Queries Posted January, 2000 – March, 2000

Queries Posted January, 2000 – March, 2000

These queries were posted many years ago on an old TNGenWeb system.  Please note that e-mail addresses are likely defunct, and other contact details are possibly outdated.  Some individuals may be deceased.

We have not edited the text in any of the queries.

Our purpose in posting these old queries is to provide current and future researchers with clues from researchers in the past.

If you have a corrected e-mail address, please let us know so we can update.

Good luck!


Looking for info on the Frank James buried in the Richardson/Crabb cemetery.
Kevin Richter
kevin [dot] richter [at] mollindustries [dot] com
Submitted on Fri Mar 31 10:11:39 MST 2000

Looking for descendants of and ancestral info on Sarah “Lizzie” BELL. I do not know her married name. She would have been born about 1880, was the daughter of William Joseph Bell and Mary F. Massey, and was probably born in Maury or Lawrence County. Her brothers were James Minor Bell and Buford Bell. She probably died after 1950, and also may have lived subsequently in Davidson County. She is my great Aunt. Any info & help would be greatly appreciated.
Tom Reed
treed [at] blazenet [dot] net
Submitted on Thu Mar 30 23:26:04 MST 2000

Looking for all decendents of Henry Cox died Lawrence Co.10/25/1924 aged 97 years
;Marshall Parker
mkparker [at] mindspring [dot] com
Submitted on Wed Mar 29 14:15:00 MST 2000

hELLO, i AM Looking for more info about POLLY JENO who married JAMES DAVIDSON on October 5, 1831.
sandrawoods [at] mediaone [dot] net
Submitted on Tue Mar 28 12:31:57 MST 2000

looking for information on parents of eulalia KELLY b. 18 june 1859 westpoint married james josiah GRAY both buried olney young co tx
rmmata [at] yahoo [dot] com
Submitted on Sat Mar 25 22:40:00 MST 2000

Looking for anyone who knew of or is related to Cecil Crawford Gunn and/or Mattie Josephine Church, they were residents of Lawrenceburg from 19?? – 195?. Both are now deceased and buried in the Gum Springs Baptist Church Cemetary.
William T. Gunn Jr.
billgunn [at] umsl [dot] edu
Submitted on Fri Mar 24 13:21:30 MST 2000

Looking for TN, Norwood families with a connection to any John M. Norwood. Trying to find a missing link.
M. Chenault
marsha_63 [at] yahoo [dot] com
Submitted on Fri Mar 24 07:29:54 MST 2000

On June 14, 1845, John W. PENNINGTON married Louisa V. BAILEY in Lawrence county. Does anyone have any information regarding either of this people? Will be happy to exchange what little info I have. Thanks
Fern Poe Davidson
enola [at] ipa [dot] net
Submitted on Thu Mar 23 16:17:28 MST 2000

Floyd F.KING,b.1847,married Malinda Jane SMITH,one child is all I know,Lyda Elsworth who married Nellie Elizabeth MASSEY,they had Mary Malinda,Henry Clay and Ruthie KING.Henry(born in Lewis County TN,1895)married Mattie Thelma BISHOP in 1819 in Lawrence County,TN.3 sons,Howard Leon,Ellsworth Aaron and Henry Clay,JR.Any information will be greatly appreciated.Howard KING
captna [at] ga [dot] prestige [dot] net
Submitted on Thu Mar 23 12:57:21 MST 2000

Trying to locate Hosea BELEW and his family in the 1840 census, he may have been living under someone eles household at this time. He was married to Matilda STURGEON in 1835 in Lauderdale County, AL. They had two sons at this time, one 3 years old and one less than a year old.
Janice Black
VJBlack [at] AOL [dot] COM
Submitted on Tue Mar 21 14:07:36 MST 2000

I am looking for information on the LOUIS THORNSBERRY (THORNBERRY) family. Louis was born in Hardin C., Tenn. on April 10, 1842. I am not sure when he moved to Lawrence Co., but died there on May 4, 1921. He is buried in the Bumpass Cemetery. Any information on this family would be appreciated. Thank you.
E. Oliver
edoclay [at] aol [dot] com
Submitted on Tue Mar 21 13:53:51 MST 2000

William J. HAM, b.abt.1844,TN. d.1898, TX. married Nancy Harvey,dau. of James and Elizabeth Harvey, 1866 in Hickman Co. TN. William J. HAM is on the 1869 property tax list, dist. 12, Lawrence Co. TN. and the 1870 census, Lawrence Co. TN. pg. 88. Henry HAM appears on 1870 census, pg.88 and the 1869 property tax list, dist. 12. Family tale states that William J. was called Henry and Henry HAM appears on Nancy’s death cert. as spouse. Need help in tying these to HAM’S togeather. Any HAM or Harvey info will be apprecicated.
Mary Hamm Stone
rwstone [at] chipshot [dot] net
Submitted on Mon Mar 20 18:10:30 MST 2000

