McNabb Turns Democrat (1876)
Hannibal MCNABB, of Ooltewah, has turned Democrat. ‘Rah for Tilden! Source: Weekly Herald (Cleveland, TN); 4 August 1876. Available online at Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers.
Hannibal MCNABB, of Ooltewah, has turned Democrat. ‘Rah for Tilden! Source: Weekly Herald (Cleveland, TN); 4 August 1876. Available online at Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers.
DIED — On the 29th, of last month, Mr. John NEWTON of this city. We didn’t learn his age. Source: Weekly Herald (Cleveland, TN); 4 August 1876. Available online at Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers.
In Obedience to an Order made at May Term 1876 of the Circuit court of Bradley county Tennessee I will on the 2 day of September next expose to Sale for cash in hand at the Court House door in Cleveland said county and State the following decribed /sic/ land
For several years out town has been subject to a great nuisance, in the way of men and boys getting drunk and shooting pistols after night. On Saturday night last about two o’clock some party discharged a pistol in front of J. T. CATE’s livery stable, the ball lodging in
Capt. BLUNT has raised eighty-nine bushels of wheat on 4 acres. His seed was of the “Golden Straw.” We venture to say this will not be beaten in “Bradley county this season. Source: Weekly Herald (Cleveland, TN); 28 July 1876. Available online at Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers.
Rev. S. W. TINDELL, pastor of the Baptist Church in this city, left for Sebec, Maine, this week, where he expects to make his future home. Mr. TINDELL has won the high esteem, not only of his church, but of all the community. The church has not made arrangements for
Laura – infant daughter of A. S. HOFFMAN, of this city, at the age of thirteen months, on July 24th. Source: Weekly Herald (Cleveland, TN); 28 July 1876. Available online at Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers.
DIED — Mrs. COOPER, wife of Bennett COOPER, of this county, on July 23d. Age about 80. Source: Weekly Herald (Cleveland, TN); 28 July 1876. Available online at Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers.
Mr. John SMALLIN, who had his leg cut off on the 4th of this month, was removed to his home this week. He is improving very fast. Source: Weekly Herald (Cleveland, TN); 28 July 1876. Available online at Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers.
At the residence of the bride’s father, four miles from Athens on July 20th – Mr. M. A. JOHN, of this city, to Miss Sallie BYINGTON. Source: Weekly Herald (Cleveland, TN); 28 July 1876. Available online at Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers.
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