City Items – (January 18, 1907)

  • Messrs. Henry Blackwell, Brady and Andrew Rice Ewing Jr., left Nashville, Tuesday evening, Jan. 15, 19007 en route for Kansas City, Mo., where they remain for an indefinite stay. They will reach St. Louis Wednesday and remain over a few hours.
  • Miss H. Louise Perkins is with the mailing department at the A.M. E. Publishing House.
  • Mrs. John Young is much better after a few days of sickness.
  • Mr. and Mrs. P.D. Streator, of Murrell street, entertained Miss Hadnott, of Tuskegee, and Dr. S. S. Caruthers at dinner Thursday evening January 10.
  • Miss Matilda Johnson, who has been in the city visiting her parents on Jefferson street, returned to St. Louis Monday.
  • Mrs. Jane E. Napier, mother of Mr. J. C. Napier, who is now with her daughter in St. Louis, Mo., has been very ill for the past week and it was once thought she would not recover. Her children were here much aggrieved, and Mr. and Mrs. Napier had already planned to go to her bedside, but they received word this week that she is now slowly improving.
  • Miss Viola Baker, who has been visiting relatives in Gallatin, has returned.
  • Mr. James Harlan, who is in the Pullman service, is visiting his family this week.
  • Mrs. Callie D. House, the National Secretary of the Ex-slave Movement, will leave for Lexington, Miss., and New Orleans, Thursday morning.
  • Mr. and Mrs. James Harlan are visiting their parents of Hendersonville, Tenn.
  • Miss S. Christine Perkins has returned from Chicago after a nine months stay.
  • Mrs. Emma Laws, of 1915 Hermosa street, is convalescing after a brief illness.
  • Mr. and Mrs. T. W. McGavock, of 24 Wharf avenue, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Lee, of West Nashville, Sunday.
  • Mr. Jesse Randolph, of Patterson street, who was quite ill last week, is able to be at his work.
  • Miss Martha C. Grisham, of Jackson street, has nearly recovered from the effects of a heavy cold.
  • Miss Mary L. Clark, of Jo Johnston avenue, is slightly indisposed.
  • Mr. Charles H. Burrill, secretary of the Globe Publishing Company, who has been suffering neuralgia, has improved.
  • Mr. R. L. King, of Patterson street, is suffering with neuralgia of the face.
  • Mrs. Fannie McGee, of Decatur, Ala., is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Jane Davis, of Bass street, and other friends in the city.
  • Mr. and Mrs. Charles James, of 193 Fillmore street, gave a dinner in honor of their guests Mr. and Mrs. Radcliffe. Those present were Mrs. Julia Danny and family and Mr. and Mrs. Mary Cole.
  • Rev. E. J. Gregg, Secretary of Christian Endeavor League of Jacksonville, Fla., will speak at St. Paul Sunday morning.
  • Miss Drusilla Hill, of Division street, is on the sick list this week.
  • Mrs. Millie Hale is improving slowly.
  • Mrs. Ellen Ratcliffe is suffering with asthma
  • Miss Mittie Halfacre, of Franklin, Tenn., spent Saturday and Sunday in the city.
  • Rev. E. P. Ellis and Miss Viola Tedford Glascoe were united in wedlock at the home of the bride’s sister, Wednesday night, January 16, with Rev. C. H. Boone officiating.
  • Dr. W. D. Chappelle left the city Wednesday morning to attend the Bishop’s Council, which convened in Kansas City, January 17.
  • Dr. W. H. Heard, of Atlanta, Ga., preached a wonderful sermon at St. Paul A.M.E. Churchlast Sunday morning.
  • Mr. Henry A. Boyd, who has been suffering from an attack of rheumatism, which somewhat retarded his locomotion, has almost entirely recovered.
  • Mr. A. T. Landers, of the Baptist Publishing House, was slightly indisposed a few days last week.
  • Rev. Preston Taylor is out of the city for two weeks recuperation in Florida. Hard work and big business forced Dr. Taylor to take a much needed rest.
  • Mr. S. P. Toney, of 1700 Patterson street, who has been confined to his bed since the holidays, is improving rapidly.
  • Miss Minnie Toney, of Patterson street, will return to school at Normal, Ala., the first of next month.
  • Rev. E. W. D. Isaac, D.D., arrived Sunday, after having spent about three weeks on a lecture tour in the state of Alabama.
  • Mrs. Josie Henderson, of Twelfth avenue, North, is much better.