I am researching the Green family of Lawrence County, Tennessee and Lauderdale County, Alabama. I am especially interested in John Green and Lucity (Lucy) Goad. I hope to find them in the 1860 Lawrence County Census. Can anyone help me with this. I would like to communicate with anyone having any information on the Green family.
Greg Green
greeng [at] calhoun-city [dot] k12 [dot] ga [dot] us
Submitted on Mon Mar 20 11:14:41 MST 2000

I am researching the line of Joseph Christopher IVEY b 1883 d 1932 Lawrence Co TN. Married Aldora SMITH. They were listed in the 1920 Lawrence Co TN census. Joe’s parents were George Washington IVEY and Sarah Francis WILLIAMS. They died in Lawrence Co TN in 1926. Please contact me directly if you are connected to this line. Any help is greatly appreciated. MBIGJ [at] aol [dot] com
John Ivey
MBIGJ [at] aol [dot] com
Submitted on Mon Mar 20 00:17:45 MST 2000

John P. RICHARDSON m.(first) Mary Ann MAY in 1838 in Lawrence County TN. They had the following children: Elizabeth J., William j., Lucinda C., Margaret A., John F., James, George H., and Mary F. Mary Ann died in 1853 and John P. married Delilah Jane GLOVER. They had the following children: twins (names not known), Edward M., Martha M., Sarah, Robert K., Walter Lee, Milton McCrary. John moved his family to Hempstead County AR in 1868. I would like to hear from anyone that is researching these RICHARDSONS. wardi [at] ipa [dot] net
Inez Ward
wardi [at] ipa [dot] net
Submitted on Sat Mar 18 17:28:06 MST 2000

Looking for info on the Pierce families that lived in Lawrence County TN from 1850 on…..
Lynn Pierce McCandless
lynnintx [at] texas [dot] net
Submitted on Sat Mar 18 16:48:14 MST 2000

Trying to find out more information on Mary COLLINGSWORTH who married Miles HAYS in 1827. Miles was settling a COLLINGSWORTH estate in Lawrence co. in 1837.
Diana Stevens
stevens [at] usit [dot] net
Submitted on Sat Mar 18 10:56:18 MST 2000

Looking for marriage for John H. EMMERT b 1848 PA to Eliza Ann ? b 1850 TN. Would have married about 1870. Were living in Lawrence Co, TN in 1880.
T Reid
TReid01 [at] juno [dot] com
Submitted on Sat Mar 18 10:23:09 MST 2000

My grandmother, Mabel Pearl ADKISSON was born May 8,1895 in Wayland Springs,Lawrence Co, Tn. She died Oct 12 1991 in Tucson,Pima,Az. She was the d/o of William Jonas ADKISSON( b. Feb 2 1855 in Wayland Springs and d.Dec 18,1940)and Sarah Jane(Jamie) WILLIS(b.Nov 10, 1860 in Lawrence Co. Tn. and d.Jan 20, 1930). Both parents died in Savannah,Hardin Tn. William and Jamie ADKISSON were married on Aug 7, 1879. I assume in Lawrence Co? If my only source is correct, Mabel ADKISSON’S siblings were Virgil S., Hawtie M., Ida B., James Walter,and Edgar Trew ADKISSON, all born between 1880 and 1889. It appears that all or most of her family moved to Hardin county sometime after her birth. Mabel ADKISSON married Judge E Everett MABRY in Hardin Co Tn. They had one child, Raymond Earnest MABRY. I would appreciate a 1980 and/or 1990 Lawrence County Census lookup and any information anyone might have in regard to my grandmother and her parents, grandparents and siblings. I thank you in advance for your assistance.
Patricia Mabry BIRD
moon [at] gnt [dot] net
Submitted on Fri Mar 17 01:41:10 MST 2000

Who were parents and siblings of Moses WHITE b. ca 1810 in KY? Moses White and wife Catharine ? b. ca 1811 in VA were living in Lawrence Co TN in 1850. What was Catharine’s maiden name? Their children were James White b. ca 1832, Wesley White b. ca 1834, Sarah Jane White b. ca 1835 in AL m. James C. STAGGS, Casander White b. ca 1840, Lydia J. White b. ca 1842, Nancy White b. ca 1844, Amanda L. White b. ca 1845 m. James Henderson, Wilson White b. ca 1847, and William White b. ca 1849. This family moved to Wayne Co MO prior to 1860 and were listed in the 1860 and 1870 census of Wayne Co MO. The James C. STAGGS family made the move from Lawrence Co TN to Wayne Co MO and were listed in the 1860 and 1870 census of Wayne Co MO; however, they returned to Lawrence Co TN prior to 1880 and were listed in the 1880 and 1900 census of Lawrence Co TN. Can anyone help with the WHITE or STAGGS families?
James R. Blanks — 114 Somerset Lane, Tullahoma, TN 37388
jrblanks [at] edge [dot] net
Submitted on Wed Mar 15 09:10:15 MST 2000

looking for any info. regarding Mary COSTLOW also spelled COSTELOW. she was a head of household in 1830 census. se is not found in any other census after that. she had a child named john hardiman COSTLOW(COSTELOW) in 1821. if any one has heard this name please e-mail me i would greatly appreciate any info that coud be offered!
amy patrick — p.o box 127, dumont, CO 80436
amylee78 [at] aol [dot] com
Submitted on Mon Mar 13 08:39:03 MST 2000

