New Providence Cemetery
Located in First Civil District on Hotchkiss Valley Road, and is
approximately 7 1/2 miles from Lenoir City, Tennessee. Cemetery joins New
Providence Church, the oldest Baptist Church in the Loudon County Association.
From Eatons Crossroads in Loudon County, begin at the intersection of Highway 321 and US 70.
Go west on us 70 about 100 yards to state highway 95. From there travel west on Hinds Valley
Road for 4.5 miles to Pine Grove Church Pine Grove Church was organized Dec 4, 1938 and
the cemetery contains about 145
Stones, and 1 unmarked.
This cemetery contains 230 unmarked graves. Also three unmarked graves
on outside, supposed to be three of West family.
The oldest person buried in this cemetery is Jesse Eldridge died May 17,
1861 age 102 years.
Copied by Richard Flohr, Lenoir City, Tennessee July 30, 1937.
An Attempt is made to list all gravesites that have been added since 1937 by the
Inclusion of an addendum at the end of this listing. The updated portion of this
record beginning on page 20 was contributed by Charles Dial November
28, 2000
Preston G.W. Preston
Garahe Preston May 20, 1857
Feb. 25, 1857 Oct. 27, 1925
Dec. 6, 1923 Gone to Rest.
Gone, but not forgotten. Father
Cora Ethel Preston Mourfield
Born Oct. 21, 1890 Betty Ann Mourfield
Died July 1, 1907 Born Aug. 6, 1844
Blessed are the pure Died Sept. 3, 1901
in heart, for they shall Gone, but not forgotten.
see God, I am safe with Erected by Addie Mourfield
in that land, without
a storm. Eldridge
Oh, shed no tears for me, Franklin, Son of
Lead Kindly Light. C.D. & Cyntha Eldridge
Jan. 8, 1902
Jane Miller Apr. 22, 1918
Dec. 30, 1820 In heaven there is one
Mar. 20, 1907 angel more.
Martin Preston Charlie D. Eldridge
Born Dec. 6, 1888 Mar. 17, 1861
Died Oct. 9, 1907 Apr. 16, 1920
Malinda C. Littleton
Wife of Geo. W. Preston Cyntha M. Harvey
Nov. 22, 1857 His Wife
Jan. 26, 1918 Sept. 30, 1867
A faithful wife, a good Date obliterated.
mother, a true friend. "Mother"
Wells Howard F. Bogart
Annie M. Wells Oct. 7, 1913
Died Dec. 29, 1931 Apr. 27, 1919
Age 45 yrs. 6 mos. 27 days.
Henry M. Bogart
Gable Oct. 7, 1913
Nancy Goodsen Apr. 27, 1919
Wife of W.D. Cable Henry M. Bogart
Nov. 25, 1853 May 16, 1837
Sept. 13, 1916 Aug. 31, 1916
As a wife, devoted Frances E. Freeman
As a mother, affectionate His wife
As a friend, kind and true. Jan. 6, 1842
Date obliterated.
Infant White Kollock
Died Nov. 13, 1936 Joe W. Kollock
May 24, 1881
Marigle Feb. 2, 1919
Margaret Maria Marigle He is at rest in Heaven.
Born Mar. 15, 1830
Died July 12, 1901 Preston
Erected by J.H. Marigle Jesse Preston
Nov. 14, 1833
Morgan Mar. 18, 1918
John Ernest Morgan
Son of M.M. & Lizzie Margaret Freeman
Morgan His Wife
Born Mar. 6, 1893 Oct. 17, 1837
Died Mar. 23, 1896 May 28, 1903
Age 3 yrs. 2 mos. 17 days. Precious in the sight
Darling baby, thou has't of the Lord, is the
left us here. death of his saints.
Thy loss, we deeply feel,
but tis God. Julia
That hath bereft us. Dau. of Margaret Preston
He can all our sorrows heal. May 20, 1871
June 30, 1927
Milton M. Morgan Asleep in Jesus.
