HART was proven by H B BIGHAM and Wm D LAWHON the Subscribing witnesses and was by me certified for Registration on March 5.
M W Oakley Clk By Wm Williams DC

John S. PHILLIPS Deed for 53 acres Land executed to him by Sterling CARROLL was this day acknowledged before me by Said CARROLL and by me certified for Registration March 5.
M W Oakley Clk By Wm Williams DC

Page 76

Wm McCRORY Deed for 76 acres of Land Executed to him by W H SHORT J W. M. SHORT T H SHORT R W MOORE and Wife Pellcore was acknowledged before me by the bargainers and by me certified for Registration March 5,
M W Oakley Clk by Wm. Williams D. C.

A C GLENN Deed for 53 1/4 acres of Land Executed to him by James GLENN was this day acknowledged before me by Said James GLENN and by me certified for Registration March 7th
M W Oakley Clk By Wm. Williams D.C.

Ephraim HUNTER to George GLASCOK
To indenture and bargain & sale of 79 acres of Land in Marshall County was this day acknowledged by Said HUNTER & by me certified for registration Febuary 5th
M. W. Oakley clk

John PENN to Thos. GIBBON,
To indenture & bargain & sale of 185 acres of Land in Marshall County was this day proven by the Oath of Charles HOPPER and Joel YARBOROUGH and by me certified for registration March 5th
M. W. Oakley (clk

James LEEPER to Zachariah GANT
To indenture & bargain & Sale of 40 acres of Land in Marshall County was this proven before me by William LENARD and G. W. McBRIDE and by me certified for registration March 5th
M. W. Oakley (clk

To indenture & bargain & sale of 72 acres of Land in Marshall County was this day proven before me by by the oath of Lewis F. HOGG & Calvin HOGG and by me

Page 77

certified for registration March 5th 1838
M. W. Oakley (clk

James ADAMS Administrator to Wm WILLIAM Sr
To indenture & bargain & sale of 15 acres of Land in Marshall County was this day acknowledged before me by the Said ADAMS and certified for registration March 8th
M. W. Oakley (clk

George W. MOORE to Joel YOWELL
To indenture and bargain & sale of 200 acres of Land in Marshall County was this day proven before me by the oath of James A YOWELL & Thomas W SWIFT and certified for registration March 12th 1838
M. W. Oakley (clk

Josiah BRICHEEN deed to forty nine acres of Land executed to him by Daniel MORPHIS and his wife Jane MORPHIS was this day acknowledged before me and by me certified for Registration March 11th 1838 M W Oakley Clk By Wm. Williams D.C.

To indenture & bargain & Sale of 147 acres of Land in Marshall County was this day Acknowledged before me by James A. YOWELL and certified for registration March 12th 1838.—
M. W. Oakley (clk

Edmond BRADLEY to James W. BELL
To indenture & bargain & Sale of 110 acres of Land in Marshall County was this day acknowledged before me by Said BRADLEY & certified for registration March 13th
M. W. Oakley (clk

Page 78

Sarah BINGAMANS Deed to 80 acres of Land executed to her by Benj. BINGAMAN was proven by the oaths of Elisha GARRETT on the 20th Febry 1838 and this day H O GILMORE the Subscribing Witnesses and by me Certified for Registration this March 13.
M. W. Oakley Clk By Wm WILLIAMD D.C.

James JONES to Sprotty TURNER
To indenture & bargain & Sale of 133 1/3 acres of Land in Marshall County was this day acknowledged before me by Jams JONES & certified for regestration March 17th
M. W. Oakley (clk

To indenture & bargain & sale of one lot in the town of Farmington was this day acknowledged before me by Said WHITTHORNE and certified for registration March 21st 1838
M. W. Oakley (clerk

James EAKIN (to) H. W. LEGGITT,
To indenture & bargain & Sale of one Lot in the town of Farmington was this day proven before me by the oaths of W. J. WHITTHORNE and Robert EWING and certified for registration March 21st 1838
M. W. Oakley (clk

Josiah BRECHEEN deed to for 49 acres Land Executed to him by Daniel MORPHIS and his wife Jane MORPHIS was this day acknowledged before me and by me certified for Registration March 10th
M. W. Oakley Clk By Wm Williams D.C.

Page 79

Thomas H REVES & wife to J L STONE
To Mortgage & Sale of one negro boy Slave Robert was this day proven by the Oath of John HODGES and S. C. CHITWOOD and certified for registration March 23rd
M. W. Oakley (clk

John SMITH to John A DEBOW
To indenture & bargain and Sale of 74 acres of Land in Smith County was this day proven before me by the oaths of Enoch RUST one of the subscribing witness thereto & by me certified for registration March 24th 1838
M. W. Oakley (clk

To indenture & bargain & Sale of one negro boy named Peter was this day proven before me by the oath of Solomon MEADOWS & S. C. CHITWOOD and certified for registration March 26th
M. W. Oakley (clk

Samuel RADFORD Deed for 25 acres Land Executed to him by Wm. S MAYFIELD was this day acknowledged before me by the Said MAYFIELD and by me certified for Registration March 27
M W Oakley Clk By Wm Williams D.C.

To indenture & bargain & Sale of 421 acres of Land in Marshall County was this day acknowledged before me by Said PHELPS and certified for registration March 26th
M. W. Oakley (clk

Page 80

William LONDON to John LONDON
To indenture & bargain & Sale of 150 acres of Land in Marshall County was this day proven before me by the Oath of J C POWELL and John W RECORD and certified for registration. March 26th
M. W. Oakley (clk

Robt Williams Deed to 68 1/2 acres Land executed to him by Robt CANNON was this proven before me by the Oaths of Peter CARPENTER and A D ADAMS the Subscribing witnesses and by me certified for Registration
M. W. Oakley Clk By Wm Williams D.C

David RAMSEY Deed to 101 acres Land executed to him by Robt CANNON was this proven before me by the oaths of Peter CARPENTER and A D ADAMS the Subscribing Witnesses and by me certified for Registration M W Oakley Clk By Wm. Williams D.C

Lawson HARRY to Joseph CLEEK
To indenture & bargain and sale of 19 acres of Land in Marshall County was this day proven by the oath of George A HARBER and James J. MOOR and certified for registration this 27th day of March
M. W. Oakley (clk

William CLEEK to Ezekiel CLEEK
To indentur & bargain and Sale of 75 acres of land in Marshall County was this day acknowledged before me by Said William CLEEK and certified for registration. March 27th
M. W. Oakley (clk

Page 81

J. CLEEK to Charles HOPPER
To indenture & bargain and Sale of 19 Acres of Land in Marshall County was this day acknowledged before me by J CLEEK & certified for registration March 17th
M. W. Oakley (clk

Hugh A HALL Deed to 56 acres of Land executed to him by Robt CANNON was this day proven before me by the Oaths of Peter CARPENTER and A D ADAMS the Subscribing Witnesses and by me certified for Registration March 28
M W Oakley Clk By Wm Williams D.C.

A D ADAMS Deed to 34 Acres Land Executed to him by Robt CANNON was this day proven before me by the Oaths of Peter CARPENTER and David RAMSEY and by me Certified for Registration march 28.
M W Oakley Clk By Wm Williams D.C.

