Corinth Cemetery is 5 miles south of Loudon Tenn.
The Corinth Church owns part of the Cemetery and the rest of the
cemetery is owned by three trustees.
This Cemetery is in good shape. There are 231 unmarked graves. Copied
by Richard Flohr. Lenoir City Tenn. Route #3 Jan. 25, 1958
Simpson Arwin P. Isbell
Rachel R. Simpson May 5, 1838
May 23, 1839 Mar. 16, 1926
Oct. 19, 1920 Weep not for she is not
dead, but sleepth.
A.D. Simpson
Feb. 18,1848 Peck
May 21, 1924 God's fingers touched
Asleep in Jesus. her and she slept.
Harriet P. Peck
"Father" Born Sept. 12, 1821
Gomer Simpson Died Sept. 28, 1893
Oct. 6, 1897 Age 72 years, 16 days.
Mar. 13, 1929 We asked for life
And thou gavest her Life
Lago, Eternal.
Son of J.I, & B. Simpson
Born Aug. 24, 1906 Herriot
Died May 27, 1908 Margaret L. Herriott
Budded on earth to bloom 1845 - 1925
In Heaven.
Isbell Lou Emmer Campbell
Infant Son of Born Sept. 4, 1881
Mr. & Mrs. J.E. Isbell Died May 27, 1908
Dec. 8, 1930 Blessed are the pure
Dec. 16, 1930 in heart for they
Gone to rest. shall see God.
Lucy M. Isbell Smith
May 9, 1886 Will A.F. James Smith
March 16, 1926 Son of G.W. & S.E. Smith
Weep not for she 1892 - 1898
Is not dead, but sleepth.
James W.W. Smith Redmon
Born May 18, 1903 J.N. Redmon
Died Feb. 16, 1904 Nov. 5, 1858
Suffer little children July 29, 1924
To come unto me. Gone, but not forgotten
Worley Fronie Redmon
George Dewey Worley June 25, 1861
Born Aug. 22, 1898 Oct. 16, 1937
Died June 26, 1899 Age 76 years.
Cagle Bradshaw
J.W.E. Cagle N.E. Bradshaw
Born Dec. 13, 1907 Born Feb. 15, 1843
Died Jan. 28, 1908 Died Nov. 13, 1905
A precious one from us has
Arden gone.
Samuel Arden A voice we loved is stilled.
Died Mar. 21, 1935 A place is vacant in out home.
Age 96 years. Which never can be filled.
Martha Jane Arden John B. Bradshaw
Born July 7, 1845 Born May 10, 1867
Died Sept. 7, 1899 Died Dec. 24, 1906
At Rest
Samuel Monroe Arden
Born July 17, 1892 Stamey
Died Sept. 2, 1898 Girthie Stamey
Born Apr. 17, 1899
Barger Died Dec. 27, 1917
In Memory of my dear
One. Furrow
Eula Marea Barger J.W. Furrow
Born Jan. 7, 1905 Born Dec. 28, 1872
Died Dec. 23, 1906 Died Mar. 22, 1908
Budded on earth to
Bloom in Heaven. Lillie J. Furrow
Born Feb. 15, 1876
Houston Died Dec. 14, 1908
Infant of
Mr. & Mrs. R.F. Houston Arp
1902 - 1902 Thomas Haden
Son of Harrieson & Sallie Arp
Mrs. Lucinda Houston Born Oct. 9, 1898
Died Oct. 28, 1937 Died Sept. 4, 1903
Age 73 years
R.F. Houston Elizabeth, Wife of T.J. Kinser
Sept. 18, 1856 Died June 29, 1894
Dec. 7, 1930 Age 56 years
Bright Sewell
John H. Bright Jos. Sewell
Apr. 30, 1974 Mar. 17, 1887
Mar. 17, 1928 Sept. 17, 1920
At Rest.
Nannie Bright
Jan. 15, 1878 Jos. Sewell
Date Obliterated Co. B
3rd. Ky Inf.
L.A. Bright Dates Obliterated
Oct. 26, 1846
May 12, 1917 Giles
How desolate our home, Jacob Giles
Bereft of thee. Dec. 1, 1842
Dec. 30, 1924
Margaret M. "Father"
His Wife.
Sept. 10, 1852 Janice Presley
Mar. 17, 1937 His Wife
Age 84 yrs. 6 mos. 7 days Feb. 24, 1846
Nov. 27, 1918
William A. Resting in hope of
Son of J.H. & Nannie Bright, A glorious resurrection.
