Queries Posted May, 1998 – June, 1998

Queries Posted May, 1998 – June, 1998

These queries were posted many years ago on an old TNGenWeb system.  Please note that e-mail addresses are likely defunct, and other contact details are possibly outdated.  Some individuals may be deceased.

We have not edited the text in any of the queries.

Our purpose in posting these old queries is to provide current and future researchers with clues from researchers in the past.

If you have a corrected e-mail address, please let us know so we can update.

Good luck!


I am in need of an obituary for Elizabeth “Bettie” (JORDAN) SHELTON who died in November 1923. She is buried at Center Point Church near Lawrenceburg. She was born ca. 1850 in Alabama and married Filmore Green SHELTON in Giles Co. in 1867. Their daughter Inez Jane SHELTON married Samuel Odum Cleveland KELLY in 1891. Bettie (JORDAN) SHELTON is said to have had a sister, Jane JORDAN who married Wash JACKSON. Any information concerning this family is really appreciated.
Jim W. Kelly
j_kelly [at] wku [dot] campus [dot] mci [dot] net
Submitted on Wed Jun 24 23:03:39 EDT 1998

On 16 Sept. 1877 my g grand mother Sarah Ida ROBINSON was born. By the time she was ten months old she was an orphan. She was adopted by John Shafer WILSON and wife Delila Christine BONEY WILSON. By 1880 the decree is granted and her name is changed to Sarah Ida WILSON. I am searching for information on her ROBINSON birth parents. Names unknown. I will share information on Ida’s family. Ida married 1. Thomas Newton SMITH 08 AprilL 1894 in Perry Co. Tn. married 2. James TUCKER 22 Dec. 1914 in Lewis Co. Tn. She came to Ms. @ 1927.
Bobbye Davis — Rte.5 Bx 38 , Greenwood, MS 38930
Bobbye [at] Microsped [dot] com
Submitted on Wed Jun 24 00:31:55 EDT 1998

According to the Certificate of Disability For Discharge, Army Of The United States, Peter H. MONTGOMERY was born in Lawrence County, Tennesse. His Certificate of Death, Bureau of Vital Statistics, Missouri State Board of Health, Peter was born July 1834. Peter married Catharine McBee in Polk County, Mo. Peter & Catherine later moved to Newton Co., MO. I recently found a William Montgomery who lived less that an a mile from the McBee family in Polk Co., MO. This appears to be the William Montgomery who married a Susannah Cook, 26 Sep 1839 in Lawrence Co., Tn by Jacob Lacforx, J.P. William may have been Peter’s brother. I AM LOOKING FOR THE PARETNS OF PETER H. MONTGOMERY. I am looking into the possibility that Peter’s father might have been Thomas Montgomery who reportedly died in 1840 with a will in Will Book 1, 229, Lawrence Co., TN. The e-mail address on the Query that I entered on Sep 29, 1997 is no longer correct.
David J. Montgomery
montgy [at] telepath [dot] com
Submitted on Mon Jun 22 11:57:58 EDT 1998

Look for info on CLARENCE W. VICK b. 11-27-1888 in _,b. 11-5-1939 in Guiles Co, m. EUELLA SHELBY b. 8-24-1894 in _, d. 12-22-1937 in Guiles Co. Seven children to this marriage: JOHN ARLEN b. 8-22-1912, Ethridge, Lawerance Co., WILLARD JACKSON b. 1-2-1921 Ethridge, Lawerance Co., ANNIE, PAULINE, IRENE “RENNIE”, & RAYBURN. Since most or possibly all children were born in Ethridge, Lawerance Co. I would love to learn anything I could on this family. Thank You!
Patti Vick
vickje [at] dpc [dot] net
Submitted on Mon Jun 22 07:30:57 EDT 1998

I am looking for information concerning Elizabeth “Bettie” JORDAN who was born ca. 1850 and is said to have died in November 1923. She is buried at Centerpoint Church near Lawrenceburg. She married Filmore Green SHELTON 20 February 1867 in Giles Co. as his second wife. Their daughter, Inez SHELTON was born in 1877 and married Samuel Odum Cleveland KELLY on 30 October 1891. Bettie (JORDAN) SHELTON is said to have had a sister, Jane who married Wash JACKSON. Any help finding this family would be appreciated.
Jim W. Kelly
j_kelly [at] wku [dot] campus [dot] mci [dot] net
Submitted on Sun Jun 21 21:13:13 EDT 1998

searching for lucretia SMITH within cherokee nation of lawrence and giles counties, she married john wesley Smith in 1856 in giles county. also searching for any TUNGATE in giles county.
karen toungett — 309 Forrest Avenue, Lawrenceburg, TN 38464
toungett [at] usit [dot] net
Submitted on Sun Jun 21 16:43:49 EDT 1998