Benjamin MAYO to Isaac N RAINY
To deed of trust of Personal property for the use of W. R. WELLS was this day acknowledged before me by Said MAYO and certified for registration March 28th 1838.
M. W. Oakley (clk

Lawson HARRIS to Hiram HARRIS
To indenture and bargain and Sale of 102 of Land in Marshall County was this day proven before me by the oath of Joseph CLEEK and James J. MOSS. and by me certified for registration March 26th 1838
M. W. Oakley (clk

Page 82

To indenture and bargain and Sale of 80 acres of Land in Marshall County was this day proven before me by the oath of Joseph CLEEK and James J ALOP and by me certified for retistration March 26th
M. W. Oakley (clk

William McCALL to James H CATHY to indenture and bargain and sale of 100 acres of Land in Marshall County was this day proven before me by the oath of J H L NIEL and Zachus CATHEY and by me certified for registration for March 26th
M. W. Oakley (clk

Lawson HARRES to Joseph CLEEK
To indenture and bargain and Sale of 48 acres of Land in Marshall County was this day proven before me by the oath of Hiram HARRIS and Henry IVY and by me certified for registration

John LONDON to Joseph WILSON
To indenture and bargain and Sale of 30 acres of Land in Marshall Cty was this day acknowledged before me by John LONDON and by me certified for registration. March 26th
M.W. Oakley (clk

James GAMMILL ) to Samuel RADFORD
To indenture and bargain and Sale of 338 [238?] acres of Land in Marshall County was this day proven before me by the oath of Joseph H. BRITTIAN and L. BULLOCK and by me certified for registration. March 27th
M. W. Oakley (clk

Page 83

To indenture & bargain and Sale of 70 acres of land in Marshall County was this day proven by the oath of Joseph H. BRITTAIN & B. F. WHITWORTH and by me certified for registration March 26th 1838
M. W. Oakley (clk

To indenture & bargain & Sale of 50 acres of Land was this day acknowledged by said ADAMS and certified for registration April 2nd 1838
M. W. Oakley clk

William P. BOATRIGHT & other to R. D. FREELAND
To indenture and bargain and Sale of 286 acres of land in Marshall County was this day acknowledged by the parties and by me certified for registration April 5th 1838
M. W. Oakley (clk

Lydia HILL to R W HILL
To Bill sale of four slaves was this day proven before me by the Oath of James K WHITE & James HART and by me certified for registration April 7th
M. W. Oakley (clk

John RECORD to James B. & William A. RECORD,
To indenture and bargain and Sale of 133 acres of Land in Marshall County was this day proven before me by the oath of William TILMAN and William GREEN and certified for registration April 13th
M. W. Oakley (clk

To Bill Sale of Three Negroes was this day proven before me by the oath of Elijah MAYFIELD & David McGAHEY & by me certified for registration April 17th
M. W. Oakley clk

Page 84

To indenture & baregain and Sale of 171 acres of land in Marshall County was this day proven before me by the Oath of Wm. A BINNS & Elijah MAYFIELD and by me certified for registration April 17th
M. W. Oakley (clk

To indenture & bargain & Sale of 157 acres of Land in Marshall County was this day proven before me by the Oath of Wm A. BINNS & Elijah MAYFIELD and by me certified for registration April 17th
M. W. Oakley (clk

To indenture and bargain & sale of 9 acres of Land in Marshall County was this day proven before me by the oath of Wm A BINNS & L. R GARRETT & by me certified for registration April 17th
M. W. Oakley (clk

William L McCLARY to James LEGGETT
To indenture & bargain & Sale of 30 acres of Land was this day acknowledged before me by Said McCLARY & by me certified for registration April 20th 1838

Hugh A HALL to Thomas P ADAMS
To indenture & bargain & Sale of 56 acres of Land in Marshall County was this acknowledged before me by Said HALL and by me certified for registration April 20th
M. W. Oakley (clk

M. W. Oakley Deed of trust executed to him by R W McWHIRTER for personal property for the binefit of Sherwood W BEATY was this day acknowledged before me and by me certified for Registration April 28
M W Oakley clk By Wm Williams D.C

Abel GREEN to James C POWELL
To indenture & bargain & Sale of of 100 acres of Land in Marshall County was this day proven before me by the oath of B. F. HOUSTON and T. G. JACKSON and by me certified for registration April 30th 1838.
M. W. Oakley (clk

William KELLY to Edward KELLY Jr
To indenture & bargain & Sale of 100 acres of land in Sumner County was this day proven before me by the oath of Moss ONEAL & Horbard THORNE & by me certified for registration April 27th
M. W. Oakley (clk

Samuel APPLEBY Deed to 100 acres of Land executed to him by Joel YARBROUGH and his Wife Nancy YARBROUGH was this day acknowledged before me by the Said Joel and Nancy YARBROUGH and by me Certified for Registration May 1st 1838 M W Oakley clk By Wm Williams D.C

Racel CARTER to quit claim Deed for 50 acres Land to the Heirs of CARTER Dec was this day proven before me by the oaths of R W McWHURTER and G W FISHER Subscribing Witnesses and by me certified for Registration May 1st 1838
M W Oakley Clk By Wm Williams D.C.

Page 86

John M JONES Deed for 60 acres of Land executed to him by Branton McCASLIN was this day acknowledged before me by said McCASLIN and by me certified for Registration May 2nd
M W Oakley Clk By Wm Williams D.C.

John REED & Esther REED to ) Jesse STEGALL
To indenture & bargain & sale of 22 acres of Land was this day prove before me by the oath of John ELLERSON and B. W. NOWLEN & by me certified for registration May 4th
M. W. Oakley (clk

Robert GORDON’s Deed for 114 Acres of Land in Giles County executed to him by Mary KENEDY John W RECORD James C. RECORD John R HILL Thomas D KENEDY and John GORDON was this day proven before me by the Oaths of Brandon W COWDEN and Joseph N. COWDEN Subscribing witnesses and by me certified for Registration May 3rd
M W Oakley clk By Wm Williams DC

William COWDEN Deed to 106 1/2 acres Land in Marshall County executed to him by Mary KENEDY Thomas KENEDY John W RECORD James C RECORD John GORDON and John R HILL was this day proven before me by the oaths of Brandon W COWDEN and Josephus N COWDEN Subscribing witnesses and by me certified for Registration May 3rd
M W Oakley clk By Wm Williams D.C.

Page 87

John R HILL Deed for 227 Acres of of Land in Marshall County executed to him by John W RECORD James C RECORD Mary KENEDY Thomas D KENEDY and John GORDON was this day proven before me by the Oaths of Brandon W COWDEN and Josephus N COWDEN Subscribing witnesses and by me certified for Registration May 3rd
M W Oakley clk By Wm Williams D.C.

C W HAYWOOD Deed of Trust for persanally property executed to him by hardin DAVIS for the benifit of Hopwood DABNEY &Co was this day acknowledged before me by the Said Hardin DAVIS and by me certified for Registration May 5th
M. W. Oakley Clk By Wm Williams D.C.

James DUNCAN trust deed for Personal property executed to him by Samuel E NIX for the benefit of Shadrack WEAVER Jr was proven before me by the Oaths of Wm F McGREGOR and J D LAWHORN Subscribing Witness and by me certified for Reggistration May 5th
M W Oakley clk By Wm Williams D.C.

