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Category: Families & Individuals

Goodspeed’s Biography of Theodore D. Vaughn

Goodspeed’s Biography of Theodore D. Vaughn

Source:  Goodspeed’s History of Lawrence, Wayne, Perry, Hickman, and Lewis Counties Tennessee, published 1886 Theodore D. Vaughn, farmer and native of the county in which he resides, was born 1840, son of Thomas and Mary A. Vaughn, who were Tennesseans by birth and died in 1863 and 1862, respectively. Our subject was reared in his parent’s farm, and resided with then until 1861, when he entered the Confederate service and participated in the battle of Fort Donelson. He was the…

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Goodspeed’s Biography of Thaddeus Kosciusko True

Goodspeed’s Biography of Thaddeus Kosciusko True

Source:  Goodspeed’s History of Lawrence, Wayne, Perry, Hickman, and Lewis Counties Tennessee, published 1886 T. K. True is a son of David H. and Ellen (Glasscock) True, and was born in Maury County, Tenn., June 16, 1839. The father was a Virginian and came to Tennessee when quite young with his father, who was a soldier in the Revolutionary war. David H. was a farmer and followed merchandising and stock trading for many years. He died in 1871, and his…

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Goodspeed’s Biography of Darling Moses Tidwell

Goodspeed’s Biography of Darling Moses Tidwell

Source:  Goodspeed’s History of Lawrence, Wayne, Perry, Hickman, and Lewis Counties Tennessee, published 1886 Darling M. Tidwell is a son of Vincent and Phoebe (Rackley) Tidwell. The father was born in the Palmetto State, and was an early pioneer of Tennessee. Of their twelve children eight of them lived to be grown, and six served in the Confederate Army. Vincent Tidwell and his wife died in 1783 and 1883, respectively. Darling M. Tidwell was born in Tennessee in 1832, and…

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Goodspeed’s Biography of John P. Tarpley

Goodspeed’s Biography of John P. Tarpley

Source:  Goodspeed’s History of Lawrence, Wayne, Perry, Hickman, and Lewis Counties Tennessee, published 1886 John P. Tarpley was born in the “Old Dominion” November 21, 1804. His father was a soldier of the Revolutionary war, and came to Tennessee in 1808, and for three years was reside of Nashville, when which consisted of a few scattered log houses. A few houses marked the cities of Franklin and Columbia, and the city of Pulaski was an uninterrupted cane brake. Our subject…

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Goodspeed’s Biography of William H. Sykes

Goodspeed’s Biography of William H. Sykes

Source:  Goodspeed’s History of Lawrence, Wayne, Perry, Hickman, and Lewis Counties Tennessee, published 1886 William H. Sykes, of Athen, Ala., formerly a resident of Lawrence County, was born in Dayton , Ohio, August 10, 1842, son of James and Elizabeth (Mulholland) Sykes, natives respectively of England and Pennsylvania. The father came to Lawrence County in 1843, and engaged in cotton manufacture northeast of Lawrenceburg at Oak Factory. He was a useful citizen and died in 1865. William H. was reared…

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Goodspeed’s Biography of Col. James Lawrence Stribling

Goodspeed’s Biography of Col. James Lawrence Stribling

Source:  Goodspeed’s History of Lawrence, Wayne, Perry, Hickman, and Lewis Counties Tennessee, published 1886 Col. James L. Stribling, a prominent and well known citizen of Lawrence County, Tenn., was born in Giles County, March 9, 1829, son of Obadiah T. and Mary (Smithson) Stribling, natives respectively of South and North Carolina. The father came to Tennessee in 1818 and practiced medicine there in Athens, Ala., until 1829, when he came to Lawrenceburg, where he resided at the time of his…

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Goodspeed’s Biography of William A. Stewart

Goodspeed’s Biography of William A. Stewart

Source:  Goodspeed’s History of Lawrence, Wayne, Perry, Hickman, and Lewis Counties Tennessee, published 1886 William A. Stewart, lawyer and postmaster of Lawrenceburg, Tenn., and a native of Lawrence County, of the same State, is a son of Daniel M. and Sarah F. (Evans) Stewart, natives, respectively, of Tennessee and North Carolina. The father was reared in this county, and early in life adopted the medical profession. He practiced here until 1876, when he removed to Denton County, Tex., where he…

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Goodspeed’s Biography of Aaron Franklin Springer

Goodspeed’s Biography of Aaron Franklin Springer

Source:  Goodspeed’s History of Lawrence, Wayne, Perry, Hickman, and Lewis Counties Tennessee, published 1886 Aaron F. Springer, a prominent planter, and native of the county in which he resides, was born near his present residence December 3, 1836, being the fourth of eleven children of Jacob and Melinda C. (Todd) Springer, who were born in South Carolina in 1808 and 1812, respectively. The father came to Lawrence County, Tenn., when about sixteen years of age, and here married, and reared…

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Goodspeed’s Biography of Henry Bascomb Sowell

Goodspeed’s Biography of Henry Bascomb Sowell

Source:  Goodspeed’s History of Lawrence, Wayne, Perry, Hickman, and Lewis Counties Tennessee, published 1886 Henry B. Sowell, attorney at law, of Lawrenceburg, Tenn., was born in Hickman County, Tenn., July 24, 1854, and is a son of Hon. Joseph M. and Mary A. (Blakely) Sowell, natives respectively of North Carolina and Maury County, Tenn., the father being reared, however, after his third year, in Maury County, where he he resided until his marriage. After a short residence in Hickman County,…

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Goodspeed’s Biography of William Robert Smith

Goodspeed’s Biography of William Robert Smith

Source:  Goodspeed’s History of Lawrence, Wayne, Perry, Hickman, and Lewis Counties Tennessee, published 1886 William R. Smith, a prominent and energetic farmer of Lawrence County, Tenn., is a native of the county, born February 22, 1841, the second son of William and Allie (Nelson) Smith, both born in Tennessee. The father was one of the pioneer settlers, and his lived on his present farm, near Lawrenceburg, since he was eight years of age. Both parents are yet living and are…

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