Hugh MCNEAL is first listed in the 1830 census of Lawrence County. I have found that he was born in Scotland ca 1798. I cannot find the name of his wife. I do not know if he got married after he came to USA or before. I do know that his first child was born ca 1827. Any info would be gladly appreciated. Thanks.
Pat Griffin — 307 Plantation Court, Nashville, TN 37221
wpgpjg [at] aol [dot] com
Submitted on Sun Jun 21 10:59:26 EDT 1998

I am searching for any information on Hector A. MCNEALl(MCNEIL, MCNEILL). He was born ca 1833 in Lawrence CO. Between 1850-60, he married Almarinda (Alma) Angeline(a) BRCEKENRIDGE, who may have been born in Lawrence County also ca 1833. Any Info would be appreciated. Thanks. Pat Griffin wpgpjg [at] aol [dot] com
Pat Griffin — 307 Plantation Court, Nashville, TN 37221
wpgpjg [at] aol [dot] com
Submitted on Sun Jun 21 10:51:45 EDT 1998

Robert DURHAM born abt 1811 in Tenn/VA married Elizabeth RIGGS bornabt 1825 in VA they had the following children and lived in LawrenceCounty in 1880. Nancy, Samuel D, James K., William L., Felica/Evaline, Bedford,Lucinda, Sarah, Alice, Eurich, Laura .. I am really stuck on thisline and any information would be greatly appreciated.
Terri Durham-Stone
terrigem [at] aol [dot] com
Submitted on Sat Jun 20 22:25:43 EDT 1998

Searching for descendants of Minie (McGee) Adams. She was born c. 1840. She married an Adams and settled in the Iron City, TN area.
Dawn Duke
tomduke [at] mindspring [dot] com
Submitted on Fri Jun 19 00:35:44 EDT 1998

Looking for family ties: JOSEPH BISHOP m. ELIZABAETH LEWIS C. 1840 Lawrence Co. TN. Son DANIEL B. BISHOP m. MARGARET SARENA ESTES C. 1865 Giles, Co. TN. Margaret’s parents: CALVIN ESTES & ELIZABETH PETEN. Joseph & Elizabeth Bishop died leaving a second son nicknamed “BUD” to be raised by HARAVEL family, Lawrence Co. TN.
Pamala King — P.O. Box 808, Texarkana, TX 75504
paking [at] gte [dot] net
Submitted on Thu Jun 18 19:42:23 EDT 1998

Henry Harper and his wife Esther Hardin Harper married outside Lynchburg, VA and moved first to Lincoln Co TN, where their only child Elizabeth Harper was born. She married Benjamin Walker Fox in June 1852 in Lincoln Co. The family moved to Lawrence Co TN. Henry Harper died, and Esther Hardin Harper moved to Wayne Co., where she died. Elizabeth Harper Fox and Walker Fox and their children evaporated.
M.J. Bruce
haggis [at] ix [dot] netcom [dot] com
Submitted on Mon Jun 15 23:47:25 EDT 1998

I am looking for information on Thomas Jefferson WEATHERLY and Rachel CARPENTER. They were married in Lawrence County on February 20, 1866. I am looking for their parents’ and siblings names, as well as any other information I can get. I would be happy to share the info. I have on their descendents. Thanks.
Lisa McCuiston
lisa2 [at] flash [dot] net
Submitted on Mon Jun 15 18:33:30 EDT 1998

I am looking for information about my gggrandfather and grandmother – William James Davis and Julia Jane Williams Davis. ALso his mother and father – Williams Cummings Davis and Tennessee Mary Anthony Davis, all from Lawrence County. Wm James was born in 1855.
BleeWM [at] aol [dot] com
Submitted on Mon Jun 15 16:18:00 EDT 1998