Sept. 9, 1854
Jan. 13, 1919 Crox
A precious one, from us John E. Crox
is gone. Born Nov. 8, 1873
A voice we loved is stilled. Died Nov. 25, 1875
Bogart Babb
G.J. Bogart Robert Caleway
Dec. 13, 1919 Son of Mr. & Mrs. W.C. Babb
Sept. 5, 1921 Born Mar. 14, 1907
At Rest. Died June 18, 1908
A little bud of love,
Malcome S. God took to heaven above.
Son of Mr. & Mrs. W.C.
Babb Kelly
1912 - 1924 Joshua H.
He will live again. Son of S.H. & Mattie Kelly
June 10, 1904
Miller July 23, 1915
Elizabeth Eldridge Bogart Gone, but not forgotten.
Wife of C.A. Miller
Mar. 25, 1883 Babb
Mar. 5, 1923 William M. Babb
Born Sept. 13, 1856
Waller Died Aug. 9, 1903
Boyd Allen, Son of Gone, but not forgotten
T.J. & M.L. Waller not dead but sleeping.
Born Sept. 3, 1906 Mary E. Babb
Died May 23, 1908 Born Nov. 15, 1854
Budded on earth to Died Nov. 18, 1904
bloom in heaven. Gone to live with the
Angels. Where we hope to
Bertha A. Dau. of meet her again.
T.J. & M.L. Waller
Born Mar. 4, 1899 Watkins
Died Oct. 2, 1900 Paul, Son of
Gone to be with the angels. J.M. & Bessie Watkins
Born Nov. 19, 1903
Babb Died Dec. 26, 1903
Martha Blackburn Gone to rest, but not forgotten.
Wife of H.G. Babb
Born Mar. 6, 1840 ?? To my Wife
Died Dec. 16, 1915 Bessie,
Married Nov. 4, 1875 Wife of J.M. Watkins
Mother Born Oct. 31, 1885
Died May 26, 1910
Scarbrough At Rest.
Tennessee Fine,
Scarbrough Miller
Born Sept. 20, 1880 D. Miller
Died Apr. 2, 1884 Died Dec. 15, 1934
God blisses in an early Age 2 yrs. 7 mos. 21 days.
death, and takes the
infant unto Himself. Frank Meton Miller
Died Jan. 10, 1937
Oscar H. Scarbrough Age 4 yrs. 11 mos. 4 days.
Born Mar. 11, 1874
Died Feb. 3, 1896 Nellie Rosanna Jane Miller
Too good for earth Died June 15, 1937
God hath called him Home. Age 2 yrs. 3 mos. 16 days.
Holy Bible.
Martha M. Eldridge
Luttrell Born Oct. 25, 1826
James H. Luttrell Died Aug. 8, 1901
Born Dec. 16, 1831
Died Oct. 29, 1898 John H. Eldridge
We shall sleep but not Born Mar. 1, 1816
forever, Died Oct. 9, 1900
There will be a glorious
day, we shall meet to part, Lizzie M.G.
No, never on the resurrection Dau. of H.A. Crox & S.J.
morn. Eldridge
Born July 15, 1871
Fritts Died Oct. 29, 1886
Isaac Fritts
Born Mar. 27, 1816 Alford
Died June 1, 1882 ? Infant Alford
Died June 10, 1929
In Memory of
Fannie, Wife of Infant Alford
Isaac Fritts Died June 17, 1929
Born Jan. 11, 1812
Died Aug. 27, 1890 Smith
Raymond Crowder Smith
McAnally Born Dec. 10, 1900
Nellie E. McAnally Died Jan. 30, 1901
Sept. 18, 1867 Suffer little children
Nov. 16, 1922 to come unto Me.
She was the sunshine
of our lives. Maggie S. Crowder Smith
Wife of A.B. Smith
Nancy Jones Born Apr. 13, 1877
Wife of R. M. McAnally Died Feb. 24, 1901
Apr. 21, 1842 There shall be no night there.
July 13, 1913
Nichols Annice Irene
W.M. Nichols Infant Dau. of W.H. & Janice
Born Jan. 26, 1869 B. Boggs
Died June 27, 1908 Dec. 26, 1891
Gone, but not forgotten. Dec. 28, 1891
Suffer little children
Billingsly come unto me.
