William Hogge Will (1835)

William Hogge Will (1835)

Marshall County Will Book A, page 6

I William Hogge being of sound and perfect mind and memory do make and publish this my last will and testement in manner and form following.

First I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife Nancy Hogge the tract of land whereon I now live Containing one hundred and four acres or so much of it as will be a compatency for a comfortable support during her natural life I do also give unto her all my stock consisting of two grey mares hogs Cattle and sheep except three steers together with all my farming utentials household and kitchen furniture also my present crop of corn Tobacco and cotton, Also all my Notes or book accounts, also of which she is to exercise ownership over after paying all my Just debts during her natural life live.

Second I do also will and bequeth unto my two youngest sons Hiram Hogge and Edward H. Hogge the above named tract of land together with all the above named property with its increase or so much as remains undisposed of for the maintainance of my wife and payment of my debts the said Hiram and Edward Harvey is to be eaqual sheareres in all.

I do hereby appoint Exekiel Hogge and samuel Watson my Executors of this my last will and testement hereby revoking all former wills by me made.

I witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this 23rd day of October 1835.

Wm. Hogge (Seal)

Lewis W. Hogge
Absalom Bostick
Newton Wolf

State of Tennessee Marshall County, I Martin W. Oakley clerk of Marshall County Court do hereby certify that the written will was duly proben and admitted to probate in open Court
Witness my hand February 6th, 1837 M. W. Oakley Clk

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