Book 2, Pages 165-166
Proven: March 5, 1877

[Transcriber’s note:  This will was very difficult to read and had several corrections including lines crossed out that obliterated other lines]

Divisional lines of H. Watterson farm Carters Valley whereon I now reside namely Beginning on a small peach tree in a parcel of the ___ on the southern line and west of a chesnut then north of said ___, thence northward a direct or ail line to a stake in the Carter Valley Road three poles east of the passage that the branch now has from the above road in the meadow southward; Thence westward with the said road to a stake opposite the end of an old cherry tree and rail fence north of the same route and line, thence with said old cherry tree row and apple orchard fence to a stake north side of the apple orchard fence to a stake north side of the fence ___ in range with the west end of said fence, thence with the said ___ west end of the same and passage into a wheatfield to a stake opposite to and in range with the fence, located northward up the ridge to the top of the same to a stake; then direct line to a stake near a gap into the field toward Robert Frazier has corn in new at pole and a pole and a half east of the inside ___ of the ___ running northward and leveling at Mrs. Felkner‘s line thence northward to a stake at the northern side of said field, thence a direct line to a stake on Elizabeth Thurman‘s south line at a post ninety poles westward of the eastern corner of the above line.

That portion or parcel of my farm lying and being eastward and northward of the above described divisional line and bounded by Elizabeth Thurman, Wilie Young and Lyons, I will and bequeath to my son W. H. Watterson and his heirs.

That parcel or portion of my farm lying and being westward and southward of the above divisional lines up to the E. Thurman line and bounded by the same westward to the ___ lines I will and bequest to my daughter Catharine Leeper and her heirs and bounded by Elizabeth Thurman, west to Mrs. Felkners to the Carter‘s Valley road then crossing said road to ___ fence which is on the line and with same to a Elm tree corner, then southward with the fence near the line to the peach tree beginning.

The platt of ground set apart for a grave yard with its privilege of a road to it within the last bounded portion of my farm yet it is hereby excepted and excluded from the following bequest I make to my daughter Catharine Leeper, all household and kitchen furniture, brass and iron kettles I will and bequeath to above named Catharine Leeper.

Henry Watterson
September 5, 1876

Transcribed by Betty Mize

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