Surname Interests and Research Contacts

Surname Interests and Research Contacts

The original Lawrence County TNGenWeb site had a list of more than 500 surnames and researchers that was last updated November 5, 2015.

The list has been retained in the table below, which is searchable.

Caveat:  E-mail addresses and Web site URLs may be significantly outdated.  Individuals may have passed away.

If you wish to add your research interests to this list, please contact us.  Likewise, if you have updated information about any of the individuals in the list, we would appreciate your providing the information.


Surname InterestResearcherContact (possibly outdated)Genealogy Page
(possibly outdated)
ABERNATHYKaren Venablekvenable [at] pe [dot] net 
ADAMSRon Gardnerrfg60 [at] pop [dot] pipeline [dot] com 
ADAMSMicheal Adamsmikeadams [at] gmail [dot] com
ADKINSONStephanie Schulmansteedietx [at] yahoo [dot] com
ALEXANDERCarol Murphyjmurph30 [at] cybertrails [dot] com 
ALFORDBobby Alfordboalford [at] lorettotel [dot] net
ALLENBilly D. Garlandbillyg [at] thepoint [dot] net
ALLENChris Allencallen [at] toad [dot] net 
ALLEYWendy Corcoranlightkeeperswellness [at] earthlink [dot] net
ALTUMLinda Smithkimikent [at] mail [dot] snider [dot] net
ANDERSONJ. J. Johnsonjohnston [at] ipa [dot] net 
APPLETONJames Fristoejfristoe [at] augusta [dot] net 
ARMSTRONGPaul & Kelly BialkPBialk [at] concentric [dot] net
ARNOLDCheryl Zelekzelek [at] mindsring [dot] com
ARPCarline Doylecdoyle [at] mail [dot] snider [dot] net
ASHMORETeresa Cozartteresa [dot] cozart [at] state [dot] tn [dot] us 
ASHMOREWayland Ashmorewayland2628 [at] msn [dot] com 
ASHWORTHHerbert Ashworthashworthh [at] helenachemical [dot] com 
ASKEWSherry LedlowSLLedlow [at] aol [dot] com 
ATKINSONStephanie Schulmansteedietx [at] yahoo [dot] com
AVERYKaren Rawlingswatoozie [at] aol [dot] com 
AVERY/AVARYBetty Berrysm_bobbet [at] traceroad [dot] net
BAILEYRay Henrybarahe [at] networkusa [dot] net 
BAILEYJennifer Hydehyde [at] mail2 [dot] quiknet [dot] com 
BAILEYMaryanne Highleysema2004_6 [at] csGenealogy [dot] us 
BAKERCathy Schwarzcstone [at] gvtc [dot] com
BARBEEDean Mortongmorton-ins [at] worldnet [dot] att [dot] net 
BARNESFrederick Gregg Jr.rickgreg [at] gte [dot] net 
BARNES-BULLIONJoe W. Townsendtownsend389738 [at] bellsouth [dot] net 
BASSHAM-BASHAMMary Jo Basshammjbassham [at] yahoo [dot] com 
BEDINDFIELDRon Bedingfieldronbed [at] gte [dot] net 
BEELERSusan Andersonkandsander [at] aol [dot] com 
BELEWDon Davisedavis [at] tenet [dot] edu 
BELEWDon Woodwardwoodward2 [at] gte [dot] net 
BELEWMaryanne Highleysema2004_6 [at] csGenealogy [dot] us 
BELL&BURCHBetty Seaton Libertybettyeliberty [at] gmail [dot] com 
BELLMESSERLesley Burnettelesley227 [at] knology [dot] net
BENNETTLaura BrownLauraB62 [at] aol [dot] com
BEUMERFred Downsmuddauber40 [at] sbcglobal [dot] net 
BERRYHILLDoug Berryhillberryhill [at] hot [dot] mail [dot] com 
BILLINGSLEYDavid Lewisd [at] dwl [dot] bz 
BISHOPReic Dyerswan_dyer [at] hotmail [dot] com 
BLAIRMildred Fournierfournier [at] hankins [dot] com 
BELEWCharles E. Carrolldixie24 [at] valornet [dot] com 
BLYTHESharon Hamiltonsharkay [at] cccexpress [dot] com 
BONELawrence Pickardpickard [at] efortress [dot] com
BOTTOMSNancy Darnallnbd [at] aol [dot] com
BOSWELLLinda Boswell Leecelticlady [at] yahoo [dot] com
BOULIELarry Feldhauslfeldhaus.com
BOWLERSusan Andersonkandsander [at] aol [dot] com 
BOWLES-BOWLSJoseph R. Johnstonjrsantex [at] stvleaze [dot] net
BRAMBLETT-BRAMLETTMike Bramblettmike [at] bramblett [dot] com