James Billingsly
Born Feb. 9, 1804 Wells
Died July 6, 1900 Arlie Louise Wells
Age 96 years. Wife of W.R. King
Oct. 12, 1895
Eldridge Sept. 12, 1918
Maggie L. Eldridge In love she lived,
Died Jan. 26, 1927 In peace she died,
Age 78 yrs. 20 days. Her life was craved,
but God denied.
Margaret E. Blackburn
Wife of John A. Wells Wells
Nov. 2, 1850 Fanny May, Dau. of
July 9, 1934 W.J. & Mary Wells
Come ye blessed. Born Dec. 4, 1888
Died July 26, 1889
John A. Wells Sr.
Jan. 14, 1840 James Mabree, Son of
Dec. 5, 1914 W.J. & N.E. Wells
Gone, but not forgotten. Born Mar. 10, 1882
Died Apr. 6, 1882
J.K. Wells
Born Aug. 14, 1876 Charles Robert,
Died Mar. 2, 1899 Son of W.J. & N.E. Wells
Born July 28, 1879
Ida May, Dau. of Died Jan. 5, 1884
J.A. & M.E. Wells Yes we'll meet,
Born May 6, 1890 beyond the river.
Died July 20, 1899 where the surces?
cease to roll.
Infant Son of J.A. & M.E.
Wells M.A. Wells
Dates obliterated. Dau. of W.J. & N.E. Wells
4 graves unmarked in this lot. Born May 10, 1860
Died Aug. 16, 1887
Alice Wells
Born June 15, 1800 William J. Wells
Died Nov. 12, 1887 Feb. 24, 1841
May 5, 1921
Moses Wells Enlisted Union Army
Born Apr. 15, 1797 Co. 1, First Tenn. Inf.
Died Jan. 28, 1884 Aug. 19, 1861
Discharged Sept. 17, 1864
Mary M. Wells Married to Mary M. Kollock
Wife of W.J. Wells Nancy E. King
Born July 16, 1848 Sept. 2, 1845
Died Nov. 8, 1907 Aug. 25, 1887
William J. Wells Mary J. Rambo
Feb. 24, 1841 Feb. 14, 1867
May 5, 1921 Date obliterated.
Enlisted Union Army
Co. 1, First Tenn. Inf. Hill
Aug. 19, 1861 Laura Florence
Discharged Sept. 17, 1864 Dau. of J.W. & Isabele Hill
Married Mary M. Kollock Born July 16, 1873
July 16, 1848 Died Oct. 9, 1879
Nov. 1907
A.A. Kollock
John W. Hill Born Aug. 14, 1831
Born Sept. 29, 1838 Died Aug. 16, 1901
See Adendum Age 70 yrs. 2 days
At Rest.
Charles L. Son of Mary Jane, Wife of
C.H. & L.E. Crox A.A. Kollock
Sept. 8, 1905 Mar. 17, 1839
Sept. 10, 1914 Oct. 29, 1910
Gone to Rest.
Persille Lane In Memory of
Died Mar. 21, 1935 Matilda Jane
Age 55 yrs. 11 mos. 21 days. Consort of A.A. Kollock
Died July 11, 1852
Freeman Age 27 yrs. 1 mo. 1 day.
James Polk Freeman
Mar. 20, 1844 The victory now is obtained
Apr. 14, 1899 She's gone, her dear
Saviour to; Her wish she
Nancy A. Freeman fully has gained,
Oct. 17, 1847 she's now where she
May 26, 1915 longed to be.
Alice E. Wife of Then let us forbear to
J.P. Freeman complain, that she has now
Born July 6, 1853 gone from our sight; We
Died Aug. 16, 1869 soon shall behold her again,
I know that my wife new and undoubled delight.
Redeemer lives.
I have a home in glory. Anderson
In Memory of Isabella J.
Achsah Freeman Dau. of Joseph & Elizabeth
Born Aug. 8, 1808 Anderson
Died Jan. 6, 1891 Born Oct. 13, 1837
Mother at rest. Died June 2, 1847
Kollock In memory of
In Memory of Mrs. Elizabeth M.