My gg grandfather, George W. RICKMAN was born in TN in 1813. I believe this family may have orignated in SC and then into Lawrence County, TN and nearby counties. George W. Rickman first married Sarah E. Irvine in Alabama in 1835 and Mary Ann Roberson/Robinson in AL in 1853. I would be interested in communicating with others researching the Rickman line with hopes of finding George’s connection.
Robie Loriaux
RJLOR [at] aol [dot] com
Submitted on Sun Mar 12 09:52:12 MST 2000

i am looking for information on the TEASE name
teresa TEASE
teresa3708 [at] aol [dot] com
Submitted on Thu Mar 9 10:36:50 MST 2000

looking for any and all info on a JAMES CROW/E b.5 nov 1855 ,killed in a mining accident in pinckney,lawrence couny.on the 13 may 1897, m. LYDDIA RACHEL HARDY b. 6 feb. 1861 on the 21 sep. 1880, have info that he may have been raised by a family from MINOR WILKES, according to the 1860 censu from giles county.
Robert Wade Crowe
wades [dot] collectables [at] t-online [dot] de
Submitted on Tue Mar 7 17:40:05 MST 2000

Does Lawrence County, Tennessee have any genealogical information on Zebedee WEAVER(born 1784 Virginia) found in TN on 1850 census. His two daughters listed with him were Jane and Francis. Francis America WEAVER married William LILES 6 February 1853 in Lawrence Co. TN. William Liles bought land in Lauderdale Co. AL at Greenhill.
Martha Liles Franklin
mattiebank [at] aol [dot] com
Submitted on Sat Mar 4 18:57:03 MST 2000

Looking for any info on: WF HALE, – Mary (Petty) Hale (wife) – Margaret Ethel Hale born 1868 (daughter) – George and Marion Hale (twins – 1870) – William Henry Hale 1872 cnorris802 [at] aol [dot] com
Cindy Norris
cnorris802 [at] aol [dot] com
Submitted on Thu Mar 2 19:50:10 MST 2000

Looking for any information on a CHARLES HENSON, born 1-2-1904, died 10-1980 was married to Helen Heck Strohaver, they lived in Angola, In. after her death he went to Ethridge where niece lived.
Mary H. Kellly — 8300 E. Reading Rd., Pittsford, MI 49271-9728
dmkelly [at] dmci [dot] net
Submitted on Thu Mar 2 08:47:29 MST 2000

Robert G. Brown 1844-1925. He lived in Lawrenceburg, Lawrence Co. Tenn. He married Nancy Williamson, she died around 1868. He was in the Nashville volunteers in 1862-1865. He also married Mary Ann Rathbone. She died in 1928 in Lawrence Co. Robert had a son named William K. Brown who married Mercey Price Brown. They had a son named William Issac Brown and Louise Hall Brown, they lived in Lawrence co.Is this your Brown family? Thankyou Paula Smith
Paula Smith
allenslady [at] hotmail [dot] com
Submitted on Thu Mar 2 08:03:41 MST 2000

I am looking for information on James Thomas Waters from Lawrence County, TN. Spouse, children, siblings etc. I think he died in 1927. He had a son, James Madison Waters and a brother named John, who was shot.
Billy Walters
bjwalters [at] lorettotel [dot] net
Submitted on Mon Feb 28 15:20:48 MST 2000

I am searching for the parents and siblings of my gr gr grandparents who were both born and married in Lawrence County, TN. His name was Alexander Calvin Pickard, born 1824, and was married June 30, 1841 to Susan M. Blassingame, born 1826. Any help appreciated Carl
Carl D. Ward
nell [at] arkansas [dot] net
Submitted on Sun Feb 27 20:14:51 MST 2000

I am looking for information about Ephraim and Mary Ann CRABTREE who moved to Wayne County about 1846. Their daughter, Helena or Helen is my greatgrandmother. Helena was born abt. 1853-55 in Wayne or Lawrence County. Helena married William D. HICKS in Franklin Co. TN in 1875. They moved to LA where they had 10 children: Allen, Charles, Naomi, Mary, Pearly, Jack, James, Doria, Nora, and Nancy. They ended up in TX, moving first to Tarrant Co. and then Wheeler Co. Email me at kathy2468 [at] usa [dot] net.
kathy2468 [at] usa [dot] net
Submitted on Sun Feb 27 15:46:50 MST 2000

Searching for anyone who might have info on Josiah Isaiah Curtis, born 1800 in SC. He appears in the 1830 census of Lawrence Co. with a wife and 6 sons under 10 years of age. He also appears as the administrator of the estate of a James Curtis, who died in Lawrence Co. in 1829. He later moved to Lauderdale Co.AL and then to Hempstead Co.AR. He may have a brother named John Morgan Curtis. He is a stonewall for me, and I would appreciate any help you can give. Thanks, Mary Goodrum
Mary Goodrum — 3743 Brewer Road, Booneville, AR 72927
marygoodrum [at] cei [dot] net
Submitted on Sat Feb 26 07:52:23 MST 2000