BRANDONDanny Brandondbran [at] jrwent [dot] com 
BRATTONSusan Andersonkandsander [at] aol [dot] com 
BRASHEARSMary Ellen Ledfordellen [at] why [dot] net 
BRASHEARSSharon Hamiltonsharkay [at] cccexpress [dot] com 
BREWERJohn Brewerjbrewer [at] hiwaay [dot] net 
BREWERWarren Doug Youngdugger3443 [at] aol [dot] com 
BREWERC. Claytoncmee [at] m [dot] ehs [dot] wash [dot] k12 [dot] ut [dot] us 
BRIANReita Burressrburress [at] usit [dot] net
BRITTON,CHALES,CROWDER,DAVISWilliam G. Latham jr.llatham [at] peoplepc [dot] com 
BROCKGlenda McWhirter Toddgtodd [at] edge [dot] net 
BROMLEYMichael Krusemwkruse [at] swbell [dot] net
BROWNJ. S. Fridaythe_fridays [at] myfamily [dot] com
BRYSONLesa Finemamadodah [at] yahoo [dot] com
BUTRUM-BUTRAMAnn Bertramabertram [at] hotcom [dot] net 
BRYANTMyron Bryanttmyronb [at] aol [dot] com 
BRYAN-BRYANTJoan Meyer Bradleyjoanbusiness-genealogy [at] yahoo [dot] com 
BUCHANANSusan Andersonkandsander [at] aol [dot] com 
BUMPASSJames Stockmanjestock [at] mail [dot] utexas [dot] edu 
BUMPUSMark Robsonrobsonm [at] salve [dot] edu 
BURNETTBeverly MatthewsBeverly [dot] Matthews [at] gte [dot] net 
BURRISJ. R. Fosterpcf99 [at] infowest [dot] com 
BURRISLeona Milbournjdwmilb [at] seark [dot] net 
BURRISSDon Carterdcarter [at] infoave [dot] net 
BUSBYJerry McCoyjmccoy [at] home [dot] com 
BYRDMary Lou ReedMaryLReed [at] aol [dot] com 
CAMPBELLCathy Pattersonpat58119 [at] northwest [dot] com 
CAMPFIELDLaura B.lauraB62 [at] aol [dot] com 
CARRELLCheryl Zelekzelek [at] mindsring [dot] com
CHRONISTERGary Chronistergchrom [at] excalnet [dot] com 
CLARKK. L. Carpenter69camaro [at] hom [dot] net 
CLAYNancy Richternrichter [at] co [dot] gloucester [dot] nj [dot] us 
CLAYTONMyron Bryanttmyronb [at] aol [dot] com 
CLAYTONC. Claytoncmee [at] m [dot] ehs [dot] wash [dot] k12 [dot] ut [dot] us 
CLAYTON-CRUMJoe W. Townsendtownsend389738 [at] bellsouth [dot] net 
CLEVELANDCindy Nelsoncdnelson [at] network-one [dot] com 
CLIFTONJanice Hurlburtjhurlburt [at] fix [dot] net 
CODY / COTTRELLDenisedenisewson [at] aol [dot] com 
COMERKaye Sassrksass [at] tampabay [dot] rr [dot] com 
CONWAYJennifer Fuquapreacher [at] usit [dot] net 
CORCORAN / ALLEYWendy Corcoranlightkeeperswellness [at] earthlink [dot] net
COTHRANWilliam Mitchellbilmitch [at] pacbel [dot] net 
COTHRANAngela Snookmats [at] lorettotel [dot] net
COTHRANMartha Piercepike [at] futura [dot] net 
COTHREN/COTHRANTwylla Teerteer9690 [at] comcast [dot] net
COTTRELLBilly Cottrelljoker [at] rapidramo [dot] com 
COOPERBilly Jean Hornebjhorn19 [at] mail [dot] idt [dot] com 
COUNCEWanda Armstrongwjarmstr [at] ebi [dot] com [dot] net 
COUNCESarah Andersonsuvduv [at] usit [dot] net 
COTTRELLBilly Cottrelljoker [at] rapidramp [dot] com 
COXGeorgene Humphries
CRANEPat Longplong [at] hiwaay [dot] net
CRABBMary Ellen Ledfordellen [at] why [dot] net 
CREWSBecki Cavanaughbecki [dot] cavanaugh [at] gmail [dot] com 
CREWSHarold SandersHSand81175 [at] aol [dot] com 
CREWSWilliam Graybillwcg [at] juno [dot] com 
CREWSJennifer Hydehyde [at] mail2 [dot] quiknet [dot] com 
CREWSRandy B. Hughesrnrh [at] bellsouth [dot] net
CROOKSharon Hamiltonsharkay [at] swbell [dot] net 
CROWRon Patrickronpatrick [at] montana [dot] com 
CROWDERJennifer Fuquapreacher [at] usit [dot] net 
CROWDERJanis Walker Gilmorerajanisg [at] earthlink [dot] net
CROSSMyra Pilandjp1952mp [at] aol [dot] com 
CUNNINGHAMMildred Fournierfournier [at] hankins [dot] com 
CUNNINGHAMCharles E. Carrolldixie24 [at] valornet [dot] com 
