Hickory Valley Cemetery
The Hickory Valley Cemetery is 8 miles east of Lenoir City. Cross the
river at Lenoir City, cut the Greenback Road to the six mile marker,
turn left on the Unitia Road 2 miles, turn right about 100 feet.
Near the Cemetery is the Hickory Valley Church. The cemetery is kept
in fine shape, nice iron fence around it. The land around it is owned
by Marshall Jones.
There are 97 unmarked graves. Copied by Richard Flohr. Lenoir City, Tenn.
Mar. 16, 1938
Joseph M. Mizell
July 12, 1857
Jan. 3, 1934
Sarah (?) Mizell
Sept. 18, 1866
Date obliterated.
Gone, but not forgotten
Thomas P. Hammer
Dec. 6, 1882
March 19, 1937
"At rest"
Bennie Tinsley
Born July 26, 1836
Died Mar. 3, 1932
Brother gone, but not forgotten
Infant Potter
Died Oct. 30, 1933
Lise Bishop
Dates obliterated
Derritt Eugene Milsap
Born May 9, 1923
Died Dec. 21, 1923
Age 7 months
Minnie Howard
Wife of
J. C. Long.
Oct. 11, 1872
Mar. 3, 1933
Howard J.
Son of W. J. & L. B. Brewer
1913 - 1918
Lillie Bell,
Wife of
W. J. Brewer
1884 - 1918
Nora L. Whisman
Born Apr. 25, 1875
Died Jan. 12, 1928
John P. Whisman
Born Nov. 10, 1872
Died Sept. 10, 1933
Steve F. Crisp
Oct. 20, 1876
Aug. 20, 1932
In God's care
Chester Crisp
Feb. 21, 1930
Mar. 20, 1930
Thomas F. Pickelsimer
Apr. 9, 1919
Apr. 10, 1919
"Our Darling"
F. M. Oneal
Oct. 3, 1851
Mar. 29, 1928
Rest in peace
Baxter Smith
Died Aug. 13, 1936
Age 69 ys. 1 month
Clyde N.
Son of B. M. and Bettie Jones
Born Apr. 21, 1907
Died Oct. 9, 1908
Our Darling,
Tombstone broke in two.
James Wesley Lane
Sept. 1, 1854
Mar. 6, 1856
John N. Jones
Oct. 29, 1865
Oct. 2, 1935
Ann Jones
May 15, 1867
Aug. 24, 1920
Isaac Long
Born Sept. 15, 1839
Died May 6, 1909
Heaven retaineth now our treasure,
Earth the lonely casket keeps,
And the sunbeams love to linger,
Where our sainted father sleeps.
Nannie C. Long
Wife of
Isaac Long
Born Mar. 25, 1846
Died Aug. 4, 1914
Lord give us strength our loss to bear,
And lead us in the Heavenly way.
Oh! May we meet our mother there,
In realms of everlasting way.
J. A. Mitchell
Born -1818
Died -1904
Age 86 years
Glenn Mitchell
Born Mar. 20, 1893
Died -1894
Dr J. B. Mitchell
1830 - 1897
Belle E. Mitchell
1835 - 1929
Fannie L.
Wife of Thad S. McConnell
Mar. 6, 1877
Feb. 4, 1920
At rest, to rise to life eternal.
Louise Deford
Jan. 18, 1907
Jan. 19, 1916
Dialthe N. Moore
May 6, 1894
Dec. 9, 1900
"At rest"
In Memory of
Richard C. George
Born June 5, 1835
Died Nov. 2, 1837
"At rest"
In Memory of
Catherine E. George
Born June 24, 1835
Died Oct. 6, 1891
Asleep in Jesus
Beloved and Farewell
Hiram T. Quillin
Born Mar. 4, 1842
Died July 1, 1907
Gladys Marie Quillin
Born Apr. 13, 1901
Died July 27, 1901
Sarah E. Quillin
Wife of H. T. Quillin
Died May 22, ????
A precious one from us has gone,
A voice we loved is stilled,
A place is vacant in our home,
Which never can be filled.