Aug. 12, 1907 "Mother"
May 29, 1908
Gone, but not forgotten. Infant Sons of
W. B. & Susie Giles
Infant son of Born & Died
J.H. & Nannie Bright Apr. 12, 1903
Jan. 12, 1931 A little time on
Jan. 16, 1921 earth they spent
Gone, but not forgotten. Till God for them,
His angels sent.
L.B. Kirkland Johnston
Mar. 5, 1832 Bernice Giles
Aug. 10, 1904 July 15, 1926
Tho' lost to sight July 15, 1927
To memory dear. Budded on earth,
To bloom in Heaven.
Horace Dee Bright
Born - 1898 Brooks
Died May 27, 1925 W.H. Brooks
July 9, 1862
Joe H. Bright June 15, 1932
Son of Mr. & Mrs. Horace
Bright Margaret Brooks
June 6, 1925 Dec. 8, 1866
Feb. 2, 1926 Nov. 1, 1935
Horace L. Bright Jr. White
Jan 4, 1935 B.L. White
Apr. 1, 1923 Dec. 15, 1874
Budded on earth to Apr. 5, 1916
Bloom in Heaven. Jr. O.U.A.M.
Council No. 29, At Rest
His toils art past, His work is done.
A.B. White Samuel Franklin Robinson
July 22, 1853 Born June 26, 1868
May 15, 1903 Died July 5, 1907
Dearest father, thou hast
Joseph White left us.
Feb. 14, 1850 And our loss we deeply
Date obliterated feel.
But 'tis God that has
Ada White bereft us. He can all
Aug. 17, 1894 our sorrows heal.
July 31, 1925
Gone, but not forgotten. Rolen
Albert Dan Rolen
Vernon Died Mar. 31, 1930
J.C. Vernon Age 29 yrs. 8 mos. 28 days
Co. 1
5th Tenn. Inf Fouth
Dates Obliterated J. Fouth
Born July 31, 1909
Elizabeth J. Died Aug. 8, 1927
Wife of J.C. Vernon
Oct. 4, 1839 Barger
Feb. 29, 1916 George Thomas Barger
My trust is in God. Born July 18, 1894
Died May 23, 1908
Schrimsher Age 13 yrs. 10 mos. 5 days
James E. Schrimsher A precious one from us has
Born - 1842 gone.
Died June 10, 1903 A voice we loved is stilled;
A place is vacant in our
Sewell home.
James R. Sewell Which never can be filled.
Sept. 6, 1872
July 24, 1917 Ault
His words were Kindness. Joseph C.
His deeds were love, Son of Oscar & Tillie Ault.
His spirit humble, May 18, 1919
He rests above. July 10, 1920
"Father" Gone to be an Angel.
Ragains Watts
Eva J. Ragains William A. Watts
Born Oct. 7, 1857 Aug. 11, 1904
Died Mar. 6, 1901 Nov. 20, 1908
My trust is in God. Gone to bloom in the garden
AlthaJ. Shelton R.L. Watts, Jr.
1835 - 1921 July 21, 1911
Oct. 12, 1914
Gone so soon.
Mary A. George Raby
Wife of R.L. Watts 1891 - 1913
Apr. 27, 1881 Age 22 years
Aug. 15, 1927 My Dear
Husband Sleeps
Oliver Beneath this Tomb.
"Mother" His loss I
Samantha Ann Oliver Deeply feel.
Aug. 1, 1879 Erected by
Mar. 5, 1924 His wife, Pearl Raby.
Bright Emmet Floyd Raby
Maude Bright July 10,1911
Born Nov. 13, 1893 Mar. 28, 1924
Died Apr. 3, 1911 He that believeth
A Place is vacant in our on me though he was
Home, dead
Which never can be filled. Yet he shall live again.
Mattie E. Bright Howard
Wife of T.J. Brown Hazel Dau. Of
Born Apr. 23, 1874 Mr. & Mrs. J.J. Howard
Died Jan. 6, 1909 Died July 20, 1926
Simpson Barger
Margaret Louise, George D.
Dau. Of B.J. & Mary Simpson Son of J.J. & M.V. Barger
Apr. 26, 1918 Sept. 25, 1915
Mar. 12, 1925 Oct. 31, 1916
Gone to a better Land. Gone to be an angel.