John WILSON Deed for 49 acres Land executed to him by D B BILLS was this day proven before me by the Oaths of Robert WILEY and C D WILLIAMS Subscribing Witnesses thereto and by me certified for Registration May 7th
M W Oakley clk By Wm Williams D.C.

Page 88

Edward BRAY Deed for 1 Town Lot executed to him by Joel YOWEL James OSBURN James C RECORD Wm William WILLIAMS Commissioners of Marshall County was this day duly acknowledged by Said Commissioners before me and by me Certified for Registration May 7th
M W Oakley Clk By Wm Williams D.C.

John H BILLS Deed 1 Town Lot executed to him by the Commissioners of Marshall County was this day acknowledged before me by said Commissioners and by me certified for Registration May 7th
M W Oakley Clk By Wm Williams D.C.

Wm. S. COCKRELL Deed of trust executed to him by James MERROTT for Personal Personal Property for the benefit of PARKS JONES & Co was this day proven before me nby the Oaths of Thomas ROSS and A P BRENT Subscribing witnesses there to and by me certified for Registration May 8.
M W Oakley Clk By Wm Williams D.C.

To indenture & bargain & Sale of 1 Lot in Farming was this day proven acknowledged before me by the Said McDOWELL & by me Certified for registration April 16th
M. W. Oakley (clk

Page 89

Presley T. COX To ) James M BOWDEN
To indenture & bargain & sale of 150 acres of Land in Marshall County was this day acknowledged before me by the Said COX and by me certified for registration May 7th
M. W. Oakley (clk

Robert CARUTHERS to Rebecca CARUTHERS deed to personal property was this day proven before me by the Oath of Allen N. McCORD and Ralph STEAGAL and by me certified for registration May 7th
M W Oakley (clk

Robert CARUTHERS to ) Rebecca CARUTHERS his wife deed to personal property was this day proven before me by the Oath of Allen N. McCORD and Ralph STEAGALL and by me certified for registration May 7th
M. W. Oakley (clk

Joel YOWEL Deed for 50 Acres of Land executed to him by Wm D ORR and Wm WILLIAMS Sr was acknowledged before me by Sd ORR on the 29 March Last and by the Sd Wm WILLIAMS on the 7th this (***) and this day certified by me for registration May 14
M W Oakley clk By Wm Williams DC

Robert BENTON Deed of Trust for Personal Property executed to him by Williams BURNS for the benefit of Franklin W BENTON was this day proven before me by the Oaths of H B WADE and John W STONE Subscribing witnesses thereto and by me certified for Registration May 14.
M W Oakley Clk By Wm Williams D.C.

Page 90

Lile A EWINGS Deed for 3 Town Lots in the Town of Farmington executed
To him by Allen LEEPER was this day acknowledged before me by Said LEEPER and by me Certified for Registration May 15th
M W Oakley clk By Wm Williams D.C.

Lile A EWINGS Power of Attorney executed to him by N F NEILL was this day acknowledged before me and by me certified for Registration May 16.
M W Oakley clk By Wm Williams D.C.

William TILMAN to Thos. NIX
To indenture & bargain & Sale of 40 acres of Land in Marshall County was this day acknowledged before me by the Said TILMAN and by me certified for registration May 19th
M. W. Oakley (clk

Daniel BIVIN Deed of trust on a Lease of 20 acres of Land executed to him by Jacob B. FOWLER for the benefit of John B. FOWLER was this day acknowledged before me by Said Jacob FOWLER and by me Certified for Registration this 19th day of May
M W Oakley clk By Wm Williams D.C.

John B TILLMON’S Power of attorney executed to him by James T TILLMON and Nancy TILLMON was this day acknowledged before me by the Said James T and Nancy TILLMAN and by me certified May 21st 1838
M W Oakley clk By Wm Williams D.C.

Page 91

Sterling CANNON Bill of Sale for one slave executed to him by James T TILMAN was this day acknowledged before me by said TILMON and by by me certified for Registration May 26
M W Oakley Clk By Wm Williams D.C.

Mathew N POWELL Deed for 52 1/4 acres of Land executed to him by Jams T. TILMON was this acknowledged before me by Said TILMON and by Me certified for Registration May 26
M W Oakley clk By Wm Williams D.C.

James W BELL Deed of Trust executed to him by William GARRETT for the benefit of Elisha GARRETT was this proven before me by Simeon GARRETT and [blank] GARRETT Subscribing witnesses there to and by me certified for Registration May 29
M W Oakley clk By Wm Williams D.C.

Wm O RUTLEDGE Mortgage on Personal Property executed to him by James T TILMAN was this day acknowledged before me by the Said James TILMAN and by me certified for Registration May 27
M W Oakley clk By Wm Williams D.C.

Levinston ANDERSON Deed for 23 acres of Land executed to him by Martin W Oakley was this day acknowledged before me by the Said Oakley and by me certified for Registration June 6th
M. W. Oakley clk By Wm Williams D.C.

Page 92

R L BROWN Deed for 222 1/2 acres of Land executed to him by S C CHITWOOD deed for 222 1/2 acres of Land executed to him by R L BROWN ws this day proven before me by the Oaths of Joab BAGBY and Harvy WELCH Subscribing witnesses there to and by me certified for Registration May 30th
M W OAKLY clk By Wm Williams DC

Nicholas N WELCH Deed for 222 1/2acres of Land executed to him by S C CHITWOOD was this day proven before my by the Oaths of R L BROWN and Harvy WELCH Subscbing witnesses there to and by me certified for Registration. May 30
M W Oakley clk By Wm Williams DC

Wm McGREGOR to Albert & Wm McREGOR to deed of gift of Personal property was this day acknowledged before me by William McGRECOR & by me certified for registration May 31st 1838
M. W. Oakley clk

Daniel B BILLS Deed for 1 town Lot executed to him by John HOOTON was this day acknowledged before me by the Said HOOTON and by me Certified for Registration June 2.
M W OAKLY clk By Wm Williams D.C.

Page 93

John HOOTEN Deed for 25 acres of Land executed to him by Daniel B BILLS was this day acknowledged before me by the Said BILLS and by me Certified for Registration June 2. 1838 M W Oakley clk By Wm Williams D.C.

John DYSART Deed for 46 1/2 acres of Land executed to him by W J WHETTHORNE was this day duly acknowledged before me by the Said WHITTHORNE and by me certified for Registration June 4 1838 M W OAKLY clk By Wm Williams D.C.

James B RUST to Wm D BALDRIDGE to deed of trust for personal property was this day proven before me by the Oath of William L. POWELL and Nathan POWELL and by me certified for registration June 4th
M.W. Oakley (clk

Greenville SMITH Deed of Trust in ***** Negroes executed to him by R W HILL for the benefit of James C RECORD and John R HILL was this day acknowledged before me by the Said Robert W HILL and by me certified by me for Registration June 5th
M W Oakley clk By Wm Williams D.C.

Minor heirs of James McGREGOR Deed of Gift executed to them by Amos PHELPS for personal Property was this day proven before me by the Oaths of R C DABNEY and W M HOPWOOD Subscribing witnesses there to and by me certified for Registration June 7th 1838 M W Oakley clk By Wm Williams D.C.

