Queries Posted September, 1999 – October, 1999

Queries Posted September, 1999 – October, 1999

These queries were posted many years ago on an old TNGenWeb system.  Please note that e-mail addresses are likely defunct, and other contact details are possibly outdated.  Some individuals may be deceased.

We have not edited the text in any of the queries.

Our purpose in posting these old queries is to provide current and future researchers with clues from researchers in the past.

If you have a corrected e-mail address, please let us know so we can update.

Good luck!


I have been told by my father’s elderly half-sister that my great-grandmother, Laura BREWER and my grandmother, Ophelia LINDSAY? LINDSEY? LENSEY? LINSEY?, were both of Cherokee descent. Laura BREWER was born February 20, 1872, married my great-grandfather, John M. MITCHELL of Scotch/Irish descent about 1890, died January 6, 1935 and is buried in Milford, Ellis Co., Texas. Ophelia LINDSAY? was born February 28, 1985, married my grandfather, Joseph Jeffrey MITCHELL about 1911, died May 1923 and is buried in Milford, Ellis Co.,Texas. Can you confirm or deny my Cherokee heritage? Any response would be appreciated concerning this query.
Phyllis Mitchell Strider — P.O. Box 3604, Matthews, NC 28106-3604
CSTRIDER [at] worldnet [dot] att [dot] net
Submitted on Sun Oct 31 16:27:07 EST 1999

I am searhing for info on the family of James Searcy WALDROP who was in the area at some point in time. I have been told by anothre WALDROP researcher that he is on the 1880 Lawrence Co, census with family. I am searching for my g-grandmother and her family. Her name is Etna Rebecca WALDROP(RICHEY)b.8-16-1878 and d. 8-12-1912 in Lauderdale Co.AL and is buried in the FLorence Cem. Her ancestors are a complete mystery to our family.Parents, sibilings, aunts , Uncles, etc. Would appreciate any leads… Thanks ahead of time!
Laura Brown — 53 Co. Rd. 601, Rogersville, AL 35652
LauraB62 [at] aol [dot] com
Submitted on Fri Oct 29 00:20:19 EDT 1999

Looking for any information on FLEMING McCOY b. ca 1791 in VA. Wife’s name MESA, b. 1802 in VA, unknown her last name. They were in Lawrence Co. TN 1830 Census then moved to Tishomingo Co. MS. They had the following children all born in TN: Samuel b. 1820; Calloway b. 1821; Daughter b. 1822; Rachel, b. 1824; Thursey, b. 1825; Elizabeth, b. 1827; Daughter, b. 1830; Lewis, b. 1833; Allin, b. 1835; Catherine M. b. 1838; & James Lobb, b. 1840. Have court papers charging Fleming with Bastardy, filed 13 April 1824 in Lawrence Co. TN. Fleming responded to charges from MS claiming child. Gender of child unknown. Mother of child unknown. Their names did not appear in the court papers. Fleming died 28 Sep 1841 in Tishomingo Co. MS. Looking for any information on Fleming & Mesa, their parents names, or their siblings, where they lived, town/district/voting precinct, land bought/sold in Lawrence Co. Children’s marriage dates. Only occupation known to date for Fleming McCoy was Farmer.
Maxine Allen
maxine [at] bgnet [dot] bgsu [dot] edu
Submitted on Sun Oct 24 21:27:11 EDT 1999

Emma Fay NELSON married Ellis(Elias)SWANER Feb 16, 1879 Giles ct,TN. Ellis was born May 22, 1856 Lincoln ct,TN to Obediah SWANER & Ruth Ellen BARNES. Emma as born Sep 18, 1862 (birthplace & parents unknown).Ellis died Aug 30,1901 & is buried in Shiloh Cem Frankwing #27 Old Section. Emma remarried Aug 18, 1904 to John F. LOYD who may have died Jul 1912. Ellis & Emma once owned a store in Lawrenceburg,TN. I do not know if they had children. I do not know where Emma is buried. The dates on her gravestone show no death date.She may be buried beside 2nd husband LOYD who was a Primitive Baptist minister. Emma may have had the SWANER Bible. They may have spent the better part of their lives in Lawrence ct. Any one with knowledge of these people please email as I do not visit this site often. Thank you.
Donna Hanlon
dehanlon [at] webtv [dot] net
Submitted on Sun Oct 24 11:38:50 EDT 1999