Nicholson Jones
Martha M. Brown "Mother"
Wife of B.F. Nicholson Nannie Jones
June 27, 1859 Daughter of Bart Bright
Aug. 20, 1910 Mar. 9, 1855
Rest, mother, rest in quiet Dec. 21, 1914
sleep A tender mother,
While friends in sorrow o'er and a faithful friend
Thee weep.
B.F. Nicholson Corwin D. Shirley
Jan. 8, 1855 Nov. 16, 1911
Date obliterated. July 10, 1935
He was a man among "Father"
the foe, At Rest
Sincere on virtue's side.
Thomas Elijah Urps Kirkland
Elijah Thomas July 13, 1833
1898 - 1936 Aug. 17, 1915
Gone, but not forgotten. 2nd Tenn.
Calvary Co. F.
Jenkins Willis
Sina Alma Jenkins Junior Willis
Wife of H.R. Thomas Died Sept. 8, 1927
Oct. 16, 1902 Age 1 yr. 7 mos. 14 days.
Apr. 26, 1926
Asleep in Jesus Edith Pauline
Dau. Of I.W. & Inis Willis
J.B. Jenkins Mar. 13, 1923
Sept. 7, 1858 Mar. 13, 1923
June 1, 1929 In Heaven
Gone, but not forgotten
Mary K. Jenkins Hannah, Wife of Sim Willis
June 7, 1866 July 8, 1882
Feb. 15, 1917 Nov. 10, 1918
She has gone to her She fallened by the way side.
Home in heaven, And the angels
And all her afflictions are took her Home.
Jimal Lester Willis
Mills Dec. 29, 1914
T.L. Mills Oct. 31, 1916
Feb. 10, 1889
Apr. 4, 1919 Halcomb
Charley Logan,
Cordie Mills Son of J.L. & Bertha Holcomb
Sept. 7, 1900 Born June 28, 1915
Nov. 6, 1918 Died Mar. 10, 1917
We will meet again. Gone, but not forgotten
Collins Craig
Infant of Elisha Craig
Mr. & Mrs. C.C. Collins Mar. 15, 1869
Apr. 25, 1913 Jan. 22, 1919
Apr. 27, 1913 At Rest
Our Darling
Nancy E. Craig
C.C. Collins Died Dec. 27, 1936
Apr. 26, 1890
May 30, 1918 Hayes
Gone, but not forgotten Austine Hayes
June 10, 1909
Lindsey Sept. 13, 1928
Elizabeth J. Wife of My boy gone,
W.M. Lindsey But not forgotten
Nove. 5, 1842
Jan. 1, 1919 Ralph L. Hayes
Gone, but not forgotten. July 25, 1903
June 6, 1928
Our loved one at rest.
Rosa Lee, Wife of Mills
J.F. Hayes Worth M.
June 28, 1881 Son of J.O. & Sudie Mills
Feb. 8, 1922 Oct. 9, 1900
Mother gone to rest. Feb. 5, 1920
Only sleeping.
Arlie Lee Shaw
Dau. Of R.H. & Sarah Presley Lena, Wife of R.L. Shaw
Jan. 19, 1917 Feb. 8, 1888
June 3, 1917 June 4, 1921
No pains, no griefs,
Walter Presley no anxious fears,
Sept. 8, 1889 can reach our loved one
July 1, 1924 sleeping here.
Gone, but not forgotten.
Claude A.
Ulus F. Son of Son of R.L. & Lena Shaw
Walter & Jaimie Presley Jan. 23, 1919
July 8, 1916 Feb. 16, 1919
June 24, 1917 Gone to a bright home.
Gone, to be an angel. Where grief cannot come.
Davis McCrary
"Mother" William Jr.
M.E. Davis Son of Mr. & Mrs. W.G. McCrary
June 7, 1855 Sept. 22, 1929
Aug. 21, 1917 Asleep in Jesus.
Gone, but not forgotten.
Barbara H.
"Father" Dau. Of Mr. & Mrs. W.G. McCrary
G.W. Davis Apr. 8, 1928
Apr. 23, 1841 Asleep in Jesus.
Jan. 26, 1925
"Holy Bible" Early
Luthene, Wife of W.R. Early
Lucy Blair Davis Nov. 26, 1878
1897 - 1926 May 23, 1917
For me to die, is gain. Gone to a bright Home.