CURRYMyra Pilandjp1952mp [at] aol [dot] com 
CUTHBIRTHJim CochranJ2pleaseU [at] aol [dot] com 
DAMEPat Griffinwpgpjp [at] aol [dot] com 
DANNAHOCarolyn Rozelleerozelle [at] koyote [dot] com 
DARNELLBill Darnellbdarnell [at] centuryinter [dot] net 
DAVASIER/DAVSHERLyn Roselynrose [at] lightspeed [dot] net 
DAVISSharon Otissco [at] arkansas [dot] net 
DAVISKathy Niedergeseslcarchives [at] lorettotel [dot] net 
DICKEYDennis Dickeydickeygene [at] aol [dot] com
DICKEYPatricia Motes motesp [at] srlnet [dot] com
DOBBINSPatricia Motes motesp [at] srlnet [dot] com
DOSTERJean Brosnanjeanbrosnan [at] comcast [dot] net 
DOWNS-DOWDENMargmbcroney [at] bellsouth [dot] net
DOVERSSharon Ramanekromanek [at] cybertrails [dot] com 
DOWNSMary Lou ReedMaryLReed [at] aol [dot] com 
denisewson [at] aol [dot] com 
DURHAMTerri Durham-Stoneterrigem [at] home [dot] com
DURRETTJoy Durrettjmdgenealogy [at] yahoo [dot] com
EASTLesley Burnettelesley227 [at] knology [dot] net
ELLINGSONViolet Ellingson Walkslektrre [at] netins [dot] net 
EMERSONRod Penningtonrodpenn [at] sage [dot] net 
EMMERTRandy B. Hughesrnrh [at] bellsouth [dot] net
EMORYPat McDonaldpatiemac [at] infohwy [dot] com 
ENGLISHFrances J. Thompsonfrancyt [at] aol [dot] com 
ENGLISHMaryanne Highleymhighley [at] usit [dot] net 
ENGLISHCathy Schwarzcstone [at] gvtc [dot] com
ETHRIDGERay Henrybarahe [at] networkusa [dot] net 
ETHERIDGEGeorgene Humphries
ESTESSarah Andersonsuvduv [at] usit [dot] net 
EAVESPat Perkinspperkins [at] oregonvos [dot] net
EZELLMaryanne Highleysema2004_6 [at] csGenealogy [dot] us 
EZELLKaye Sassrksass [at] tampabay [dot] rr [dot] com
FELDHAUSLarry Feldhausfeldhaus [at] comsast [dot] net
FELDHAUSKathy Niedergeseslcarchives [at] lorettotel [dot] net 
FITECheryl Zelekzelek [at] mindsring [dot] com
FLIPPONorman FlippoFlippo [at] swbell [dot] net 
FLIPPOPatsy Paterson2pats2cats [at] cox [dot] net
FOSTERMildred J. Brownmjbrown [at] edge [dot] net 
FOSTERJ. R. Fosterpcf99 [at] infowest [dot] com 
FOUST / FREEMONPatricia Motesmotesp [at] stlnet [dot] com 
FRANKLINRichard Dorroughricharddorrough [at] yahoo [dot] com 
FRIDAYJ. S. Fridaythe_fridays [at] myfamily [dot] com
GABEL / GABLEAudrey Masseyjeangen [at] ro [dot] com 
GARLANDBilly D. Garlandbillyg [at] thepoint [dot] net
GARNERDean Mortongmorton-ins [at] worldnet [dot] att [dot] net 
GEEBobby Wadsworthbwadswor [at] post [dot] smu [dot] edu 
GELDREICHNancy Richternrichter [at] co [dot] gloucester [dot] nj [dot] us 
GIBBINSTeresa Newtontnewton [at] usit [dot] net 
GIBBSDon Woodwardwoodward2 [at] gte [dot] net 
GIBBSCindy Mayfieldmayfieldcindy [at] yahoo [dot] com 
GIBSONChuck Demastusdemastus [at] aol [dot] com 
GIESKEBernard GieskeBjgieske [at] aol [dot] com 
GILBERTBob Percefullpercefullr [at] aol [dot] com 
GILES-GREEN-GRAYJoe W. Townsendtownsend389738 [at] bellsouth [dot] net 
GILMORERichard Dorroughricharddorrough [at] yahoo [dot] com 
GISTDonna Gist Moorejndmoore [at] clds [dot] net 
GISTLesley Burnettelesley227 [at] knology [dot] net
GLOVERCarl L. Glovercglover [at] sheltonbbs [dot] com 
GOBBLECharlotte Arwoodhar4char [at] hotmail [dot] com
GOSNELLHarold Gosnellgosnell36 [at] bellsouth [dot] net
GRAHAMBobbye J. Davisbobbye [at] microsped [dot] com 
GRAYCarolyn Doylecdoyle [at] mail [dot] snider [dot] net 
GREENDenisedenisewson [at] aol [dot] com 
GREENMyra Pilandjp1952mp [at] aol [dot] com 
GREENTeresa Newtontnewton [at] usit [dot] net 
GREENLyn Roselynrose [at] lightspeed [dot] net 
GREENSharon Hamiltonsharkay [at] cccexpress [dot] com 
GRESHAMSharon Otissco [at] arkansas [dot] net 
