Harriet Findley Will (18__)

Harriet Findley Will (18__)

contributed by Dana Hill

Marshall County Will Book C, pages 253-255?; TSLA microfilm roll Marshall #42

The last will and testament of Harriet FINLEY of the State of Tennessee Marshall County

I Harriet FINDLEY considering the uncertainty of this mortal life, and being of sound mind and memory do make and publish this my last will and testament in manner and form following that is to say in as much as I have heretofore gave to my son James S. FINDLEY a horse and saddle worth Eighty five dollars and other property to the amount in all One hundred dollars I do in consideration thereof bequeath to my son William A. FINDLEY a certain bay mare and saddle worth Eight five dollars. I also give and bequeath to my son Newton W. one gray mare and saddle worth Eight five dollars I also give and bequeath to my daughter Nancy T. C. the lowest lermed [?] bedstead bed and clothing chest and what it contains I also g to my son William A. FINDLEY the next findest Bedstead Bed an furnature I also give to my son Newton W FINDLEY the next best bedstead and furnature I also give to my son James S FINDLEY the next best bedstead and bed and also all the rest of my personal estate goods and chattels of Kind an nature whatsoever is all to be sold except about ten rows of standing corn Rented of Mr James BELL this I give to William A and Newton W. FINDLEY of them[?] is enough

p 254

to pay my Just debts and fulfil the Requests of the above as present will if not the above mentioned Corn is also to be sold to satisfy the acquirements, of my will: wish is also this. Nancy T C FINDLEY have one hundred dollars to make her equal with James S FINDLEY an William A an Newton W FINDLEY to have fifteen dollars each to make them equal with James S FINDLEY and if there should be any left after paying my Just debts, burrial and funeral Sermonies I want equally between J S. W a. N W. and N. T C. FINDLEY after all my goods an chattels are sold if there is not enough to make N T C. FINDLEY equal with J S. W A. an N W. FINDLEY they shall refund back until she is made equal and lastly I wand Nancy T C. FINDLEY to live with Ezekiel and Mary SANDERS and I want the abve named Ezekiel SANDERS to take the above mentiond Bedstead and Bed and furnature and and keep and chest, so long She makes his house her home and when she removes he is to deliver the above mentioned property to Nancy T. C FINDLEY. I hereby appoint Ezekiel SANDERL sole Executer of this my last will and testament hereby revoking all former wills by me made In witness whereof I have hereuto [hereunto] Set my hand and seal this the 30 of July in year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred

[Transcriber’s note: page 256 (sic) should go here-not filmed]

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