Carrie E. Davis Schrimsher
Mar. 29, 1902 Vesco Schrimsher
May 23, 1928 Son of Mr. & Mrs. Dave
The Lord is my shepherd Schrimsher.
I shall not want. Nov. 25, 1913
Apr. 18, 1920
Susie Davis Gone to be an angel.
Apr. 12, 1885
Apr. 25, 1937 Arp
The Lord is my shepherd Callie Arp
Mar. 29, 1872
Mills Feb. 12, 1935
Suda, Wife of
J.O. Mills Ben Arp
May 20, 1876 - Oct. 24, 1921 1875 - 1932
Aloving mother and Wife at rest.
Chester Arp J.B. Howard
1900 - 1918 May 12, 1844
Nov. 26, 1919
Lester Arp His words were Kindness
1902 - 1918 His deeds were love,
His Spirit Humble,
Infant of He rests Above.
Dan & Callie Arp
1914 Martha J. Howard
Aug. 22, 1847
Foster Mar. 17, 1925
Laura S. Foster Arise and be not afraid.
Oct. 3, 1908
Apr. 19, 1926 Willie T. Jefferies Howard
Gone to rest June 25, 1906
Nov. 19, 1920
Annie Bell Foster A little time on earth.
Born Sept. 7, 1898 He spent, till
Died Dec. 3, 1908 God for him
Goodby, I am Gone. His Angel sent.
To Heaven.
Petty Barbara Hope
"Father" Born Apr. 7, 1928
R.H Petty Died Apr. 8, 1928
June 22, 1873
May 1, 1925 Houston
His toils are past Lena Houston
His work is done, and
He fought the fight. Leon Houston
The victory won. Both, Born and died
May 9, 1925
Raymond F. Dorra K. Houston
Infant Son of July 20, 1926
Mr. Mrs. Thomas Houston Sept. 16, 1926
Sept. 5, 1923
"Father" Kenneth Lee,
T.S. Houston Son of Mr. & Mrs. C.L. Patrick
June 16,1849 Died June 17, 1936
Mar. 24, 1939 "Our Darling"
Gone, but not forgotten.
"Mother" Isaac Hunt
R.E. Houston Tennessee
Oct. 22, 1860 Pvt. 157 Depot Brig.
Feb. 6, 1936 Died Apr. 12, 1932
Edna D. Houston Arden
Feb. 4, 1932 Arthur Arden
Jan. 18, 1934 Feb. 13, 1892
"Our Darling" Apr. 13, 1932
Gooden Brackett
Billie Jr. Virgil Brackett
Son of Mr. & Mrs. Will Born Sept. 14, 1918
Gooden Died Jan. 7, 1919
May 24, 1929
Oct. 14, 1932 Wm. Eugene Brackett
Our Darling. Jan. 5, 1922
Jan. 6, 1922
Beecher Sewell Ricker
Aug. 7, 1925 W.M. Ricker
Sept. 15, 1926 1861 - 1929
Only sleeping.
Tempia E. Ricker
Petty 1851 - 1935
Hazel Lee Petty Died Dec. 15, 1935
Died Sept. 20, 1936 Age 34 years.
Age 4 months.
Arden George Stalcup
Addie Jenkins Sept. 30, 1971
Wife Alfred Arden May 1, 1924
Born Feb. 20, 1875 Asleep in Jesus
Died Dec. 10, 1918
Gone, but not forgotten. Brooks
Alfred Arden T.L. Brooks
Dora Mar. 27, 1867 Mar. 29, 1859
Died Apr. 20, 1919 Sept. 6, 1927
Oley Arden "Mother"
July 23, 1901 Margaret Brooks
June 26, 1919 Nov. 10, 1863
June 15, 1928
Pearl Jr. Resting till the
Son of Mr. & Mrs. Pearl resurrection Morn.
Apr. 26, 1925 McCaslin
Feb. 21, 1929 Lee Roy, Son of
Budded on Earth R.W. & Eva McCaslin
To bloom in Heaven. May 21, 1900
Oct. 16, 1912
Carrie L. Arden What hopes have perished
July 30, 1914 with you.
Oct. 13, 1928 My son.
Rest in Peace
Meet me in Heaven. Thomas
Johnnie B. Thomas
Wilson June 10, 1918
Donie, Wife of Mar. 21, 1922
J.H. Wilson Our Darling
Born Oct. 10, 1876
Died June 27, 1914