Goodspeed’s Biography of James Monroe Gilmore

Goodspeed’s Biography of James Monroe Gilmore

Source:  Goodspeed’s History of Lawrence, Wayne, Perry, Hickman, and Lewis Counties Tennessee, published 1886

James M. Gilmore, clerk of the Lawrence County Court, was born in Giles County, Tenn., February 17, 1843, son of John S. and Elizabeth (Simms) Gilmore, both natives of Tennessee. The parents died when James M. was a small lad, consequently he knows but little of his ancestral history. He worked as a farm hand, after his father’s death, in Giles County, and in 1861 enlisted in Capt. Cooper’s Company, Third Regiment, Tennessee Confederate Infantry. He served as a private and non-commissioned officer in the late war until it’s close, and was slightly wounded three times, but never seriously enough to leave his company. At the close of the war he resumed his agricultural pursuits in Lewis County, and later in Hickman County, until 1876, when he came to Lawrenceburg and engaged as clerk in the mercantile business. He was also deputy county court clerk, which latter position he filled until he was elected to the office of county court clerk in 1882. He also engaged in the general mercantile business for himself four years before and up to the time of his election to the office. Mr. Gilmore has served one term of four years in the office in an able and efficient manner, ans was re-elected in August, 1886, by handsome majority. In 1867 Permelia E. Flowers, of Hickman County, became his wife, and the fruits of this union were five children; Anna (wife of W.P. McClanahan, of Lawrenceburg), Narcissa, Mattie (who died August 28, 1886, aged fourteen years and nine months). Willie D. (who died in his fifth year), and Lillie. In politic Mr. Gilmore is an unswerving Democrat. He is a Mason and a member of the K. of H. Himself and family are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church South. He is recognized as one of the enterprising and public-spirted citizens of Lawrence County, and is a popular official.

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This biographical sketch was transcribed by Reita Jones Burress and posted on-line by Jane N. Powell on September 10, 1998, with the following caveat:

Not having a hard copy to proof read, errors will probably occur in the following document. Reita and I will correct them to the original Goodspeed from time to time. Thank you for your patience.

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