GRIMESMaryanne Highleysema2004_6 [at] csGenealogy [dot] us 
GRINNELLLaura BrownLauraB62 [at] aol [dot] com 
GRISHAMJo Carolyn Beebebeehaven [at] alltel [dot] com 
GROOM / GROOMSRoberta Groomsdgrooms [at] mtco [dot] com
GWINNGlenda Todd
HALEJerry McCoygmccoy [at] thurston [dot] com 
HALFORDMichael Krusemwkruse [at] swbell [dot] net
HAMMONSBobby Wadsworthbwadswor [at] post [dot] smu [dot] edu 
HARDINSarah Andersonsuvduv [at] usit [dot] net 
HARDISTERWindi Spearswindi [at] yournet [dot] com 
HARDWICK/HARTWICKJoyce A. Rodgersflying60 [at] aol [dot] com 
HARPCaroline Doylecdoyle [at] mail [dot] snider [dot] com
HALE / HAILEMaryanne Highleysema2004_6 [at] csGenealogy [dot] us 
HALE / HAILEShaunna Howathowatk [at] aol [dot] com 
HALE / HAILEJerry McCoyjmccoy [at] home [dot] com 
HALLJames W. Brittain Jr.jwbrittain [at] aol [dot] com
HANNAH-HOLLISJoe W. Townsendtownsend389738 [at] bellsouth [dot] net 
HARDIMAN,HARRIS,GRIGGSWilliam G. Latham Jr.llatham [at] peoplepc [dot] com 
HARRELSONBilly Jean HorneBJHorne [at] aol [dot] com 
HARRIS / HERCHENHAHNCharlotte Arwoodhar4char [at] hotmail [dot] com 
HARTWICKTwylla Teerteer9690 [at] comcast [dot] net 
HARWELLFrances J. Thompsonfrancyt [at] aol [dot] com 
HENDRIXGale Judkinsgjudkins [at] bellsouth [dot] net 
HENDRIXJennifer Fuquapreacher [at] usit [dot] net 
HENLEYCarolyn Rozelleerozelle [at] koyote [dot] com 
HENRYRay Henrybarahe [at] networkusa [dot] net 
HENSLEYTeresa Newtontnewton [at] usit [dot] net 
HESTERDeb Cassettycassetty [at] bellsouth [dot] net 
HESTERWilburn Hesterwlh [at] arkwest [dot] com
HICKSMary Ellen Ledfordellen [at] why [dot] net 
HICKSWilliam Mitchellbilmitch [at] pacbel [dot] net 
HICKSMartha Piercepike [at] futura [dot] net 
HILLBarbara B. 
HILLDoris Pullen Jenkinsthejenks [at] valuelinx [dot] net 
HILLHOUSEGloria Oliverjoliver [at] sfasu [dot] edu 
HILLHOUSE Frances J. Thompsonfrancyt [at] aol [dot] com 
HINSONRich Parkerrichard [at] texoma [dot] net
HOLLANDER Frances J. Thompsonfrancyt [at] aol [dot] com 
HOLLISRon Gardnerrfg60 [at] pop [dot] pipeline [dot] com 
HOLLOWAYPatricia Motesmotesp [at] stlnet [dot] com
HOLLOWAYGeraldine Millergmiller [at] ktis [dot] net 
HOLTBernard GieskeBjgieske [at] aol [dot] com 
HOLTHOUSELarry Feldhauslfeldhaus.com
HOODKathy Niedergeseslcarchives [at] lorettotel [dot] net 
HOPKINSMildred Fournierfournier [at] hankins [dot] com 
HORNEMary Ellen Ledfordellen [at] why [dot] net 
HUBBARDSHank Orozcograyowl [at] ix [dot] netcom [dot] com 
HUDSPETHSusan Andersonkandsander [at] aol [dot] com 
HUGHESLaura B.LauraB62 [at] aol [dot] com 
HUGHESCarolyn Doylecdoyle [at] mail [dot] snider [dot] net 
HUGHESRandy B. Hughesrnrh [at] bellsouth [dot] net
HUGHESJim McGuire jem31 [at] aol [dot] com
HUNTPamela Smithpamandgar [at] aol [dot] com 
HUTCHESONHerk Slutterherk [at] cox-internet [dot] com 
IRVINEJames Fristoejfristoe [at] augusta [dot] net 
IRVINEBarbara B. 
INMANDanny Brandondbrab [at] jrwent [dot] com 
INMANLesley Burnettelesley227 [at] knology [dot] net
JENNINGSKathy Niedergeseslcarchives [at] lorettotel [dot] net 
JENNINGSFred Loveolove [at] bay [dot] comm [dot] net
JOHNSONFrances J. Thompsonfrancyt [at] aol [dot] com 
JOHNSONReita Burressrburress [at] usit [dot] net
JOHNSON-JOHNSTONMaryanne Highleysema2004_6 [at] csGenealogy [dot] us 
JONESReita Burressrburress [at] usit [dot] net
JONESGeraldine Millergmiller [at] ktis [dot] net 
JONESJoe W. Townsendtownsend389738 [at] bellsouth [dot] net 
JOHNSMichael S. Johnsmmbcjohns [at] mindspring [dot] com 