Searching for parents of James Claiborne RICKMAN, born 26 June, 1841 in Moulton, Lawrence Co., AL. He was a veteran of the Civil War, having served as a Private in the Tennessee 48th (Nixon’s) Infantry Regiment. He married to Sarah Jane HACKNEY of Columbia, Maury Co., TN on 14 July, 1867. His name shows on the Lawrence Co., TN 1868 Tax List. Would appreciate any information on these persons.
Robert Peaslee — 106 Plympton Court, San Jose, CA 95139
rpeaslee [at] yahoo [dot] com
Submitted on Wed Feb 23 19:55:29 MST 2000

DANIEL, Phillip Wayne b. in Lawrence Co, TN 25 Dec 1842, had a brother, J.H. Daniel, Both ended up in Clark CO, AR. Phillip Wayne died 10 Sept 1929 in Arkansas. Would anyone have any info on parents of these two men.
wesser [at] hiwaay [dot] net
Submitted on Tue Feb 22 22:07:07 MST 2000

PINKNEY GREEN b 1812 in SC. moved to Tn m Enily Children AllisonWoodville (s)1838, Wm. C 1851, George Giddeon 1853, Daniel S 1854,Joseph M 1856, General P 1858, Pleasant C 1860 Then the family movedto Ky or Il. Settled in Jefferson Co Il. Had three daughters in IlSusannah 1862, Martha 1867 Dolly 1869
Sharon Davis
shadavs [at] webtv [dot] net
Submitted on Tue Feb 22 20:51:26 MST 2000

SAMUEL J. LE MAY born 16 April 1855, son of William F. Le May and Ann Essary, married MARY JANE MALONE abt 1875 prob. Lawrence Co TN- where he was born. Need her parents name and information about her family. Ginny Keefer
Virginia L. Keefer
rkeeferjr [at] mediaone [dot] net
Submitted on Mon Feb 21 19:41:13 MST 2000

persons related to Andrew YODER
Robert Morell
bluemorell [at] hotmail [dot] com
Submitted on Mon Feb 21 15:33:46 MST 2000

Looking for information On William H WILLIAMS Borned June 6 1830 Married Frances Elizabeth HALE Nov. 28 1856 in Lawrenceburg, Tenn. Frances Was Born 1836 in Lawernceburg.
Bobby Newman
newman2 [at] centurytel [dot] net
Submitted on Sun Feb 20 20:33:15 MST 2000

I’m looking for info on Abraham STAGGS Sr. There were two in the 48-Mile Creek area in 1820. One is my gg-grand father,but I’ve found conflicting info on his father. Some list him William and others list him Williamson. They both appear in the Wayne County census. Both Abrahams had sons that they named Abraham. I need help unraveling the puzzel.
Lynn R. Staggs — 405 Carroll Road, Enville, TN 38332
lynzel [at] centurytel [dot] net
Submitted on Sun Feb 20 10:30:26 MST 2000

Looking for any and all information on any Tennison, Tenison, Tennyson, or variation of the surname in Lawrence County, Tennessee. It is know this family lived there between 1824 and 1839. Cannot find any leads as to which individuals lived there. Please also send e-mail as I am a pastor with four teen age girls and one phone line!
H. Tennyson
hiten [at] bellsouth [dot] net
Submitted on Sat Feb 19 23:11:52 MST 2000

I am looking for info on FELIX GRUNDY MORRIS who married HENRIETTA CATHERINE POLLOCK in 1847. She died in 1849 after the birth of their son William. Felix in enumerated on the 1850 Census in Lawrence County with SHADRICK AND SARAH MORRIS. After Henrietta’s death, Felix married MARTHA ROBERTS, daughter of JESSE AND MARY ROBERTS.
sjk [at] pdq [dot] net
Submitted on Sat Feb 19 18:10:49 MST 2000

In search of all Rackley’s in Lawrence Co. that are related to Shadrick (Ratiffe) Rackley, b. 1748-1751 VA. Also; in search of all Gooch’s in Lawrence Co. Will be happy to share data. Thanks
Ellie Handley — 9614 Boonsboro Dr., San Antonio, TX 78245
ehandley [at] texas [dot] net
Submitted on Sat Feb 19 05:57:50 MST 2000

Looking for a photo of Lawrenceburg city center circa 1855 – 1860. hoping there will be a sign in the photo advertising Drs Fernando C. Herbert and Calvin L. Herbert.
John Herbert
h1776 [at] erols [dot] com
Submitted on Fri Feb 18 08:40:30 MST 2000

My grandmother was half Cherokee. Her parents were each half Cherokee. Her father’s name was Will WHITEHEAD. His father was supposed to have been a medicine man. They originally lived in Wayne County, TN. Somehow they escaped the Trail of Tears, but I have no further info about them. Where can I find info on the WHITEHEADS?
Linda Allen
lallen [at] umpublishing [dot] org
Submitted on Thu Feb 17 10:44:45 MST 2000

In search of all Handley, Handly, Hanly, Gooch, Nutt, Riley, Rackley and Talbert/Tolbert Families. These Families were in the county in the early 1800’s and mid 1800.
Ellie Handley — 9614 Boonsboro Dr., San Antonio, TX 78245
ehandley [at] texas [dot] net
Submitted on Wed Feb 16 14:12:20 MST 2000

