Loudon County Genealogy & History Website Loudon County Tennessee Cemeteries
Rollins Cemetery

 Submitted by Tommy Nichols


Rollins Cemetery Inscriptions including TVA Grave Relocations Update: 9-1999 TRDA has completed rough clearing the Rollins Cemetery. A wonderful fence complete with a cattle gate was installed. A load of dirt for filling in the 1-3' holes over each grave was delivered. A load of large gravel was delivered and placed in the major trence in the road. Period. I received an E-mail from a visitor just this past week. They were unable to find their grave site because of the growth! I had been promised a finished grading in the cemetery that would enable one to mow the grass they would sow to complete the job with. I had waited for this to happen before I gave the credit due to Ron Hammontree, TRDA, and the workmen. Sadly, unless they return this fall, this may be all they are willing to do. I sincerely appreciate what they have accomplished thusfar. However, unless this 54-year-old can get in there with a weed eater and/or mower, it can not be maintained. Loudon County had agreed to assist in this once they could get their machines in there. If any one has an idea, please let me know! When you visit, please take some sort of tool - pruning sheers, clippers, etc., and blaze a trail! Every bit will help! Cemetery Relocations for the Tellico Project Abstract Initial surveys of the Tellico Reservoir project area revealed 72 cemeteries that possibly could be affected by project related activities. However, as development of the project progressed, a detailed analysis revealed that only 47 cemeteries would actually be either directly or indirectly affected. Of these, ten were relocated either to avoid inundation (6) or isolation (4). The remaining 37 cemeteries were subject to either loss or impairment of access. New or improved access roads were provided for all 37 of these. No cemeteries were left isolated.... A diligent search was made to determine and locate the nearest surviving kin for each grave to be relocated. The surviving kin were contacted, where possible, and following execution of grave removal permits, graves were relocated to a cemetery of like care or better. Fifteen separate area cemeteries were chosen by kin for utilization as reinterment sites. A total of 218 graves and 84 monuments were relocated. Of these, 208 were relocated entirely by TVA personnel. Reinterment of ten graves was handled by private funeral service at the request of the nearest surviving relatives. All relocations were performed at TVA expense. Removal permits were executed for 82 graves. The remaining 136 graves were either unidentified, or relatives could not be located or, when located, refused to sign either removal or remain permits. The 136 graves were relocated by authority of Federal court. Cemetery Relocations for the Tellico Project Policy and Procedures ...Grave removals were started on April 5, 1976, but only the graves where relative permission and grave removal permits were secured were relocated. Court approval was granted on June 1, 1976, and relocation of unidentified graves commenced. Relocations were completed July 19, 1976.... Legal notifications of the impending cemetery relocations were placed in area newspapers for three consecutive weeks prior to actual beginning of the grave removal operations. Extensive research was conducted by field personnel to locate and contact surviving next of kin for all graves to be relocated. With one exception (Union Fork Creek Cemetery #20) all the affected cemeteries were very old and neglected. Only 83 of the total 2218 graves had readable markers, the remainder of the graves were marked with native field stones or not at all. Interviews were held with persons who had resided in the area for several years and with known relatives of identified graves for possible names of other people interred in the unidentified graves. Several graves were identified as a result of these interviews. Of the 218 graves relocated 102 