Mary E. Wife of Wife of Joseph Anderson
Joseph Kollock Born July 17, 1807
Born May 15, 1834 Died Mar. 10, 1853
Died Aug. 10, 1859 There is a world above,
Sweet is the sleep where parting is unknown,
my wife takes, a lone eternity of life,
Till in Christ Jesus formed for the good alone.
She wakes;
Then will her happy soul The grave of Sarah G. Anderson
rejoice, Born Jan. 14, 1835
to hear her blessed Died Oct. 1854
In Memory of
Hester Ann Jane
Dau. of A.A. & Mary Jane Kollock
Died Aug. 30, 1861
Age 4 yrs. 6 mos. 25 days.
Lovely babe how brief they stay,
Short and hasty was thy day.
Ending soon they sojourn here,
Pain and grief no more to bear.
How hard it is from thee to part,
How it doth rand our aching hearts.
And since and heir to glory's gone,
Let the will of God be done.
J.W. Kollock
Born June 20, 1825
Died July 25, 1878
Anderson Sarah E. Johnson
In Memory of Born May 16, 1851
Sallie Whitlock Died June 25, 1851
A faithful servant of
Joseph Anderson Samuel A. Johnson
Died Aug. 2, 1834 Born Jan. 5, 1855
Age 23 years. Died Feb. 21, 1855
In Memory of William D. Johnson
Joseph Anderson Born Sept. 2, 1852
Born Oct. 28, 1809 Died Oct. 5, 1857
Died June 1, 1865
Age 55 yrs. 7 mos. 4 days. In Memory of
Lucetta Ann, Infant of
In Memory of M.B. & M.C. Johnson
John Anderson Born Mar. 24, 1857
Born Oct. 14, 1842 Died Apr. 6, 1857
Died Jan. 28, 1888
He is not dead but sleepth. Bolt
Oscar Bolt
Johnson June 2, 1896
In Memory of Nov. 27, 1923
The children of At Rest.
M.B. & M.C. Johnson
Jasper Bolt
---- Bolt (Emma Purdy) Born Mar. 16, 1858
Born Sept. 15, 1867 Died Sept. 7, 1913
Died Nov. 6, 1928
Mother - Faithful to her In Memory of
trust even unto death. Lizzie
Dau. of P.W. & L.J. Nave
Sharits Died Sept. 3, 1862
Ann E. Dau. of Age 4 mos 27 days.
J.W. & & L.A. Sharits
Born Feb. 6, 1871 Anderson
Died June 15, 1873 Sgt. Wm. Anderson
Co. K
Lougetta A. Wife of 1st U.S. C.H. Art.
J.W. Sharits Dates obliterated.
Born Dec. 26, 1837
Died June 21, 1873 Preston
To my wife Nancy,
Wells Wife of Jessie Preston Sr.
G.M. Wells Born Mar. 30, 1805
Co. 1 - 1st Tenn. Inf. Died Oct. 12, 1888
Born Nov. 27, 1840 Asleep in Jesus.
Died Oct. 5, 1873
n Memory of
Mary L. Wells Nancy Achsah
Born Mar. 8, 1841 Dau. of
Died Feb. 20, 1844 Jessie & Margaret A. Preston
Born July 16, 1880
Margaret Wells Died Apr. 26, 1881
Wife of W.N. Littleton
Born Jan 25, 1823 Hotchkiss
Died May 30, 1909 Sallie, Dau. of
Earth has no sorrow S. & M. Hotchkiss
that heaven cannot heal. Born Oct. 15, 1856
Died Sept. 12, 1864?
Maggie Lou
Dau. of W.J. & M.E. Wells Bogart
Born May 5, 1873 In Memory of
Died July 31, 1875 Daughter and Son of
H.M. & E.E. Bogart
Lonnie McAllister Sarah
Jan. 4, 1891 Born Dec. 29, 1859
Dec. 28, 1928 Died Jan. 12, 1863
Gone from our home, A.J.
But not from our hearts. Born Feb. 19, 1862
Died Jan. 12, 1863
In Memory of Lizzie Jane Cornett
Consort of P.W. Nave Mae Trull, Wife of
and Dau. of I.C. Mitchell R.L. Cornett
Born Sept. 2, 1843 Dec. 8, 1896 - Oct. 26, 1918
Died Apr. 26, 1862 Not lost, but gone before.