I am looking for information on the following people. Richard Johnston VAWTER b. ca. 1791, d. March 1827 in Lawrence County, Tenn. married Cynthia MCGUIRE November 11, 1806 in Elbert County, Ga., daughter of Allegany MCGUIRE and Sarah HOLLIDAY. b. February 09, 1791 in Henry County, Va., and b. Bef. 1870. Their daughter Sara Winfred VAWTER, b. Abt. 1814, Tennessee d. September 09, 1870, Mississippi. Married Hiram Franklin TENNYSON in Tennessee. He was b. 1805 in NC, d. 1871 in Corinth, Mississippi1. Their first child, James Henry TENNYSON b. Tennessee. Hiram Franklin TENNYSON, b. July 28, 1842, Tishimingo County, Miss.; d. December 05, 1910, Selmer, McNairy County, Tennessee and William Alexander TENNYSON, b. 1853; Alexander went West, last heard of in 1870 on way to Tom LEWELLEN’s close to Hillsboro, Texas. The LEWELLENs and ROBINSONs were kin to the TENNYSONs through the MCGUIREs and VAWTERs. Tom LEWELLEN was in the 26th Miss CSA infitry with Hiram Franklin TENNYSON Jr. W. A. TENNYSON’s brother.
H. Tennyson
hiten [at] bellsouth [dot] net
Submitted on Sun Feb 13 22:01:06 MST 2000

Rebecca Oliver? MORROW: Lawrence Co. b. 1831 or 1834 TN. Married William FOSTER abt. 1851 TN, d. Sept 6 1896 Calico Rock, Izard Co AR. Nine children, first 4 born in Tennessee. William FOSTER b Feb 2 1825 TN d Dec 3 1897 AR Have good descendant info. but no clue yet on William or Rebecca and would appreciate help William had brother Spencer F. “Zit” FOSTER, b Nov 26 1826 Tennessee
Dwayne D Peterson
petersdd [at] uwec [dot] edu
Submitted on Sun Feb 13 15:13:48 MST 2000

I am looking for information on a Jesse F. BELEW(BELUE)who shows up on the Lawrence,Co. Tn. census of 1880 as Jacob(?)BELUE along with his wife Nancy (Nan) BELUE and a Child Raney J. BELUE who later had a sister named Chestina.
Russell Belew
belew [at] hiwaay [dot] net
Submitted on Fri Feb 11 19:04:53 MST 2000

Trying to contact anyone doing research on Emmert’s from Lawrenburg.
B. Powell
TReid01 [at] juno [dot] com
Submitted on Thu Feb 10 13:25:39 MST 2000

Asa COKER b 12 May 1832 d 31 Jan 1890 married about 1850 to 1854 to Amanda Melvinna Johnson b 1832 d 1905 children include James Daniel, John Wilkerson, Clinton Cicero, Mary Caldonia, Zana Louisa. Asa and family are listed in 1860, 1870, and 1880 census in Giles Co. In all of these censuses his place of birth is TN. In the 1880 census father place of birth SC and mother’s GA. Am searching for parents, siblings, desendents of Asa and am listing this query only in counties where COKER is listed in census prior to 1850.
David Coker — 151 Woodland Dr, Jackson, MS 39216
dcoker [at] cokerpalmer [dot] com
Submitted on Wed Feb 9 14:32:58 MST 2000

i was needing some info on mason hill.this is my husbands grandfather..he was married to ruth skillen.he is from lawerenceburg,tn. thanks
jgsawyer [at] nctc [dot] com
Submitted on Tue Feb 8 09:11:21 MST 2000

I am a decendant of CC (Chiles? or Charles?)BREWER (02/08/1829–10/20/1910)and his wife Elizabeth COUCH(10/12/1834–11/16/1934) One of their daughters was Charity Elizabeth (11/15/1853–01/18/1918)who married William Riley RAY a man from a neighboring Alabama county was my gggrandmother. They eloped and moved to Arkansaw. Charity’s other siblings were William T. BREWER, Malichi BREWER, and Mary Cass BREWER.
Penny Foreman
Cent4man [at] aol [dot] com
Submitted on Mon Feb 7 15:50:09 MST 2000

Looking for James CROWDAN (CROWDEN, COWDEN?) who married Fannie Key. They had a daughter Susan Crowden about 1870. Susan married Frank Bradford and had 1 son Lee. Susie later married Ratliff. If you know of James Crowdan who married Fannie Key, I would appreicate info. thanks for reading.
tsummer830 [at] aol [dot] com
Submitted on Sun Feb 6 21:02:01 MST 2000