I am looking for info on the parentage of Betty Ann SHORT,who m.1904 Lawrence Co. John H. TITTLE. She was b 1884 in Marshall Co. and had a sister Tennie (Tennessee)L. who m John R.COPELAND, and a brother Will F/T, who m(1)Winnie B.GREEN & (2)Lillie TITTLE, who was a sister of John. Does anyone have anything on these? Are they the children of William T. & Susan M. MCDONALD SHORT, who were in Marshall Co 1880? I cannot find William and Susan on 1900 census to prove they are Betty Ann’s parents? Her death certificate doesn’t list her parents, and Tennie’s tombstone has no death date on it! Is there anyone with a crumb, a speck of info? I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks!
Melanie Morris Sussner — 1103 Hermitage Park Drive, Hermitage, TN 37606
Bamajane [at] aol [dot] com
Submitted on Mon Jun 15 04:10:04 EDT 1998

John Clayton
ncofice [at] juno [dot] com
Submitted on Sun Jun 14 01:14:13 EDT 1998

I am looking for info on the Timothy Dillard “Did” & Margaret Elizabeth “Bettie” RIGSBY TITTLE family who settled Lawrence Co. by 1900 .(Timothy was the son of Lorenzo Dow & Nancy J. GOFF TITTLE & Bettie was the dau of Samuel & Delilah “Puss” LEWIS RIGSBY, all of Warren Co.) Children were Maggie b May 1883, John H. b June 1884 m1904 Betty Ann SHORT, Ruth b May 1887, Charles “Charlie” T. b Jul 1891 M10 Aug 1913 Mable Rhoden,sis of Fred, Jessie b Oct 1892 M 18 Nov 1914 Mary SMITH, Lillie bAug 1895 m17 Nov 1912 William F. SHORT, Robert Taylor b1 Nov 1899,m4 Dec 1920 Clara MARTIN, Lizzie bc1903, & Dillard “Did” b15 Sept 1909. Any info about these families would be appreciated. I would also like to find out where Timothy, Bettie, & John are buried. I believe it is in the West Point Cem. but none of the books in print list them. Thanks!
Melanie Morris Sussner — 1103 Hermitage Park Drive, Hermitage, TN 37606
Bamajane [at] aol [dot] com
Submitted on Mon Jun 15 03:51:52 EDT 1998

I am looking for info on the family of John H. & Betty Ann SHORT TITTLE, who were m 16 Nov 1904 in Lawrence Co & had the following children: Ruth bc1904-6 m a BREWER?, Jennie Bertha bc1907-1908, Virgil “Virgie” Lee b 26 Dec 1909 d3 Jan 1931 m. Mae/Mat KILPATRICK, Lorraine b Jan 1912, Lucille bc1913 m a NELSON?, Mary Magdalene “Maggie” b31 July 1916 mc1946 Francis Melvin MCGEE, William Vernon and McClide Edward, both d young. There was possibly another dau Martha Caroline/Darline, also d young.Lorraine, Lucille and Maggie went to Arkansas c1947. If anyone has info or is related to one of these TITTLES I would like to hear from you. Thanks!
Melanie Morris Sussner — 1103 Hermitage Park Drive, Hermitage, TN 37606
Bamajane [at] aol [dot] com
Submitted on Mon Jun 15 03:38:47 EDT 1998

Looking for SAVAGE and Chamberlin families of Lawrence Co.William Asa Savage and Lemeuil Jones SAVAGE are buried in the Pleasant Grove Cem west of Lawrenceburg.Any info on these families will help.
Henry H Savage
savagehh [at] edge [dot] net
Submitted on Sat Jun 13 23:07:34 EDT 1998

Searching for info on Joseph TYLER born abt. 1790. He is found in the 1830 and 1850 Census of Lawrence County. Children were Martha, Sally, William, John, Nancy, Mary Ann, Barzella, Elizabeth, Malendy, and Jerome Bonaparte.
Terri Jordan
rtjorda [at] arkansas [dot] net
Submitted on Sat Jun 13 22:49:57 EDT 1998

James Farmer McCANDLESS m. 2nd wife Mary A. CREECY in Giles County, moved to Lawrence County where he died in 1862. Four children were born to this marraige, Mary A. McCANDLESS, Wm. H. McCANDLESS, Martha Cansida McCANDLESS and Theodore McCANDLESS. Anyone having info on any or all, please contact Melton E. Durant, Rte. 4 Box 580 Jacksonville, Texas 75766 or e-mail to mdurant [at] sat [dot] net
Melton E. Durant
mdurant [at] sat [dot] net
Submitted on Sat Jun 13 22:08:27 EDT 1998