were identified, but next of kin were located on only 82 graves. Where relatives were located, TVA's relocation procedures were thoroughly explained. Removal permits were signed by all known surviving next of kin, with two exceptions, six graves in the Blair Cemetery, No. 41, and two graves in the Union Fork Creek Cemetery No. 20 were moved by order of the Federal Court. One relative refused to sign either removal or remain permits for the six graves in Blair Cemetery No. 41.... All disinterred remains were placed in appropriate sized standard wooden grave boxes, with the exception of a few which were in intact vaults. All remains were reinterred the same day they were disinterred. All remains were transported by TVA carrier. Workmen were furnished rubber suits, rubber gloves, masks and disinfectant as a routine precaution and in compliance with state health regulations. "Complete Surname Index of TVA Grave Removals" 1989. Mountain Press. Signal Mountain, TN. Compiled and entered by the Bicentennial Volunteers, Inc., an organization of TVA retirees. Located in the McClung Historical Collection, Knoxville. Purpose: Harness power of Tennessee Reservoir and flood plain. Preserve the dignity of displaced individuals. TVA first sent in a team of surveyors to locate burial sites, contact the next of kin, determine which graves would remain or be removed, obtain signatures, file field notes, and finally move the individuals buried in the area to be flooded. An unofficial record of grave removals was made. Monroe County Cemetery Maps: In 1976 contact Mr. E. Julian, 207 Haney BLDG, Chattanooga, TN 37401 Received via PRODIGY in response to query by Dennis Moser from a "Mr. Waller" via "Gail Herrick, TVACommunications, Corporate Identity." January 13, 1997 "TVA Does not maintain cemeteries located on properties acquired for TVA projects nor cemeteries used for relocation of graves. Rights of ingress and egress are left outstanding in third parties and the inchoate rights of visitation, maintenance and future burials (if space is available) remain with the relatives or cemetery association." Note: in 1976 Tom D. Waller was the "Head, Grave Relocations" Interview with Ron Hammontree, Executive Director, Tellico Reservoir Development Agency In August, 1997, Marilyn Moser Ball, 1937 River Shores DR, Knoxville, TN 37914, and Tommie Gene Moser Nichols, 7809 Castlecombe RD, Powell, TN, met with the Executive Director of the Tellico Reservoir Development Agency to explore options available to clean and maintain the Rollins Cemetery in Loudon County, Tennessee. Although purchased and developed by the Tennessee Valley Authority as an expanded cemetery for reinterment of cemeteries displaced by the flooding of the Tellico Reservoir in 1976, it is presently in the possession of TRDA. Mr. Hammontree was personally anxious to have someone take responsibility and orgainize a group to raise money to be placed in a 501C3 non-profit fund, the interest from which would provide perpetual care for this cemetery. In return Mr. Hammontree and TRDA agreed to clean up the property in the fall, restore the fence, provide the legal work necessary to deed the cemetery to the organization, and work with Loudon County to get the roadway restored. Tennessee Reservoir Development Agency The following facts were obtained from the office of TRDA: Ron Hammontree is the Executive Director of the Tennessee Reservoir Development Agency in Vonore, TN. TRDA was established by a special act of the Tennessee State Legislature in 1982 mandating it's legal authority to develop and manage the Tellico water shed land. It is neither a state nor Federal agency; it is not government by definition. Thirty-eight thousand acres were bought by TVA. Of this amount 22,000 is retained by TVA, and TRDA oversees 11,000 acres. Sixteen thousand is covered by water. Special Warranty Deeds were made between TVA and TRDA in which TVA holds title to the lands until TRDA sells parcels. These are then transferred by TRDA into the buyers' names, and