WHITWORTH, William; born VA 1797; died TN 1838; married Mourning Brantley 1820 (where); children: John Thomas WHITWORTH, b 28 Jul 1821 (where); Mal Chiga WHITWORTH, b 22 Dec 1822 in AL; Edmund Daniel WHITWORTH, B 22 Mar 1824 in TN; William B. WHITWORTH, b 27 Sep 1825 in AL; Missouri WHITWORTH, b 5 Nov 1828 in AL; Sarah B. WHITWORTH, b 30 May 1830 in TN; Martha Williams WHITWORTH, b 18 Apr 1832 in TN; and Mary T. WHITWORTH. Migrated from Madison Co., AL thru Lawrence Co. TN to Davidson Co. TN.
Lu Whitworth — CMR 420 Box 502, APO, AE 09063
whit [at] jas-net [dot] de
Submitted on Sat Feb 5 04:15:01 MST 2000

Wiley Brewer was born in Lawrence county Tenn. later moved to Lawrence county Alabama,he had a wife named Amanda , also 2 daughters in his house and a sister this was listed in a 1880 Alabama census is daughter Josie is my great grandmother anything on the Wiley BREWER family would be appreciated. Thank You.Mark
Mark Camara — Mark Camara, North Providence, RI 02911
AMOND1309 [at] aol [dot] com
Submitted on Thu Feb 3 09:49:24 MST 2000

Looking for a connection for Anna Hattie BUFFALO and Albert Crabb or possible CRABBTREE. They had six children Aurthur, Charles Kenneth, James,Emma, and Vera. James Petty Crabb was my gg grandfather. He worked for Rail Road in Conventry TN., and died on June 23,1925 of pnumonia. Married Susie Matlida COFFMAN-SILLS. They had three children one was my grandma Virginia Estelle. Any information would be greatly appreciated. E. Shively GRS102 [at] aol [dot] com
Elizabeth I. Shively
GRS102 [at] aol [dot] com
Submitted on Sun Jan 23 20:52:38 MST 2000

CONNIE Breeden — RR# 1 Box 145, loraine, IL 62349
bre [at] adams [dot] net
Submitted on Thu Jan 20 16:04:49 MST 2000

Seeking information on Rev. War pensioner Joseph THOMAS who married Mary Lindsey 28 Jan 1826 in Lawrence County. I have a copy of his pension records which indicate that, although he served in the PA line, his home was Fauquier Co. VA. Does anyone know where Joseph resided between his discharge in 1780 and the first time he is shown on a Lawrence County census in 1830? Any help greatly appreciated.
Annette Smiley
asmiley [at] hiwaay [dot] net
Submitted on Tue Jan 18 15:58:21 MST 2000

Looking to share info about the following people: 1. Felix Marion DAVIS, b.10/30/1866 in AR; d. 5/28/1932 in Little River County, AR. He was the son of 2. Gillie F. DAVIS and Mary Tennessee CHILDRESS. He married Frances Belle JOHNSON. 2. Gillie F. DAVIS, b. 8/1833 in Lawrence CO, TN; died Bef. 1910 in AR. He was the son of 4. William K. DAVIS and 5. Sarah SIMONTON. He married Mary Tennessee CHILDRESS 12/28/1857 in Lawrence County, TN., b. 2/1841 in TN; d. Aft. 1910 in Little River CO, AR. She was the daughter of 6. William H. CHILDRESS and Eliza D. DAVIS. Children of Gillie DAVIS and Mary CHILDRESS are: Falls, Felix, John M., Mary E., and Z.A. Davis. 4. William K. DAVIS, b. 11/13/1797 in TN; d. 3/12/1850 in Lawrence Co, TN. He married Sarah SIMONTON 5/26/1825 in Lawrence County, TN, b.abt. 1802 in NC; d. 1/27/1873 in Lawrence County, TN. She was the daughter of John SIMONTON and Jane FALLS. 6. William H. CHILDRESS, b.1804 in TN; d.abt. 1862/1865 in TN. He married Eliza D. DAVIS, b.1811 in SC.
Jane Ambler Patterson
patters [at] concentric [dot] net
Submitted on Sat Jan 15 15:13:29 MST 2000

Looking for EZELL’S
bezell [at] seark [dot] net
Submitted on Fri Jan 14 20:07:55 MST 2000

Looking for Birth or death records for Edward Buchanan Glasgow who died in mid -1880’s in either Giles County or Lawrence County, TN.
Craig Glasgow
clglasgow [at] worldnet [dot] att [dot] net
Submitted on Thu Jan 13 23:58:26 MST 2000

Looking for information on Minnie DANIEL, b. 01/11/1890, d. August 1979, dau. of Henry Clay DANIEL and Edna Jane “Aunt Puss” HADDOCK. Minnie married William James “Jim” STAGGS, b. 01/27/1890, d. 02/16/1964 in Lawrence County, Tennessee. Minnie had Sister named Ella who married James Harrison “Jim” LAKEY of Wayne County, Tennessee, and a brother John Laurel “Duge” DANIEL who married Martha Mirl SCOTT of Wayne County Tennessee. Jim and Ella are both buried near Artesia, New Mexico, and Duge and Mirl are both buried at McGlamery Stand Cemetery at Collinwood, Wayne County, Tennessee. Any information is appreciated. D. G. Daniels – Pastor Wichita, Kansas
D. G. Daniels — 2201 S. Anna St. Suite # 21, Wichita, KS 67209-2852
HTMI85 [at] aol [dot] com
Submitted on Wed Jan 12 18:47:20 MST 2000