Page 94

Willis M HOPWOOD Robert C DABNEY and Wm F McGREGOR Deed for 2 Town Lots executed to them by Wm WILLIAMS Joel YOEL YOWELL and James OSBURN Commissioners of Lewisburg was this day acknowledged before me by the Said commissioners and by me certified for Registration June 8th
M W Oakley clk By Wm. Williams D.C.

Levi COCHRAN Deed for 1 town Lot executed to him by Wm WILLIAMS Joel YOWEL James OSBURN Commissioners of the Lewisburg was this day acknowledged before me by Said commissioners and by me Certified for Registration June 8th 1838 M W Oakley clk By Wm Williams DC

Levi COCHRAN Deed for 1 Town Lot executed to him by Wn WILLIAMS Joel YOWEL James OSBURN commissioners of the town of Lewisburg was this day acknowledged before me by Said commissioners and by me certified for Registration June 8th
M W Oakley clk By Wm Williams D.C.

J J BROWN bill of Sale of one Negro man executed to him by Nathan BAGBY was this day proven before me by the Oaths of H N COWDEN and T G ROSSON Subscribing Witnesses thereto and by me certified for registration June 9th
M W Oakley clk by Wm Williams DC

Page 95

Robert DAVIS Deed for 16 1/2 acres of Land executed to him by John PAXTON was this day acknowledged before me by Said PAXTON and by me certified for Registration June 9th 1838 M W Oakley clk By Wm Williams D.C.

D. TRUMAN to B. G. RAMSEY Bill of Sale for six negroes was this day proven before me by the oath of Claton ROGERS and A. F. LILLARD and by me certified for Registration August 6th
M. W. OAKLY, clk By Wm Williams D.C.

Page 96

Joel YOWEL Deed for one Town Lot in the Town of Lewisburg executed to him by Wm F MGREGOR Will HOPWOOD and R C DABNAY was this day acknowledged before me by Said bargainers and by me certified for Registration June 5th
M W Oakley clk By Wm Williams D.C.

Joel S HUGHS Deed for 2 acres of Land executed to him by John WEBB was this day acknowledged before me by the Said JOhn WEBB and by me certified for Registration M W Oakley clk By Wm Williams D.C.

Benj C BRINTLEY Deed for part of 1 town Lot in Farmington executed to him by Lile A EWINGS was this day acknowledged before me by the Said EWING and by me certified for Registration June 8th
M W Oakley clk By Wm Williams D.C.

William C HOLBROOKS Deed for 50 acres of Land executed to him by Robert McCRORY was this day acknowledged before me by the Said R. P[?] McCRORY and by me certified by me for registration M W Oakley clk By Wm Williams

Samuel ELLIOTT & Emely ELLIOTT to Joseph MORRIS to Bill of Sale of one Negro girl named Harriet was this day proven before me by the Oath of Solomon MEADOWS & James ELLIOTT and by me certified for registration June 4th
M. W. Oakley (clk

Moses PARK John R JONES & Joseph NICHOLS
To Joseph MORRIS, Bill Sale of one Negro Man named Andrw was this day proven before me by the oath of Wm COWDEN and Wm ROSSON and certified for registration June 4th 1838
M. W. Oakley (clk

Page 97

John M PARK to) Moses PARK
To indenture & bargain & Sale of 25 acres of Land in Marshall County was this day proven before me by James H. PARK and Joseph NICHOL and by me certified for registration June 4th
M. W. Oakley (clk

Jeremiah DOBBS to the heirs of John DOBBS to deed of Gift to personal property was this day acknowledged before me by the Said Jeremiah DOBBS and certified for registration. June 4th
M. W. Oakley (clk

James H. PARK to John M & George PARK
To indenture & bargain & Sale of 126 acrs of land was this day acknowledged before me by James H. PARK and certified for registration June 4th
M. W. Oakley (clk

Lawson H. RICKMAN to Zachariah MINTON
To indenture and bargain and Sale of 105 acres of land in Marshall County was this day acknowledg[rest of word in the binding] before me by the Said RICKMAN and by me certifi[rest of word in the binding] for registration June 4th
M. W. Oakley (clk

John W BINNS to Lawson H. RICKMA[rest of word in binding}
To indenture and bargain and Sale of 51 acres of land in Marshall County was this day proven before me by the Oath of Joseph H BRITTIAN and Aaron BOYD and by me certified for registration June 4th
M. W. OAKLY (clk

To indenture & bargain & Sale of 114 acres of land in Marshall County was this day acknowledged before me by the Said John BLACKWELL and by me certified for registration, June 4th
M. W. Oakley (clk

Page 98

To indenture and bargain and Sale of 60 acres of Land in Marshall County was this day proven by the Oath of Samuel RUST and Harris MOULDIN and by me certified for registration June 4th
M. W. Oakley (clk

Thomas J HALL to Lile A EWING
To indenture and bargain and Sale of 25 acres of Land in Marshall County was this day proven before me by the Oath of T. A. HALL and James EWING. and by me certified for registration June 4th
M. W. Oakley (clk

Abner HOUSTON to Martin W Oakley Bill of Sale for three negroes Jo, Ben, and Jo was this day acknowledged before me and by me certified for registration June 18th
M. W. Oakley, (clk

To indenture and bargain & sale of 1/2 land in Marshall County was this day proven before me by the oath of David McGAHEY and John ELLIOTT and by me certified for registration June 25th
M.W. Oakley (clk

Henry H REVES Bill of sale for a Boy slave named Nick executed to him by Gran RIVES was this day proven before me by the Oaths of E CAMPBELL & S C CHITWOOD and by me Certified for Registration July 13th
M W Oakley clk By Wm Williams D.C.

Page 99

Hanry H RIVES Bill of Sale for a man Slave named Asbury executed to him by Gran RIVES was this day proven before me by the Oaths of E CAMPBELL and S C CHETWOOD Subscribing witnesses thereto and by me certified for registration July 13th
M. W. Oakley clk By Wm. Williams D.C.

Hanry H REVES Bill of Sale for a man Slave named Albert executed to him by Green RIVES. was this day proven before me by the Oaths of E CAMPBELL and S C CHETWOOD Subscribing witnesses thereto and by me certified for Registration July 15th
M W Oakley clk By Wm. WILLIAM D.C.

Hanry H RIVES Bill of Sale for one Woman Slave Nancy and for Seven children named Liveley Ann Cornelus Eliza Susanna Wesley and Plesant and young child executed to him by Gran RIVES wwas this day proven before me by the Oaths of E CAMPBELL and S. C. CHITWOOD subscribing witnesses there to and by me Certified for registration July 13th
M W Oakley clk By Wm. Williams D.C.

Henry H RIVES Bill of Sale for a man SLAVE named Baker executed to him by Gran RIVES was this day proven before me by the oath of E CAMPBELL and S. C. CHITWOOD Subscribing Witnesses thereto and by me certified by me for registration July 13th
M. W. Oakley clk By Wm. Williams D.C.

Page 100

Henry H. REVS Bill of Sale for a boy Slave named Winfield executed to him by Green REVS was this day proven before me by the Oathes of E. CAMPBELL and S C CHITWOOD Subscribing Witnesses thereto and by me certified for Registration July 13th
M W Oakley clk By Wm Williams D.C.