I am searching for the graves of DAVID ALLISON AND BIDSEY ADKISSON. David and Bidsey, originally from Virgina, moved to the Waylon Springs area circa. 1820, where they raised their family. Some of their children are buried in the Mt. Nebo Cemetery, but I have been told that David and Bidsey were buried in the Waylon Springs Cemetery. If anyone has information, records, or can tell me who are the trustees of the Waylon Springs Cemetery, please reply.
Woody Liles
woodyl [at] worldnet [dot] att [dot] net
Submitted on Sat Oct 23 23:10:25 EDT 1999

Searching for parents and ancestors of Enoch S. Tucker b. 1848, his wife Sarah Ellen McLaren b. 1841?, her mother Mary A. McDougal McLaren b. 1800. Would like to hear from any cousins with knowledge of family history.
Jerry L. Moore — 4900 S. Ulster St. #6-117, Denver, CO 80237-2890
mjm6 [at] earthlink [dot] com
Submitted on Fri Oct 22 09:45:36 EDT 1999

GARNER, ELLIOT,JOHNSON,CHILDERS Searching for families of James W. GARNER, b- ca 1836-7 at Lawrence Co. Tenn. son of John GARNER and wife, Ruth ELLIOTT GARNER. They moved to Ark before 1850 (Census 1850 Saline Co. Ar.) James W. mar’d in Ar., 1st to Elizabeth JOHNSON, 2nd (1866)to Martha Emaline CHILDERS in Pope Co. Need John GARNER & Ruth ELLIOTT’s birth family. I have lots on the descendants & will share. Ruth, at home902 [at] aol [dot] com
Ruth Natale
home902 [at] aol [dot] com
Submitted on Tue Oct 19 03:34:40 EDT 1999

This is a posting for Ms. Virginia Potter:I am curious about your posting of Fri Aug 22, 1997 about CallumLindsey, his marriage, and his parentage. I have Callum’s siblings (can’t recall them all, e-mail me and I will provide the rest):Littleton, Seleney, Martha, Caswill, Hillard are his siblings. My info is that their parents are James and Susanah Lindsey, b. NC. Please contact me. -Robin Lindsey McCarley tunnel [at] unix1 [dot] sncc [dot] lsu [dot] edu
Robin L. McCarley
tunnel [at] unix1 [dot] sncc [dot] lsu [dot] edu
Submitted on Mon Oct 18 20:10:16 EDT 1999

Looking for descendants of Elijah Melton, died ca 1833 in Lawrence Co TN
Sherry Melton Arnold
sarnold [at] hcis [dot] net
Submitted on Mon Oct 18 17:27:38 EDT 1999

John William CHILDRESS (TN, MO) father of Martha Alice Childress Thomas (1901 (MO)- 1972 (TX)), Thomas, Lillian and Anna. Seeking information on his birth, death, parents, who was mother of children. Believed to have lived near Ethridge, TN.
S Jarrell — 528 CR 3796, Cleveland, TX 77327
sjarrell [at] winstead [dot] com
Submitted on Mon Oct 18 08:21:13 EDT 1999

Would love to share information on Nancy MASSEY married J.Willis ASHFORD. Nancy Ann TIPPET married William TOMERLIN(second husband) Rhoda DAUGHERTY married Freeman TOMERLIN Anne and Rainey BELEW,Children were Susie and Buford BELEW. All of these folks were born in around Lawrenceburg, Tenn.Athens,Alabama.
Janie Tomerlin Newnum — 35473 Margurite Ln. , Paw Paw, MI 49079
jnewnum [at] sprynet [dot] com
Submitted on Mon Oct 18 00:57:30 EDT 1999

I am searching for information on my great grandparents from Gwinnett County, Georgia, HENRY CLAY THOMAS and VICTORIA ADELINE SUDDERTH. Henry Clay’s parents may have been JOHN and ELIZABETH ANN THOMAS and may have been from Gwinnett County or nearby Forsyth or Hall County. Victoria Adeline’s parents were WILLIAM P. SUDDERTH and SARAH ANN MILLER and were from Sugar Hill near Buford in Gwinnett County. From Gwinnette county both of these families moved to Cleburne County, Alabama. Henry Clay and Victoria Adeline later moved to Franklin County, Alabama. After Victoria’s death, Henry Clay moved to Lawrence County, Tennessee. Can any one help me out? Thanks for any assistance. – Dr. Carroll R. Thomas drt1972 [at] aol [dot] com
Dr. Carroll R. Thomas
drt1972 [at] aol [dot] com
Submitted on Sun Oct 17 16:54:36 EDT 1999

