Samuel McCall Will (1833)

Samuel McCall Will (1833)

Marshall County Will Book A, page 22

In the name of God amen, I Samuel McCall of the County of Bedford and State of Tennessee being weak in body, but of perfect mind and memory and calling to mind the mortality of man knowing it was apointed for all men to die. And after death to appear at Judgement and also having in mind the wordly estate wherein God hath been pleased to bless me with do make and ordain, this my last will and testament. Revoking all others –

First of all I commend my sole into the hands of the living God who gave it –

Secondly my body to be buried in a Chritian like manner at the discretin of my Executors.

Then I desire that all my Just debts be puctually paid

Secondly all my house hold and kitchen Funiture together with all my perishable property to be and remain for the use of my dear beloved wife Elizabeth McCall during her natural life or widowhood to assist her in raising and maintaining my children as also the use and benefit of my Land

also I devise that my much Esteemed Sister in law Hannah Pickens may have a particular interest in the use and benifit of my estate while she remains single. But should my Elizabeth McCall think proper to enter a second marriage or die then I devise the following disposition to be made of my property my household and kitchen Furniture and all my perishable Property to be divided equally between my three daughters but in case my wife should enter into a second marriage then and in that case I desire her to have an equal part with my three daughters of the personal estate as mentioned before.

lastly I devise the tract of land to be and remain for the use of the family particularly my wife during her natural life or widowhood at her decease or marriage to be for my son James McCall –

I Furthur appoint my well beloved wife Elizabeth McCall and James Bellington my Executors to this my last will and testament in witness whereof I have set my hand and seal this 23rd day of October 1833.

Samuel McCall (Seal)

Witness: James Y Green his mark
Richard Veneble (Jurat)

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