Nannie Colvert
Died Nov. 5, 1936
Age 22 yrs. 1 mo. 15 days
F. V. McPherson
Mar. 12, 1866
Nov. 11, 1887
June 10, 1883
Mar. 23, 1905
Mary Hoover
Jan. 10, 1850
Feb. 26, 1924
Henry Hoover
Oct. 5, 1835
Nov. 26, 1916
J. J. Hoover Jr.
Born Sept. 17, 1881
Died May 3, 1908
Samuel Henry Hoover,
Born Apr. 13, 1891
Died Nov. 17, 1895
Esta Hoover
Born Apr. 30, 1889
Died Aug. 9, 1889
In Memory of John J. Hoover
Born Feb. 28, 1813
Died Oct. 10, 1887
Age 74 yrs. 7 mos. 12 days
Elizabeth Hoover
Born Jan. 12, 1820
Died June 19, 1892
Age 72 yrs. 5 mos. 7 days
Amos Oneal
Co. F.
39 W. S. E. I.
Dates obliterated
L. Ory Oneal
Born 1890
Died 1893
James Oneal
Born Feb. 21, 1845
Died Dec. 5, 1929
Mary J. Oneal
Born Mar. 10, 1852
Died May 3, 1897
Lucile Oneal
Died Dec. 20, 1932
Age 12 ys. 30 days
Wife of Abner Jones
Born June 24, 1815
Died May 14, 1905
Abner Jones
Born Nov. 3, 1807
Died Sept. 29, 1876
Charles H.
Son of R. L. & Adria Key
Oct. 25, 1910
Mar. 23, 1911
Budded on earth to bloom
in Heaven.
Sarah J. Finley
Born Oct. 8, 1829
Died Aug. 6, 1907
Isaac Franklin
Nannie Alice & Lloyd Leon
Infant children of
I. M. & Anna Jones
Dates obliterated
Josie Lee, & Sanford Jones
Infant Childen of
I. M. & A. Jones
Dates obliterated
Rachel Deford
Wife of M. E. Deford
Born May 16, 1843
Died Apr. 8, 1890
A precious one from us has gone,
A voice we loved is stilled,
A place is vacant in our home,
Which never can be filled.
M. E. Deford
Nov. 18, 1850
June 27, 1936
Age 83 yrs. 7 mos. 9 days
Asleep in Jesus
Mattie E. A.
Dau. Of A. J. & Rachel Cole
Wife of T. N. Griffitts
Born Apr. 20, 1859
Died Dec. 4, 1887
Friends and strangers passing by,
As you are now so once was I
As I am now so you will be,
Prepare for death and follow me
S. Griffitts
Born Nov. 12, 1887
Died Dec. 4, 1887
Campbell Long
Born Jan. 2, 1814
Died May 12, 1884
Mary Jane Coppock
Died Noc. 15, 1938
Age 88 yrs. 10 mos. 29 days
Alexander McGill
Born May 17, 1881
Died Sept. 4, 1881
"At Rest"
Sarahe McGill
Wife of J. J. McGill
Born Aug. 4, 1859
Died Aug. 16, 1881
Asleep in Jesus
Rebecca Long
Wife of J. L. Quillen
Born Nov. 5, 1844
Died Jan. ? 1884
Elizabeth Jones
Dates obliterated
L. B. Jones
Dates obliterated
Ester Deford
Died Dec. 4, 1898
Age 72 years
Lawrence McGill
Born Mar. 23, 1894
Died June 18, 1895
Gone, but not forgotten
Elsie McGill
Born Sept. 4, 1896
Date obliterated
Forever at Rest
J. L. Quillen
Born Aug. 24, 1847
Died Sept. 11, 1901
Clela Hammer
Born Aug. 9, 1897
Died Oct. 4, 1901
Only sleeping
Lula Hammer
Born Feb. 13, 1872
Died Jan. 11, 1905
Della Hammer
Born Aug. 30, 1902
Died Feb. 13, 1904
Our Darling.
William A. Crisp
Died Apr. 23, 1933
Age 2 yrs. 9 mos. 21 days
J. H. Morton
May 5, 1862
Oct. 25, 1929
Gone, but not forgotten
Emeline Wife of
James Schrimscher
Born Aug. 6, 1839
Died June 14, 1906
Percilla J. Waman
Born Jan. 3, 1874
Died Oct. 16, 1891
Sallie E. Waman
Born Jan. 29, 1870
Died July 18, 1894
Edmund Waman
Aug. 15, 1879
Mar. 9, 1885
At Rest
Eliza Long
Wife of Edmund Wayman
Born Apr. 4, 1834
Died Nov. 14, 1879
Meet me in Heaven
Rachel L. Wayman
Wife of W. A. Lane
Born Oct. 30, 1860
Died Oct. 2, 1882
Gone, but not forgotten
Charles Wayman
Died Dec. 15, 1879
Age 71 yrs. 2 mos. 18 days
Elizabeth Wayman
Died Apr. 3, 1875
Age 57 yrs. 7 mos. 21 days
In Memory of
John D. Jones
Born Mar. 27, 1825
Died Feb. 22, 1889
Age 64 yrs. 10 mos. 25 days
Blessed are the dead which
die in the Lord.
