Author Archives: dheap

REECE, Wm. – Not Heard From (1866)

Information Wanted – Wm. REECE, of Williamsport, Tenn., has not been heard of by his friends since the surrender.  He belonged to Johnston’s army.  Any information concerning him will be thankfully received at this office, or by his cousin, Miss Ella STEVENSON, Tuscumbia, Ala. Pulaski citizen. (Pulaski, Tenn.), 16 Feb. 1866. Chronicling

ROBERTS, Albert – SCOTT, Edith (m. 1866)

MARRIED — At. St. John’s Episcopal Church, Montgomery, Ala., by the Rev. John M. MITCHELL, Albert ROBERTS, of the Nashville Banner, to Edith, second daughter of Dr. J. Godwin SCOTT. Pulaski citizen. (Pulaski, Tenn.), 09 Feb. 1866. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress. <>

BROYLES, James – (d. 1888)

Yesterday morning while James Broyles was at work at the top metal cornice to the new store of G.B. Ross, the scaffolding became unbalanced and he was tossed off in a violent manner.  Fortunately, he was thrown on the roof over the sidewalk to an adjourning building, which checked his descent, but he continued

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