Queries Posted July, 2002 – August, 2002

Queries Posted July, 2002 – August, 2002

These queries were posted many years ago on an old TNGenWeb system.  Please note that e-mail addresses are likely defunct, and other contact details are possibly outdated.  Some individuals may be deceased.

We have not edited the text in any of the queries.

Our purpose in posting these old queries is to provide current and future researchers with clues from researchers in the past.

If you have a corrected e-mail address, please let us know so we can update.

Good luck!


Looking for information on John HENSON (HINSON). He is on the 1880 Lawrence Co. Census as aged 28, with wife Mary, and children: Martha E. (my ggm), William, Luetta, Alice & John. I am trying to find Mary’s maiden name, and John’s parentage.
A. D. Lane
adlane [at] ipa [dot] net
Submitted on Sat Aug 31 14:58:51 MDT 2002

I am trying to find parents of Elizabeth MITCHELL who married Solomon GRESHAM in Lawrence County on or about 2 Mar 1820. Her maiden name was listed a BATCHELL, but believe that to have be an error. Original marriage records lost. Last record I have of her is in the 1840 Lawrence county census. Looking at a Thomas MITCHELL as father, but no proof.
Sharon Otis — 1304 Texas St., Hope, AR 71801
sco [at] arkansas [dot] net
Submitted on Sat Aug 31 14:50:35 MDT 2002

I’m looking for someone that knows about a doctor named W. W. Neal that practiced in the Westpoint, Tn area from about 1860-1900. He was my gggrandfathers family doctor acccording to military pension records. Does anyone know if any of his records still exist. Thanks in advance, Jim Daniel.
Jim Daniel
jcdaniel [at] lorettotel [dot] net
Submitted on Mon Aug 26 20:52:28 MDT 2002

JOHNSON, WILLIAM MATHEW married RICKMAN, MARY ELMIRA 1850 in Lawrence County, TN. Their children HARRIETT b 1852, PINKNEY b 1854, twins NANCY ELLEN & WILLIAM HENRY b Oct 6, 1856, WADE b 1858 MAUD LESTER b 1866. MARY’S Mother was ELLAN RICKMAN of Lawrence CO.
Nancy Carey — 747 Cass County Road, Bivins, TN 75555
nancyphilc [at] aol [dot] com
Submitted on Sun Aug 25 15:14:37 MDT 2002

I would like any info on Mary Barnes, in esp. parents, spouse, etc. Barnes was probably her married name, second marriage to Thomas Mitchell.
Tammy Mitchell
tem121 [at] earthlink [dot] net
Submitted on Sat Aug 24 22:36:55 MDT 2002

Any info needed on Elizabeth Vandiver, born 1822, Lawrence County, and married Isacc Chenault.Thanks
tem121 [at] earthlink [dot] net
Submitted on Sat Aug 24 22:31:18 MDT 2002

Does anyone recognize this Mary ALFORD? She is in the 1860 Lawrence Co., TN Census as Mary ALFORD, 48, Head of Household. Those in her home are William F. TRIPP, 10, Mary A. TRIPP, 8 and the following ALFORDs: Robert 20, Thomas 18, William 16, Mary 14, Margaret 12, Sarah 9, Nancy 79, James 27, Martha 22 & Emma 6/12. In 1870, she is in the Lawrence Co, TN Census as Mary ALFORD, with Mary TRIPP 18, and the following ALFORDs: Joseph 29, William 26, Mary 24, Margaret 22, & Dorcas 70. Next door is William F. TRIPP who, if he is the same Wm. F on the 1860 census, has mysteriously aged 23 years in a 10 year time frame. He has a wife Mary 23, and the following children: Idella 5, John 4, & Henry <1. Next door to them is W TRIPP 72, with sons Richard 30 & Joseph 28, daughter-in-law Anabell 24. I am trying to deciper exact relationships between these folks. Thanks for any help.
Angie Tripp Lane
adlane [at] ipa [dot] net
Submitted on Fri Aug 23 18:46:40 MDT 2002

I am looking for information about James Calvin Hunt. I was told that he was born in Lawrence County TN. in the year of 1830. I am seeking any information please.
Charles Hunt
Huntfamily [at] innerwise [dot] com
Submitted on Tue Aug 20 20:42:52 MDT 2002

I am searching for information on Sarah A CLIFTON born 1857 in Tn. She married a Wm C MCCLUSKEY from AL. They had four sons Charley L, Jerry born in AL. E. Herbert and Luther Claude were born in the Lawrenceburg TN area.
cheryl white
cherylwhite2000 [at] yahoo [dot] com
Submitted on Mon Aug 19 02:57:07 MDT 2002

JOSHUA H. CARUTHERS came to Giles County in the middle 1800’s to cut a tunnel for the Central Southern Railroad. He married MINNIE HOLT in Lawrenceburg. They had one or more children one being JOSHUA HENRY CARUTHERS, my grandfather. JOSHUA H. died and his widow remarried shortly therafter. I don’t know for sure who she married but I believe it was T. G. ARTHUR. JOSHUA HENRY married L.K. FRITZ May 13, 1892 in Lawrenceburg. I need information prior to JOSHUA HENRY coming to Giles County, per the census of 1880 JOSHUA H. came from Virginia.
Charles E. Caruthers — 22840 Vacri Lane, Farmington Hills, MI 48335-3861
chasvac [at] juno [dot] com
Submitted on Sat Aug 17 19:24:12 MDT 2002

