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Category: Families & Individuals

Goodspeed’s Biography of William Alexander Pierce

Goodspeed’s Biography of William Alexander Pierce

Source:  Goodspeed’s History of Lawrence, Wayne, Perry, Hickman, and Lewis Counties Tennessee, published 1886 William A. Pierce, citizen of Wayland Springs ,Tenn., and a native of the State, was born in 1843, son of George W. and Araminta (Mitchell) Pierce. The father was tailor and for many years was a citizen of Lawrenceburg. After residing a short time in Alabama, he returned to Lawrenceburg, where he died in 1855. His wife died in 1845. The grandfather, Spencer Pierce, was a…

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Goodspeed’s Biography of Joshua B. Parker

Goodspeed’s Biography of Joshua B. Parker

Source:  Goodspeed’s History of Lawrence, Wayne, Perry, Hickman, and Lewis Counties Tennessee, published 1886 Joshua B. Parker, attorney at law, of Lawrenceburg, Tenn., and a native of Giles County, is a son of John A. and Nettie (Baker) Parker, both natives of Giles County, Tenn. The father removed to this county from Giles in 1882, and now follows farming in the Fourteenth District. Our subject was born December 12, 1863; received his education in his native county, and finished in…

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Goodspeed’s Biography of William Thomas Nixon

Goodspeed’s Biography of William Thomas Nixon

Source:  Goodspeed’s History of Lawrence, Wayne, Perry, Hickman, and Lewis Counties Tennessee, published 1886 Hon. William T. Nixon, clerk and master of the chancery court of Lawrence County, Tenn., and a native of that county, was born November 18, 1846, eldest son of Chancellor George H. Nixon. He received preparatory education at Jackson Academy, of Lawrenceburg, and later attended the literary department of the Cumberland University at Lebanon, Tenn., from which institution he graduated in 1875. He had in the…

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Goodspeed’s Biography of Dr. Wiley Washington Neal

Goodspeed’s Biography of Dr. Wiley Washington Neal

Source:  Goodspeed’s History of Lawrence, Wayne, Perry, Hickman, and Lewis Counties Tennessee, published 1886 Wiley W. Neal, M.D., of Lawrenceburg, Tenn., was born in Giles County, of that State, June 4, 1833, and is a son of Wiley and Nancy (Goggins) Neal, both natives of Newberry district, S.C., where they were married. The came to Tennessee in 1818, locating in Giles County, where they both spent the remainder of their days. Our subject was reared on a farm in Giles…

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Goodspeed’s Biography of Ira Shepherd North, Jr.

Goodspeed’s Biography of Ira Shepherd North, Jr.

Source:  Goodspeed’s History of Lawrence, Wayne, Perry, Hickman, and Lewis Counties Tennessee, published 1886 Ira North, Jr., a prominent farmer of Lawrence County, Tenn., was born in Ohio February 3, 1844, son of Ira and Harriett (Egleston) North, natives, respectively, of New York and Ohio. The father farmed in Ohio and immigrated to Tennessee in 1849, where he followed farming and stock raising. In 1850 he removed to the edge of Wayne County, where he kept an inn. About 1863…

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Goodspeed’s Biography of James M. Metcalf

Goodspeed’s Biography of James M. Metcalf

Source:  Goodspeed’s History of Lawrence, Wayne, Perry, Hickman, and Lewis Counties Tennessee, published 1886 James M. Metcalf, a native of Lincoln, County, was born June 1, 1845, being the son of William H. and Jane (Kennon) Metcalf, natives, respectively, of Kentucky and Tennessee. The father moved to Tennessee in 1840 and followed merchandising until his death, in 1873. The mother died in 1863. Upon reaching his majority James M. (after securing a good classical education, finishing in Bethany College, in…

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Goodspeed’s Biography of George H. Mester

Goodspeed’s Biography of George H. Mester

Source:  Goodspeed’s History of Lawrence, Wayne, Perry, Hickman, and Lewis Counties Tennessee, published 1886 George H. Mester, proprietor of the Lawrenceburg Hotel, is a son of Kasper and Mary (Nieman) Mester, natives of Prussia, where they lived and died. George was born in Munster, Westphalia, Prussia, September 19, 1837, and was reared and educated in his native country, learning the baker’s occupation of his father. At the age of seventeen years he came to the United States, locating at Cincinnati,…

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Goodspeed’s Biography of Thomas Hamilton Meredith

Goodspeed’s Biography of Thomas Hamilton Meredith

Source:  Goodspeed’s History of Lawrence, Wayne, Perry, Hickman, and Lewis Counties Tennessee, published 1886 Thomas H. Meredith, livery man of Lawrenceburg, Tenn., was born in Giles County, Tenn. May 23,1846, and is a son of Thomas H. and Jane J. (Hodge) Meredith, both natives of Giles County., Tenn., where the father followed farming successfully until his death, in 1860, and the mother died November 1882. Our subject was reared in Pulaski and educated in Giles College. In 1861 he enlisted…

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Goodspeed’s Biography of Capt. Thomas Daniel Deavenport

Goodspeed’s Biography of Capt. Thomas Daniel Deavenport

Source:  Goodspeed’s History of Lawrence, Wayne, Perry, Hickman, and Lewis Counties Tennessee, published 1886 Capt. Thomas D. Deavenport was born in Lawrence County September 18, 1837, son of Thomas D. and Maria P. (Lucas) Deavenport. The father, when a boy, came from Virginia to Tennessee about 1810, his father being Matthew Deavenport. They settled in Giles County, where Matthew Deavenport was a prominent Baptist divine. About 1821 our subject’s father moved to Lawrence County, where he farmed, sold goods, manufactured…

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Goodspeed’s Biography of John Lilburn McLean

Goodspeed’s Biography of John Lilburn McLean

Source:  Goodspeed’s History of Lawrence, Wayne, Perry, Hickman, and Lewis Counties Tennessee, published 1886 John L. McLean, county trustee, was born in this county December 4, 1840, the son of Samuel D. and Elizabeth C. (Wasson) McLean, natives, respectively, of Kentucky and Indiana. Samuel D. when a boy came to this County, 1817, locating at McLean’s Spring, three miles east of Lawrenceburg. Here the grandfather, Samuel, raised a family of five sons and four daughter, and followed the occupation of…

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