Wm M RAINEY deed of trust in personal property for the benefit of Wright WILLIAMS executed to him by Richard C MYERS was this day proven before me by the Oaths of David McGAHEY and Wilson P DAVIS subscribing witnesses there to and by me certified for registration July 14th
M W Oakley clk By Wm Williams DC

Wm. D STONE Deed for one town Lot executed to him by W I WHITHORN was this day adknowledged befor me by the Said WHITHORN and by me Certified for Registration July 24
M W OAKLY clk By Wm Williams D.C.

Page 101

A H WOOD Bill of Sale for one Negro Girl Slave executed to him by John PATTON was this day acknowledged before me by the Said PATTON and by me certified for Registration July 26
M W OAKLY clk By Wm. Williams D.C.

John RAMSEY Deed of trust executed to him by W S WHITTHORNE for 179 Acres of Land 1 Town Lot 1 yoke of Oxen 4 head of cattle 5 Sows and Pigs A Sorrel Mare 7 Saddles and Bridle all his Beds and furnitur household and Kitchen furnituer was this day acknowldeged before me and by the Said WHITTHORNE and by me Certified for Registration on July 24th
M W OAKLY Clk By Wm. Williams D.C.

A. J. BLAKEMON Deed of Trust for 1 Horse Saddle 1 Sadle &C executed
To him by S B BOWLS was this day Acknowledged before me by Said BOWLS and by me certified for registration July 28th
M W OAKLY CLK By Wm Williams D.C.

Robert Williams Deed for 20 Acres of Land Executed to him by Robert A PATTERSON was this day acknowledged before me by Said PATTERSON and by me certified for Registration July 30.
M W OAKLY clk By Wm Williams D.C

John MILLER Deed for 80 Acres of Land Executed to him by Robert A PATTERSON was this day acknowledged before me by Said PATTERSON and by me certified for Registration July 30th
M W Oakley clk By Wm Williams D.C.

Page 102

Washington HUNTER Deed of Trust executed to him for 5 Negro Slaves to wit Washington Anthony Matilda Miles and Jacob by Henry A WOOD for the benefit of Solomon MEADOWS was this day proven before me by the Oaths of David McGAHEY and Wilson P DAVIS Subscribing witesses thereto and by me certified for Registration July 30th
M W OAKLY Clk By wm Williams D.C.

Narcissa A. and Robert W BAGBY Deed of Gift for personial Property executed to them by Anny G BAGBY was proven before me by the Oaths of A. C. ANDERSON on the 21st July 1838 and this day by Robert BIGGERS they being Subscribing witnesses there to and by me certified for Registration Aug 4th
M W Oakley Clk by WM. Williams D.C.

Enoch RUST Deed of Trust on Personal Property Executed to him by Sarry DUCKWOTH for the benefit of Samuel DUCKWORTH was this day proven before me by the Oaths of Peter H RUST and Wilson P DAVIS Subscribing witnesses thereto And by me certified for Registration August 4th
M W Oakley clk By Wm Williams D.C.

Purvines FOX Deed for 100 acres of Land Executed to him by Nathaniel MOOR was this day proven before me by the Oaths of John WEBB and Willie W CRAWFONE Subscribing witnesses thereto and by me certified for Registration Aug. 4th
M W OAKLY clk By Wm Williams DC

Dorcas WOODWARD Bill of Sale for one Negro boy named John Executed to her by S M YOWELL was this day acknowledged before me by Said YOWELL and by

Page 103

me certified for Registration Aug 4.
M W Oakley clk By Wm. Williams D.C.

John RICHEA Deed for 16 50/100 Acres of Land Executed to him by John R HILL was this day acknowledged before me by the Said HILL and by me certified for Registration Aug 4th
M W OAKLY clk By Wm Williams D.C.

James BIGGER deed for 100 Acres of Land Executed to him by Samuel WILSON was this day acknowledged before me by the Said Sam WILSON and by me Certified for registration August 6. 1838.
M. W. Oakley Clk A. true Copy—-

Jackson LEGGETT Dee of Trust executed to him by Nathaniel BROWN for 30 Acres of Land and other Personal property was this day proven before me by the Oaths of J M HARDESON and I H W DEARING Subscribing witness thereto and by me certified for Registration August 6th
M W Oakley clk By Wm Williams

Joseph H BRITAIN Deed of Trust on 116 Acres of Land and executed to him by Jane CHERRY for the benefit of WILLIAM & FARRAN was this day proven before me by the oaths of A F LILLARD and Lewis W HOGG Subscribing witnesses there to and by me certified for Registration August 6th
M W OAKLY clk By Wm Williams D.C.

Page 104

Washington HUNTER Deed for 80 114/160 Acres of Land executed to him by John CLARK was this day proven before me by the Oaths of William HUNTER and Loil C HOBBS Subscribing witnesses thereto and by me certified for Registration August 6th
M W OAKLY Clk by Wm Williams D.C.

George W. BERMINGHAM Deed for two Town Lots Executed to him by the Commissioners of Lewisburg was this day acknowledged before me by the said Commissioners and by me certified for Registration August 6th
M W Oakley Clk By Wm Williams DC

William WILLIAMS Sr. Deed for One Town Lot Executed to him by the Commissioners of Lewisburg was this day acknowledged before me by Said commissioners and by me certified for Registration August 6th
M W Oakley Clk By Wm Williams D.C.

To indenture and bargain & Sale of 58 acres of Land in Marshall County was this day acknowledged before me by Said ELLIOTT and by me certified for registration August 9th
M. W. Oakley (clk

To indenture & bargain & sale of 95 acres of Land in Marshall County was this day acknowledged before me by Said GIBBONS & by me certified for registration August 15th
M. W. Oakley clk

Page 105

John F BRYANT Deed for 50 acres of Land exected to him by Amos LONDON was this day proven before me by the Oaths of Wm WILKS and Berry MOORE Subscribing witnesses thereto and by me certified for registration Aug 20
M W Oakley Clk by Wm Williams DC

John F BRYANT Deed for 200 Acres of Land excuted to him by Amos LONDON was this day proven before me by the oaths of Wm WILKS and Berry MOORE Subscribing witnesses thereto and by certified for Registration August 20
M W Oakley Clk By Wm Williams D.C.

Wesley AUSBERYS Deed for 38 Acres of Land executed to him by Samuel J ELLIOTT was this acknowledged before me by Said ELLIOTT and by me certified for registration August 20th
M. W. Oakley clk By Wm Williams D.C.

John ANDERSON Deed for 90 Acres of Land executed to him by Nancy Sally Martha and Samuel FARRIS was proven before me by the oaths of Francis FINDLEY and Jesse DODD Subscribing certifis thereto and by me certified for Registration this 21st August
M. W. Oakley Clk By Wm Williams D.C.

John ANDERSON and James McCORMACK Deed for 150 acres of Land executed to them by Sally FARRIS and Martha FARRIS was this day proven before me by the oaths of Wm FINDLEY and Jesse DODD and by me certified for registration August 21.
M W Oakley clerk By Wm Williams D.C.