I am looking for any information on a Jesse “Jo” C MORRIS who might have also been Joseph C MORRIS. He was born in Lawrence Co.,TN in 1826/2 to Elizabeth TUTTLE. Thanks Jennifer Morris Houskeeper
Jennifer Morris Houskeeper
Jhouskeeper [at] msn [dot] com
Submitted on Sat Aug 17 09:35:44 MDT 2002

I am looking for the grave of my grandmother Louise Attkisson. I am most interested in the date she died, some time in the late 40s. She is buried in a church cemetary somewhre between Lawerenceburg and Pulaski. I think it is a baptist church, but not sure. I would appreicate any information on this matter. Thank You.
Lou Anne Fritz
CrickettTN [at] AOL [dot] com
Submitted on Tue Aug 6 12:37:35 MDT 2002

Arthur CONNER’S family is listed on lawrence co 1850 census, pg 328, family #540./[no.10th l county s.d.]this might be twsp?..Arthur Conner was 24 yrs old, his wife Elizabeth was 23, children were: John R. age 6, Mary E. age 3, Charles, age 2… Sarah Jane was born in 1851 in Tenn. She would be my ggrandmother.. .I hope this proves to be my gggrandfather, need to know Elizabeth’s maiden name. info of any kind might be just what i need..if this is my family he later migrated into N.E. ARK. latter became a BAPTIST PREACHER…
Viva Nida
vivadn [at] pldi [dot] net
Submitted on Mon Aug 5 21:24:06 MDT 2002

Looking for information on the William L Newman/Susan Tamsey Key family of Wayland Springs. They had two daughters, Verlie Clara Newman who married Arthur L. Ellis; and Cleo Newman who may not have ever married. Verlie and Arthur had four children: Eva Marie (b.1911); Jettie Lee (b. 1914); Essie Cleo & Jessie Leo (twins, b.1919). Jessie Leo died young, and I don’t believe Essie Cleo ever married. She lived at Leoma, and may have died around 1999-2000. I am looking for any information on this family, and particularly any living relatives in the Lawrence County area. I currently have the William Newman/S.T. Key family bible which provided some valuable information on the family.
Lance E. Key
lkey [at] lipan [dot] net
Submitted on Mon Aug 5 09:37:10 MDT 2002

Need information on parents of ATKERSON, Louis W, or ATKERSON, Charles, shown on 1920 Census, 11th Civil District, Lawrence County, Tennessee. All assistance is appreciated.
John Addison Venable
javen64 [at] phenixcable [dot] net
Submitted on Sat Aug 3 07:42:19 MDT 2002

John L. Neely and his wife Melvina Pellam had several children one of them was William Edgar Neely he died in Texas and was born in 1897 in Tennessee. Mary Aline Nelly was also born in Tennessee and died in Texas. We would like to know more about these people for our family tree. Melvina and John L. were both born in 1875. We would like to know more about this side of the family we feel like some of the children may be still living in Tennessee.
Henlakh123 [at] aol [dot] com
Submitted on Wed Jul 31 08:31:59 MDT 2002

Does anyone have access to the 1870 Lawrence Co census. Looking for head of household Thomas W WILLIAMS age abt 55 born TN and wife Susan (WRIGHT) WILLIAMS age abt 43 born TN, possible son still in home Wm M WILLIAMS born abt 1850. May be other children in household. Wm married Harriet CAMPBELL in Hickman Co in 1872 and at least one child was born in 1877 in Lawrence Co.
Ada Williams-Little
adalittle [at] yahoo [dot] com
Submitted on Mon Jul 29 18:04:27 MDT 2002

Researching the family of John Franks and Sarah Sallie Bird, one son John Wesley married Sarah Brown. Any help with this family would be appreciated.
Joe Green — 16687 Greer Street, Athens, AL 35611
JGreen3400 [at] aol [dot] com
Submitted on Sat Jul 20 20:26:37 MDT 2002

trying to find information on my grandfather j. w. fridell maybe john w. fridell. descendants or any info. thanks
jerry fridell
jerry [at] inu [dot] net
Submitted on Sat Jul 20 08:04:23 MDT 2002

Looking for ancestors/info abt. Fountain Jefferson White born Sept. 30, 1847 in Giles Co TN. His parents were Renny/Rainey White and Catherine Rogers. Renny and his family including son, Fountain Jefferson White, were listed in 1850 Lauderdale Co AL census. In 1860 census they were living in Lawrence Co TN. Renny White’s parents were George and Delilah B. White of Lawrence Co TN. George White had two brothers living nearby; John and David White. Any info appreciated.
Ginny Keefer
vlkeefer [at] comcast [dot] net
Submitted on Fri Jul 19 10:08:01 MDT 2002