  • Mrs. Walter Hadley, of Sixteenth avenue, North, who has been very sick is improving.
  • Mrs. Jennie Nelson, of Webster street, is again quite sick.
  • Miss Carrie Bailey, of Chicago, spent the Christmas in the city visiting her grandmother.
  • Mr. Allen Johnson, one of the oldest members of the First Baptist Church, East Nashville, Died last week.
  • All of the services of the First Baptist Church, East Nashville, Sunday, were largely attended.
  • The People’s Mutual Benefit Association, on the East Side, of which Mr. J. Baker is President, and Mr. B. G. Bryant, Secretary, had their annual banquet last Wednesday night at the First Baptist Church, East Nashville. They rendered an excellent program. Refreshments were served. A large number joined the Association.
  • Mr. Earnest Cole was substitute letter carrier on route No. 9 Wednesday and Thursday of this week.
  • The real estate market seems to be in the boom among the Negro population of Nashville.
  • Quite a number of transfers were recorded this week in which they acquired homesteads.
  • Mr. Wyman Brady is the collector of the Globe. He will call soon.
  • Mrs. Garfield Morton, of 5 Marshall street, who has been seriously ill, is able to be up.
  • Mr. Garfield Holbert, of 1027 Thirteenth avenue, South, is much improved but still confined to his room.
  • Deacon O.W. Stokes is very much indisposed at this writing.
  • The many friends of Mr. Stephen Wimms, of Ament street, mourn his untimely death.
  • Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Campbell, of 1031 Ament street, spent several days in Columbia at the family reunion and returned home Monday accompanied by Mr. Joseph Campbell, who spent several days in the city.
  • Mrs. Susan Lowe, Principal of the Tennessee School for the Blind, and Misses M. M. Hunter and Lizzie Wells, two of the teachers, are now preparing the pupils for a drill and exhibition to be rendered when the members of the General Assembly make their annual visit.
  • Miss John D. Thompson is visiting relatives in Birmingham, Ala., where she is expected to remain for two weeks.
  • The Senior “Meds” at Meharry will have to face about two examinations a week for the next two months.
  • Miss Bessie L. Martin has been at Wilson’s Drug Store, South Nashville, for a month assisting during the holiday rush, is home again at 524 Third avenue, North.
  • Mrs. W. A. Plummer and little daughter of Cairo, Ill., sister of Misses Emma and J. DeWitt Shorter are visiting her mother at 1803 Church street. They will remain a week or ten days as Mrs. Shorter’s health is not so good.
  • News has reached Nashville that Mr. E. D. Sielski, a prominent citizen of San Antonio, Texas, met with a serious accident. On going home one night last week, he found a burglar in his house and in an attempt to capture him was shot in the mouth by the thief, the bullet lodging in his throat.
  • Dr. R. F. Boyd visited Memphis, Tenn., this week. It is said that he went to the city on the bluff to perform a difficult operation, having been called by some of the young physicians who had finished Meharry. The nature of the operation has not been learned, but it is believed that it was a major one in which surgical skill was needed as well as experience in the practice of medicine.
  • Mrs. Ella B. McLemore, of Pelham Manor, New York, is in the city for an indefinite time. While here she will be the guest of Mrs. Philip Douglass, of 1206 Jackson street.
  • Miss Henri M. Campbell, of the National B.Y.P.U. office force, who has been ill for several days, is able to be at her desk again.
  • Mrs. M. M. Thorne, of Tremont avenue, is ill.
  • Miss Willie E. Battle continues to improve from her recent illness.
  • Miss Ada L. Harris, of Fourth avenue, South, who has been quite ill for the past two weeks, is able to be out.
  • Mrs. Dr. J. T. Wilson is back from Atlanta, Ga., where she has been for some time at the bedside of a very sick mother, who was left convalescing by the doctor

Source: Nashville Globe. 18 January 1907. Available online at Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers

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