JOHNSONSharon Otissco [at] arkansas [dot] net 
JOHNSTONK. L. Carpenter69camaro [at] hom [dot] net 
JOHNSTON-JOHNSONJoseph R. Johnstonjrsantex [at] stvleaze [dot] net
JOYCEBrenda Joyce Jeromebjjerome [at] comsource [dot] net 
KEELING-KINGJoe W. Townsendtownsend389738 [at] bellsouth [dot] net 
KEELEM-KILLEN-KEELINGBeverly MatthewsBeverly [dot] Matthews [at] gte [dot] net 
KEETONTwylla Teerteer9690 [at] comcast [dot] net
KELLEY / KELLYMaryanne Highleysema2004_6 [at] csGenealogy [dot] us 
KELLEYKaren Venablekvenable [at] pe [dot] net
KELLEYCharles E. Carrolldixie24 [at] valornet [dot] com 
KENDRICK-KINDRICKGladys Tovrea-Brandstoettnertovry2 [at] attbi [dot] com
KIDDJil Woodruff Pulleyjilwoodruffpulley [at] hotmail [dot] com 
KILBURNCharlotte Arwoodhar4char [at] hotmail [dot] com 
KILBURNEleanor Edmontongen-pics [at] earthlink [dot] net 
KILLENBernard GieskeBjgieske [at] aol [dot] com 
KIRKCheryl Zelekzelek [at] mindsring [dot] com
KIRKMANDale Pollockdpollock01 [at] aol [dot] com 
KIVETTKathleen MacLennankathleen [at] anet [dot] net 
KLUESNERFred Downsmuddauber40 [at] sbcglobal [dot] net 
KOBECKDonna MedlinMedlinDL [at] wmconnect [dot] com
LACKERWilliam Mitchellbilmitch [at] pacbel [dot] net 
LaCROIXRandy Bridgesrlb2024 [at] bellsouth [dot] net 
LAIRD / LARDBrenda Whitfieldbrendaw [at] tsixroads [dot] com 
LANCASTERJoe W. Townsendtownsend389738 [at] bellsouth [dot] net 
LAWRENCECarol Murphyjmurph30 [at] cybertrails [dot] com 
LENTZCheryl Zelekcherylzelek [at] juno [dot] com 
LEWISDavid Lewisthalassl [at] ix [dot] netcom [dot] com 
LILES / LYLESDanny Brandondbran [at] jrwent [dot] com 
LINAMDr. Larry GriffinLGriffin [at] dscclan [dot] DSCC [dot] CC [dot] Tn [dot] us 
LINDSEY/LINDSAYJennifer Hydehyde [at] mail2 [dot] quiknet [dot] com 
LINDSEY / LINDSAYAllie Oldhamoldham [at] pagosasprings [dot] net
LITTRELL / LOVEDeborah HumphresDeborah_A_Humphres [at] email [dot] msn [dot] com 
LITTRELL / LITERALGlenn D. Littrellmartlet6 [at] iquest [dot] net
LOCKECathy Schwarzcstone [at] gvtc [dot] com
LONGSusan Hill Husijsusz [at] goodnet [dot] com 
LOVEFred Loveolove [at] bay [dot] comm [dot] net
LOVETTRon Gardnerrfg60 [at] pop [dot] pipeline [dot] com 
LUCUSErnie Cummingsernie [at] infomagic [dot] com 
LUKER / TUCKERJane Faganfagan [at] ipa [dot] net
LUMPKINSMaryanne Highleysema2004_6 [at] csGenealogy [dot] us 
LUTTSCharlotte Arwoodhar4char [at] hotmail [dot] com 
MABRYC. Claytoncmee [at] m [dot] ehs [dot] wash [dot] k12 [dot] ut [dot] us 
MANUELJohnny Tottyjtotty [at] wcl [dot] wmsc [dot] k12 [dot] ar [dot] us 
MARTINBetty Berrysm_bobbet [at] traceroad [dot] net
MASSEYGrover Popegcapope [at] usit [dot] net 
MATTHEWS/PRICE/PERRY/STORYSybil Jane Harlanharlansjb [at] yahoo [dot] com
MATTHEWSDavid Lewisd [at] dwl [dot] bz 
MAYMalcolm P. Astormpastor [at] netten [dot] net 
MAYFIELDLesley Burnettelesley227 [at] knology [dot] net
McBRIDEBilly Jean HorneBJHorne [at] aol [dot] com 
McCOYJerry McCoyjmccoy [at] home [dot] com 
McCLUREDenisedenisewson [at] aol [dot] com 
McCRACKENFrances Thompsonfrancyt [at] aol [dot] com 
McCRACKENMaryanne Highleysema2004_6 [at] csGenealogy [dot] us 
McCANDLESSWilliam G. Latham Jr.llatham [at] peoplepc [dot] com 
McDONALDPat McDonaldpatiemac [at] infohwy [dot] com 
McDOUGALDoris Pullen Jenkinsthejenks [at] valuelinx [dot] net 
McDOUGALMaryanne Highleysema2004_6 [at] csGenealogy [dot] us 
McGUIRERandy McGuireMcLynn5 [at] aol [dot] com 
McGUIREJim McGuirejem31 [at] aol [dot] com
McLEANJames H. Fristoejfristoe [at] augusta [dot] net 
McLEANBarbara B. 