Age 18 yrs. 7 mos. 24 days. Lead Kindly Light.
R.L. Cornett Roberts
Oct. 25, 1897 Robert Neal S.
Sept. 22, 1922 Son of G.W. & M.E. Roberts
Lead Kindly Light. Apr. 27, 1910
Nov. 27, 1919
Jesse, Son of George W. Roberts
G.W. & Mary Bolt July 22, 1950
Jan. 24, 1889 Aug. 15, 1925
Nov. 20, 1890
Gone to be an angel.
Oliver His Wife
Son of G.W. & Mary Bolt Mary E. Hacker
Sept. 24, 1890 Mar. 6, 1836
Jan. 7, 1906 Sept. 16, 1925
Let out Father's will be done.
George W. Bolt Clifford Charlie
Mar. 3, 1864 Son of Mr. & Mrs. Lonzo
Dec. 27, 1915 Wallace
Nov. 23, 1920
Mary J. Preston Nov. 23, 1920
His Wife Gone, but not forgotten.
Jan. 6, 1866
Date obliterated. Quinton
Albert, Son of
Brown D.R. & Artie Quinton
Bessie Mae Brown Nov. 28, 1917
Died Feb. 18, 1931 Jan. 9, 1920
Age 32 years. In heaven there is an angel
Lois Brown
Died May 24, 1936 Robert Quinton
Age 6 yrs. 11 mos. 4 days. Died July 30, 1904
Age 1 day.
Mrs. Ida Shaw Clare, Wife of
Died Mar. 16, 1937 Rufus Quinton
Age 62 yrs. 3 mos. 4 days. Dec. 1, 1860
Dec. 13, 1914
Edna Shaw How desolate our home,
Died Dec. 5, 1934 hereft of Thee.
Age 3 months 18 days.
Alvin Quinton
Burns 1928 - 1929
N.C. - Wife of L.B. Burns Aug. 19, 1929
Aug. 3, 1835 Age 11 months 16 days.
May 26, 1882
Age 46 yrs. 9 mos. 23 days. Geneva P.
1921 - 1922
George Hartsell Miller Son and Daughter
Died June 11, 1933 Of Mr. & Mrs. D.F. Quinton
Age 14 yrs. 11 mos. 14 days.
Adie, Wife of
Cora Harrett T. Shrimsher
Dau. of -.E. & Hassie Aug. 24, 1878
Miller Apr. 5, 1920
Mar. 5, 1913
July 8, 1913 Jenkins
Edith Marie Jenkins
Hassie E. Miller Apr. 15, 1919
Jan. 17, 1888 Oct. 30, 1919
Mar. 23, 1929 Asleep in Jesus.
She was a kins --
affectionate wife, Duncan
and a fond mother and Sacred - To the Memory
a friend to all. Silas Duncan
Co. B 10th Reg.
Quinton Texas Cav. - C.S.A.
Priscilla Jane E. Died Aug. 3, 1862
Dau. of Wm. & Roxie Corby Age 42 yrs. 1 mo. 11 days.
Dec. 5, 1910 Tombstone laying on ground
May 2, 1914
Brown Ethel, Dau. of
Annie Brown B.B. & Mollie Sewell
Died Jan. 6, 1937 Oct. 17, 1903
Age 40 years. Mar. 25, 1919
She was but a jewel,
Mary Brown lent us to sparkle in
Aug. 21, 1919 our mid'st awhile,
Jan. 4, 1934 then God called,
"Thy will be done." and took his treasure,
before she knew and earthly
Gryder guile.
Sarah Gryder
Died Oct. 6, 1928 Schrimspher
Age 9 yrs. 4 mos. 19 days. Lucinda Gryder
Wife of B.E. Schrimpher
Griffin Apr. 29, 1850
Barbara J. Griffin Jan. 10, 1918
Died May 11, 1930 Married Feb. 13, 1870
Age 5 hours.
Joe Schrimspher
Susie Griffin Mar. 27, 1889
Died Mar. 14, 1927 Apr. 28, 1913
Age 1 day. We will meet again.