I am looking for information on John T. SMITH and his wife Bette SMITH. They lived in Lawerence Co., Tn. They are my great-grandparents. They were from Ga. but I donot know where. They had six boys { Harve, Frank,Olan,Dave, Ollie and Ulan }and all lived in Lawerence Co. and I have many cousins still there. Dave SMITH was my grandfather. I need to know where John and Bette were born and their parents name and birth place. Thanks Christie SMITH Johnson
Christie Johnson — 470 Co, Rd. 551 , hanceville, AL 35077
casj [at] mindspring [dot] com
Submitted on Sun Oct 17 13:09:25 EDT 1999 TREMPER, TRUEMPER “Petition for Naturalization” for Fredrick Tremper, filed 29 June, 1917 in Pennyslvaina lists three children born in Lawrence Co., TN. I am seeking any information confirming the births plus any additional information on the TREMPER or TRUEMPER surname. The wife of Frederick Tremper/Truemper was Anna. A fourth child is listed as having been born in 1883 in Richmond, VA so the family left Tennessee sometime between the third and fourth birth. The three children are: (1) Katherine E(lizabeth) TREMPER or TRUEMPER, born 28 October, 1876 (or 1877); (2) John (Frederick) TREMPER or TRUEMPER, born 3 February, 1878; and (3) Mary Mammie TREMPER or TRUEMPER, thought to have been born in May, 1879. Thank you in advance for your time and any assistance you may be able to provide.
Joe Tremper — 125 Pine Creek DR., Hampton, VA 23669
joetremper [at] aol [dot] com
Submitted on Sun Oct 17 13:01:27 EDT 1999

Need parents and siblings of Alexander CAMPBELL, m.ca. 1800; d. 1847, Lawrence Co, TN and wife, Isabella, b.ca. 1780, TN; d. after 1850. Children were Elliott W., b. 1801; Eleanor, b. 1803, m. 1824, Lawrence Co, TN to Thomas Jefferson KEESE, d. 1843, Gonzales Co, TX; James, b. 1808, d. 1840 near San Antonio, TX; and Matilda, m. William H. FREEMAN.
Jan Sevener
jansevener [at] hotmail [dot] com
Submitted on Wed Oct 13 12:00:41 EDT 1999

I am looking for information concerning the birth parents of my grandfather, James Mitchell (HARDEMAN) RICHARDSON. He was born approximately 1897 and was adopted by James Lee RICHARDSON. Any information would be appreciated.
Patricia Richardson Travis
robtctra [at] airmail [dot] net
Submitted on Wed Oct 13 03:47:10 EDT 1999

23rd tennessee infantry regiment co. b 1st segt Daniel L Kelly was 1 of only a few that servived the war from co b. i belive he was a private at the end of the war. was it common to be reduced in rank if there was no one left to lead. or do you belive his reduction in rank was for other reasons? Daniel L Kelly was my gr gr grandfather.
Andrew B Noblit
anoblit [at] hsv [dot] k12 [dot] al [dot] us
Submitted on Tue Oct 12 13:48:06 EDT 1999

I am currently researching the Pickard family tree. I have successfully traced records back to my gr.gr.grandfather, Noel Craig Pickard born in Tenn. in 1824. I believe his father may be Alexander A. Pickard and his mother Mary Elizabeth Keeton Pickard but I can find no concrete evidence. Can you help me find records on these two people or any information that may be helpful in finding the true parents of Noel Craig?
Diane Pickard
bub [at] bellsouth [dot] net
Submitted on Fri Oct 8 21:21:40 EDT 1999

Request Lafayette SHOOK’s parents. L.SHOOK born 1856, Lawrence Co. Married Carolin Griffin, 1876, had 7 children, all in Lawrence Co,TN.
Vicki & Dan Nash — Dan Nash, 17501 Martin Drive, Athens, AL 35611
VNash [at] aol [dot] com
Submitted on Thu Oct 7 15:09:40 EDT 1999

Looking for parents of Elisha CARNES (possibly CARRENS)who died in 1855. Also looking for decendents of Elisha CARNES(possibly CARRENS)
Gerald Carrens
jcarrens [at] swbell [dot] net
Submitted on Thu Oct 7 01:12:19 EDT 1999

