Queries Posted April, 2002 – June, 2002

Queries Posted April, 2002 – June, 2002

These queries were posted many years ago on an old TNGenWeb system.  Please note that e-mail addresses are likely defunct, and other contact details are possibly outdated.  Some individuals may be deceased.

We have not edited the text in any of the queries.

Our purpose in posting these old queries is to provide current and future researchers with clues from researchers in the past.

If you have a corrected e-mail address, please let us know so we can update.

Good luck!


i,m searching my gr.gr.grandfather isaiah ivy,have reason to thinkhis name is james isaiah ivy,(B) va.(M) a mary in tenn, son, williamlytle (M) ann e pullen. ann e pullen, smother was cathrine hill.isaiah ivy worked on the mounment on the square. william ivey was incivil war, any help on this would be very greatfull.pinkney pullenwas in civil war all so. if any decentants of of pinkney pullen. willshare any and all info. would love to find any cousin, frm lawrenceco tenn. e-mail me at helenl62 [at] webtv [dot] net thanks helen
helen hendeson — p.o box253, hugo, OK 74743
helenl62 [at] webtv [dot] net
Submitted on Thu Jun 27 14:11:36 MDT 2002

looking for surnames above located in lawrence co tn and giles tn area’s please contact me
michele pearce
wolfclantree [at] aol [dot] com
Submitted on Thu Jun 27 13:56:56 MDT 2002

i am looking for my grandfather,s people he was James Cox he was born 1870 in lawrence co. and some time later adopted to the Nixon family
dorthy die — 20010 holt rd , Athens, AL 35611
presleyfan37 [at] aol [dot] com
Submitted on Wed Jun 26 17:54:10 MDT 2002

We are desparate for B+ blood type, odds are much greater to find a match in blood relatives. If you are related to Rhodes, Lewellyn, Lard, Haddock, Beasley, Williams, Rhoden Or any of their lines PLEASE….If you are related to any of the above lines and have blood type B+ is needed for bone marrow testing. Leukemia victim, Talisha Hunt, 20 years old, and 7 months pregnant has 28 days to find a bone marrow match. She was born and raised in the Wayne, Lawrence, and Giles County area. Chances are much greater in finding a match within her bloodline. This is her last chance. She is in Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, TN. Time is running out, Please e-mail me at doublellew [at] comcast [dot] net if you have any questions, and I will give you all the information. Her line is Lewellyn-Rhoden, Rhodes-Lard, Rhodes-Haddock, Rhodes-Beasley, Rhodes-Williams. Judy doublellew [at] comcast [dot] net
bcassidy [at] tds [dot] net
Submitted on Sat Jun 22 19:57:27 MDT 2002

I am trying to find any info on a Arnold Hunt, aka Chub, A. N. he was born in 1872 died in 1906 I have been told Lawrence County. He married Myra Brit Whitlow in 1895. If I can’t find any info on my grgrandfather looks like this line of my family can go no further , because I have no info on his parents or sibilings except they were born in Tn. and died in Tn. except for my grgrandmother who moved to Al. after his death . If anyone has any info or could find any I sure would be grateful as my my resouces are very low. Thanks in advance. Sandra Suter
Sandra Suter
mssuter1 [at] earthlink [dot] net
Submitted on Sat Jun 22 14:49:15 MDT 2002

Looking for information on Henry Carroll b: 1858 spouse Celia b: 1864 children: Dallas, John, Silas, Charles, Robert, Earnest, Henry, Percy, Berta, Otis (order of birth from 1883-1898) found in 1900 Census. Know they are family and verbal history is they lived in Town Creek, Alabama on an Indian Reservation. Running into problems tracing this family. Please help if you can.
Judi Carroll-Thompson
ccbsjct [at] aol [dot] com
Submitted on Wed Jun 19 19:14:19 MDT 2002

I am looking for information about the Wilburn Century Farm on Marks Branch Road, Leoma, Tennessee.
Jared Brus — 4301 Lincoln Swing #16, Ames, IA 50014
jdbrus [at] iastate [dot] edu
Submitted on Wed Jun 19 18:47:00 MDT 2002

all these names are connected in my lines. Will share info and whatI have is well documented. Thank you
Bobbi Johnson
BobbiSnuffy [at] aol [dot] com
Submitted on Wed Jun 19 15:03:28 MDT 2002