Schrimpsher Murphy
Ellen Adaline Schrimpsher Rev. T.J. Murphy
Died Feb. 19, 1925 Born Apr. 27, 1839
Age 2 months 29 days. Died Oct. 19, 1916
A precious one from us
Christian has gone,
Infants of John & B.A. A pleasant voice is stilled,
Christian A place is vacant in our home,
Born and Died Which never can be filled.
Dec. 3, 1868 "Father"
Died the same.
F. Murphy
Eldridge Died Apr. 19, 1906
Jessie, Son of Age 30 yrs. 1 mo.
C.D. & Cynthia Eldridge
May 16, 1887 Pearl Lair
July 3, 1887 Wife of J.H. Murphy
Asleep in Jesus. Aug. 28, 1880
Oct. 1, 1922
W.A. Eldridge Mamma
Born Feb. 13, 1827 Prepare to meet me in Heaven.
Died June 18, 1896
Resting till the Wells
resurrection morn James A.
in hope of a glorious Son of J.A. & M.E. Wells
immortality. Born July 17, 1869
Died Apr. 13, 1871
Sacred to the
memory of West
Jesse Eldridge Rufus West
Died May 17, 1864? Sept. 6, 1850
Age 102 years old. Dec. 29, 1918
Eldridge Monia
Wife of Jesse Eldridge Everette Monia
Died Jan. 6, 1876 Died Feb. 1, 1930
Age 78 years Age 1 year.
A light from our home
is gone, Jenkins
A voice we loved is stilled, Infant Jenkins
A place is vacant in Died Aug. 2, 1935
our heart,
That never can be filled. Hotchkiss
Samuel Hotchkiss
Everett Born Apr. 5, 1805
Lou Nelson Tate Died Sept. 2, 1863
Daughter of Gone, but not forgotten.
Mahala J. Everett
Jan. 3, 1880 Frances R., Wife of
May 21, 1880 J.A. Mitchell
Budded on earth to bloom Born Mar. 21, 1819
in Heaven. Died June 1, 1853
Where is thy spirit flown?
George W. Hotchkiss I gaze above thy look is an
Born Mar. 31, 1837 angel there.
Died Feb. 24, 1854 I listen and the gentle
tone, tis on the air.
Betsy E., Dau. of
G.M. Hotchkiss Freeman
Born Feb. 18, 1841 In Memory of
Died Dec. 26, 1841 Sarah Freeman
Born Nov. 16, 1839
Bolt Died May 24, 1858
Elizabeth Wells Bolt
1835 - 1916 In Memory of
James Freeman
W.G. Bolt Born Feb. 18, 1806
1820 - 1883 Died Feb. 26, 1849
Douglas West
Adie A. Douglas In Memory of Elizabeth
Sept. 4, 1863 Wife of James E. West
Sept. 30, 1905 Born Aug. 1, 1830
Died Oct. 5, 1877
W.C.W. Douglas
June 30, 1859 Johnson
Mar. 2, 1906 Sarah Johnson
Mother - Father Died Jan. 10, 1934
Resting till the resurrection Age 80 yrs. 16 days.
West Sacred to the Memory of
Tate West C.M. Hotchkiss
Born Feb. 5, 1878 Born Sept. 23, 1802
Died Aug. 31, 1905 Died Jan. 26, 1893
Gone, but not forgotten. Age 90 yrs. 4 mos. 4 days.
Asleep in Jesus
Gentry Blessed sleep.
Henry D. Gentry
June 28, 1885 In Memory of Sallie M.
Dec. 23, 1917 Wife of C.M. Hotchkiss
Gone, but not forgotten. Born Sept. 14, 1811
Died Aug. 6, 1889
Willford Gone, but not forgotten.
John, Son of
E. & S. Willford In Memory of Robie
Born Nov. 14, 1886 Son of H.B. & A.M. Hotchkiss
Died Nov. 14, 1886 Born Apr. 6, 1887
Died Aug. 1, 1889
In Memory of Mary E. Jackson
Infant Dau. of B.E. Jackson
J.A. & F.R. Mitchell July 14, 1852
Born June 3, 1842 May 22, 1906
Died June 18, 1842 Let our Father's will
Be done.
Walter H.