I am trying to obtain a good copy of a picture of Constantine Sebastian BOWDEN, 2nd Liet, Company H, 19th TN Cavalry, in his Civil War uniform. I understand the original is in the Lawrence County Archives in basement of post office. He was promoted to 2nd LT on 11/30/1861. Killed during war. His father was Charles Wiss (Winn) (Winston) BOWDEN, born (Dec 5, 1815). I will pay for any charges to have copied and mailed if anyone can help. He was my great grandfather’s (James Newton BOWDEN’s) brother. Thanks, Jim HARRISON, 7188 Shady Oaks Drive, Bartlett, TN 38133 (901)382-4638 ofice-(901) 874-5387. P.S. Also do you have email or other addresses of anyone doing research on BOWDEN’s and McANALLY’s of Lawrence County, TN and Pope County, AR. Any other Bowden’s or McAnally’s in Civil War uniforms?
Jim Harrison
JTBHARRIS [at] aol [dot] com
Submitted on Tue Oct 5 23:01:32 EDT 1999

Am looking for information on William Ford WILLIAMS, b/d unknown. Had son, James Peyton WILLIAMS, b 3/30/1852, LAWRENCE CO, TN, married to Sara Jane Harris, date unknown who then had son, Fisher WILLIAMS. Any info would be appreciated.
k9ig [at] contesting [dot] com
Submitted on Mon Oct 4 21:33:57 EDT 1999

I am looking for any information about the people of my gggrandmother Sarah Emerline Waul. She was said to have been one half Cherokee. She married John P. Jennings on December 16, 1860 in Carroll County Ga at the Carrollton Campground. She died on Jun 28, 1915 and is buried at the Center Point Cemetery in Lawrence County Tennessee.
Oliver Love — 2529 Salamanca Street, Navarre, FL 32566
olove [at] baycomm [dot] net
Submitted on Mon Oct 4 20:59:19 EDT 1999

Need help finding information on ISAIAH IVY/IVEY who was in Lawrence County Tn., in 1850 census. Wife Mary. Some of children were Wm. L., Elizabeth, Mahala, Lerry, Mary, Julia, Catharine. Any help appreciated.
Ona Fern Warren
onafern3 [at] juno [dot] com
Submitted on Mon Oct 4 15:47:09 EDT 1999

Looking for any information on JOHN A. WARREN and MARGARET IVEY who were married in Lawrence County, Tenn. in 1849. Any help at all is appreciated.
Ona Fern Warren
onafern3 [at] juno [dot] com
Submitted on Mon Oct 4 15:41:26 EDT 1999

DOWNS, Mathew b 1796 NC mar 1818 in Lawrence Co. TN to Susannah (Dowden)GUNTER and they went to Monroe Co. Ms. by 1820 census and settled in nearby Marion Co. AL. in the 1840’s. Children: Pamily, Susan, Lydia, James, Joshua, Arrena Roxanne, Sarah Elizabeth, Zachariah, Nancy. Any connection?
margie — P.O. Box 920002, Norcross, GA 30092
mbcroney [at] bellsouth [dot] net
Submitted on Sun Oct 3 11:49:11 EDT 1999

I am researching descendants of William CROWSON of nearby Giles Co.The Lawrence Co history mentions a CROWSON Fork of the Shoals Creekin the county. A CROWSON Mill was built on the fork in 1856. Doesanyone know which CROWSON operated the mill ? Or was the mill namedafter the creek ?
pugh [at] webtv [dot] netSubmitted on Sun Oct 3 00:51:46 EDT 1999

MORTON,TAYLOR,MOSS I am looking for these families in the 1800’s from Lawrence Co.
Ricky King
pking14 [at] earthlink [dot] net
Submitted on Fri Oct 1 16:40:14 EDT 1999

i am looking for any one that counld help i am research the last name lopp in lawrence counnties if any one counld help please email at ricky3 [at] bellsouth [dot] netcom or write to 1644 nw 14 circle pompano beach fla 33069 to annie miller-lopp
annie lopp-miller — 1644 nw 14 circle, pompano beach, FL 33069
ricky3 [at] bellsouth [dot] netcom
Submitted on Tue Sep 28 22:36:29 EDT 1999

LANE, Griffin. Born about 1803 in N.C., Found In Limestone County Al. census 1840, Lawrence County, TN. Census 1850, cannot find in any census since. Wife Elizabeth (ANDERS) LANE moved to Stewart County TN. between 1850 and 1870. Children Ambrose, James Basham, Robert, Mary, Olivia, Joseph, Jack, William, Griffin, Alfred. Would like to know parents of Griffin Sr. and where he died (believe between Lawrence and Stewart County TN.)
Roe B. Lane, Jr.
roeb [at] compu [dot] net
Submitted on Tue Sep 28 12:07:44 EDT 1999