the funds paid remitted to TVA. Rollins Cemetery is surrounded by such land, held in "land inventory," and is designated "residential." TVA accepts responsibility for maintaining the roads and highways. Tertiary roads, as that into Rollins Cemetery, are not maintained. TRDA is self-supporting. Operating funds are obtained through grants and the sale of the properties. Cemeteries Relocated Cemetery Number Moved Number to Rollins unidentified Blair 52 32 Gray 2 2 Hughes 22 21 Jackson Slave #2 8 8 Latimore/Curtis/Moser 30 15 Latimore Slave 2 2 Moser Slave 15 15 Unnamed Cemetery #70 9 9 Totals 140 104 Plus existing Rollins graves 6 5 Totals 146 109 Blair Cemetery No. 2 In the Second Civil District of Monroe County, on the left bank of the Tellico River, 2 miles south of the mouth, and approximately 1900 feet NE of Holstein Drive, Blair contained 52 graves and would have been isolated. A wrought iron fence that surrounded 4 graves was delivered to the home of Mr. Bert Wiggins, next surviving kin. Gray Cemetery Gray is located was located in the Second Civil District of Monroe County on the left bank of the Little Tennessee River at mile 25.4L approximately 200 feet north of Citico-Vonore Road. Gray cemetery Located in the Second Civil District of Monroe County on the left side of the Little Tennessee River, approximately 3 miles SE of the mouth of Toqua Creek. Hughes Cemetery Hughes was located in the Third Civil District of Loudon County on the right bank of the Little Tennessee River at mile 9.4R approximately 2600 feet east of the river on Jackson Ferry-Morganton Road. Totaling 34 graves, nine were moved by the Hughes family to Grandview Cemetery in Blount County, Tennessee. Upright stones are not allowed at Grandview, thus most were buried in the graves. One large headstone was adapted as a family monument.. It sits in Rollins with large box woods on either side, moved from Hughes Cemetery. Jackson Slave Cemetery Located on Hall's Ferry Road in the First Civil District of Loudon County on the left bank of the Little Tennessee River, Jackson was to be flooded. It was old and neglected. No graves were identifiable; 8 graves located as part of removal operations, by probing and scraping. Latimore/Moser/Curtis Cemetery Latimore was located in the Third Civil District of Monroe County on the left bank of the Tellico River approximately one-half mile SE of the mouth of Notchy Creek and approximately 600 feet SW of Holstein Drive. TVA determined it would have been isolated by the reservoir. Norman and Bill Curtis, February, 1997 The Curtis Cemetery was begun when David Burton "Burt" Curtis and William Riley Curtis, Confederate Soldiers and sons of James and Nancy Hagler Curtis, were murdered by "bushwhackers," July 4, 1864, as they were going up the stairs in their home on the Curtis farm (later McGhee, Peter Moser, and Starnes home). They were buried on a small hill in the back. One of their wives was raped. Their brother, Hezekiah "Henry" Wilson Curtis, hunted down and arrested one of the murderers, John Denton. Henry, in turn, was arrested by Unionists and taken prisoner to Union forces in Knoxville. He later robbed a Monroe County store and left the area, never to return. Even though the family was against slavery, due to the need for a mother figure they acquired a slave woman who was allowed to marry a man on a neighboring farm. They had several children. Many of the unidentified graves at the Curtis Cemetery, in the area in which the Confederate buttons were found (and the probable graves of Burt and Riley Curtis) were slaves, identified by the bones. It is probable that these were the graves of the Curtis slaves. Family members said it was used by the neighborhood as a slave cemetery. The Curtis family was not notified by TVA of the re-interment. Monroe County, TN Tombstone Records-McClung Room "Latimore was Curtis Cemetery when 2 brothers, Burt and Riley Curtis were killed. Used as a neighborhood cemetery, later the farm was owned by Peter Moser, a very prominent Monroe