A fire occurred at Pulaski last Tuesday, destroying about $25,000 worth of property.  It originated in the Machine shop of Patterson & Connell, just below the North-east corner of the square, destroying the building in which it originated and, the family grocery and dwelling of Geo. N. McGREW, the dwelling of E.S. WILLIAMSON, the new livery stable and store house of Rainey & Brother, the livery stable of J.H. JACKSON, the grocery house of T.J. CHOATE, and R. HARRIS, were destroyed, and but little of the contents saved, except the horses and carriages in the livery stables.

Source: Whig & Tribune. 26 August 1871. Available online at Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers.

About dusk, Thursday evening, as uncle Overton, a well known colored peddler, over seventy years old, was leaving town by one of the back streets, he was attacked and robbed by a negro boy named Isaac TROTTER.  The old man was thrown down violently  and choked until he gave up his money – some twenty dollars.  Officer McALEXANDER arrested TROTTER a few hours afterwards, who having procured a marriage license with part of the stolen money, was to have been married to a dusky damsel in one hour from the time of his arrest.  He will be turned over to Judge BLACK.

Whig and tribune. (Jackson, Tenn.), 02 Sept. 1871. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress. <http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85033435/1871-09-02/ed-1/seq-3/>

The following items are extracted from the Whig & Tribune

  • Gen. CAMPBELL is erecting a brick office on the Bank lot, west of the Bank.
  • The police force has been increased by the addition of Mr. T.H. NEWSOM.  He was sworn in on Wednesday.
  • We have in our family the Rocking chair in which Gen’l Wm. T. HASKELL was nursed.
  • We saw a man on the street this week dressed in green.  We could not learn whether he was a Hibernian, a Frenian, or a Communist.
  • Gas Works — Messrs. TURNBOLT & HENNING, of the Jackson Gas Co., are in the city, making arrangements to commence immediately the erection of the necessary works.
  • The Rev. J.E. BRIGHT, D.D., a teacher of long experience and great success, will open a Female school at the CARUTHERS place, on Baltimore street, on the first Monday in September next.
  • Temperance Meeting – the friends of this worthy cause will meet in Temperance Hall on Tuesday next. It is hoped that all the old members will turn out. – The Rev. W.T. BOLING, a most eloquent speaker, will deliver an address.
  • Dr. Robt. FENNER, one of the oldest and most distinguished citizens of Jackson, and one of the most eminent physicians in the South, has been quite ill for some days.  We but echo the sentiment of thousands, when we express the hope that he may speedily recover, and that many more years may be allotted to him in this world.

Source: Whig and tribune. (Jackson, Tenn.), 29 July 1871. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress. <http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85033435/1871-07-29/ed-1/seq-3/>

19. May 2013 · Write a comment · Categories: NewsExtracts · Tags:

Bolivar Bulletin
March 31, 1866

From the Jackson Whig of the 17th we learn that the residence of Saml. NEELY, two and a half miles from Jackson, was destroyed by fire on the night of the 11th inst.  All of the household furniture was consumed.

A Robber Shot

On Sunday night last a burglar entered the sleeping apartment of Mr. Robert BROWN, Sr., on Royal street, but was discovered before effecting his purpose. As he fled from the house several shots were fired at him without effect. Before entering the house he had pulled off his shoes and left them at the gate, and so hotly was he pursued that he did not take time to recover them. The shoes were discovered by the pursuers, Messrs. William, Perry and Elisha BROWN, sons of Mr. Robert BROWN, and they resolved to watch and see if the robber would not return. Sure enough, about one o’clock the thief approached stealthily and cautiously, evidently best on recovering his shoes. The young men did not move until the robber picked up the shoes and then they called on him to stand and surrender. But he fled, and as he did so the young men fired several shots at him and gave pursuit. One of the shots took effect in the robber’s hip, and he fell on the bridge at the crossing of Smith and Market streets, where his pursuers overtook and arrested him. He is now in the station house suffering greatly from his wound, which, although serious, is not likely to prove fatal. He is a negro, and gives his name as Aaron WILSON. We understand that he had been in the city but a few days and that he hails from Corinth, Miss. May such a fate overtake all vagrants who thus attempt to live without honest labor. This city is full of them. It seems, and we fear that there is no other protection for the honest citizens against their depredations, save that afforded by watchful eyes and loaded guns.

This item appears later in the issue:

Soon after Mr. BROWN shot the negro Sunday night Mr. COLLINS heard some one in his house, and got up and started to the door with the pistol to shoot the burglar, but he stumbled against a chair and thief decamped.

Source: Jackson Sun, 4 Jun 1875.