Loudon County Genealogy & History Website Loudon County Tennessee Cemeteries
Watson Cemetery

  Submitted by Janet Franklin


Watson Cemetery
The Watson graveyard is 7 miles southeast of Loudon Tenn. Known as "Piney", this graveyard is 2 miles from Corinth Cemetery, you go down the rock road of mile, turn to left, and this road is called the Markwood School Road, it is 1 ???to the graveyard which is up on a hill. The land now is owned by Mrs. Sallie Henderson. The Markwood School house is about ???miles east of the graveyard. There are 81 unmarked graves. Copied by Richard Flahr. Feb. 13, 1938. "Malone" J. A. Malone Mar. 2, 1853----Jan. 21, 1916 He is not dead, but sleepth "Miller" David C. Miller Feb 22, 1834----Sept 3, 1912 Asleep in Jesus Blessed Thought J. A. Shearl Col. I 5th Tenn. Inf. Dates obliterated Mary J. Daug of D. & S. A. Miller Born Apr 6, 1861 Died July 21, 1893 He doeth all things well Shirl J. A. Shirl Co. 1-5 Tenn. Inf. Born Dec. 20, 1841 Died May 18, 1906 Age 62 yrs. 5 mos. James W. Son of D. & S. A. Miller Born Sept. 18, 1857 Died June 18, 1889 "Our Babe" Marcas A. Shirl Born Mar. 25, 1887 Died Nov. 20, 1888 Asleep in Jesus "Kirkland" Martha Annis Kirkland Born Apr. 19, 1875 Died Jan. 30, 1888 "Our Son" A. A. Shirl Born Aug. 12, 1878 Died Sept 13, 1899 Minnie Caroline Kirkland Born Sept. 27, 1881 Died Oct 23, 1898 "Malone" Robert J. Malone Born Jan 27, 1890 Died July 21, 1891 Viney wife of J. W. Malone Born ------1849 Died Nov. 30, 1919 J. W. Malone Oct 29, 1841---Mar. 12, 1919 Gone, but not forgotten L. A. Pardue Died Oct. 9, 1937 age 67 yrs. John Malone T. Tennessee P.V.T. I-----C. E.6th Inf. 5 Div. Sept. 12, 1918 V. J. Jacobs Died July 5, 1937 Age 61 yrs. 23 days Lee T. Oody Born Nov. 23, 1890 Died Dec. 24, 1913 Blessed are the dead that died in the Lord "Father" J. R. Jacobs Born Apr. 20, 1844 Died Jan 15, 1915 But of Him are ye in Christ Jesus, Who of God is made unto us wisdom and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemptions: John Oody Co. C. I. W. S. V. Inf. Dates obliterated "Bertha" Dau. of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Jacobs Oct 19, 1910----Oct. 30, 1910 Asleep in Jesus Mrs. Ida M. Jones Died Feb. 7, 1938 Age 50 yrs., 5 mons. 21 days Mary E. Jacobs Born Jan 15, 1851 Died Nov. 2, 1891 Johnnie J. son of Mr. & Mrs. W. H. Jones Apr. 28 1908----March 18, 1924 At Rest Elizabeth Jacobs Born 1811 Died 1901 "Father" A. E. Oody Oct. 12, 1872----Jan. 18, 1929 Gone, but not forgotten Jas. Presley Co. F. 12, Tenn Cav. dates obliterated George W. Oody Feb. 18, 1851----Mar. 22, 1895 His Wife Mary A. Oody Dec. 26, 1849----Feb. 18, 1929 Death is eternal Life Why should we weep. Richard Robinson Co. D. 11th Tenn. Co. Born Apr 2, 1834 Died Mar. 21, 1912 Margaret C. Catherine Robinson Born Apr. 17, 1834 Died May 28, 1915 Melburn Everett Aug. 27, 1902----Apr. 10, 1934 Asleep, to wake again Nora Everett Born Sept. 29, 1905 Died Jan. 28, 1907 Budded on earth to bloom in Heaven 81 Unmarked Graves



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