On 1840 census of Lawrence Co TN, Marietta (CURTIS), SHORT, BUTLER, (widow of both ukn SHORT and John BUTLER) living with oldest son Robert THOMAS SHORT b 1821 and 3 other SHORT children: James b abt time of Robert, Nancy Lucinda b abt 1825 and Winneford Emiline b abt 1827, as well as 2 BUTLER children: Argent b abt 1835 and Mary A. b abt 1837. Can anyone help with this family? Thanks a million.
Lynda Becker
beckerw [at] ix [dot] netcom [dot] com
Submitted on Wed Jul 17 17:28:40 MDT 2002

Searching for information on John GRAY or Margaret(Maggie)THORNSBERRY married in Lawrence County, Tennessee on June 5, 1879. Maggie was the daughter of Louis (Lewis) Thornsberry and Margaret Johnson. Found John and Maggie Thornsberry on the Lawrence County, Tenn 1880 Census to have been married 1 year. John indicated his parents born in Alabama, hers Tennessee. John and Maggie brought their family to Robertson County, Texas sometime between 1891 and 1893. John died on March 31, 1893 soon after arriving in Texas leaving Maggie a widow with 4 children. Looking for family of John Gray. Any information about either would be most appreciated.
Debbie Blalock
SCDAB [at] msn [dot] com
Submitted on Wed Jul 17 14:48:36 MDT 2002

Have marriage license (copy) of David WEAVER and Nancy Jane CARTER dated 17 Sept 1855 in Lawrence Cty, Tenn. Looking for marriage record of their daughter, Alice Elizabeth WEAVER to Benjamin Jay MEWBORN around 1875-1885 in Lawrence County. Thanks much! Henry
Henry McWhorter
hmcwho [at] hotmail [dot] com
Submitted on Tue Jul 16 22:07:52 MDT 2002

Searching for information on Wm. M. MCCLUSKEY born in AL April of 1855. Married to a Sarah (A?) born in TN Nov of 1857. They were in the Laurenceburg area in the 1880’s.
cheryl white — 7824 s 71st ave, La Vista, NE 68128
cherylwhite2000 [at] yahoo [dot] com
Submitted on Tue Jul 16 01:45:51 MDT 2002

Looking for the parents of John Henry Moody. I think he was born in Lawrence County TN on 4/14 of 1822 or 1832. He married Milberry Caroline Watson who was born 11/17/1839 in Lawrence County. They married there on 6/18/1855. Her parents were Marshall Duncan Watson and Nancy Jane Dalton. The couple and her parents moved to Webster Co, MS. before the Civil War. Most of John Henry’s and Milberry Caroline’s children were born in MS. Their children were named: William M, Sarah Elizabeth, Martha Jane, Thomas N. (Baptist Preacher), John Henry Allen, Caroline, Robert A., Narcissa and Martin Franklin (my great grandfather). I appreciate any help you can provide.
Leigh-Anne Moody
lamood [at] msn [dot] com
Submitted on Sun Jul 14 09:15:49 MDT 2002

Does anyone know where I could purchase a copy of “History of Moore Family” by Dwain Moore? Or at least get some of the information that is in it?
Vicki Cragen
vcragen [at] nemonet [dot] com
Submitted on Sat Jul 13 16:01:16 MDT 2002

Looking for cemetery listings in the Henryville area of Lawrence Co. I am trying to locate the burial place of the family of Perrin M. Wright. Thany you.
Debra Miles
loumarie54 [at] cs [dot] com
Submitted on Sat Jul 13 12:37:16 MDT 2002

I am trying to find where Abednego Merriman (Merryman) came from before TN. He is on the 1810 or 1812 Warren Co. TN tax list and on the 1820 Lawrence Co. TN census and 1830 Wayne Co TN census. I have his wife as Winnie Kimbrell(or Kimbell) and I have all his children. Please help if you know where he was in the 1780s and 1790s. His children are Eli, Mashalia, Joseph William, Allen, Martin M, Nancy and Ann. Thanks.
Annette Merriman
jam757 [at] bellsouth [dot] net
Submitted on Sun Jul 7 16:16:45 MDT 2002

NO PROOF! I am interested in documentation of the following who are presumed to be siblings and probably children of James and Mary Jane Turner Brashears: Rebecca Brashers born 1814 TN Alexander Breshears born 20 April 1807 SC Susannah Breshears born about 1805 SC Nathan Turner Breshears born 4 Apr 1797 SC or GA Middleton Brashears born about 1794 SC There might also be James Brashears born 1805 – 1810. I think that all except Susannah left Lawrence Co in the 1830s.
sharkay [at] swbell [dot] net
Submitted on Thu Jul 4 18:47:06 MDT 2002

Looking for George Washington CURVIN, b.Bet 1805-1832 d.1868. GW CURVIN married Lettie Glover in 1852 in Benton Co, AL, but was born in Tennessee (no idea which county). If anyone knows of his parents or siblings and would share this info with me, I would be most appreciative!
Rachel Curvin
curvirm [at] auburn [dot] edu
Submitted on Thu Jul 4 16:30:32 MDT 2002

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