David Ramsey Will (1844)

David Ramsey Will (1844)

Marshall County Will Book A, page 70

I David Ramsey of the county of Marshall and State of Tennessee do make and publish this my last will and testament revoking making void all other wills by me at any time made.

First I desire that my funeral expences and all my debts be paid as soon after my death as possible out of any moneys that I may die possessed of or may first come into the hands of my Executors.

2ndly. as my Brother John Ramsey and myself are hoint partners in nearly all the property we both possess I nominate and appoint him my Executor.

3rd. as our business has been of long standing and will be difficult to arrange and manage my will and desire is that he be allowed two years to manage and arrange said business in any manner he may think best in order to bring it a close and that he be not required to under any schedule or inventory of any property only what may be in his hands at the end of two years after paying all demands that may be against us jointly –

4thly. my will and desire is that all the right title claim and intrest that I have in a Couloured man slave named Harry be vested in John and Samuel Ramsey with this express understanding that they will Emancipate his as soon as practicable and that they allow him a reasonable compensation for his services during the time It may be necessary to hold him in bondage.

5thly. my will and desire is that my Executor be allowed to sell my property real or personal that we may be possessed of in any manner that he may think best

6thly. I will and bequeath all my property both real and personal that man be left after paying all claims against me to my beloved wife and dear children to be equally divided between all of them that may be living at the time the business is wound up.

7thly. my will and desire is that my Executor John Ramsey be appointed Guardian for my dear children, in witness whereof I do to this my last will and testament set my hand and seal this 24th day of September 1844. David Ramsey (Seal)

Witness:W. G. Mackey, H. A. Hall

State of Tennessee
Marshall County. County Court Dec term 1844.

Personally appers in open court W. G. Mackey and H. A. Hall subscribing withnesses to the foregoing will who bing first sworn here in open court, proved the due Execution of said will as the law direts. It is therefore ordered by the court that said will be entered of record.

Witness my hand at office this 2nd. day of December 1844. M. W. Oakley, Clk

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