Goodspeed’s Biography of William Alexander Pierce

Goodspeed’s Biography of William Alexander Pierce

Source:  Goodspeed’s History of Lawrence, Wayne, Perry, Hickman, and Lewis Counties Tennessee, published 1886

William A. Pierce, citizen of Wayland Springs ,Tenn., and a native of the State, was born in 1843, son of George W. and Araminta (Mitchell) Pierce. The father was tailor and for many years was a citizen of Lawrenceburg. After residing a short time in Alabama, he returned to Lawrenceburg, where he died in 1855. His wife died in 1845. The grandfather, Spencer Pierce, was a North Carolinian, and settled in Tennessee in 1818. His son George, our subject’s father, was a very active man and was noted for being very swift of foot. He was twice married, and by his first wife was the father to two children. Lucy Welch, his second wife, bore him six children. William A. Pierce married Mary L. Green in 1866, daughter of William and Edie Green. She was born in Tennessee 1846, and died in 1865. A year later Mr. Pierce wedded Maggie Goats, daughter of Phillip and Nancy (Yarbrough) Goats. Six children blessed their union: Lula E., Minnie J., Annie L., Maggie V., William H., and Alexander A. Our subject made his home with his father until 1855, and then resided with an uncle until 1861, when he enlisted in Company B, Twenty-third Tennessee Regiment, and participated in many hard-fought battles. Owing to a wound received at Shiloh, he was unfitted for service for about one year. He then joined Roddy’s cavalry, and shortly after the battle of Moulton, Ala., was captured and kept prisoner at Rock Island, Ill., for about nine months. He was then released, owing to cessation of hostilities, and returned home in March, 1865, and began clerking in a general merchandise store, and at the expiration of one year, opened a similar establishment at Wayland Springs, where he has prospered financially. He is also postmaster at the Springs and is a Mason and K. of H., and is also a member of the K. & L. of H. lodge. Mr. Pierce is a Democrat and cast his first presidential vote for Horace Greeley.

FamilySearch Tree profile:

This biographical sketch was transcribed by Reita Jones Burress and posted on-line by Jane N. Powell on September 10, 1998, with the following caveat:

Not having a hard copy to proof read, errors will probably occur in the following document. Reita and I will correct them to the original Goodspeed from time to time. Thank you for your patience.

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