Allen McDaniel Will (1889)

Allen McDaniel Will (1889)

contributed by Dick Wood

Marshall County Will Book C, pages 160-162

I Allen McDaniel being of sound mind & disposing memory(being convinced of the shortness of life & the eternity of death) being desirous of making a special distribution of my effects, I do make and publish this my last will & testament thereby revoking all other wills formerly made by me.

First. I will that all of my debts together with my funeral expenses be paid out of the first monies that may come into the hands of my executor.

Second. I will and bequeath unto my son Johnson $1,000 one thousand dollars in money also one feather bed & one half of my bed clothing & pillows.

Third. I will and bequeath unto my son Neil ($1,000) One thousand dollars in money; also one feather bed & one half of all my bed clothing & pillows above mentioned, also my Bay Mare.

Fourth. I will that if my son Johnson should die before he has any heirs of his own that part set aside to him shall descend & go to Neil & that if Neil should die before he arrives at his majority, then his part as set to him shall go to Johnson. Then if both Johnson & Neil should die their several amounts shall be equally divided between all of my older set of children.

Fifth. I will and bequeath unto my son Joseph C. McDaniel $700 Seven hundred dollars in money.

Sixth. I will & bequeath unto my Daughter Margaret C. Callahan & bodily heirs $1,000 One thousand dollars in money.

Seventh. I will that Jasper Smiley be appointed to carry out this my last Will & Testament.

To all of which I hereunto set my hand in presents of This December, 23, 1889.

Allen X McDaniel

J. Blackwell

J. L. Blackwell

Test W. S. Finley


County Court March Term 1890

This day personally appeared in open Court John F. Blackwell one of the subscribing witnesses to the above will who after being duly sworn proved as the law directs the due execution of the same by the testator upon the day and date therein named & also the signature of A. J. Blackwell the other subscribing witness by stating to the Court that he knew the handwriting of said A. J. Blackwell & that his signature thereto was genuine & in the hand of said Blackwell.

Witness my hand at office this the 3rd day of March 1890.

Jo McBride Clerk

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