Son of G.M. & M.J. Mary E. Jackson
Hotchkiss Aug. 20, 1835
Born Jan. 2, 1886 July 25, 1912
Died Oct. 20, 1888 A tender mother and a
faithful friend.
In Memory of
Edgar James Hotchkiss
Son of G.M. & M.J. Mary Kate
Hotchkiss Dau. of J.E. & M.B. Harris
Born Dec. 2, 1897 Born June 10, 1879
Died Mar. 14, 1898 Died Aug. 4, 1893
Gone home.
Martha H. Hotchkiss
1861 - 1898 J.J. Hotchkiss
"At Rest" Born Feb. 2, 1882
Died Oct. 12, 1895
Claiborne H. Hotchkiss He died as he lived
1859 - 1935 a Christian.
Arden In Memory of
Stella Maree Arden Martha Eblen Hotchkiss
July 24, 1915 Born June 23, 1861
July 17, 191? Died Apr. 23, 1888
Darling, we miss thee. Gone, but not forgotten.
Elmer Russell Monger
Son of Lon & Nellie Arden William Rufus Monger
Mar. 10, 1923 Died June 8, 1931
Nov. 22, 1923 Age 61 years.
Gone, but not forgotten.
Arden Fred Lauderdale
Sarah, Wife of Nov. 8, 1880
R.R. Arden Feb. 25, 1922
Jan. 17, 1851
Apr. 21, 1916 His Wife
Rest, mother, rest in quiet, Jessie P. Lauderdale
Sleep, while friendin, Dec. 4, 1886
Sorrow o'er thee weep. Jan 15, 1982
Russell Arden Eldridge
Died May 20, 1923 Mrs. B. Eldridge
Age 78 yrs. 10 mos. 19 days. Born Oct. 29, 1831
Died Aug. 7, 1911
Murllin Jane, Kinser
Wife of John W.W. Haley Laura Lauderdale
Born June 28, 1830 Wife of H.F. Kinser
Died June 24, 1861 Born Aug. 19, 1866
Died Apr. 26, 1901
W.?. Eldridge On that bright eternal
Born Feb. 13, 1827 Shore. We shall meet
Died June 18, 1896 to part no more.
Mother - Father
Lead Kindly Light
A.S. Eldridge
Mar. 20, 1875 Henry Franis Kinser
May 24, 1936 Born Feb. 28, 1858
Died Jan. 8, 1928
Alberte Coffin John F. Lauderdale
Feb. 27, 1869 Born Dec. 27, 1835
Feb. 29, 1916 Died Oct. 24, 1904
They will be done.
Theodore T. Coffin Hope.
Date obliterated
July 5, 1886 Louise, Wife of
J.F. Lauderdale
Martha Eldridge Coffin Nov. 23, 1845
Mar. 20, 1829 Dec. 6, 1912
Aug. 12, 1897 Absent, not dead.
Father - Mother
Daily Benjamin, Son of
Floyd Daily B.F. & Florence Courrier
Died Aug. 20, 1933 Born and Died
Age 4 days. Aug. 9, 1917
A little bud of love,
Boyd Daily to bloom with God above.
Died Aug. 17, 1833
Age 5 hours. Authur
Martha Jane Authur
Kollock Died Feb. 14, 1930
Emerson, E.J. Kollock Age 84 yrs. 4 mos. 1 day.
Nov. 3, 1894
May 15, 1922 Grayson
Enlisted Nov. 14, 1917 Mary Emaline Grayson
Co. G. 396 Engineer's Born July 23, 1895
31 Div. A.E.F. Died June 27, 1896
Discharged June 23, 1919
Ft. Oglethorpe GA Keith
He gave his life for Rose Mae, Dau. of
his country. E.L. & M.B. Keith
Nov. 3, 1897
Sam W. Kollock Feb. 21, 1910
Aug. 15, 1867
Nov. 10, 1896 Littleton
Mrs. Louise Littleton
Wells Died Oct. 21, 1922
Martha Elizabeth Age 22 yrs. 10 mos. 13 days.
