Loudon County Genealogy & History Website Loudon County Surnames
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Surname Bar

Making contact with others, who are researching the same surnames as you, is an important step in genealogical research. Loudon County TNGenWeb provides a Surname Database for genealogical researchers to "connect" with other researchers . 

View the Surnames in the Database.  You can view a list of the available surnames by selecting the first letter of the surname. The list can be ordered alphabetically by surname or the name of the person submitting the surname. To contact the submitter, simply click on the submitters name.

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Surname Bar

Register Your Surnames. If you have ancestors in London County, Tennessee, please feel free to register your surnames so that other researchers may contact you.

Due to the fact that, people periodically switch ISPs, about twice a year I will send out an email to those folks who have registered their surnames in the database. If you have registered a surname and receive such an email, there is nothing for you do except delete the email. I am just checking for email bounces. As long as your email does not bounce, I will not remove your surnames. If you have registered a surname and change ISPs, please let me know so that I can update the database.

Surname Bar

Surname entry has been revised to send entries to a monitored database because of certain people who delight in putting spam & junk into the files.  Now, when you enter your surname, your entry will not immediately appear online but will be stored in a database for the website administrator to verify and approve for display.  This could take several days at times. Because of this new design and to show down the entry of spurious data, the form will now only take one surname entry at a time. I apologize for this inconvenience.  Please note:  I am capturing ip addresses with each entry so if spam is entered it will be reported back to the originating ISP.


Your First Name:
Your Last Name:
Email Address:
(Please enter your
surnames one per
entry pressing "Add Surnamesr"
after each one).



Additional  Resource Help. There are many places to look for information on family surnames on the internet. Below is a list of some of these places


Genforum Surname Boards

Family History Surname Boards


Rootsweb's Surname Mailing Lists



Surname Distribution Map

Surname Bar

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Last Modified on: 08/13/2015 18:29:13 .

Loudon County TNGenWeb Host is Suzanne M. Pratt.
TNGenWeb State Coordinator information can be found
at http://www.tngenweb.org/contact.html

© Copyright 2004 - present by SM Pratt

The Loudon County TNGenWeb Project makes no claims or estimates of the validity of the information submitted and reminds you that each new piece of information found should not be taken at face value, but should be researched and proved or disproved by weight of evidence. You are welcome to copy information found at the Loudon County TNGenWeb for personal use and share information with other researchers or genealogical organizations, but this information may not under any conditions be sold or used in a commercial project without expressed prior written permission.

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