Page 106

John ANDERSON Deed for 70 Acres of Land executed to him by Samuel FARRIS was this day proven before me by the Oaths of Robert JOHNSTON and Thos CAMPBEL Subscribing witnesses thereto and by me Certified for Registration Aug 21. 1837 M W Oakley clk By Wm Williams D.C.

John ANDERSON Deed for 220 Acres of Land Executed to him by James McCORMACK was this day duly proven before me by the Oaths of Jonathan ANDERSON and William KIDD Subscribing witnesses thereto and by me Certified for Registration August 21st 1838
M W Oakley clk By Wm Williams DC

Joel DODD Deed for 65 Acres of Land exectuted to him by Sarah CARUTHERS was this day proven before me by the Oaths of Francis FINDLEY and Robert JOHNSTON Subscribing witnesses thereto and by me certified for Registration August 21st 1838
M W Oakley clk By Wm Williams D.C.

Henry TALLEYS Deed for 220 acres of Land executed to him by John ANDERSON was this day proven before me by the Oaths of David McGAHEY and Ambrose R LARWOODE Subscribing witnesses thereto and by me certified for Registration August 21st 1838
M W Oakley clk By Wm Williams D.C.

Wellis WHITE to William HUNTER
To indenture & bargain and Sale of 10 acres of Land was this day ackowledged before me by Said WHITE and by me certified for registration August 25th
M. W. Oakley (clk

Page 107

Willis WHITE to William HUNTER
To indenture & bargain and Sale of 40 acres of Land in Marshall County was this day acknowledged before me by Said WHITE and by me certified for registration August 25th
M. W. Oakley (clk

To indenture and bargain and Sale of 40 acres of Land in Marshall County was this day proven before me by the Oath of W. W. WHITE & John ACUFF and by me certified for registration August 25th
M W Oakley (clk

To indenture and bargain and Sale of 10 acres of Land was this day proven before me by the Oath of W. W. WHITE and John ACUFF and by me certified for registration August 25th
M. W. Oakley (clk

Joseph CANEER to Abner HOUSTON
To indenture and bargain and Sale of 60 acres of Land in Marshall Cty was this day acknowledged before me by the Said CANEER and by me certified for registration August 25th
M. W. Oakley (clk

Richard G. GRANT Deed of trust one a Lease for the benefit of John B. FOWLER was executed to him by Jacob B FOWLER was this day acknowledged before me by the Said Jacob FOWLER and by me certified for registration this 28 August
M W Oakley clk By Wm Williams D.C.

Page 108

Abner HOUSTON to Thos. D. CHEEK and F. E. HOUSTON)
To indenture and bargain and Sale of 200 acres of land was this day acknowledged before me by the Said Abner HOUSTON and by me certified for registration August 28th
M. W. Oakley (clk

Abner HOUSTON to Thos. D CHEEK and F. E. HOUSTON)
To bill sale of Six Slaves Negro slaves was this day acknowledged before me by the Said Abner HOUSTON and by me certified for registration August 28th 1838
M. W. Oakley (clk

To indenture and bargain and Sale of 268 acres of Land was this day ackowledged before me by Said HOUSTON and by me certified for registration August 28th
M. W. Oakley (clk

To bill of Sale for Seven Negro Slaves was this day acknowledged before me by the Said Abner HOUSTON & by me certified for registration August 28th
M. W. Oakley (clk

Samuel J. NOBLIN to Wm. MASON
To indenture & bargain & Sale of 87 1/2 acres of land in Marshall County was this day acknowledged before me by the Said NOBLIN and by me certified for registration August 28th
M. W. Oakley (clk

Page 109

William SMITH Bill of Sale for personal property executed to him by Abner HOUSTON was this day acknowledged before me by the Said HOUSTON and by me Certified for Registration this August 30th
M W OAKLY clerk by Wm. Williams D.C.

Thomas D. CHEEK deed of trust on 60 acres of Land in Marshall County executed to him by Abner HOUSTON for the benefit of Edwin C HOUSTON John RAMSEY John H. BILLS and Dorcas WOODWARD was this day proven before me by the Oaths of Isaac M DAVIS and Thomas G SEETON and by me certified for Registration August 30th
M W Oakley clk By Wm Williams DC

Thomas D. CHEEK and Fredrick E HOUSTON bill of Sale for Personal property executed to them by Abner HOUSTON was this day proven before me by the Oaths of Isaac M DAVIS and Thomas G SEETON Subscribing witnesses thereto and by me certified for Registration August 30th
M W OAKLY clk By Wm Williams D.C.

Richard WILLES Deed of Trust on personal property executed to him by Robert RICHIE for the benefit of John RICHIE Jr was this day acknowledged before me by Said Rob RICHIE and by me certified for Registration Sept 7th
M W Oakley Clk By Wm Williams D.C.

Page 110

John M PATRICK and Simeon MARSH Deed of Trust on five town Lots and five Slaves executed to them by by Wm MARSH was this day acknowledg before me by Said MARSH and by me Certified for Registration Sept 11th
M W Oakley clk By Wm WILLIIAMS D.C.

John W RECORD Deed of Trust for five town Lots in Lewisburg also 7 [may be “2”] Negroes for the benefit of Simeon MARSH was this day acknowledged before me by the Said Wm MARSH and by me Certified for Registration Sept 11th
M W Oakley clk By Wm Williams D.C.

William BARON Deed for 116 acres Land executed to him by Lenard H TURTLY was this day acknowledged before me by Said TURTLY and by me Certified for Registration Sept 12.
MM W Oakley Clk by Wm WILLIIAMS D.C.

George W. HANBY to Harden HANBY
To indenture and bargain and Sale of 55 acres of Land in Marshall County was this day proven before me by James WALKER and James PATTERSON and by me certified for registration Sept 14th
M. W. Oakley (clk

E. A. PATTON to John LAWS as tustee to deed of trust for one Negro Girl was this day acknowledged before me by Said PATTON and by me certified for registration Sept 17th
M. W. Oakley (clk

Page 111

Benj Williams Deed of Trust and the books Notes &C of the Firm of KILSEY & HOUSTON executed to him by H. [?] B. KILSEY and Abner HOUSTON was proven before me by the Oaths of N BRITEN on this this Just and Wm A HOUSTON on this day Subscribing witnesses thereto and by me certified for Registration this 14th day of September
M. W. Oakley clk By Wm Williams DC

James BILL Deed of Trust on one tract of Land in marshall County and District 2 or 3 executed to him by Joel DODD for the Benefit of Rot JOHNSTON was this day proven before me by the Oaths of David McGAHEY and Wilson P DAVIS Subscribing witnesses thereto and by me certified for registration September 17th
M. W. Oakley clk By Wm Williams D.C.