My decendant is Jeremiah SMITH b. in N.C m. Margaret ARMSTRONG b. 1806 in Tenn. Children include: John,Martha Jane, Jery, Gilbert, Alfred, James, Levi, Nancy Caroline, Sarah, Emeline, Elizabeth. The three oldest children are from Lawrence County, TN. Jeremiah is on the 1930 census for Lawrence County, TN. Looking for father of Jeremiah his name might be John SMITH due to the naming pattern of children. Would appreciate any leads. Thank you.
Margret Martinez — 2821 Village Green Ct., Stockton, CA 95210
MugJr [at] aol [dot] com
Submitted on Sat Jun 13 12:31:09 EDT 1998

My great grandmother was born in Lawrenceburg, Tn. Her name was Laura Belle Cates Davis. Her father was Hugh Cates. They migrated to Pope County, Ark. I can’t find the father of Hugh Cates. My great-great grandfather was Winston McAnally, his daughter was Lella Mae McAnally Hogins.They likewise migrated to Pope County, Ark. Does anybody have information on my family left in Tn.?
Carolyn Garrigus Becton — Route 1 Box 22 , Silas , AL 36919
cbecton [at] millry [dot] net
Submitted on Fri Jun 12 10:54:39 EDT 1998

Marmaduke Michael THOMPSON b. 1802 Orange Co., NC d. ? Lawrence Co., TN. m. Ruhama Francis CUDE on Jun. 1, 1829 Guilford Co., NC. Looking for death date of M. M. THOMPSON in Lawrence Co., TN. Check out my web pages: http://www.greencis.net/~sandysq/index.htm
Sandy Eskew
sandysq [at] greencis [dot] net
Submitted on Thu Jun 11 08:35:13 EDT 1998

KIRKSEY-Interested in hearing from others that are researching the KIRKSEY families. I am especially interested in information on Jesse B. KIRKSEY but also any KIRKSEY lines in Hickman, Lawrence, Lewis and Maury Counties of Tennessee. Thanks and I look forward to hearing from other KIRKSEY researchers. The Present Meets The Past http://home.earthlink.net/~howardorjeff/
Jeffery Johnson — PO Box 90385, Nashville, TN 37209
howardorjeff [at] earthlink [dot] net
Submitted on Thu Jun 11 13:43:05 EDT 1998

JLUNA93420 [at] AOL [dot] COM
Submitted on Tue Jun 9 21:24:40 EDT 1998

I am searching for any information on the family or decendents of John HOLLANDER. He came to Lawrence County (Loretto) from Ohio about 1890. He is my maternal great grandfather. He had a son, A.B. HOLLANDER and a daughter Philomina HOLLANDER. A.B. HOLLANDER is my maternal grandfather.
Leslie Daniels — 4915-1B Baymeadows Rd., Jacksonville, FL 32217
ldaniel [at] mediaone [dot] net
Submitted on Mon Jun 8 14:37:46 EDT 1998

Interested in the Van GLASS family that lived in Lawerence County, TN as late as 1900. They may have lived over the line in AL also.
Don Pugh
dpugh [at] brazosport [dot] cc [dot] tx [dot] us
Submitted on Sun Jun 7 22:38:24 EDT 1998

Looking for information on JESTER’S in the Lawrence Co area. My gg grandfather NEWTON JESTER came to Marshall Co AL about 1850’s. They eventually moved to Franklin Co AL in 1900. One of his daughters, Leela Jester, married Wesley Skinner (my grandfather), supposedly in Franklin Co AL. Wesley and Leela were found later in Cleburne Co AL in the home of Silas Skinner. Many of my line of Jesters are now in Cullman Co AL. Any info on this family would be apprecicated.
Buel Rodgers — 136 Lakeloch Dr, Lizella, GA 31052
lakeloch [at] aol [dot] com
Submitted on Sun Jun 7 09:54:30 EDT 1998

Need help on the above surnames. All are related in one way or another to a Thomas Kyle CHOAT. Thomas was married to Elizabeth RENFRO; they moved to Lawrence Co. from Halifax Co., Va., probably in the 1820s.
James L. Thomas — 1634 South Wendover Road, Charlotte, NC 28211
jltcajun [at] worldnet [dot] att [dot] net
Submitted on Sat Jun 6 16:33:25 EDT 1998

