1844 Macon County, TN Tax List Schedule of Slave Owners

Transcribed by Harold G. Blankenship
Used by Permission of Ridge Runner Publications

This is only a list of the slave owners listed in the 1844 Tax list transcribed by Mr. Harold G. Blankenship, former Macon County Historian.  Ridge Runner Publications has been granted publishing rights to the remainder of the material relating to the history and genealogy of Macon County by his heirs. We thank Ridge Runners for allowing us access to this small portion of Macon County history.

The information here is listed alphabetically by the slave owners name and includes the district, number of slaves owned and the $value. This information is provided here to aid those researching their African American Heritage.

4Adams, Aaron L.$500.00
3Adams, Elijah4$1,500.00
4Adams, Solomon3$1,200.00
4Barland, Cyrus4$1,700.00
6Brandon, William1$400.00
4Bransford, W. E.1$400.00
3Briant, Edmond1$500.00
7Brockett, Elisha1$500.00
4Bryant, R. G.2$600.00
3Burnly, Alexander1$500.00
3Burnly, Franklin1$500.00
3Burnly, Geo. H.1$400.00
3Burnly, James1$200.00
4Burrow, William1$250.00
3Carr, A. M.,  Adm.3$1,800.00
3Carr, Ann1$400.00
3Carr, James D.2$800.00
3Carr, John J.1$300.00
3Carr, John T.5$2,000.00
3Carr, Jordan2$1,050.00
4Carter, Beverly G.3$1,100.00
4Carter, George W.5$1,500.00
4Carter, Inos1$300.00
4Carter, William5$1,500.00
4Carter, Williams5$1,500.00
3Chatin, William1$300.00
3Coker, Jessee1$300.00
9Cooper, William1$250.00
7Cornwell, Charles2$650.00
7Cornwell, Thompson2$650.00
4Dixon, Jerimiah Sr.1$450.00
3Donoho, D. B.1$300.00
9Dotson, Thomas3$1,200.00
9Driver, Jessee Sr.1$500.00
9Driver, Joel1$400.00
3Dunn, John D.3$1,400.00
9East, Andrew J.1$300.00
4Ford, Hiram C.5$1,700.00
4Gammons, John B.6$1,900.00
7Gibbs, Alfred3$1,000.00
7Gibbs, Gilbert10$3,500.00
4Gifford, E. P. G1$325.00
4Gifford, Joseph5$2,325.00
3Gillam, Taylor3$1,100.00
3Gillapis, John G.3$1,200.00
3Goodall, David Sr.4$2,800.00
4Grop (Gross), John1$400.00
4Gualden, Isabel2$700.00
3Hall, Powell M.3$1,200.00
4Hargis, William C.1$300.00
3Hawkins, Sarah F.1$350.00
3Horsley, Jane2$600.00
6Hutcherson, Thos.1$300.00
4Johnson, Gracy1$400.00
4Johnson, Jacob S., heirs2$700.00
4Johnson, Thomas P., heirs1$550.00
4Johnson, William C.2$700.00
4Johnson, Willis P.1$500.00
3Jones, Elisha Sr.4$1,550.00
3Jones, Judithan1$300.00
6Kerby, John Sr.1$400.00
7Kerby, Pleasant1$500.00
7Kerby, Samuel1$300.00
3Kerley, King1$300.00
5King, William2$800.00
3Lovelady, James1$350.00
3Marshall, Hardway6$2,200.00
4Meador, Willard1$850.00
3Mills, B. W.8$3,300.00
3Oglesby, Daniel1$475.00
3Oglesby, Elisha & Wesley5$2,000.00
3Oglesby, H. & C. A.1$500.00
3Oglesby, James G.1$400.00
8Parker, Archibald7$3,600.00
8Parker, Francis3$1,300.00
4Parker, Jessee5$2,000.00
4Parker, John1$300.00
8Parker, Wammock2$1,000.00
9Patterson, George2$850.00
3Payne, William2$650.00
9Pipkin, Samuel1$600.00
3Pursley, Daniel O.2$1,000.00
3Pursley, Ephraim7$2,500.00
7Pyson, Josiah2$700.00
4Ray, George M.6$2,300.00
7Roach, James2$800.00
6Scott, John, heirs9$4,000.00
4Shrum, Peter3$1,100.00
6Sloan, Elias,  heirs1$300.00
4Stewart, Murdock1$500.00
4Taylor, David L.1$400.00
4Thompson, Archibald3$1,400.00
3Tooly, Charles3$1,200.00
4Tuck, John C.1$300.00
4Uhles, Richard1$300.00
3Vance, John2$750.00
7Wakefield, Henry Sr.4$1,800.00
9Williams, Thomas A.4$1,600.00
3Wilson, Jane1$500.00
9Woodcock,  Willie1$400.00
4Wright, Bennett3$1,200.00
7Young, Cyrus3$1,200.00
7Young, Daniel4$1,700.00
7Young, Icabod2$800.00
7Young, Nancy1$400.00