Previous query on Albert C. Wright incorrect. Name should have been Robert C. Wright married to James E. (Adkerson?) 1920 Census, 11th Civil District, Lawrence County. Any information appreciated.
John Addison Venable
javen64 [at] phenixcable [dot] net
Submitted on Thu Jun 13 11:54:15 MDT 2002

Does anyone have any information about the Wilburn farm on Marks Branch Road, Leoma, TN? Did anything “historic” ever happen there? What were the Wilburns like?
Jared Brus
jdbrus [at] iastate [dot] edu
Submitted on Wed Jun 12 19:18:05 MDT 2002

Looking for any information. born 1870 or1871 in Lawerenceburg Moved to Tx. Married H.W. Folk
Robert Wesley — 2000 N. Walker Dr., Amarillo, TX 79107
rwesley [at] amaonline [dot] com
Submitted on Mon Jun 10 00:09:04 MDT 2002

I am looking for the burial site of Enoch Tucker born on Jan 4, 1786; Died around Nov. 1836. He lived in Lawrence Co, TN. and was known to be friends with David Crockett. It is said he died while on a trip to Wilson Co. TN but no burial site is listed . He was also involved in establishing the town of Lawrenceburg. Please help
Lynn — 21073 CO.RD 8, Florence, AL 35633
cLynnDeL [at] cs [dot] com
Submitted on Sun Jun 9 13:29:49 MDT 2002

I am looking for information on John johnny Williams who was ablacksmith in Giles County and Lawrence County.
FELICIAAUSTIN [at] webtv [dot] net
Submitted on Thu Jun 6 13:16:23 MDT 2002

Searching for James Elizabeth Atkinson, married to Albert C. Wright in 1920, residing in 11th District of Lawrence County, three children, Margaret, Alice, Beatrice. Uncertain spelling of maiden name, need any information, census data on parents, etc.
John Addison Venable
javen64 [at] phenixcable [dot] net
Submitted on Sun Jun 2 12:39:22 MDT 2002

I am looking for info on Perrin Wright, Jr. who married Sarah M. Richardson in Lawrence Co. TN on Feb.3, 1853. I have been told he married more than once and that he served as Constable for Lawrence Co. during the Civil War years. His father was Perrin M. Wright, Sr., who married Mary Ann Horton in Va. in 1805. Her father was Issac Horton. Anyone who can shed light on the above, please reply at loumarie54 [at] cs [dot] com Thank You
D. Miles
loumarie54 [at] cs [dot] com
Submitted on Fri May 31 23:22:54 MDT 2002

Margaret (Pet) JOHNSTON Dau. of John Clark JOHNSTON & Sibby SPRINGER. B. 1835, Lawrence Co. M. Frank HUTCHINSON B. TN.- Ch. were John, Catherine, Sibba, & James HUTCHINSON All B. Ark. or MO. ? Need Info on Frank or any of the Ch.
Joseph R. JOHNSTON — P.O. Box 51, Santo, TX 76472
Submitted on Thu May 30 22:17:29 MDT 2002

Searching for the PARENTS OF Emma Lunn b. abt or before 1880 married Sam Potts and moved to N.C. Mary Lunn b after 1880 had a daughter by the name of Maye Lunn b. Aug. 22 1902 they stayed in Lawrencburg area. Martha (Mattie) Dorcus Lunn b. July 27, 1892 she married Robert M. Story of Giles County and moved to Birmingham, AL. Their mother remarried in 1897 had a son named Robert Brown. This marriage ended in divorce by 1900. They lived in and around the Lawrenceburg area. Maye was employed at Pulaski High School up until her death in 1964.
Milly Storey
millylea [at] hotmail [dot] com
Submitted on Thu May 30 21:39:16 MDT 2002

I am working on my Green family in Lawrence Co. Shadrack “Shady Green” b.1850,Warren Co,Tn came to Lawrence Co. around 1870, with several members of his family. His brother, Joseph R Green came with wife, Martha R Sullivan. I am interested in finding relatives of this family. Children; William Worthington Green (m) Mary Ellen Scott, Daisy Green (m) Cleve Johnson, John Green (m) Lula Green, Sarah Elizabeth (m) 1st David “Doc” Brown, 2nd George Van Buren Hinds. I don’t have marriages for Airzee W, Martha & Mary Louise Green. Any help would be appreciated.
Joe Green — 16687 Greer Street, Athens, AL 35611
JGreen3400 [at] aol [dot] com
Submitted on Sun May 26 14:14:59 MDT 2002