Looking for information on Thomas Chapman(b. 1750-1800?). He is listed on the 1840 Lawrence Co, TN census. He married Fannie LEE b. 1798 NC, d. of Wm LEE of Giles Co, TN. Thomas and Fannies known children include: Malinda b. 1822 TN m. Leander FAULKENBERRY , Thomas b. 1823 TN m. Elizabeth “Betsy” HOPPER, Serenah b. ? m. Allen SMITH, Francis “Mary” b. 1825 TN m. Sameul STOUT, Berry H. b. 1829 TN, Tyry b. 1832 m. Sarah ?, Wm C. b. 1833 TN, Cynthia b. 1838 TN, Tennison b. 1840 TN, Martha b. 1843 MO m. Dr. Wm PENNINGTON. The family ends up in Reynolds Co, MO by 1850 along with Leander FAULKENBERRY and Allen SMITH. Appreciate any info on this family.
Joanne (Chapman) Lincoln
linc [at] ldd [dot] net
Submitted on Sun Sep 26 01:04:55 EDT 1999

Searching for the ancestors of William McANALLY b. abt.1798 in TN. Have found a William McANALLY that is on the 1820 census for Lawrence Co. TN. Would like to have any details on the census such as members of the household etc. and any other information to see if it is my William McANALLY. Additionally have found a William McANALLY that married an Easter Hope July 11, 1816 in Knox Co. TN. This could be the same individual. My William McANALLY married Nancy Poe January 11, 1823 in Franklin Co. KY and then moved to Franklin Co. IN as early as 1827. He appears to be either the father or uncle of John A. McANALLY b. 1819 in Franklin Co. KY. For more comlete details on the family see the John McAnally Home Page at John McAnally — 206 Forsythe Lane, DeKalb, IL 60115
jpmcanaly1 [at] aol [dot] com
Submitted on Wed Sep 22 23:55:53 EDT 1999

John H. Bell (1855-1918) is buried in Arlington Cemetery. Words from his grave stone: “John H. Bell 1855-1918 with a wife and many children.” Listed also is: “Harold Leon Bell, son of J.M. and Monetta Bell,13 Jan 1915-1 June 1918.” JH Bell also in “They Passed This Way”: “Bell, John, died 11 Jan 1918, Sandy Hook, buried Arlington, Mt. Pleasant, age 63,father Bill Bell, mother Mary Huckeby, charged to Leslie Bell.” Above says J.M. Bell and Monetta Bell were parents of Harold Leon Bell. Are also my grandparents by Lona Bethel Bell Reed, their daughter. It would seem John H. Bell is related to James Minor Bell since JM Bell’s son is buried with John H. Bell. Trying to make tie between John H Bell, Leslie Bell, & J.M. Bell. Above says parents were “Bill Bell & Mary Huckaby. “Bill Bell” may be father of J.M. Bell. Family history says name was William Joseph Bell. However, is Mary Huckaby same as my family’s “Mary Massey”??? James Minor Bell lived in Lawrence County in early 1900s. Would appreciate any help.
Tom Reed — 7 Duke Street, New Freedom , PA 17349
treed [at] blazenet [dot] net
Submitted on Wed Sep 22 11:07:14 EDT 1999

My maternal grandfather, MacKendree UNDERWOOD was born June 15,1861 in Lawrence Co. Tn. His parents were George W. and Frances E. Lucas UNDERWOOD. His father was supposedly killed in Civil War. His mother and 7 brothers and sisters crossed the river and came to West Tennessee. Would appreciate any information about them..
Frances H. Coffman
fhc1009 [at] aol [dot] com
Submitted on Tue Sep 21 22:23:12 EDT 1999

I am looking for information on Clara Jane CRICK. Born circa 1861, died July 9, 1929 at Lawrenceburg, Lawrence, TN at age 68. She married Nathaniel Elisha Brown of Jackson, AL on December 17, 1882. I believe that she is buried beside Nathaniel at Talley Cemetery near Petersburg, TN. Any information on her, her parents, birth date etc. would be very helpful. She was my great, great grandmother.
Toni Marshall — 2978 212th Street, Lake CIty, FL 32024
qtrmoon [at] atlantic [dot] net
Submitted on Mon Sep 20 20:40:14 EDT 1999