John2 GREEN (Frederick1???) He was born abt 1773 (??in Rome, Oglethorpe Co., GA,??) and he died abt 1831? in Lawrence Co., TN. He was married to Anne GIDEON. She was born abt 1775 in ?, and she died bef 1850 in Lawrence Co., TN. Her parents were James & Suannah Gideon. who died in Lawrence Co., abt 1820 Children: + 8 i. Roger b abt 1793 in NC 9 ii. Elizabeth b abt 1795 in GA m Robert M. BELL b abt 1791 in GA + 10 iii. James b abt 1797 in ?, GA d Mar 19, 1869 in Lawrence Co., TN m abt 1823 in TN to Susanna HAMMONDS b abt 1801 in NC d April 22, 1862 in Lawrence Co., TN + 11 iv. Margaret b abt 1800 in GA m Thomas Gilbert abt 1821 in ?, TN + 12 v. Martha b abt 1804 GA m abt 1823 in ? to William Pemberton STEWART + 13 vi. Anny b abt 1806 m Dec 26, 1825 in Lawrence Co., TN to Wesley CROSS + 14 vii. Federick b abt 1810 m (2) June 18, 1840 in Lawrence Co., TN to Rutha DIAL + 15 viii. John b 1813 in GA m (1) Jan 16, 1830 in Lawrence Co., TN to Winny Dial I have many of the Gen’s on down.
Lyn Rose
lynrose [at] lightspeed [dot] net
Submitted on Sat Jun 6 13:06:42 EDT 1998

I am looking for info on my g-grandmother ELIZABETH JANE (ELIZA J.) SCOTT, born in Lawrenceburg, TX in 1858; died in Carnegie, OK in 1934. She married WILLIAM R. KELLEY, also born in Lawrenceburg, TN and they had two sons: JOHN MELVINE KELLEY and EDWARD (ED).
Wanda Pauline Kelley Roberts — 2612 S. Meadow, Ft. Worth, TX 76133
tmr1 [at] flash [dot] net
Submitted on Thu Jun 4 22:04:10 EDT 1998

In May 30 query I listed name as MARTHA MARTALLI SHEER. Recent info suggests it may have been B’Sheer, Basheer, Brasher or something similar. Martha b. Sept 10 1828 Lawrence Co, TN. Married WILLIAM JOHN PRYOR mid 1847. Left Lawrence Co 1864 moved to Indianapolis, Indiana. William served in 48th Tenn Inf, Co G. Any info much appreciated
George Simmons
simmons [at] iei [dot] net
Submitted on Wed Jun 3 21:30:29 EDT 1998

Looking for info g-g-grandmother MARTHA MARTELLI B’SHEER of Lawrence Co., TN. Born Sept 10 1828. Married abt 1847 to William John Pryor/Prior of Lawrence Co. Lived Lawrence Co until 1864. Relocated to Indianapolis, Indiana. Martelli seems to be Italian, maybe mother’s maiden name. Any info about B’SHEER, MARTELLI or PRYOR/PRIOR much appreciated.
George Simmons
simmons [at] iei [dot] net
Submitted on Sun May 31 23:39:46 EDT 1998

ARTMAN, Leander b. 1848 d? , married Grace Pettyjohn. Three children Chester b. May 1885, Raymond b. 1887, and Nellie (Ester) b. 1888. Came to Lawrence Co. TN from Jay Co. IN. sometime in the 1880s. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
Rhonda Artman
trench2 [at] erinet [dot] com
Submitted on Sat May 30 21:57:52 EDT 1998

Looking for info on WILLIAM JOHN PRYOR and MARTHA MARTALLI SHEER of Lawrence Co, TN. William b. May 28 1829, Martha b. Sept 10 1828. Married abt 1847. First child b. Aug 17 1848. Wm and Martha had ten children, Mary D, Susan A, John T, William Riley (my g-grandfather), Berry B, James W, Sarah B, Joseph Allen and Martha Lydia (twins) and Stephen P. According to Indiana State Archive records William was from Lawrenceburg and served in 48th Tenn Inf, Co G. Captured Nov 16 1863. Held POW Indianapolis until Mar 24 1864. Prior to 1864 Martha and children relocated to Indiana. After release William and family settled in Noblesville, IN, 15 miles north of Indpls. Any info on Pryor and Sheer families before 1860’s appreciated.
George Simmons — 39 North Ritter Ave, Indianapolis, IN 46219-5708
simmons [at] iei [dot] net
Submitted on Sat May 30 20:04:13 EDT 1998