Lorenzo B ANDERSON deed of Trust of personal property Executed to him by James H NEIL for the Benefit of Jepart Z McCLURE was this day acknowledged before me by the said James H NEIL and by me Certified for registration September 19
M. W. OAKLY (clk

James H NEIL to John RAMSEY
To deed of trust for one Lot in Farmington Marshall County was this day acknowledged before me by Said NEIL & by me certified for registration Sept 19th
M W Oakley (clk

Page 112

James H. NIEL to A. E. McCLURE
To deed of trust for personal property was this day acknowledged before me the Said Niel and by me certified for registration Sept 19th
M. W. Oakley (clk

Heth[?] M. PATTERSON Deed of Trust to George H ALLEN of [blank] Acres of land for the benefit of George CATHEY proven by Zachius CATHEY & Thomas ROSS Subscribing witnesses and Certified for registration M. W Oakley Sept 25 1838 B. D McGAHEY

Harrison O. GILLIAM to Deed for 120 Acres of Land to John L. HARRIS was this day proven before me by the Oaths of James PATTERSON & James PATTON Subscribing Witnesses and Certified for Registration Oct 1st 1838
M. W. Oakley clk

G. CATHEY Deed for 40 Acres of Land Executed to him by S. WINSTED was this day acknowledged before Me by Said S. WINSTED and by Me Certified for Registration October 1st 1838
M. W. Oakley (clk

John McLEAN Deed to 10 Acres of Land Executed to him by Robert H. ADAMS was this day acknowledged before Me by Said ROBERT N. ADAMS & by me Certified for Retistration this October 1st 1838
M. W. Oakley (clk

Page 113

John R MOORE Deed to 40 Acres of Land Executed to him by Andrew LAIRD was this day acknowledged before Me by Said Andrew LAIRD and by Me Certified for Registration this 1st October
M. W. Oakley (clk

Mary STREET Deed for 30 acres of Land Executed to him by Moses & Sosan WILSON was this day proven by the Oaths of H. O. GILLIAMS & W. R. WELLS Subscribing Witnesses and by me Certified for Registration this 1st October
M. W. Oakley (clk

John R. MOORES Deed for 100 Acres of Land Executed to him by R. P. GLENN Was this day proven by the Oaths of A. LAIRD & John H. MOORE Subscribing Witnesses and by me Certified for Registration This 1st October
M. W. Oakley (clk

Samuel M. WATSONS Deed for 120 Acres of Land Executed to him by Robert L. FULLERTON was this day proven by the Oaths of Ezekiel HOGGE & Lewis RING Subscribing witnesses and by Me Certified for Registration this October
M. W. Oakley (clk

Dorcus WOODWARDS Deed for 47. Acres of Land executed to her by Jesse M YOWELL was this acknowledged by the YOWEL and by me Certified for Rigistration 34d October
M. W. Oakley Clk By Wm Williams DC.

Page 114

C. N. *HIRER Deed for 180 Acres, Conveyed to him by John CHADWEL & William CHADWELL was proven by D. CHADWELL, A. W. R. WELLS Subscribing witnesses thereto and by me Certified for registration October 3.
M W. Oakley Clk By Wm Williams DC.

Lile A. EWING, Deed fo 7 Acres a few poles, Conveyed to him by Ann NEIL proven by Felix EWING and James N HUNTER Subscribing Witnesses thereto and was by and Certified for registration October 1st 1838
M W Oakley Clk By Wm WILIAMS DC.

Squire Williams Deed for 17 Acred conveyed to him by Hardy BROWN, was acknowledged by Said BROWN before me & by me Certified for registration
M. W. Oakley Clk By Wm Williams DC-

Phillip WALLERS Deed for 218 Acres, conveyed to him by Morgan FITZPATRICK was acknowledged by the Said FITZPATRICK and by me Certified for rgistration October 3.
M. W. Oakley Cks by Wm Williams DC

Ashley MOORES Bill of Sale for a Man Slave Executed to him by Demey POWEL was this day proven by the Oaths OF F F DYER & Jno. R B. JONES Subscribing Witnessess and by Me Certified for Regestration this 1st October
M W Oakley Clk By Wm. Williams D.C.

Page 115

Thomas WEAVERS Deed for 41 acres of Land Executed to him by David GREEN and was this day acknowledged Before Me & By me Certified for Registration This 1st October
M W Oakley clk By Wm Williams D.C.

Wm M ORR Deed for 123 1/2 Acres of Land executed to him by Thomas PARKS was this day acknowledged before me by Said PARKS and by Me certified for Registration October 5th
M. W. Oakley clk By wm. Williams DC.

Wm S CALEHAN Deed for 62 acres Land executed to him by S J ELIOTT was this day acknowledged before me by Said ELIOTT and by me certified for Registration Oct 6.
M. W. Oakley Clk By Wm Williams DC

Moses GAMNUL Deed for 94 acres Land executed to him by James BIDWELL was this day proven before me by the Oaths of Phillip MOSSES and Wm OGLISBY the Subscribing witnesses thereto and by me Certified for Registration Oct. 6.
M W Oakley clk By Wm Williams DC

Moses GAMMBL Deed for 50 Acres of Land executed by Asa OBILSBY was this day proven before me by the Oath of Wm OGLISBY a Subscribing witness there to and the hand writing of Jas. GAMNEL the other Subscribing witness was proven by the Oaths of Phillip MOSES and Wm Oglisby and by me Certified for Registration Oct 6.
M W Oakley clk By Wm Williams D.C Page 116

Jones COLLINS Deed for 114 Acres of Land Executed to him by Wm McCRORY this day acknowledged before me by Said McCROREY and by me certified for Registration this 8th October
M W Oakley CLK By Wm Williams DC

William McCROREY Deed for 169 acres Land executed to him by John HUEY was this day proven before me by the Oaths of David McGAHEY and Asa HOLLAND Subscribing Witnesses thereto and by me certified for Registration Oct 8th
M W Oakley clk By Wm Williams D.C.

John ROSSEN Deed of trust executed to him by James BOON for personal property for the benefit of Hopwood DABNEY &Co was this day acknowledged before me by Said BOON and by me Certified for Registration this 9th Oct.
M W Oakley clk By Wm Williams D.C.

Wm APPLEBY deed of trust executed to him by Richard MITCHELL on personal was this day acknowledged before me by the Said MITCHELL and by me certified for Registration this Oct 13
M W OAKLY clk By Wm Williams D.C.

Nathaniel T MOORE Deed for 268 acres of Land executed to him by Wm S SMITH was this day acknowledged before me by Said SMITH and by me certified for registration October 17th
M W Oakley clk by Wm Williams D.C.

Page 117

A. F MEADOWS Deed of trust Executed to him by Wm S SMITH and Wm B ANDERSON on personal property for the benefit of Nathaniel T. MOORE and Francis J SMITH Samuel DAVIS & James OSBURN was this day acknowledged before me by the Said SMITHS and and ANDERSON and by me certified for registration October 17th
M W Oakley clk By Wm Williams D.C.

Nathaniel T MOORE Deed for 200 Acres Land executed to him by Thos. D. CHEEK and F. E. HOUSTON was this day proven before me by the Oaths of S VINABLE and A F MEADOWS Subscribing witnesses thereto and by me Certified for Registration this 17th October
M W Oakley clk By Wm Williams D.C.

Levi COCHRAN Power of attorney executed to him by Thos D CHEEK was this day proven before me by the Oaths of Daniel BIVIS and Eli STEEL Subscribing witnesses thereto and by me certified for Registration Oct 24.
M W Oakley clk By Wm Williams DC.

