Goodspeed’s Biography of George Willis Hammonds

Goodspeed’s Biography of George Willis Hammonds

Source:  Goodspeed’s History of Lawrence, Wayne, Perry, Hickman, and Lewis Counties Tennessee, published 1886

George W. Hammonds is a son of Willis and Ursley (Newton) Hammonds, born in North Carolina and Tennessee in 1800 and 1805, respectively. He was an early pioneer of Tennessee and 250 acres of land. His wife died in Giles County July 14, 1869. George W. was educated in the common schools of his native county and at Lexington, Ala. He became salesman in a country store near his home and held that position about one year before the war. At this juncture he joined the Confederate Army, holding the position of first lieutenant in company H. Thirty-second Tennessee Regiment. At the fall of Fort Donelson he was captured and held prisoner at Camp Morton, Indianapolis, Ind., for seven months. He was exchanged at Vicksburg, and was in the memorable battle of Chickamauga, where he was seriously wounded and disabled from further duty. He was married, in Lauderdale County, Ala., February 7, 1883, to Maria C. Landman, daughter of Samuel Landman. They have one child, Jesse Wade, born February 22, 1884. Mrs. Hammonds was born in Ala., June 7, 1852. Mr. Hammonds is a notary public, and has been magistrate for seven years. He owns 644 acres of good land, which he devotes in a small way to the cultivation of cotton, but gives his chief attention to raising the cereals.

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This biographical sketch was transcribed by Reita Jones Burress and posted on-line by Jane N. Powell on September 10, 1998, with the following caveat:

Not having a hard copy to proof read, errors will probably occur in the following document. Reita and I will correct them to the original Goodspeed from time to time. Thank you for your patience.

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