I am trying to find out if anyone knows anything about James T. Wood and Annie E. Wood (both born in 1864). I am not sure, but I believe they resided in either Lawrence or Wayne County area. I believe they left TN to move to Texas sometime before 1900. Any info would be appreciated.
James Maxwell
JRMAX [at] ATT [dot] NET
Submitted on Sun May 26 02:46:34 MDT 2002

I am looking for any info on James Thurman b. 1897. He was the son of Frank Aaron Thurman and Eliza Ada Peyton. Supposedly born in Lawrenceburg, TN. He married Mormie Marie Riley b. Aug. 1, 1900. I don’t know if he married her in Lawrence County or in Lake County TN where they raised their family. Mormie’s father was supposedly Charles and the mother’s name I don’t know. Mormie or her mother was supposedly full blooded indian. Thanks!!!!
Kathy Reid
karjcr3 [at] aol [dot] com
Submitted on Mon May 20 12:46:22 MDT 2002

Previous query submitted for Great Grandmother Florence Tennessee Bawhaw query was correct with exception of the given name of her husband. Her marriage was to Paul Neal Bievens not John Paul Bivens. Please forgive the error and advise me if I should complete the whole query over or will the corrections be made before it is posted? Sorry for the confusion!
Bryan Franklin White — 5677 Grace Ln., Almont, TN 48003
bwhite [at] expression [dot] org
Submitted on Sat May 18 21:39:00 MDT 2002

I am searching for the genealogy of a woman named Florence Tennessee Bawhaw she was my Great Grandmother who married a Bivens, John Paul I beleive was his name. The Bawhaw could have been spelled differently such as Baha, Bahaw, Bawha or any other number of ways. Her middle name Tennessee may have been spelled different or it may have been her first name. It may have been spelled Tennehee this is a common spelling I have found in other Indian history research of the state. There is a colorful and lengthy story that follows her name, told down to me by the elders of years past. I have no knowledge of her recorded past if any exist, only that she was Indian. We think (and I remember as a child) she is Cherokee, but I have no way to be sure. The story was so many years ago and I was so very young at the time the details are unclear. With the County being mostly Indian territory according to the records, Chickasaw treaty of 1816 she may have been Chickasaw. Please help if you have any knowledge what so ever.
Bryan Franklin White — 5677 Grace Ln., Almont, MI 48003
bwhite [at] expression [dot] org
Submitted on Sat May 18 20:44:09 MDT 2002

I am searching for info on my grandfather Henry PRYOR b.5-28-1856,d.6-5-1932 married Margaret CUMMINGS(from Giles Co.) b.2-16-1866, d.5-14-1953. Children: Mahlon, Raymond, Harvey, Waldron, Grace, Pauline, Annie Mae, Joseph
Janet Manning
janmanning [at] yahoo [dot] com
Submitted on Sat May 18 19:23:16 MDT 2002

Searching for info on The White House Hotel owned by G F WACKERMAN in 1925 and 1926. Sold to a family named Black in 1926 or 1927. Was re-named the Black House.
Debbie Miller
ezfishing [at] aol [dot] com
Submitted on Fri May 17 07:24:11 MDT 2002

N.R. Anthoney b: 1832 m Lucy Anthony Looking for any connection and information on my g g grandfather.
vaj [at] urs2 [dot] net
Submitted on Thu May 16 14:41:07 MDT 2002

I am looking for the parents of my g-father, James Wiley WILLIAMS, DOB 4/6/1872 Lawrenceburg, TN. No rec of him in the 1880 Lawrence Co census or until he marries Nettie Orr in Shreveport, LA in 1908. He, Nettie, & my father, John Wiley appear in the Texarkana, AR, Miller Co census which confirms his birthplace was TN and his parents were from VA. James Wiley quit teaching & went to work for RR 1914. 1920 census has them living in N.Little Rock with all 3 children. Family stories said his wealthy family lost their plantation, labor force, and properties following the Civil War to the Govnmt and Northerners. His death cert was of no help, Parents names were unknown. The history of Alfred O. Williams family sounds very much like our story, but James Wiley WILLIAMS does not appear in their family bibles.
Barbara (Williams) Chenoweth — P.O. Box 502, Howe, IN 46746
lecblc2000 [at] juno [dot] com
Submitted on Tue May 7 21:15:32 MDT 2002

