Glasscock Wills in Book C

Glasscock Wills in Book C

contributed by Barbara Collin

Marshall County Will Book C, pages 257-258

Carnel Glasscock’s Will (1883)

I Carnel Glasscock make and publish this as my last will and testament hereby revoking and making void all other wills by me at any time made.

First I direct that my funeral expenses and all my debts be paid as soon after my death as possible out of any money that I may die possessed of or may first come into the hands of my Executor.

Secondly, I give and bequeath to my son Henry D. Glascock [sic] Two Hundred Dollars.

Thirdly, I do give and bequeath to my Daughters Nervie Jane and Nancy Glasscock jointly and equally all of my Real Estate and the balance of my personal Estate after paying my Son Henry D. Glasscock the said Two (200) Hundred Dollars as specified above.

Lastly, I do hereby nominate and appoint George Reavis my Executor.

In witness whereof I do to this my Will set my hand and Seal.

This the 5th Day of January 1883.
Carnel Glasscock (Seal)
his X mark

Attest J. N. Hunter Proven by B. C. Hunter 11-5-94
J. H. Glasscock Jurat 11-5-94
D. A. Reavis

State of Tennessee}
Marshall County}
This day came J. H. Glasscock one of the subscribing witnesses to the foregoing Will who after being duly sworn proved the due execution of the same by the testator upon the day and date herein named. Also B. C. Hunter came & being duly sworn stated that he was well acquainted with the signature of S. N. Hunter, the other subscribing witness to said will and that his signature thereunto is genuine. Whereupon the Court ordered the same certified & the Will recorded.
Witness my hand at office Nov – 5 – 1894
W. L. Wallace, clerk
By J. R. Nance Dee[? or DLL?]

Marshall County Will Book C, page 326

Nancy Glasscock’s Will (date not transcribed)

I Nancy Glasscock of the County of Marshall in the State of Tennessee being of mature age and of sound mind do make and declare this to be my last will and testament. It is my will and desire and I do so order and direct that my Executor hereafter named shall pay my burial expenses and all of my just debts out of the first money money [sic] that shall come into his hands from any portion of my estate real or personal. I will and devise to my sister Manerva J. Glasscock all of my real and personal estate wherever situated or located to hold and to keep during her life and at her death if there be anything remaining I will and desire that my cousin S. E. Glasscock daughter of Richard Glasscock deceased and my cousin S. E. Glasscock daughter of H. D. Glasscock shall share equal in what remains.

I hereby nominate and appoint my cousin George Reavis Executor to this my last will and Testament and having full confidence in his honesty and integrity I require no security of him as such Executor. In withness whereof I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my seal the day and year above mentioned.

Test at request of the Testatrix.
Nancy Glasscock (Seal)

Who has subscribed to and acknowledged this to be her last will and Testament. In our presence we hereunto subscribe our names as witness hereto in the presence of each other.

Nancy Glasscock
Isaac Reavis
George Reavis

State of Tennessee}
Marshall County}

This day personally appeared in open Court Isaac Reavis and George Reavis the two subscribing Witnesses to the foregoing Will who after first being duly sworn according to law proved the due execution of the said Will by the testator, Nancy Glasscock, upon the day and date therein named; Whereupon the Court ordered the same certified and the Will recorded.

Witness my hand at office, this February 20th, 1899.

O. H. Orr, clerk

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