Looking for info on Calvin M. FRANKLIN, b. 1837, in Lincoln or Giles County, Tennessee, son of Mitchel FRANKLIN, Calvin married Mary A. (Ann or Alice) CANTRELL, born abt. 1850 in Lawrence County, Tennessee, who I believe to be the dau. Thomas CANTRELL of North Carolina, and his wife Sarah. It is my understanding they lived in or near Loretta, Lawrence County, Tennessee. Calvin and Mary were my Great Grandparents thru their son John William FRANKLIN. Any information is appreciated. D. G. DANIELS – Pastor Wichita, Kansas E-Mail HTMI85 [at] aol [dot] com
D. G. Daniels — 2201 S. Anna St. Suite # 21, Wichita, , KS 67209-2852
HTMI85 [at] aol [dot] com
Submitted on Wed Jan 12 18:30:45 MST 2000

Seeking information on Wm. B.D. McCONNELL and Reuben BROWN known in Lawrence Co. TN in 1822 and then in Republic of Texas 1839-forward. Wm. B.D. McCONNELL witnessed Feb. 22 1822 marriage bond of Reuben BROWN and Elizabeth McCONNELL in Lawrence Co. TN. Elizabeth’s wealthy father was said to have come from ‘the Carolinas’ and drove large herds of cattle to market. In 1839, Wm. B.D. McCONNELL arrives Republic of Texas with 640 ac grant in San Augustine Co., TX, near the Louisiana border. In same year, Reuben BROWN and wife Elizabeth McCONNELL BROWN arrive Fannin Co., TX, with 640 ac land grant. In 1845, Wm. B.D. McCONNELL signs affidavit for Reuben BROWN in Fannin Co,TX. In 1856 Wm. B.D. McCONNELL buys land adjacent to Reuben BROWN in Fannin Co.,TX. Related lines include BROWN, PENNINGTON, SWEARINGEN, PRIVETT(E), SMITH & CHAMBERS in Fannin Co. and Grayson Co. Tx. Thanks for any leads or comments.
Melanie McConnell Klein — 10612 Mountain View Road, Whitehouse , TX 75791
mmk [at] tyler [dot] net
Submitted on Wed Jan 12 05:04:07 MST 2000

I am looking for any information on the Aden JOHNSON family. Charles, Leonard, Susanna, & Ida. One of the boys believe it was Leonard married a Janey. Is there anybody researching this family???
R. Wyrie
DigMyRoots [at] AOL [dot] com
Submitted on Tue Jan 11 08:58:54 MST 2000

I am researching BELEW, CAMPBELL and BENNETT in Lawrence Co. Jacob CAMPBELL m. Margaret BELEW in 1851. His father was John CAMPBELL, b. 1798 in Mecklenburg Co. Need any information on John, who he married, where he was born, possibly another country.
A Mason
amason5 [at] juno [dot] com
Submitted on Mon Jan 10 16:39:52 MST 2000

Am searching for any family information for SPENCER ROGERS, born 1814. His first wife was ELIZABETH MITCHELL, and after her death about 1860, he married AURINA MCDONALD SMITH. No children by this marriage. SPENCER & AURINA are known to be living on Weekley Creek in 1910. Have lived in Lawrence Co. at times. Please E-mail.
David Rogers
NJRDOR [at] AOL [dot] COM
Submitted on Sun Jan 9 17:29:56 MST 2000

Hello, My name is Sandra Fischer and I am trying to find anyone that has a marriage index of Lawrence Co. TN. for the years 1870 -1878. I am looking for my Great grandparents, Thomas HOWARD and Mary C. ABERNATHY-TURNER, she was adopted by her grandparents James A. and Lavinia TURNER. If anyone could help me out with this I would be very grateful, Thanks very much Sandy in AZ.
snf [at] USWEST [dot] net
Submitted on Sat Jan 8 12:39:51 MST 2000

My GGGGF was Gardner T. Gill, who took out a marriage bond with Elizabeth Flournoy on 9/3/1818 in Lawrence County. They left the county soon after. I am trying to gain information on Gardner’s father, Thomas C. Gill. Thomas most likely hailed from Virginia, but not totally sure of that.
David Gill — P.O Box 142513, Austin, TX 78714-2513
fabrexe [at] netscape [dot] net
Submitted on Fri Jan 7 13:51:14 MST 2000

Hezekiah Ham Summers, born May 14, 1836 son of Zephaniah & Elizabeth Ham Sloan Summers. Sarah Elizabeth Webb born Dec. 29 1846 Daughter of Sebrun and a Miss (Hamilton) Webb. They married in Alabama in 1859, moved to Novice, Tx in 1890. From 1859-1890 their children were born in Ouchita, La, can’t find for sure if Tenn or Ms.
janette2 [at] web-access [dot] net
Submitted on Thu Jan 6 18:21:11 MST 2000

I am interested in any info/records for Wood family. I have death certificate for Thomas Jefferson Wood which says that he was born in Lawrence Co., TN on Oct. 23, 1856 & that his parents were Thomas Franklin Wood (b.Ala)and Mary Foust (b. Tenn.)
Lynn Neill
meneill [at] aol [dot] com
Submitted on Thu Jan 6 09:57:41 MST 2000