Dau. of Joe & Ethel Wells
June 20, 1906 Perrin
(bottom of page cut off) Mark F. Perrin
Aug. 21, 1879
Maggie Belle Keith Jan. 23, 1913
Died May 29, 1934 In love he lived,
Age 58 yrs. 7 mos. 19 days. in peace he died.
His life was craved,
E.L. Keith but God denied.
Sept. 23, 1867
Date obliterated Mable I., Dau. of
Our precious ones from M.E. & Nellie Perrin
us have gone, July 17, 1902
the voices we loved Aug. 4, 1902
are stilled. Gone to be an angel.
These vacant places
in our home can never Willford
be filled. Hattie F., Dau. of
J.W. & N.J. Willford
Louis Arthur Jr. Born June 10, 1888
Son of Louis & Martha Died May 23, 1890
Born Mar. 4, 1854 Arden
Died Sept. 27, 1899 James W. Arden
June 10, 1881
Floyd W. Nov. 29, 1923
Son of Louis & Kate Arthur Age 47 yrs. 6 mos. 17 days.
Born Dec. 17, 1897
Died July 31, 1899 R.A. Arden
Budded on earth Born June 4, 1838
to bloom in Heaven. Died Dec. 29, 1906
Not dead, but sleepeth.
Louis Arthur
Son of In Memory of
Mathew & Rebecca Arthur Pecci? Ann Arden
Born Feb. 11, 1807 Wife of R.A. Arden
Died Aug. 2, 1897 Born Sept. 4, 1842
Died Mar. 30, 1902
Felix Arthur Resting at home with
Dec. 20, 1850 Christ.
Oct. 18, 1924
No name
Flora J. Arthur Died Oct. 17, 1901
Wife of M.E. Wilkerson Mother is absent,
Feb. 21, 1900 but not forgotten.
Apr. 2, 1922
She was the sunshine W.F. Mizell
of our home. July 11, 1836
Dec. 28, 1912
In Memory of Dutton
John Jackson Arden Wilson Dutton
Born Oct. 8, 1870 Jan. 10, 1878
Died Sept. 19, 1896 June 1, 1929
Naomi E., Dau. of Roda Blanch Dutton
H.H. & S. Nelson Died Nov. 8, 1932
Born May 24, 1888 Age 13 yrs. 6 mos. 5 days.
Died June 14, 1894
At Rest. Rush
Mary M. Rush
Arden Died Mar. 7, 1936
In Memory of Laura Susan Age 64 yrs. 2 mos. 11 days.
Dau. of R.A. Arden
Born Apr. 4, 1881 Pourell
Died May 17, 1901 Elizabeth Jane Pourell
O, my children meet me Died Dec. 28, 1930
in Heaven. Age 30 yrs. 1 mo. 22 days.
Dutton Schrimsher
Infant Dau. of Lucinda, Dau. of
G.M. & Freddie J. Dutton J.F. & Adie Schrimsher
Born and Died July 20, 1908
Mar. 1, 1907 June 10, 1911
Infant Son of McNabb
G.M. & Freddie J. Dutton Infant Son of
Born and Died W.M. & Laura McNabb
July 21, 1908 June 29, 1905
Aug. 20, 1905
Joel R. Son of Littleton
J.F. & M.C. Phillips Died Sept. 16, 1936
June 14, 1889 Age 64 yrs. 5 mos.
Mar. 21, 1912
Mary C. Phillips Robert Glandon
Died May 3, 1930 Died Feb. 7, 1937
Age 76 yrs. 4 days. Age 54 yrs. 3 mos. 29 days.
See Addendum
Bella Phillips Eldridge
Died Feb. 1, 1934 W.H. Eldridge
Died June 27, 1937
John Franklin Phillips Age 67 years.
Died Jan. 29, 1955
Age 81 yrs. 8 mos. 4 days. Miller
Samuel M. Miller
Jett Died June 5, 1933
Martha A. Jett Age 2 yrs. 2 days.
Born Jan. 31, 1836
Died Oct. 27, 1897 Stallard
How desolate our home, Phillip Bruce Stallard
bereft of thee. Died Dec. 1, 1935
Age 1 yr. 7 mos.
Mary H. Mizell Hill
(bottom of page cut off) John Clyde Hill
Mar. 11, 1923
Apr. 9, 1932