McLARENMildred Fournierfournier [at] hankins [dot] com 
McLEANLawrence Pickardpickard [at] efortress [dot] com
McLEANMildred Fournierfournier [at] hankins [dot] com 
McMACKINMildred Fournierfournier [at] hankins [dot] com 
McMASTERSBrenda Whitfieldbrendaw [at] tsixroads [dot] com 
McMASTERSKathleen MacLennankathleen [at] anet [dot] net 
McMASTERSPatricia Mosleymotesp [at] stlnet [dot] com
McMASTERSBrenda Whitfieldbrendaw [at] tsixroads [dot] com 
McNEAL/NEILL/McNEILLCraig McNeillcraiggmcneill [at] gmail [dot] com 
McNEAL / NEILLPat Griffinwpgpjp [at] aol [dot] com 
McWHIRTERKathryn Holdermankgholderman [at] wow [dot] com 
MATHENYRick Moorerickm [at] uwin [dot] com 
MELTONLinda Finkdrfink [at] citlink [dot] net
MERRITTLinda Foxechslfox [at] pldi [dot] net
MILLERPatricia Mosleymotesp [at] stlnet [dot] com
MONDAYLinda Foxechslfox [at] pldi [dot] net
MOSLEYPatricia Mosleymotesp [at] stlnet [dot] com
MITCHELL-MICHAELJoe W. Townsendtownsend389738 [at] bellsouth [dot] net 
MITCHELLSherry Lane Badersherryb [at] easystreet [dot] com 
MITCHELLHerk Slutterherk [at] cox-internet [dot] com 
MOORERick Moorerickm [at] uwin [dot] com 
MOOREPatricia Mosleymotesp [at] stlnet [dot] com
MOOREBrenda Whitfieldbrendaw [at] tsixroads [dot] com 
MONTGOMERY-MOOREMaryanne Highleysema2004_6 [at] csGenealogy [dot] us 
MONTGOMERYDavid Montgomerymontgy [at] telepath [dot] com 
MORRISWilliam Mitchellbilmitch [at] pacbel [dot] net 
MORRISMartha Piercepike [at] futura [dot] net 
MORRISHerk Slutterherk [at] cox-internet [dot] com 
MORROWVicky Morrow Hutchingsvicky [at] firstamerican [dot] net 
MOSSMyra Pilandjp1952mp [at] aol [dot] com 
MURRAYJoan Collettjvc [at] redshift [dot] com 
MURRELLDennis M. Hazlettdmhdmo [at] aol [dot] com 
MUSGRAVE/MUSGROVEWanda Ridgewridge [at] hnb [dot] com 
MUSGRAVEWhitney McLaughlinMcLaugh103 [at] aol [dot] com 
NEIDERGESESKathy Neidergeseslcarchives [at] lorettotel [dot] net 
NELSONMaryanne Highleysema2004_6 [at] csGenealogy [dot] us 
NOWLINPatti Batespattibates [at] aol [dot] com 
NEWTONTeresa Newtontnewton [at] usit [dot] net 
NORMANReic Dyerswan_dyer [at] hotmail [dot] com 
NORTONGuy M. Norton Jr.yourguy [at] erols [dot] com
NUNNLesley Burnettelesley227 [at] knology [dot] net
NUTTLinda Finkdrfink [at] citlink [dot] net
ORTHLarry Feldhauslfeldhaus.com
O'BRYANTT. Eliaspostranger [at] aol [dot] com 
OSBORNPat Longplong [at] hiwaay [dot] net
OSBURNCathy Pattersonpat58119 [at] northwest [dot] com 
OSBORN / OSBORNEJohn R. RochelleJRochelle [at] compuserve [dot] com 
ORTHKathy Niedergeseslcarchives [at] lorettotel [dot] net 
PACEBobby Alfordboalford [at] lorettotel [dot] net
PACEGale Judkinsgjudkins [at] bellsouth [dot] net
PALMER, REAGAIN, TRIMBLEWilliam G. Latham Jr.llatham [at] peoplepc [dot] com 
PARRETT / PARROTTDoris Parrettdoris337 [at] cs [dot] com 
PARRISHJim Parrishjparrish [at] cccom [dot] net 
PATTBernard GieskeBjgieske [at] aol [dot] com 
PATTKathy Niedergeseslcarchives [at] lorettotel [dot] net 
PATTERSONPat Griffinwpgpjp [at] aol [dot] com 
PAYNERandy B. Hughesrnrh [at] bellsouth [dot] net
PENNINGTONRod Penningtonrodpenn [at] sage [dot] net 
PESNELLJeremy Pesnelljlapez [at] gateway [dot] net
PHENIXMary Jane Pattillomarpat [at] et [dot] mohave [dot] cc [dot] az [dot] us 
PHILLIPSBill Phillipsbill_p3 [at] juno [dot] com
POLLOCKCheryl Zelekzelek [at] mindsring [dot] com
POPESheila K. Sanfordsheilasan [at] bellsouth [dot] net 
POPEKathy Niedergeseslcarchives [at] lorettotel [dot] net 
POSEYLesley Burnettelesley227 [at] knology [dot] net
POWELLCharles Emmitt Powellcepowell [at] mpsi [dot] net
POWERSLinda Carpenterlindad4 [at] juno [dot] com 
QUILLEN/ QUILLINAnna Marie Langleyalangley [at] hiwaay [dot] net
PRATTKathy Niedergeseslcarchives [at] lorettotel [dot] net 
PRENTICEAngela Snookmats [at] lorettotel [dot] net 
PRICEDavid Whiteheaddlwhitehead1 [at] bellsouth [dot] net
PRINCEDenisedenisewson [at] aol [dot] com 