In Memory of
Rachel, Wife of
John D. Jones
Born Jan. 27, 1830
Died July 1, 1891
Age 61 yrs. 5 mos. 4 days
Ollie Stalyon
Feb. 28, 1886
Apr. 23, 1933
Raymond T.
Son of G. M. and L. O. Staylon
Born May 28, 1908
Died July 17, 1908
Infant Son of
L. A. & S. M. Hill
Born and Died
Feb. 20, 1??7
John Newberry
Born - 1846
Died - 1890
Cena Newberry
Born - 1871
Died - 1927
Pearl Lane Courtney
1894 --- 193-
Asleep in Peace
Juanita Henry Courtney
1913, --- 1935
Lula A. Lane
Born June 7, 1860
Date obliterated
John L. Lane
Born Aug. 29, 1855
Died Jan. 9, 1924
Gone, but not forgotten
In Memory of
James L. Lane,
Son of Dr. E. R. & Sarah
Born Jan. 7, 1854
Died Aug. 18, 1878
Age 24, yrs. 7 mos. -day
Wife of E. R. Lane
Born June 8, 1828
Died Mar. 23, 1882
E. R. Lane
Born Dec. 31, 1820
Died Apr. 17, 1890
Sarah E.
Dau. of J. L. and L. A. Lane
Born Jan. 15, 1890
Died Jan. 24, 1890
Lawrence E. & Lora I.
Son and Dau. Of S. W. & S. J. Lane
Born July 7, 1893
Lawrence died July 18, 1893
Lora died
July 22, 1893
Frankie E.
Dau. Of J. L. & L. A. Lane
Born Aug. 7, 1834
Died June 18, 1898
Arthur L. Lane
Jan. 15, 1885
May 10, 1906
"Meet me in Heaven"
Samuel W. Lane
Born Sept. 4, 1860
Died Nov. 29, 1916
A Precious one from us is taken,
A voice we love so dear,
A place is vacant in our home,
which never can be filled
Charles Earnest Lane
Born Mar. 29, 1892
Died Sept. 20, 1921
Gone but not forgotten
Carrie K. Lane
Born Feb. 12, 1917
Died Feb. 13, 1917
Our little Darling
Ruth Harrington
Born Apr. 1, 1837
Died Nov. 12, 1895
Lucinda Jones
Feb. 19, 1842
Feb. 20, 1919
Gone, but not forgotten
William Mills,
Born Aug. 21, 1829
Died June 18, 1898
Tressa A. Mills
Born July 7, 1834
Died Nov. 10, 1897
John Mills
Son of William and Tressa
Died Aug. 4, 1888
Age 23 years 10 months
Ivn Beniface Clemmer
Born May 13, 1891
Died May 25, 1892
Budded on earth to bloom in Heaven
Lonnie M. Hayes
Son of J. C. & Annie Hayes
Born Dec. 22, 1880
Died July 27, 1882
N. E. Hayes
Wife of J. C. Hayes
Born June 27, 1856
Died Jan. 31, 1879
"Our Darling"
Grace - Dau. Of
J. C. & A. Hayes
Born Oct. 15, 1898
Died July 11, 1903
We loved this little tender one,
And would have wished she stay
Tommy Hayes
Born June 25, 1888
Died Oct. 4, 1890
Age 2 years. 3 mos.
Lucinda Hall
Born Apr. 18, 1830
Died July 27, 1894
"Our Mother"
Absent, but not forgotten.
Paul, Son of
W. F. & N. M. Johnson
Born May 5, 1906
Died June 18, 1907
Sleep on sweet babe,
And take thy rest.
God called thee home,
He thought it best
Infant Son of
J. A. & E. M. Beals
Born and Died
Sept. 29, 1879
Joseph F. son of
Jones & Mattie Beals
Born Sept. 27, 1881
Died Sept. 6, 1899
Weep not, he is at rest
A. Jones Beals
Born Aug. 1, 1847
Died June 23, 1901
Gone, but not forgotten
Louema, Dau. of
Harlen & Mary I. Jones
Born Aug. 9, 1886
Died Mar. 30, 1907
Mortals that would follow me,
Love, virtue she alone is free.
Harlen C. Jones
Co. F. 3rd. Tenn
Born Apr. 27, 1842
Died Jan. 25, 1897
A friend to his country
and believer in Christ.