Thomas PACE and Mary HENDRIX were married in Lawrence Co. TN in July of 1833; he died just prior to the 1850 census, where she appears there with their children. That’s the last census on which I can find her, though the tax records show that taxes were paid on the land they owned, usually by her, until 1875, when I assume she died, because her surviving children sold the land after that. By 1860, most of Mary’s children had moved, as evidence by the marriages of Sarah to Wm. Busick, Christopher C. to Martha Brown, and Sophronia to Wm. Smith all in the early to middle 1850’s in Gibson Co. James D., her oldest son, married in Benton Co. AR where he moved with uncle Wm. R. Pace(and his wife, Sarah Hendrix Pace, sis. to his mom)also in the early 1850’s. I have reason to believe that perhaps Mary, also known as “Pollie”, may have remarried, being a widow at age 35, though the Lawrence Co. or Gibson Co. records don’t reflect it.Appreciate any information on Mary “Pollie” Pace, in TN, between 1851 and 1875.
Gale Pace Judkins
gjudkins [at] avsia [dot] com
Submitted on Sun May 24 14:03:04 EDT 1998

William BROWN b. ca 1845 m. Sally Jane JOHNSTON from Alabama moved to Arkansaw and Stone County Missouri in 1880. Looking for possibly his son and my granddaddy John Harvey BROWN b. ca 1874 in Arkansaw.
Betty Slovinski
bslovins [at] accn [dot] org
Submitted on Sun May 24 05:32:24 EDT 1998

WATERS,WALTERS from Lawrence County, TN. or North Carolina
<;A HREF=”mailto:Bjwalters [at] lorettotel [dot] net”>BJ Walters
Bjwalters [at] lorettotel [dot] net
Submitted on Sat May 23 16:18:02 EDT 1998

I’m looking for info on the family of John H.TITTLE & Betty Ann SHORT. They were m 1904.Their children were Jennie/Tennie m a Brewer?,Lucille m a Nelson,Lorraine m. Allan Kissel, Ruth, Virgie (a dau),Mary Magdalene “Maggie” m. Francis Melvin McGee, and William Vernon, who died 1919 as a baby. There was poss. another child Martha Caroline/Darline, also d 1919 on same date as the other child Wm. My gpts are Francis & Maggie McGee. I can’t find Betty with her family on any census. She was b 8 Jan 1884 in Marshall Co.TN. Are there any relatives of this family who might have some info? Also, I am looking for a death date of Bettie RIGSBY TITTLE, John’s mother and wife of Timothy D. TITTLE. She was alive in 1920. Bettie and Timothy TITTLE’S other children were: Maggie, Jesse m Mary Smith,Dillard “Did”,Robert Taylor m Clara Martin,Lillie, & Charles “Charlie” T. m Mable Rhoden/Rowden, sister of Fred Rowden.Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
Melanie M. Sussner — 1103 Hermitage Park Drive, Hermitage, TN 37606
JWilli585 [at] aol [dot] com
Submitted on Thu May 21 00:36:38 EDT 1998

Margaret HAMBRICK/HAMRICK, b. 1834, mar. John Wesley CROWELL in 1868, Lewis Co. TN. Who was Margaret’s father? Which HAMBRICK? Mother was Sarah HENSLEY, b. 1817, daughter of Larkin & Margaret (?) HENSLEY. Larkin was the son of Hickman & Agnes FISHER HENSLEY.
Zia C. Miller
ziamil [at] icsi [dot] net
Submitted on Tue May 19 19:56:00 EDT 1998

I am looking for descendants of Jacob LACROIX. He was in Lawrence Co TN by 1820 from Germany. Would like to exchange information with other descendants of his.
Joe Green
JGreen3400 [at] aol [dot] com
Submitted on Mon May 18 09:42:30 EDT 1998

I am looking for descendants of James Mooney GREEN; his son Shadrach GREEN moved to Lawrence Co Tn from Warren Co Tn. Would liek to exchange information with other GREEN researchers
Joe Green
JGreen3400 [at] aol [dot] com
Submitted on Mon May 18 09:40:33 EDT 1998

I am looking for descendants of Jesse SMITH and Charlotte WOMACK. They were married in Warren Co TN but moved to Lawrence Co TN by 1870. They are buried in Nelson Cem In Lawrence Co. Would like to exchange information on their ancestors/descendants
Joe Green
JGreen3400 [at] aol [dot] com
Submitted on Mon May 18 09:37:53 EDT 1998