Countian. Fifteen inscriptions and possibly 40 unmarked graves. (This book prepared by CCC in @ 1930 - notes taken 1980+, could not find in 1996.) l. Burt Curtis 2. Riley Curtis 3. Rachel Hawkins wife of Gregg Hawkins Died 1888 @ 70 years (dob1818) 4. Greg Hawkins died 1867 @ 49 (dob 1818) 5. Bettie Jane da of Gregg and Rachel Hawkins 1903 @ 45 years (dob 1858) 6. Prudie Fields wife of Cyrus Fields 6-20-1883 5-5-1911 7. Katie Moser 8. Infant of P & VM Moser 9. Peter Moser 10. Venie M. Hawkins wife of Peter 11. Gray, John 12. Gray, Elizabeth 13. Gray, Mary 14. Gray, Sarah 15. Gray, Henry" Monroe County Tombstone Inscriptions McClung Room-p. 79 "The Curtis Cemetery was established in 1865 when two brothers, Burt and Riley Curtis, were killed. Their land was owned by the Curtis family and has been used as a neighborhood burial ground. Later the farm was owned by Peter Moser who was a very prominent Monroe Countian. The plot was deeded for a cemetery by the Moser family, and some know it as the Moser Cemetery. there are 15 inscriptions and possibly 40 unmarked graves. The cemetery is on the farm of the Stokley brothers 15 miles NE of Madisonville. Inscriptions: Burt and Riley Curtis; Rachel Hankins; Greg, Betty, Jane Hankins; Prudie Fielding; Katie, Peter, Nanie M. Hawkins, 5 Grays." Latimore Cemetery-copied on day of re-interment, 1976 Peter Moser Born 1839 Died 1909 "We will meet again" Infant daughter of P and VM Moser Born & Died 1886 " Buried on earth to bloom in Heaven" Katie daughter of P and VM Moser Born Dec. 21, 1874 Died October 1884 "Our Loved One" Venie Hawkins wife of Peter Moser Born - June 17, 1854. Died Nov. 2, 1892 "A Tender Mother and a Faithful Friend" Prudie Fields (no marked stone) (sister of Jacob) (Mrs. Sirus Fields) Note: Witnessed by family members. + or - 24 graves were moved. 5 were marked with tombstones, 4 side by side. several were marked with uninscribed field stones. Among these, according to the TVA officials present, were slaves and men with Confederate uniforms (buttons were found). (5 extra unknowns + +or - 25; of these 30, 15 were "infants.") Eugene Moser in 1976 Mosers used Latimore Cemetery because Latimore had a store and land and owed Peter Moser lots of money. They shook hands agreeing the use of the cemetery for payment." Dimple Moser Armstrong, February, 1997 Told story of going to "Moser" Cemetery with Jake (her father) and Guy (her brother). The property was fenced. Guy worried about crossing the fence. Jake said it was OK because he owned the cemetery. Latimore Slave This cemetery was in the Third Civil District of Monroe County on the left bank of the Tellico River approximately 1200 feet SW of the mouth of Notchy Creek and approximately 700 feet SW of Holstein Drive. It was determined flooding would isolate the graves of the adult and infant. Moser Slave Located in the Second Civil District of Monroe County, it was on the right bank of the Tellico River approximately 900 feet south of the mouth of Ballplay Creek. TVA determined it would be isolated. Rollins Cemetery Purchased by the United States of America from William Joe Hammontree, Rollins is located on the left bank of Bakers Creek approximately 900 feet northeast of Morganton Road. It originally held 6 graves. Unidentified Cemetery #70 Last owned by Marvin Akins, it was located on the left bank of the Little Tennessee River. It was in the Third Civil District of Monroe County, approximately one-fourth mile south of the confluence of Ballplay Creek and the Tellico River and on the left bank of Ballplay Creek. It was "subject to flooding." Two graves were surrounded by a 13' x 13' stone wall in poor condition. An initial written statement from Tom Waller to Alfred F. Pedigo in 1992 states, "Since this cemetery is very old, it is possible that no relatives will be found who will request relocation. Access after the project will be as good as the current access. It is possible that we will not relocate this cemetery for the above reasons." Five graves were initially known by