PULLENDoris Pullen Jenkinsthejenks [at] valuelinx [dot] net 
PULLEYJil Woodruff Pulleyjilwoodruffpulley [at] hotmail [dot] com 
QUILLENSusan Cleghorntonyc3 [at] ix [dot] netcom [dot] com 
RACKLEYJanis Walker Gilmorerajanisg [at] earthlink [dot] net
RATLIFFKathy Niedergeseslcarchives [at] lorettotel [dot] net 
RAYRoxie Hensleyghensley [at] intellisys [dot] net
REDDELLJ. J. Johnstonjohnston [at] ipa [dot] net 
RIDDELL / REDDELLFrances Thompsonfrancyt [at] aol [dot] com 
REESEDon Reesedon@donreese
RICELesley Burnettelesley227 [at] knology [dot] net
RIGGSTerri Durham-Stoneterrigem [at] aol [dot] com
REITHDiane Burginwildburg [at] aol [dot] com 
REMKELarry Feldhauslfeldhaus.com
RINCK/RINKS/RENCKSStan Hutsonsthutson [at] netzero [dot] net 
ROACHRicharddorrough [at] yahoo [dot] com 
ROBINSONSharon Otissco [at] arkansas [dot] net 
ROGERSMary Ellen Ledfordellen [at] why [dot] net 
ROBERTSON / ROBERSONKaren Rawlingswatoozie [at] aol [dot] com 
ROBINSONLesley Burnettelesley227 [at] knology [dot] net
ROCHELL / ROCHELLEJohn R. RochelleJRochelle [at] compuserve [dot] com 
ROGERSJ. R. Fosterpcf99 [at] infowest [dot] cpm 
ROPERJennifer Fuquapreacher [at] usit [dot] net 
RUSSELLLesley Burnettelesley227 [at] knology [dot] net
RUSTKathy Niedergeseslcarchives [at] lorettotel [dot] net 
SAMFORDDonna Barnesdebargo [at] ren [dot] net 
SANDYF. L. Coopermb2jsc [at] aol [dot] com
SANDYDeborah HumphresDeborah_A_Humphres [at] email [dot] msn [dot] com 
SANDYFrances Thompsonfrancyt [at] aol [dot] com 
SANDYPat Mahanmahan [at] hiwaay [dot] com 
SATERBAKKENRichard Paulsonpaulson [at] prairie [dot] lakes [dot] com 
SAWINSKIDiane Burginwildburg [at] aol [dot] com 
SCHEELEKathy Niedergeseslcarchives [at] lorettotel [dot] net 
SCHNEIDERKathy Niedergeseslcarchives [at] lorettotel [dot] net 
SCHNEIDERLarry Feldhauslfeldhaus.com
SCHOLESKathleen MacLennankathleen [at] anet [dot] net 
SCHULERKathy Niedergeseslcarchives [at] lorettotel [dot] net 
SEATONBetty Seaton Libertybettyeliberty [at] gmail [dot] com 
SHANNONCindy Mayfieldmayfieldcindy [at] yahoo [dot] com 
SHARPJoe Sharpjosfsharp [at] aol [dot] com 
SHARPSusan Marstonsusan [dot] marston [at] comcast [dot] net 
SHELTONKaren Rawlingswatoozie [at] aol [dot] com 
SHELTONBetty Berrysm_bobbet [at] traceroad [dot] net
SHELNUTTKathy Niedergeseslcarchives [at] lorettotel [dot] net 
SHOOKReic Dyerswan_dyer [at] hotmail [dot] com 
SIMSAnn Simsmrs [at] lcc [dot] net 
SISKCarol Murphyjmurph30 [at] cybertrails [dot] com 
SLAUGHTERKaren Bortonsilence [at] bright [dot] net 
SLONEWindi Gandalfojgranch [at] gold [dot] rush [dot] com 
SMITHLawrence Pickardpickard [at] efortress [dot] com
SMITHPaul & Kelly BialkPBialk [at] concentric [dot] net
SMITHSONMildred Fournierfournier [at] hankins [dot] com 
SPAINReic Dyerswan_dyer [at] hotmail [dot] com 
SPENCERKelly Wimbertlytwisteda [at] worldnet [dot] att [dot] net
SPRINERMaryanne Highleysema2004_6 [at] csGenealogy [dot] us 
SPRINKLE-SPRINKLESKaren Longks_long [at] hotmail [dot] com 
STAGGSWillie Staggswillie [dot] staggs [at] msfc [dot] nasa [dot] gov 
STAGGSJoe W. Townsendtownsend389738 [at] bellsouth [dot] net 
STAGGSZandra Walkertzuz94a [at] prodigy [dot] com 
STAGGSLynn R. Staggslynzel [at] centuryinter [dot] net 
STAGGSSharon Hamiltonsharkay [at] cccexpress [dot] com 
STEPHENSSusie Stephensted4321 [at] gateway [dot] net 
STEPHENSONChuck Demastusdemastus [at] aol [dot] com 
STEWART / STUARTLyn Roselynrose [at] lightspeed [dot] net 
STEWARTDoris Pullen Jenkinsthejenks [at] valuelinx [dot] net 
STILLERKathy Niedergeseslcarchives [at] lorettotel [dot] net 
STOCKTONJames Stocktonjestock [at] mail [dot] utexas [dot] edu 
STONECathy Schwarzcstone [at] gvtc [dot] com
STRIBLINGMark Robsonrobsonm [at] salve [dot] edu
STRIBLINGLinda Boswell Leecelticlady [at] yahoo [dot] com 
STRICKLANDJ. R. Fosterpcf99 [at] infowest [dot] com 
SUDDUTHKathy Niedergeseslcarchives [at] lorettotel [dot] net 
SULLIVANCathy Pattersonpat58119 [at] northwest [dot] com 