James O STILLWELL Deed for 56 acres of Land Executed to him by Eli CHEEK was this proven before me by the Oaths of David McGAHEY and James BROWN Subscribing witness thereto and by me Certified from registration Oct 29.
M W OAKLY CLK By Wm Williams DC

Page 118

Robert BROOK Bill of Sale for one Negro man Slave executed to him by S C CHITWOOD was this day acknowledged before me by Said CHITWOOD and by me Certified for Registration Oct 16th
M W Oakley clk By Wm Williams DC

J * L BEARD Deed for 200 Acres of Land executed to him by John S REED attorney for Josiah REED was this day proven before me by the Oaths of Jas PATTERSON and Mathew MOORE Subscribing witnesses thereto and by me certified for registration Nov 1st 1838
M W Oakley clk By Wm Williams DC.

Elizabeth STRINGFELLOW Deed for 207 acres of Land executed to him by Samuel REED attorney for James REED Robert REED Hugh REED Henry REED William REED and Margaret FULLERTON was this day proven before me by the Oaths of James PATTERSON and Mathew MOORE Subscribing witnesses thereto and by me certified for Registration Nov 1st 1838
M W Oakley clk By WM Williams D.C.

Joshua NIELIEL Deed for 105 acres of Land executed to him by Simeon MARSH was this day proven before me by the Oaths of S W COCKRELL and I G E ARMSTRON Subscribing witnesses thereto and by me Certified for registration Nov 1st 1828 M W OAKLY clk By Wm Williams D.C.

Page 119

Jonathan MOOR [MOON?] to John LIPSCOMB to indenture & bargain & sale of 8 1/2 acres of Land in Marshall County was this day proven by the Oath of Berry MOOR [MOON?] & Amos LONDON and by me certified for registration November 5th
M. W. Oakley (clk

Levy PYLE to William McKNIGHT
To indenture and bargain & sale of 52 acres of Land was this day acknowledged before me by Said PYLE & certified for registration Nov 5th
M. W. Oakley (clk

Wm J NOWLIN Deed for 1 town Lot Executed to him by Nathaniel T MOOR was this day acknowledged before me by Said MOOR and by me certified for Registration Nov 9th
M W OAKLY clk By Wm Williams D.C.

Isaah MORTON deed of gift for 4 negroes Executed by him to Nany M STONE John W. STONE Elezabeth Anne STONE, Maria Louisa TONE was this proven before me by the Oath of James P SMITH and Wm H. HART and by me certified for registration Nov 13th
M W Oakley (clk

Page 120

Wm D. STONE to Bennet PYLAND
To indenture & bargain and Sale of of one Lot in the twon of Farmington was this day proven before me by the Oath of Benjamin C PYLAND and William PYLAND and by me certified for registration Nov 9th
M. W. Oakley (clk

James G HARRIS Deed for 54 Acres of Land Executed to him by Jean MORTON was this day proven by the Oaths of John VINCENT and Laudson ARNOLD Subscribing witnesses there to and by me Certified for registration Nov 21.
M W. Oakley clk by Wm Williams D.C.

John VINCENT Richard WILKES Calvin H HOLT Thos GARRETT and Wm WILDES School Trustees Deed for 3 acres of Land Executed to them by Jesse MORTON was this day proven before me by the Oaths of Lindsey ARNOLD and James G. HARRIS Subscribing witnesses there to and by me certified for Registration Nov 21st 1838
M. W. Oakley By Wm Williams D.C.

Sarah WILSON to William N. CATHEY
To indenture & bargain & sale of 100 acres of land in Marshall County was this day proven before me by the oath of George CATHEY & Samuel WILSON & by me Certified for registration this 27th day of November
M. W. Oakley (clk

Page 121

To indenture & bargain & sale of one Town Lot in Lewisberg was this day acknowledged before me by Said HARKNESS & by me certified for registration November 28th
M. W. Oakley (clk

To indenture & bargain & sale of 40 acres of Land in Marshall County was this day proven before me by the Oath of Mary MEEK Susannah WILSON and Jam PATTERSON and by me certified for registration Nov 27th
M. W. Oakley (clk

Wm D STONE to Richard B LONG deed of trust was this day proven before me by B. W. NOWLIN and A. S. PUTMAN and by me certified for registration Novwember 28th
M W Oakley (clk

William M. ORR to William HUGHES
To indenture and bargain and Sale of 106 acres of Land in Marshall County was this day acknowledged before me by the Said ORR and by me certified for registration November 28th
M. W. Oakley (clk

Page 122

A. P. BRENTS to Thomas NIX
To indenture and bargain and Sale of 18 acres of Land in Marshall County was this day acknowledged before me by Said BRENTS and by me Certified for registration, December 4th
M. W. Oakley (clk

Jessee J. BOYT Hezekiah CHUN & Elizabeth CHUN to John F. BOYT [large blank space]

James W BILL to Hugh A HALL
To indenture and bargain & Sale of 111 acres of Land in Marshall County was this day acknowledged before me by the Said BILL and by me certified for registration December 3rd
M. W. Oakley clk

John F. BOYT to Jessee J BOYT Hezekeah CHUN & wife [large blank space]

Commission of Lewisburg to H A HALL
To indenture and bargain and Sale of on town lot in Lewisburg was this day acknowledged before me by Said commissioners and by me cirtified for registration Dcer. 3rd.
M. W. Oakley (clk

Page 123

Cordall SHUFFIELD & others to John SHUFFIELD
To indenture & bargain & sale of 150 acres of Land in Marshall County was this day proven before me by the oath of John A SHUFFIELD & William LITTLE and by me certified for registration Decr. 3rd
M. W. Oakley (clk

Thos. C. McCRACKEN to Martin BARNES
To indenture & bargain and Sale of 222 acres of Land in Marshall County was this day proven before me by Leve HARRIS and John P DAVIS and by me certified for registration Decr. 3rd
M. W. Oakley (clk

Harris DARK to John ALDREDGE
To indenture & bargain & Sale of 44 acres of Land was this day proven before me by A. O. OLLERSON & Tillman LARU and by me certified for registration December 3rd
M. W. Oakley (clk

To indenture & bargain & Sale of 263 acres of Land was this day proven before me by John ALDREDGE and Wm CHADWILL and by me certified for registration Dcr. 3rd
M. W. Oakley (clk

To indenture & bargain and Sale of 6 acres of Land in Marshall County was this day acknowledged before me by the Said RECORD and by me certified for registration December 12th
M. W. Oakley (clk

Page 124

To indenture & bargain and Sale of 62 acres of Land was this day proven before me by the oath of Willis HOPWOOD and William H WOODS and by me certified for regestration December 15th
M. W. Oakley (clk

The commissioners to Joel YOWELL
To indenture and bargan and Sale of one lot in Lewisburg was this day proven before me by Wm J. NOWLIN and John ELLIOTT aand by me certified for regestration December 15th
M. W. Oakley (clk

To deed trust for personal property was this day acknowledged before me by the Said HAISLIP and by me certified for registration December 18th
M. W. Oakley (clk

John APPLEBY to J A T HIGHTOWER to deed trust for personal property was this day acknowledged before me by the Said APPLEBY and by Me certified for regestration December 18th
M. W. Oakley (clk

To indenture and bargain and Sale of 70 acres of land in Marshall County was this day acknowledged before me by the Said BIGHAM and by me certified for registration December 22nd
M. W. Oakley clk

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