Muster Roll of Company “G.,” Third Tennessee Regiment.

Muster Roll of Company “G.,” Third Tennessee Regiment.

Company “G” Third Tennessee Regiment, organized at Cornersville for the Confederate service

     Calvin H. Walker Captain, elected Colonel at reorganization.
     J. S. Walker, Captain.
     E. C. L. Bridges Lieutenant
     Alfred Jones, Lieutenant;  captured at Donelson, escaped
from Camp Chase and afterwards made Surgeon of the 17th Tennessee
  Other lieutenants–J. A. Ralston, E. W. Harmond, J. B.
McCandless, Calvin J Orr

  Seargents–Thomas H. Chiles, G. W. Taylor, W. M. Dabney, J. M. 
Clayton, T. J. McMahon, J B Orr, Levi Eslick, J A McMahon.

  Corporals–W. S. King, Robt Kincaid, J. F. Freeman, W. A.
Martin,E. C. Chaffin, W. B. Chiles, J. H. Burgess.

  Musicians–E. Anderson, L. Paxton.

W. V. S. Bearden,  Robt. Boyett,
G. B. Burgess,     J. C. Burgess,
H. L. Burgess,     Jas. Chiles,
W. G. Collins,     Jeff. Compton,
W. R. Copps,       P. J. Cox,
Thos. Clift,       W. R. Cook,
W.P. Clift,        J. B. Doss,
J. H. Dabney,      J. D. Davenport,
A. C. Davis,       T. H. Davenport,
B. F. Emberson,    W. C. Erwin,
J. P. Ezell,       W. H. Franks,
W. A. Foster,      W. F. Foster,
John Freeman,      S. L. P. Garrett,
W. T. Garrett,     R. P. Griggs,
Y. M. Griggs,      J. P. Holly,
W. T. Hamlin,      W. F. Hays,
J. A. Harris,      J. M. Hudson,
Wm. Hobbs,         J. M. Jackson,
W. R. James,       D. L. Kimbrough,
D. W. Kincaid,     L. B. McClure,
P. J. Marsh,       J. J. Mautlo,
F. S. McClelland,  H. L. Meny,
J. P. McMillon,    B. F. McGaugh,
J. A. McMahon,     S. H. McCanless,
John Nevils,       Jas. McMullins,
C. R. Orr,         J. B. Orr,
J.  L. Park,       J. F. Porch,
D. B. Phillips,    J. M. Park,
B. F. Powers,      J. B. Parsens,
J. B. Rodgers,     J. A. Paxton,
G. F. Rhodes,      G. M. Rothrock,
F. M. Rhea,        J. A. Rhodes,
Monroe Roberts,    Thos. Roberts,
G. W. Rainey,      T. J. Rainey,
John Silas,        E. H. Smith,
Bryant Swinea,     Richard Smoot,
Mathew Tucker,     John Taylor,
T. Y. Vancleave,   G. H. Ussery,
W. P. B. Wade,     John  Woodard,
Major Wiiliams     W. P. Williams,
W. W. White,       W. A. Whitaker,
C. M. Whitaker,    C. L. Williams,
J. H.  Wood,       A. A.Young,
          Thos. Young.

J. S. M. Beaver,   P. G. Bevils,
M. D. Clayton,     W. L. Clsvton,
J. D. Dominy,      F. J. Foster
R. A. Goodnight,   J. P. McWilliam,
J. R. Nance,       W. J. Newton,
W. W. Orr,         T. J. Rodgers,
Noah Roberts,      J. B. Taylor,
J. H. C. Taylor,   Jesse Webb,
Wm.  Webster.      J. B. Jones,

On the reorganization Capt. C. H. Walker was made Colonel of the
Regiment and was in command, till he was killed near
Marietta, Ga. The Company after the reorganization was letter
It had the following casualties in the battles named:
    Chickasaw Bayou–Engaged, 15; no casualties.
    Raymond–Engaged, 57; killed, 5; wounded, 9; captured, 7.
    Jackson–Engaged, 41; captured, 4.
    Chickamauga–Engaged, 25; killed, 3;  wounded, 6.
    Mission Ridge-Engaged, 12;  no casualties.
    The Company was at Donaldson and was engaged in numerous
battles from that date until the close of the war, having
been reduced from the magnificent rank at Donaldson, by deaths,
capture, ect., to 12 at Mission Ridge.

Submitted by: Richard Smith <rfsmith [at] deltanet [dot] com> Tue, 09 Mar 1999 18:07:0

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