I am looking for any information on my grandfather Roy Edward Harwell, Minor Hill and my grandmother Edna Mae (Pickett) Harwell’s Parents and their parents parents.
Bob Harwell — 3901 Northside Drive Apt 10D, Macon, GA 31210
Harwell1416 [at] AOL [dot] com
Submitted on Sun Sep 19 21:37:54 EDT 1999

Looking for information on Joseph ROBERTSON b. abt. 1824 and spouse F.Caroline b. abt. 1826 (both born in Tennessee). They had four children born in Tennessee.Three sons Georgia b.1847, James b.1849, Thomas b.1855, and one daughter Nancy b.1852. Would like to find County in Tennessee that they were from.
Neal Wayne Robertson
robertson [at] ncweb [dot] com
Submitted on Sat Sep 18 14:23:50 EDT 1999

Have interest in sharing info on the GOBBLE/GOBBELL/GOBELL family that were in Rowan Co. N.C. in the late 1700’s. My family descended through John GOBBLE and wife Ruhamy MANER. John was the son of Jacob GOBBLE. John’s family migrated to Bedford Co., Tn. about 1822/3. John had eleven children. Three were born in N.C. and the rest in Tn. At least three married in Lincoln Co., Tn. All except Jacob Calvin moved on to Lawrence/Wayne Co., Tn. about 1853. Would like to know who, a son, James Riley Gobble/GOBBELL married about 1850.
Harold G. Gobbell
lghg [at] usit [dot] net
Submitted on Thu Sep 16 15:14:10 EDT 1999

Stephen Carrell, b 17 Jul 1787 in GA, d 27 Feb 1846 in Lawrence Co, TN, Parents; Charles & Mary Carrell, maried 1 April 1810 in Murphreesboro, Rutherford CO, TN to Anne Locke, b 10 Dec 1792 in Rowan Co, NC, d 4 Nov 1866 in Lawrence Co, TN, Parents: Francis Locke (son of Brig. General Matthew Locke of NC, Rev War General & Mary Brandon) and Blanche Rutherford (daughter of Brig. General Griffith Rutherford of NC, Rev War General & Mary Graham). KNOWN CHILDREN: Charles Carrell, Francis L L Carrell, Mary Carrell, James Carrell, Stephen ALexander Carrell, Anne Carrell, William Carrell, Matthew Locke Carrell , John Carrell, Margaret Blanche Carrell, Netwon Addison Carrell, Asa Carrell. These children and their descendants settled in Lewis Co and some eventually moved to points west.
Cheryl Zelek — 103 Wordsmith Court, Cary, NC 27511-6811
zelek [at] mindspring [dot] com
Submitted on Thu Sep 16 13:01:05 EDT 1999

Young Kirk, b 7 Feb 1787 in Orange Co, NC, d 28 Mar 1850 in Lewis Co, TN, parents unknown, married (1) ??Catherine Akin??, b 20 Jun 1787 in SC, died before 1833 in Lawrence Co, TN, KNOWN CHILDREN: Cynthy Kirk, Peter Akin Kirk, Hugh Cain Kirk, Stephen S Kirk, Robert Hunnell Kirk, Martha J Kirk. Descendants eventually scattered to TX, OK, AR and points west. Some did stay in the Lawrence/Lewis Co areas. married 1833 (2) Frances Anne Bailey, b 27 Feb 1807 in VA, d 27 Sept 1873 in Lawrence Co, TN, KNOWN CHILDREN: Lucy A Kirk, Frances Carolyn Kirk, Mary Lucy Kirk, Rachel Louisa Kirk, William Young Kirk, Nancy Eviline Kirk, William H Kirk, Lewis C Kirk. Descendants eventually scattered to TX, OK, AR and points west. Some did stay in the Lawrence/Lewis Co areas.
Cheryl Zelek — 103 Wordsmith Court, Cary, NC 27511-6811
zelek [at] mindspring [dot] com
Submitted on Thu Sep 16 12:54:29 EDT 1999

I am looking for all descendants of the following families that resided in Lewis Co, TN from the early 1800’s to the present: DIRECT LINES: Henry Pollock, b 1772 in MD, d bwtewwn 1850-1860 in Lawrence Co, TN, Parents unknown, m 10 Aug 1792 in Guilford Co, NC to Mary Kirkman, parents not proven, KNOWN CHILDREN: John Pollock, William Pollock, James K Pollock, Daniel Pollock, David D Pollock, Elisha Pollock, Jonathon Pollock, Mary Pollock, Amy? Pollock. I have extensive information on the Pollock family. Descendants moved into Lewis Co, TN. Robert Milliken, Jr, born about 1772 in Orange Co, NC, d 26 Nov 1857 in Lawrence Co, TN, Parent: Robert and Jane Milliken, married 5 May 1809 in Orange Co, NC to Christian Turner, b 1775-1780 in Orange Co, NC, d 1840-1850 in Lawrence Co, TN, Parents: James Turner & Mary Patton. KNOWN CHILDREN: Turner Milliken, Charles C Milliken, Harbison (may be William Harbison) Milliken. These descendants moved to Lewis CO, TN. Willing to share info.
Cheryl Zelek — 103 Wordsmith Court, Cary, NC 27511-6811
zelek [at] mindspring [dot] com
Submitted on Thu Sep 16 12:24:26 EDT 1999