WRIGHT, Albert C. need information on marriage to James Elizabeth Atkinson, or similar, about 1910. On 1920 census in 11th civil district, Lawrence County, Tn. three children, Margaret, Alice, Beatrice, any information on any family member needed.
John Addison Venable
javen64 [at] phenixcable [dot] net
Submitted on Mon May 6 19:25:41 MDT 2002

I am looking for any information on the following surnames, KOBECK, ZIERER, BECKMAN, KEENER. Any help will be appreciated.
Donna Medlin
DLM372 [at] CS [dot] COM
Submitted on Sat May 4 07:26:28 MDT 2002

Referencing query dated Jun 3, 1997 by Annette Mitchell, e-mail: MMeyers615. Can’t get message to go through, need correct e-mail address. Do you have dates of William Henry Mitchell of Lawrence Co. TN and daughters Etta Mitchell(Satterfield) and J.E.(Rose)Mitchell of Hardeman Co. TN? Believe Wm. Henry might be descendant of James and Lucy Bond Mitchell of GA and Grand Junction (Hardeman Co.), TN. Will be glad to exchange info. Thanks.
Carol Mercier
candjmercier [at] msn [dot] com
Submitted on Sun Apr 28 13:55:43 MDT 2002

I am looking for information on Reneney or Renny WHITE who married Catherine Rogers 10/24/1842 in Lawrence Co. I have no idea about date or place of birth. I would appreciate any help.
Steve Burns
skburns [at] att [dot] net
Submitted on Sat Apr 27 15:07:03 MDT 2002

Looking for Bill RAINEY who married Nancy ? they had a son Frank RAINEY b? d.aug 1956 buried,Wayne CO TN.(m) Pearl GREEN b? d.Nov 1956 buried,Wayne CO TN. Pear’s parents are Bob Green and Lucy ? Frank Rainey and Pearl Green(Rainey) had some children 2 girls. Nannie Louise Rainey married Linville Dalton Kilburn .Frankie Rainey marreid Mr.?,there also may have been a son???
Margaret Smith
HONEYBO68 [at] MSN [dot] COM
Submitted on Thu Apr 25 21:56:11 MDT 2002

I’m looking for imformation about a young girl, around the age of seventeen.Who may have died in a barn fire, around 1937, in the Mattox Town area.
smurfsucker38464 [at] yahoo [dot] com
Submitted on Wed Apr 24 15:25:55 MDT 2002

I would like to find the parents of Lorinda MONDAY who married Silas MERRIT Jul 2 1839 in Lawrenceburg.
cmmurat [at] aol [dot] com
Submitted on Sat Apr 20 18:50:26 MDT 2002

Looking for anything on Ada Carnese Smothers. Born in 1927. Mother: Fannie Estell Thurman Father: William Smothers
Bob Houtz — 3530 Sargent Rd., Jackson, MI 49201
roberthoutz [at] yahoo [dot] com
Submitted on Sat Apr 20 11:07:25 MDT 2002

Looking for any information on a Sarah Johnson, who married William Andrew Pugh in Lawrence Co. TN., on Jan. 15, 1884. Sarah was from a wealthy family, & was disown after marrying. Sarah & William had five children. Both Sarah & William died in 1895. When Sarah died, she had a brother that attended the services, & stated that she had left behind many nieces & nephews.
Lesha Prater
lprater [at] bscn [dot] com
Submitted on Fri Apr 12 17:28:23 MDT 2002

looking for information on Arthur and James Graham, they were living with Arthur and sarah Weaver in 1850 in Lawrence Co.
galbright2 [at] aol [dot] com
Submitted on Fri Apr 12 10:44:28 MDT 2002

I wish to contact someone connected with the Plesant Grove Cemetery in Lawrenceberg, Tenn. who can locate the gravesite in order to arrange placement of a marker on the unmarked grave of my sister Eva Elizabeth Fritts, born 12-9-33 and died 10-24-38 and was buried at the Pleasant Grove Cemetery in Lawrenceburg, Tenn.
pturpin249 [at] aol [dot] com
Submitted on Thu Apr 4 18:24:37 MST 2002

I would like to contact any descendants of Matt and Ellar Trimmer burried in the Cedar Grove cemetery.
Betty Barnett — 600 84th Ave. S.E., Norman, OK 73026
TJBTY [at] AOL [dot] COM
Submitted on Thu Apr 4 12:24:39 MST 2002

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