Would love to get info on Lemuel Ezell, my g-g-g grandfather and his family. Please email if you are connected. I have recd some info but not anything on Lemuel. Solon Grisham and Otis Mae Pierce are my connection. Anyone having history on this line please forward. I have some info on the Laduerdale Co AL Grihams.
Kaye Sass — 4622 W. Ballast Pt Blvd, Tampa, FL 33611
rksass [at] tampabay [dot] rr [dot] com
Submitted on Tue Jan 4 13:26:31 MST 2000

Seeking information about John and Belle TROSTEL who moved to Lawrence Co. from Wells Co., Indiana in about 1900-1902. They were living in Lawrence Co. in 1905 when they sold a parcel of land in Indiana in November 1905. How long did they live in Lawrence Co.? Did they have other family members with them? Are they buried in Lawrence Co.? Any information about this family would be appreciated.
Woody Trostel — 7114 SW 180th Place, Beaverton, OR 97007-5217
trostel [at] worldstar [dot] com
Submitted on Mon Jan 3 23:14:31 MST 2000

Need info BUSBY,Arkansas ‘Arkie’ bjune 1870, ind. terr, mother’s name Helen ?, m. Frank SKILLERN ca 1887, d May 1903 buried Miss. Need info 2 girls born-Peggy May (Illa/Ilha)SKILLERN (my gr. mother) & Pearl SKILLERN (raised by foster parents?) born to Frank & Arkie (Busby) SKILLERN
Carole M. Lee — 1455 Jefferson Road, lot #28, Boonville, , MO 65233-2200
thezoo [at] undata [dot] com
Submitted on Mon Jan 3 21:09:50 MST 2000

Etta House Killen believed to be borned Oct 11, 1882 in Alabama and died January 15, 1926 in Loretto, Lawrence County, TN. John Killen born June 17, 1883 (don’t know his birth place? maybe Greenhill, lauderdale, AL) and died June 21, 1960 in Florida but was buired in Loretto Tennessee. Etta & John are my husband’s grandparents. Do you know the name of their parents? or any info? Date of Marriage? I appreciate any information you may have. Please email me at jkillen [at] gte [dot] net. Thank you.
jkillen [at] gte [dot] net
Submitted on Sun Jan 2 11:42:34 MST 2000

Elzia Hughes and Ella Walters(Waters?)died in Loretto, Lawrence County, Tennesee. I need any information on both of these persons. Do you know the names of their parents? Viola Jane Hughes (deceased) was their daughter and was my husband’s mother. I appreciate any information you may have. Please email me at jkillen [at] gte [dot] net. Thank you.
jkillen [at] gte [dot] net
Submitted on Sun Jan 2 11:36:48 MST 2000

Starling (Starlin) LINDSEY m. Mary Catherine ASBELL Children born in Lawernce Co. TN 1817-1835. Looking for information on childern and their spouses and families. 1. Drusilla, b. 6 Oct, 1817 d. 32 March 1821 2. Ezekiel, b. 7 Sept 1819 3. William Carroll, b 11 Aug 1821 d. 1 July 1850 4. Elihu Franklin, b. 28 Oct 1823 d. 15 July 1841, MO 5. John Jeferson, b. 17 June 1825 d. 23 May 1866, MO 6. Daniel Asbell, b. 3 March 1827 d. 3 April 1863, MO 7. Mary A.C., b. 14 March 1829 d. 1904, KS 8. Deliah Elizabeth b. 21 March 1831 d. 10 Jan 1913, MO 9. Starling Washington b. 18 March 1833 d. 4 Aug 1918, MO 10. M. Emily Jane b. 4 July 1835 d. 1 July 1913, MO 11. S. M. Eliza A. b. 5 July 1837 ? d. 1866 m. William ASBILL 12. Hannah Bentley, b 30 Sept 1839, Louisburg, MO d.28 April 1909 CA
Jackie (Hashbarger) Young
doublefox [at] yucca [dot] net
Submitted on Sat Jan 1 16:21:31 MST 2000

Starling (Starlin)LINDSEY m.Mary Catherine ASBELL. Children born in Lawrence Co, TN 1817 – 1835. His parents were Carlton LINDSEY and Polly TALIAFERO I need information on Starlings siblings. 1.John, 2.Taliafero, 3. Susa, married HOLLAND, 4.Priscilla, married HOLLAND, 5. Starling, 6. Martha, married COOK, 7.James, 8. William, 9.Vines, 10.Phanny, 11.Melinda, married COLSON
Jackie (Hashbarger) Young
doublefox [at] yucca [dot] net
Submitted on Sat Jan 1 15:52:47 MST 2000

According to the 1920 census my grandfather Daniel Boone BAXTER was born in Lawrence County, TN September, 1857. I have been unable to find any trace of him prior to the above mentioned census. Does anyone have any information or direction for me.
Dorothy CREAMER — 121 Bledsoe Court, Oroville, CA 95966
mr880 [at] juno [dot] com
Submitted on Sat Jan 1 12:41:52 MST 2000

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