Land for Sale (1872)

Notice – I will offer for sale, for cash, at the Courthouse door in the town of Benton, on the Monday the 6th day of May next, all the right, interest, and claim, that Howell FREELAND has in and to the southwest corner of the northwest quarter of section 27, fractional township three, south, and range five, east of the basis line, in the Ocoee district, Polk county; Tennessee, containing forty acres, more or less, to satisfy two offers [?] of sale issued from the circuit court of Polk county in favor of John HUNT.

Also- At the same time and place, I will sell for cash, all the right, title, claim and interest, that James GAMBLE has in and to the following described land (except the homestead) to-wit: Two-hundred and fifty acres of land, more or less, bounded on the north and east by William M. Gamble, on the south by lands of widow RALLINS and William BROWN, and on the west by the Hiawassee River, being the lands where the same James GAMBLE now lives, in Polk county, Tennessee, to satisfy two executions issued from the Circuit Court of Polk county, one in favor of the State of Tennessee, one for the use of the Trustee of Polk county and one in favor of the State of Tennessee. printer’s fee $4.

ALSO- At the same time and place; I will sell for cash all the right, title, claim and interest, that John ELLIOTT has in and to the following land to wit: The south half of the north east quarter and the north west corner of the north east quarter of section 15, in township two, south and range 2 east of the basis line in the Ocoee district, Polk county, Tennessee, containing one hundred twenty acres, more or less, to satisfy an execution issued from the Circuit Court of Bradley county, Tennessee, in favor of J.C. DUFF. printer’s fee $4.

M.H. HANCOCK, Sheriff

[originally printed March 29, 1872- tds] (page 4, col 6)

Source: Cleveland Banner (Cleveland, TN); 26 April 1872. Available online at Google News Archive.

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