I am looking for information on Clayborn Greenwood APPLETON, b 1817 Tn. Family stories say he and two brother came to the area, with one brother staying in Lawrence County TN, C G settled in Lawrence County Al, marring Rebekah Milam 1840, and a third brother moving on th DeKalb Co AL.
Linda Lowery
llowery [at] hiwaay [dot] net
Submitted on Tue Sep 14 10:55:56 EDT 1999

Did Archibald McCochran ANDERSON and Elijah ANDERSON live in Lawrence co., about 1810-1830? Did they own any land? Or have a business that dealt with leather?
jmanderson [at] sydcom [dot] net
Submitted on Mon Sep 13 20:59:56 EDT 1999

Does anyone have any information about JOSEPHINE WHITE who was born abt. 1850 in Lawrenceburg, Tennessee, Lawrence County?
<;A HREF=”mailto:belann [at] wirefire [dot] com”>Phyllis Campbell — HC 63 Box 151, Nettie, WV 26681
belann [at] wirefire [dot] com
Submitted on Sat Sep 11 22:30:57 EDT 1999

I am searching for information on the PLUNKETT, ALLEN, and THOMAS families. The LEILA DELL (ALLEN-PLUNKETT) THOMAS, came to Lawrence County, Tennessee from Alabama and Georgia. Specific information on her family of origin is: I. EDDIE PLUNKETT was born July 27, 1871, and died August 01, 1910. She married JAMES EDGAR ALLEN. He was born 1868, and died July 27, 1936. I. EDDIE PLUNKETT was buried at the Old Bethel Cemetery, Bethel Baptist Church (organized in 1906), Bear Creek Community near Phil Campbell, Franklin County, Alabama. The Children of I. PLUNKETT and JAMES ALLEN are: i. CARRIE ALLEN, m. PHILLIPS. ii. FANNIE ALLEN, m. RICHARDSON. iii. HUGH ALLEN. iv. JESSIE ALLEN, m. BUCKNER. v. MAMIE ALLEN, m. BENEFIELD. vi. MYRTLE ALLEN, m. WARD MCMASTERS. vii. LELIA DELL ALLEN, b. August 22, 1892, d. March 01, 1978, m. LOVIC NELSON THOMAS, b. January 26, 1886, d. March 20, 1977. viii. CHARLES F. ALLEN, b. May 26, 1900, d. March 27, 1994, Macon, Georgia; m. Sue.
Carroll R. Thomas
drt1972 [at] aol [dot] com
Submitted on Sat Sep 11 15:56:29 EDT 1999

I am searching the death date and place of burial for Louisa Glough. Born about 1825 in Pa or Ohio.Was in Tenn. 1898. Maiden name Stoddard 1st husb.Flaugh, last married to Glough.Her daugh.Eva married Samuel Leland. Louisa is my gr gr grandmother. Any information is greatly appreciated.
Mary Jane Thomas — 318 Ross Ave., Cambridge Springs, PA 16403-1229
marjan [at] toolcity [dot] net
Submitted on Fri Sep 10 20:42:53 EDT 1999

I am looking for Ephriam B. and G.W. GREENHAW. Ephriam is G.W. father . G.W. was born on October 5,1839 in Lawrence County Tn. Any help you can give would be greatly appreciated. Ephriam is my great great grandfather.
Jackie Greenhaw Holcombe
cholc55811 [at] aol [dot] com
Submitted on Tue Jul 20 16:49:56 EDT 1999

John Adkinson married Catherine A. McDonald in Lawrence Co., TN. June 4, 1876. I am trying to find who Catherine A. McDonald’s parents were. Can anyone help?
sandking [at] usit [dot] net
Submitted on Wed Sep 8 19:57:14 EDT 1999