SULLIVANJ. J. Johnstonjohnston [at] ipa [dot] net 
SUMNERSheila K. Sanfordsheilasan [at] bellsouth [dot] net 
SUTTERLarry Feldhauslfeldhaus.com
SUTTONDean Mortongmorton-ins [at] worldnet [dot] att [dot] net 
TACKERJanis Walker Gilmorerajanisg [at] earthlink [dot] net
TARKINGTONDebby Marriotdmarriot [at] bellsouth [dot] net 
TERRYAllie Oldhamoldham [at] pagosasprings [dot] net
TICECharlotte Arwoodhar4char [at] hotmail [dot] com 
TICELinda Finkdrfink [at] citlink [dot] net
TIDWELLCathy Schwarzcstone [at] gvtc [dot] com
TIPTONBetty Berrysm_bobbett [at] traceroad [dot] net
TITTLEJohn Reidjlreid123 [at] hotmail [dot] com 
THOMASONAngela Snooksilvermist49 [at] yahoo [dot] com 
THOMPSONCaroline Doylecdoyle [at] mail [dot] snider [dot] net 
THOMASJennifer Fuquapreacher [at] usit [dot] net 
THORN(E)Tammy HazelwoodTammy [dot] Hazelwood [at] nscc [dot] edu 
TIDWELLJanis Walker Gilmorerajanisg [at] earthlink [dot] net
TIPTONKaren Rawlingswatoozie [at] aol [dot] com 
TODDMaryanne Highleysema2004_6 [at] csGenealogy [dot] us 
TOTTENJohnny Tottyjtotty [at] wcl [dot] wmsc [dot] k12 [dot] ar [dot] us 
TOWNSEND-THIGPENJoe W. Townsendtownsend389738 [at] bellsouth [dot] net 
TURNBOPatti Batespattibates [at] aol [dot] com 
TURNAGERicharddorrough [at] yahoo [dot] com 
URBANDeborah HumphresDeborah_A_Humphres [at] email [dot] msn [dot] com 
VanHOOSERLarry Feldhauslfeldhaus.com
VOORHIESNancy Richternrichter [at] co [dot] gloucester [dot] nj [dot] us 
VOSSRod Penningtonrodpenn [at] sage [dot] net 
WALLACEBilly Jean Hornbjhorn19 [at] mail [dot] idt [dot] com 
WALKERZandra Walkertzuz94a [at] prodigy [dot] com 
WALKERSusan Marstonsusan [dot] marston [at] comcast [dot] net 
WARDJohn Miserscrooge2 [at] ix [dot] netcom [dot] com 
WARRENSelena Jacksonsjackson [at] usit [dot] net 
WARRENJennifer Fuquapreacher [at] usit [dot] net 
WARRENBoyd WarrenLWa1040619 [at] aol [dot] com 
WASHBURNPat Longplong [at] hiwaay [dot] net
WASSONLawrence Pickardpickard [at] efortress [dot] com
WAYLANDHank Orozcograyowl [at] ix [dot] netcom [dot] com 
WEAVERDavid Whiteheaddlwhitehead1 [at] bellsouth [dot] net
WELCHJanice Hurlburtjhurlburt [at] fix [dot] net 
WELCHCathy Pattersonpat58119 [at] northwest [dot] com 
WESTAngela Snooksilvermist49 [at] yahoo [dot] com 
WHITEMaryanne Highleysema2004_6 [at] csGenealogy [dot] us 
WHITEDean Mortongmorton-ins [at] worldnet [dot] att [dot] net 
WHITEKathy Niedergeseslcarchives [at] lorettotel [dot] net 
WHITE,WOODS,WILBURNWilliam G. Latham Jr.llatham [at] peoplepc [dot] com 
WHITTED - WHITEHEADDavid Whitheaddlwhitehead1 [at] bellsouth [dot] net
WHITWORTHRegan Whitworthwhits [at] montana [dot] com 
WILDMANReita Burressrburress [at] usit [dot] net
WILEYVicky Morrow Hutchingsvicky [at] firstamerican [dot] net 
WILLIAMSKathryn Holdermankgholderman [at] wow [dot] com 
WILLIAMSScott Frasersofraser [at] aol [dot] com
WILLIAMSDonna Rogersdonnarogersmo [at] aol [dot] com 
WILLISChuck Landersclanders [at] airnet [dot] net 
WILSONCharlotte Arwoodhar4char [at] hotmail [dot] com 
WINEAPPLERich Parkerrichard [at] texoma [dot] net
WISDOM / WOODWARDJane Faganfagan [at] ipa [dot] net
WOMACKEleanor Edmontongen-pics [at] earthlink [dot] net 
WOODJoan Collettjvc [at] redshift [dot] com 
WOODALLPatsy Paterson2pats2cats [at] cox [dot] net 
WOODLANDLesley Burnettelesley227 [at] knology [dot] net
WOODWARDDon Woodwardwoodward2 [at] gte [dot] net 
WORKMANKathy Niedergeseslcarchives [at] lorettotel [dot] net 
WRIGHTMildred Fournierfournier [at] hankins [dot] com 
WRIGHT-WHITEJoe W. Townsendtownsend389738 [at] bellsouth [dot] net 
YANCEYBrenda Whitfieldbrendaw [at] tsixroads [dot] com 
YOESDon Carterdcarter [at] infoave [dot] net 
YOUNGWarren Doug YoungDugger3443 [at] aol [dot] com 
ZETTERFrances Thompsonfrancyt [at] aol [dot] com 
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Site last updated December 18, 2024 @ 10:57 am; This content last updated May 20, 2023 @ 11:56 pm