Fowler Wills in Book C

Fowler Wills in Book C

contributed by Dana Hill

Marshall County Will Book C, page 341; TSLA microfilm roll Marshall #42

I, John R FOWLER of the town of Cornersville, in the County of Marshall and State of Tennessee Being of sound mind and disposing memory and considering the uncertainty of this life, Therefore make, ordain publish and declare this to be my last Will and testament I direct that all my just debts be paid out of any monies that I may die possessed of, or may first come into the hands of my Execetrix my beloved wife R. E. A. FOWLER.

I give and bequeath to my beloved wife R. E. A. FOWLER, for her own use and benefit- all of my Estate real personal notes- money and every other species of property that I may die possessed of to do as she pleases with in any way and at any time-

And it is my Will and desire that my beloved wife act as my Execetrix- to my last will and stament and not be requires to give bond – – –

In witness where of I do, to this my Will – Set my hand and seal – this the 31. day of Aug 1889.

Signed sealed and published )
in our presence, and we have )
subscribed our names hereto-the )
day above written- )


test W. T. STAMPS

State of Tennessee)
Marshall County )

This day appeared in open Court W. T. STAMPS and J. P. RHODES the two subscribing witnesses to the foregoing Will of John R FOWLER, and after first being duly sworn according to law, proved the due execution of the said Will by the testator therein named upon the day and date which said Will bears; Whereupon the Court ordered the same Certififed and the Will recorded.

Witness my hand at Office,

This Jany. 15th 1900

O H ORR Clerk.

Marshall County Will Book C, pages 428-429; TSLA microfilm roll Marshall #42

L. B. Fowler’s Will (1901)

I L. B. FOWLER Knowing the uncertainty of life and the Certainty of Death, do make and publish this as my last will and testament hereby revoking and making void all other wills heretofore at any time by me made


I Direct that my funeral Expenses and my Debts be paid as soon After my Death as possible out of any moneys I may Die possessed of or omay first Come into the hands of my Executor


I give and bequeath to Each of my Daughters, Namely, Maggie, Oda, Anna, Maxie and Ella FOWLER one horse saddle and bridal and one set of household furniture: and to my son J. L. FOWLER One set of household furniture: All of said furniture tobe such as was given by me to my Sons now married ‘towit’ R.E & G. W. FOWLER and to my daughters Mary GARRETT and Alice SANDERS These gifts are made for the purpose of Equalizing Unmarried with those married I further direct my Executor to pay for these bequests out of any money that I may dispossessed of if sufficient: if not sufficient – then whatever balance to be paid by him as hereinafter directed


I direct that my Executor reserve a sufficient amount of stock feed and provisions Necessary for one year’s support of those of my family making there home with me at the time of my Death: or a sufficiensy thereof for the maintenance of the family and the farm


I direct that my Executor as soon after my Death as practicable Sell at public sale. All my personal property Except the amount reserved in paragraph 3 of this will. which amount I also direct sold after the time for which their use has Elapsed and the proceeds of the sale of all the personalty be turned into my Estate


I direct that my Executor by and with the Consent of all my heirs to make a private sale of my real Estate Consisting of my homeplace and any other lands I may own if they deem it to the best interest to all of them to do so. If not then I direct my lands to be sold at public sale. And Authorize and Empower my said Executor, whether the lands are sold privately or publicly to Execute deed to the purchaser or purchasers And after the sale of my personalty and realty has Been made I direct my Executor to pay any balance if any on the bequests mentioned in the second paragraph of this will, and the balance of the proceeds of my  entire Estate I direct to be Equally divided amongst all my Children share and share alike. But if one should be dead leaving Children, then such Children to have that portion the parant would have been Entitled to if living

5th [sic]

I hereby Nominate and appoint my son J. L. FOWLER my Executor and direct that he be not required to Execute bond for same

In witness whereof I have hereunto affixed my signature This April the 26th 1901


We the undersigned subscribing witnesses sign this will as witnesses at the request of and in the presence of the testator

April the 26th 1901

James A LOYD


Subscribing witnesses

State of Tennessee)
Marshall County )

This Day July the 8th 1905 Came J L FOWLER in Open Court and presented to the Court a paper writing purporting to be the last will and Testament of L B FOWLER Dec’d and moved the Court to allow the said will admitted to probate, which prayer the Court is pleased to grant. Where upon Came G. W. THOMPSON and James A LOYD the two subscribing witnesses to the said will and after first Being Duly sworn proved the Due Execution of said will by the testator therin Named upon the Day and Date therein written. Whereupon the Court ordered the same Certified and the will recorded Witness my hand at office in Lewisburg Tennessee on this the 8th Day of July 1905

A. W. WYSONG Clerk

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