virtue of field stones and the rock wall. In grading the site, 4 more including 3 infants, one with buttons, and one adult were located. ROLLINS CEMETERY ORIGINAL ORIGINAL NAME BLOCK GRAVE CEMETERY GRAVE # BLAIR, J. T. C 2 Blair 52 J. Thomas, dob 1-30-1826, dod 7-10-1897, h/o Martha W. Morrow, dom 7-19-1850, "Father." "Gone but not forgotten" BLAIR, JOHN B 3 Blair 48 dob 10-15-1866, dod 12-29-1943, will requested tombstone, niece Seddy Blair Hicks & ne-phews Tom & John Blair s/o br. James A. Blair BLAIR, JOE B 4 Blair 49 dob 10-6-1862, dod 7-4-1931, "We will meet again" BLAIR, LAURA E. C 1 Blair 51 dob 6-7-1851, dod 10-3-1917, "Faithful to her 'hust.,'" d/jo Martha W. Morrow & J. Thos. Blair BLAIR, MARTHA W. C 3 Blair 53 w/o J. T. Blair, mn Morrow, dom 7-19-1850, dob 12-22-1832, dod 4-12-1859, headstone: "Mother," footstone: "MWB," otherwise too old BLAIR, WILLIAM B 5 Blair 50 dob 5-4-1868, dod 2-13-1924, "Christ loved him and took him home," s/o Martha W. Morrow & Thos. Blair CURTIS, DAVID BURTON U U Latimore U Confederate soldier, bush-whacked 7-4-1864, s/o James & Nancy Hagler Curtis CURTIS, WILLIAM RILEY U U Latimore U Confederate soldier, bush-whacked 7-4-1864, s/o James & Nancy Hagler Curtis DENTON, AMANDA C. L. B 10 Blair 27 d/o Wm. & Amanda Denton, dob 3-23-1815, dod 11-15-1818 DENTON, ELIZABETH B 8 Blair 25 d/o Wm. & Amanda Denton, dob 2-12-1843, dod 11-8-1843 DENTON, FRANCIS A. I 1 Blair 20 w/o Calvin Denton, dob 7-2-1833, dod 10-25-1856, "Here sister sleeps. Who sunk to rest. By all her kindred. She was blest. Her race was short. Yea swift she lies,. To rest at home in Paradise." DENTON, MARY C 6 Blair 28 d/o Wm. & Amanda Denton, dob 6-10-1834, dod 1-15-1852 DENTON, PATTON L. B 9 Blair 26 s/o Wm. & Amanda Denton, dob 8-12-1847, dod 11-6-1848 DENTON, WILLIAM C 7 Blair 29 dob 3-22-1800, dod 7-31-1856 FIELDS, PRUDIE MOSER G 6 Latimore 24 w/o Sirus Fields, d/o P & VM Moser, nok EHMoser, nephew, dob 6-19-1883, dod 5-5-1911 GRAY, ELIZABETH U U Latimore U GRAY, HENRY U U Latimore U GRAY, JOHN U U Latimore U GRAY, MARY U U Latimore U GRAY, SARAH U U Latimore U HAGLER, B.B. O 2 Blair 12 "Ben B.," dob 8-10-1811, dod 1-8-1890, nok Ruth Millsaps, g-niece, natural causes, h/o Nancy J. Keys HAGLER, NANCY JANE O 1 Blair 1 87 yrs, died 1925, natural causes, nok Bert Wiggins, g. nephew, originally had iron fence around it and grave of M. E. Keyees, w/o Ben B. Hagler HAWKINS, BETTIE JANE U U Latimore U dob 1813, dod 1903, aka Elizabeth Givens (Land Dower of 1868, many census, lawsuit) w/o Greg Hawkins HAWKINS, GREG U U Latimore U dob 1799, dod 1867, h/o Elizabeth Givens HAWKINS, RACHEL U U Latimore U dob 1818, dod 1888, d/o Gregory & Eliza. Givens Hawkins, m/o Alice KEYEES, M. E. N 5 Blair 2 dob 6-13-1853, dod 7-15-1918, d/o Katherine Shirk & John Keyees, nok Bert Wiggins, grandson, orig. had iron fence around it & grave of Nancy Jane Haggler KEYS, JOHN N 4 Blair 9 dob 9-14-1817, dod 3-6-1904, nok Ruth Milsaps, g-daughter MORROW, ARMSTRONG C 5 Blair 55 dob 1801, dod 1880 MORROW, MARGARET C 4 Blair 54 dob 1808, dod 1875 MOSER, INF. DAUGHTER F 4 Latimore 4 d/o P & VM Moser, B & D 1886, nok EH Moser, nephew MOSER, KATIE F 3 Latimore 3 d/o P & VM Moser, dob 12-21-1874, dod 10-1884, cod typhoid, nr: EH Moser, nephew MOSER, PETER F 2 Latimore 1 dob 10-13-1839, dod 2-14-1909, h/o Venie sMae Hawkins, Conf. Army 62nd Division, nok EH Moser, grandson, cod: Brights disease MOSER, VENIE MAE F 1 Latimore 2 dob 6-17-1854, dod 11-2-1892, w/o Peter Moser RAY, NANCY YARBORO U U Rollins U nok Hazel Rollins Jackson g-niece SMITH, LEONA A. I 9 Blair 45 d/o Wm. M. & A. Smith, dod 7-21-1858, age 1 yr & 23 days, "'Tis strange,' But so, spirits or given. Too pure for earth just fit for Heaven" WAYMAN, JULIA ANN O 3 Blair 10 dob 2-23-1842, dod 10-7-1916, nok Ruth Millsaps g-niece, 2nd w/o William T. Wayman, d/o Catharine Shirk & John Keys WOLFE, WILLIAM P 5 Hughes 26 dod 10-11-1887, age 53 YARBORO, INFANT A 13 Rollins 13 nok Hazel Rollins Jackson




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