Powell Hale and wife Mary Snow of VA purchased land in Maury Co. in 1816. In the 1820 Census they were listed with several children in the household, including my Maury Co. ancestor Frances Hale Wilkes b. abt 1809 VA. Powell is thought to have died in the late 1820’s, but a Powell E. Hale, possibly son, appeared in Lawrence Co. census records for the 1840 and 1850 Census with wife Susan Lumpkins and children Frances E., James T., Nancy J., and William M. Any help with this family line will be much appreciated.
T. K. Jones
tkjones [at] bellsouth [dot] net
Submitted on Sun May 17 17:50:22 EDT 1998

I am looking for info on Timothy Dillard TITTLE, BC1859-1863 in Cannon or Warren Co.TN and marrried (2)Bettie RIGSBY bc 1866-1870 Cannon or Warren Co. By 1900 he relocated to Lawrence Co. with his family. Where are he and Bettie buried? His son John H. TITTLE was my g-grandfather, bc jun 1884 and married(?)1904 Betty Ann SHORT, b 8 Jan 1884 Marshall Co. TN. Their children were Jenny, Ruth, Virgie, Lucille, Lorraine & Mary Magdalene “Maggie” m. Francis Melvin McGEE. Betty had a sister Jenny who m. a COPELAND. Where is John H. TITTLE buried? Who were Betty SHORT TITTLE’S parents?
MELANIE M. SUSSNER — 1103 Hermitage Park Drive, Hermitage, TN 37076
JWilli585 [at] aol [dot] com
Submitted on Sun May 17 16:36:39 EDT 1998

I am looking for info on James Madison MARTIN b. Nov 4,1821 in Lawrenceburg Tn Married Elizabeth Ivy 1851 in Lawrenceburg Tn. Moved to Dent County Mo & then Washington County, Mo. Elizabeth died 1869. James then married Elizabeth’s sister Mary Agnes in 1869. James died in either 1913 or 1915 at Washington County Mo. and is buried at Antioch Cemetery. I am looking for any info on James’s parents.If anyone has any info email me LindaSchlichter [at] usa [dot] net
Linda Schlichter — 4736 Turley Mill Rd. , Farmington, MO 63640
LindaSchlichter [at] usa [dot] net
Submitted on Fri May 15 11:58:36 EDT 1998

COMER, TYLER. Need help finding info on parents of Samuel Franklin COMER b: 1890 in Lawrence Co and Ada Idelle TYLER b: 16 August 1892 Lawrence Co., d: 18 Feb 1959 NM. They were married 01 May 1910 in Lawrence County. They are my G Grandparents, would love to find my GG Grandparents and other family ! Will be happy to exchange info. Jill
Jill Mullin Kang
jill [at] cncware [dot] com
Submitted on Wed May 13 21:00:15 CDT 1998

Searching for information on GOTTFRIED (KERCHER) CARRIGER, SR.. A Tennessee Historical Commission plaque “CARRIGER’S LANDING” now stands in the Hunter Community of Carter County documenting the CARRIGER family’s mark on early Carter County history. Gottfried and Anna Margaratha Anspach CARRIGER had the following children: Nicholas, Michael, John, Elizabeth, Godfrey, Jr. and Christian. Descendants later spread across the State of Tennessee. Grandchildren migrated into Green County, Illinois and Sonoma County, California.
Raven15 [at] alaweb [dot] com
Submitted on Mon May 11 09:35:12 CDT 1998

Would like to compare notes with anyone researching any HENRY, JONES or BUMPASS family in LAWRENCE CO, about 1830. Especially interested in George HENRY b. abt 1770-1780, John HENRY, and any of George’s children.
Carolyn Rozelle
erozelle [at] koyote [dot] com
Submitted on Mon May 11 08:59:43 CDT 1998

JONES, samuel lee and jane married and had six daughters and one son, samuel l. jones born around 1860s; they might have moved towards white pine, tn; samuel l. jones was married in tennessee before coming to texas in 1914 with the 12th cavalry for battle of fort brown. we are searching for any info on this family. please help. thanks!
debbie alford
debalford [at] prodigy [dot] net
Submitted on Sat May 9 18:52:53 CDT 1998

I’m looking for information on Thomas ARCHER and Pernia LYONS. They were married in Lawerence Co. April 1832. They had 13 children.: Lucinda, William Riley, Rebecca, Daniel, Henry, Elizabeth, Zeriah, Thomas, Washington, Madison, Mary, Samuel and Wiley. Would appreciate any information. Thank you!
Susie Sheppard
sheppardjs [at] aol [dot] com
Submitted on Fri May 8 20:28:26 CDT 1998