Mary I.
Wife of Harlan C. Jones
Born Mar. 25, 1858
Died Dec. 24, 1906
Asleep in Jesus
Callie Jones
Born Apr. 24, 1882
Died Feb. 21, 1903
A little time on earth he spent,
Till God for him His angel sent
Ruth Williams
Oct. 25, 1928
Sept. 10, 1930
Gone Home
Infants of
Frank & Lillie Thacker
Born Oct. 16, 1906
Died Feb. 10, 1908
Budded on earth to bloom in Heaven
Lillie Jones
Wife of Frank Thacker
Nov. 26, 1878
Feb. 12, 1908
Vola Jones
Wife of Frank Thacker
Oct. 17, 1898
Mar. 6, 1912
The golden gates were opened wide;
A genle voice said come,
And angels from the other side
Welcomed our loved ones home
William Son of Mr. & Mrs. Ples. French.
Sept. 8, 1922
Nov. 12, 1922
Helen Dre-yella Owens
born Sept. 26, 1931
Died Dec. 29, 1933
J. C. Weikal
July 24, 1844
Oct. 24, 1930
Lucinda Jones
May 21, 1827
Aug. 10, 1906
Another gem's in the Savior's crown,
And another soul's in Heaven
Johnston Jones
Nov. 25, 1923
Mar. 20, 1901
"We shall sleep but not forever,
there will be a glorious dawn
We shall meet to part no never,
On the resurrection morn".
Virgil Hammer
Apr. 26, 1902
Oct. 11, 1903
Sarah Rebecca,
Wife of S. A. Deford
Sept. 14, 1853
June 24, 1907
Age 44 years
Robert E. D. Ledford,
Born and Died
May 9, 1928
Col. French,
Mar. 24, 1850
Feb. 2, 1929
His Wife
Mary French,
Feb. 9, 1882
Date obliterated
A. J. Crisp,
Born Nov. 17, 1860
Died Apr. 6, 1923
Gone, but not forgotten.
Harrison Crisp.
Mar. 21, 1895
Oct. 13, 19??
Pheba Crisp.
Mar. 8, 1969
Feb. 23, 1932
"Our Mother"
Iris Hammer
Born Mar. 11, 1895
Died July 23, 1907
All things to the Glory of God.
James C. Brook
Born Feb. 28, 1915
Died Jan. 17, 1917
Mary Jones
May 29, 1868
Jan. 15, 1926
Earl C. McGill,
Born Jan. 28, 1887
Died Mar. 12, 1925
Sarah E. Staley
Jan. 15, 1850
Aug. 13, 1910
J. D. Staley
Died Feb. 5, 1917
Age 75 years
Blair Saley
Died Apr. 4, 1913
Age 21 years
Nelson Deford
Mar. 12, 1881
Sept. 1, 1931
Gone but not forgotten
George W. Shetterly
Born June 17, 1853
Died Jan. 21, 1926
Margaret A. Shetterly
Born Feb. 3, 1847
Died Sept. 9, 1909
John J. McGill
Born Jan. 27, 1854
Died June 21, 1913
At Rest
Nettie A. McGill
Born Oct. 28, 1890
Died Oct. 27, 1916
Asleep in Jesus
Hattie J. Dau. of
J. G. & E. K. Thompson
Born Jan. 26, 1896
Age about six years
Laura L. Shimpaugh
Born Mar. 26, 1877
Died Nov. 21, 1933
Lonnie J. Shimpaugh
Born Feb. 14, 1877
Died Jan. 24, 1921
Everett Gordon Hudson.
Mar. 19, 1916
July 17, 191?
Eliza A. Wife of
W. R. Norris
Born Jan. 5, 1840
Died Dec. 24, 1919
S. L. Hunt Sr.
1889 - 1934
"His Wife"
Grace B. Hunt
Born - 1891
Date obliterated
S. L. Hunt Jr.
1918 - 1919
Martha E. Wayman Brook
Sept. 16, 1856
Dec. 20, 1935
James Madison Brook
Dec. 17, 1846
Oct. 13, 1924
Elender Caroline Brook
Feb. 2, 1840
Dec. 12, 1925
Gone but no forgotten.
Burl Ivin Lane
Born June 10, 1909
Died Feb. 18, 1924
Hugh Winser Lane
Born Mar. 23, 1887
Died June 18, 1927
Baby Weaver
Died Apr. 1935
Mrs. Mary Weaver
Died Aug. 22, 1937
Age 75 years