John W. M. Short Will (1871)

John W. M. Short Will (1871)

contributed by Barbara Collin

Marshall County Will Book C, pages 396-397

I Elizabeth Wade of Marshall County Tennessee do make and publish this as my last will and testament hereby revoking any and all wills by me heretofore made.

1st I direct that all my just debts be paid by my Executor.

2nd Give to my Grandson Ebb Wade one half interest in a Bay mule that I now own and I want my son S. B. Wade to see that he gets his interest.

3rd I give to my Grandson Clyde Wade one Jersy Cow (yellow) and my clock and one feather bed 2 pillows and 2 new quilts and I appoint W. P. Davis to be the Executor of this my will.

The foregoing Will was signed by the testator in our presence and we attested the same in her presence and at her request. This April 20th 1903.

Elizabeth Wade
her X mark

J. W. Carroll
W. P. Davis

I want my Grandson S. B. Wade to see that these two children  named above get the bequest of what I have given them.

State of Tennessee}
Marshall County}

This day June 22/1903 came W. B. Davis in open court and  presented to the court a paper writing purporting to be the last will and testament of Elizabeth Wade Decd and moved the court to allow the same admitted to probate. Which prayer the court is pleased to grant. Whereupon came J. W. Carroll & W. P. Davis the two subscribing witnesses to the said will after being duly sworn proved the due Execution of said will by the testatrix therein named and upon the day and date therein mentioned. Whereupon the court ordered the same certified & the will recorded.

Witness my hand at office in Lewisburg Tennessee. This the 22nd day of June 1903.

A. W. Wysong, Clerk

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