Iam looking for JOSEPH RATLIFF, born 1825, tenn, married ELIZABETH GIBSON, born 1830 ALABAMA, Died 1885 MANY LOUISIANA, SABINE , PARISH, They had sons JAMES P. ,GEORGE, JOE AND MY Grandfather JESSE ROBERT RATLIFF , sister ELIZABETH, MOVED To LOUISIANA ABT, 1860, JOSEPH Took the three older boys and went to TEXAS ABT, 1870, Settled around GRANDBURY TEXAS, HOOD CO. I do not know what happened to this part of my family, i do know that JAMES P. Went to his sisters wedding in the 1880,s any information will be appreciated. THOMAS RADCLIFF.
bigt [at] saber [dot] net
Submitted on Fri May 8 05:31:57 CDT 1998

Searching for information on the BRESHEARS, BRASHEARS, KEEL, TURNER and DAVISON lines. I have a Nathan Turner BRESHEARS b. 4 Apr 1797, m. Elizabeth Catherine KEEL 26 Aug 1819 in Lawrence Co, TN. Nathan’s mother was Jane TURNER. Any information anyone can give me on this line will be greatly appreciated!
Beverly Griffith
bobfarms [at] aol [dot] com
Submitted on Thu May 7 20:30:27 CDT 1998

I am researching Rebecca ETHRIDGE, b.12-11-1820, d.2-17-1898, daughter of Mathew or Matthew and Mary Ethridge who lived in Lawrence County, Tennessee when Mathew died. Mathew was the son of Thomas Ethridge, born about 1775 in North Carolina but moved to Lawrence County, TN in about 1816. Thomas was apparently a wealthy planation owner and money lender according to my family information. Thomas died on 10-15-1855. On 3-12-46 in Lawrence County, Rebecca ETHRIDGE married Ephraim Barton GREENHAW. Ephraim was born 1-10-1818 in Lauderdale County, Florence, Alabama and died 3-1-1905 in Mt. Judea, Arkansas. Also researching Angeline FOSTER, married to EPHRIAM BARTON GREENHAW in Lawrence County on 9-12-38 and their three children. Also need info on Greenberry GREENHAW, Jr. or Sr., died 1825 or 1826 in Alabama. Married Sarah “Sally” BRIDGES on 6-13-1813 in Sumner County, Tenneessee and had 4 children Any assistance would be appreciated.
Nancy Hamm — 224 North Locust, Fayetteville, AR 72701
GibsonHamm [at] aol [dot] com
Submitted on Thu May 7 15:25:08 CDT 1998

Looking for info on William ASA SAVAGE and Lemuel Jones SAVAGE both buried at Pleasent Valley Cemetery.Also decendants of Izora SAVAGE CHAMBERLAIN. Henry H SAVAGE
Henry H Savage
savagehh [at] edge [dot] net
Submitted on Wed May 6 20:21:04 CDT 1998

lookin for anyone that can help me fine them in teneessee lesterville county, washington county tn., son Elijah Dickey Wadlow, william wadlow, elasah wadlow, fjones45 [at] swbell [dot] net thankyou
frankie wadlow Jones — 5634 S Madison Pl.,, Tulsa , OK 74105
fjones45 [at] swbell [dot] net
Submitted on Sat May 2 20:20:11 CDT 1998

Seeking information on George W. WARD located on the 1910 census in Lawrence County, TN. Age 57 born in Alabama and was a laborer in a saw mill. Wife was Martha G. age 47 born in TN. Children were Dennis D. (12); Alice L. (9); and Edna B. (3). Would like to know parents/date of death for George W. WARD. His DOB was January 1853. Any help would be appreciated.
Kim Mitchell
kward42393 [at] aol [dot] com
Submitted on Sat May 2 18:50:19 CDT 1998

I have reason to believe that my COLE family may have resided in Hardin, Lawrence, or Giles county. They are Andrew born in 1802 in Tennessee who married Mary Ann Robertson born in 1804 in Tennessee. According to Tishomingo County Census Records, they moved to Mississippi about 1845. Would like to hear from anyone connected.
Brenda Whitfield — 2190 Hwy 25, Iuka, MS 38852
brendaw [at] tsixroads [dot] com
Submitted on Sat May 2 14:45:35 CDT 1998


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