James R. Riley married Georgia A. King in Lawrence Co., TN. January 11, 1880. Does anyone know about this family? I am trying to find who Georgia A. King’s parents were.
sandking [at] usit [dot] net
Submitted on Wed Sep 8 19:52:59 EDT 1999

I am interested in any information pertaining to Uriah Akers 1820 census in Lawrence Co. He was between 26-45 years of age.
Jeanette Piekenbrock
JPieke6710 [at] aol [dot] com
Submitted on Tue Sep 7 02:46:25 EDT 1999

buci98 [at] aol [dot] com
Submitted on Mon Sep 6 21:50:36 EDT 1999

Researching GEORGE and LUCY KITCHENS early 1800’S.George was born 1784 in Va. had children born in Lawrence County,need to know names, date etc,. Thanks. Delores dgskit [at] AOL [dot] com
Delores Kitchens — 1808A Iris Circle, Temple, TX 76502
dgskit [at] aol [dot] com
Submitted on Mon Sep 6 20:45:52 EDT 1999

Looking for information about other brothers, circa. 1874? Possibly fought for the North and settled in So. Lawrence or Wayne County TN.
Robert M. Newman
rmnewman [at] hiwaay [dot] net
Submitted on Mon Sep 6 17:52:59 EDT 1999

Looking for the “Mary” who posted a query on the LETT/HOLT connection whose e-mail address is no longer current. I need to know the father’s name of the James Wilson (LETT) HOLT of Lawrence Co., TN whom she named in her query. Hoping she has that info, or at least we can share our LETT research. Will also share with any other persons who are researching the LETT Families in TN.
Mary Ann Jones
mjones [at] 2xtreme [dot] net
Submitted on Mon Sep 6 11:20:33 EDT 1999

The 1870 TN census shows HENRY HAM, age 55, Lawrence Co TN. My G-GF Henry Ham married Nancy Ann Harvey. Three children born in TN., John Ham b.1866, Robert Edward Ham b.1869, Laura Elizabeth Ham b.1872. Seven other children, unkn b., Lucy, Tom, Cooley, Jim, Dave, Wesley, and Roxie. They moved to TX sometime after 1872 to the Dallas, Navarro or Ellis Co TX areas. If this HAM line rings a bell, please contact me. Ol’e Henry Ham is a hard man to find. Mary Ham Stone
Mary Ham Stone
rwstone [at] chipshot [dot] net
Submitted on Sat Sep 4 18:04:08 EDT 1999

I am trying to track my lineage in the Bell & Evans families in Lawrence and Wayne Counties. I’m trying to locate info on Buford Bell, brother of James Minor Bell, and son of Joseph William Bell. He may have also had a sister Sarah. He lived for many years around the Summertown area. If possible, would like to locate any living sons or daughters. I am the son of Bethel Bell Reed, daughter of James Minor Bell and Monetta Evans Bell.
Tom Reed — 7 Duke Street, New Freedom, PA 17349
treed [at] blazenet [dot] net
Submitted on Fri Sep 3 09:22:47 EDT 1999

Benjamin C MORRIS born 1815, Tn. I think Lawrence Co. I cannot find him in Tn. but 1850 in Blount Co., Ala. Would very much like to find out who his parents were. Thanks for any information. Please e mail me sally [at] brightok [dot] net
sally [at] brightok [dot] net
Submitted on Thu Sep 2 22:29:37 EDT 1999

Looking for parents of Jesse HUTCHESON of Lawrence County TN (possibly John and Nancy HUTCHESON): Jesse Born about 1799 in Georgia. Appears on 1819 Lawrence Cty TN Tax Rolls and thru 1850 Lawrence Cty census, and was constable and J.P in Lawrence County. Possibly brother of Coleman, Tennessee, and John HUTCHESON. Married Sarah MITCHELL (daughter of Thomas MITCHELL of VA or NC)in Lawrence County about 1817. Children of Jesse and Sarah HUTCHESON: William Ragsdale b. 1819 d. 1914 Benton Cty, Ark.,married Lydia Waid MORRIS; James R. b.1825 d. ? married Esther ALTUM/ALTOM; Caroline E. b. ? d. ? married HAM; Alfred b. 1826 d. 1860’s Benton Cty, Ark., married Phebe ALTUM/ALTOM (sister of Esther); John M. b. 1830 d. ? married Mary LAYTON. Thanks for your help.
Herk Slutter — 19 Dulverton Drive, Bella Vista, AR 72715
herk [at] specent [dot] com
Submitted on Wed Sep 1 15:09:01 EDT 1999


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