MainResearch AidsQueries & CommunicationQueries Posted in November, 1998

The queries below were posted on the original TNGenWeb system.

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George EVERHART was born in Hawkins CO, TN, January 12, 1848. He married Rebecca M. GRUBB who was born in TN June 01, 1851. They had 3 children. David Walter EVERHART was born June 10, 1875. My Grandmother, Catherine Elizabeth EVERHART was born August 27, 1877. I was told they had a brother, Jeff, who died when he was about 12 years of age. By his siblings birth dates, I assume the only census Jeff would have been in was the lost 1890 one. How do I find his birth and death date and where he was buried? Perhaps some information on why he died. Thank you.
Phyllis PARSONS — 5676 S. County Rd. 200 E., Clayton, IN 46118
Submitted on Mon Nov 30 22:33:50 EST 1998

I am researching my father’s family, Morrisette. My email to Michelle Jacobs,who is listed as also researching this surname, is being returned. I would appreciate any information from anyon
vicki barb
Submitted on Mon Nov 30 20:46:08 EST 1998

I would like information on James WEST who was born in Hawkins CO, TN on Sept. 16, 1836 and died in Hamblen CO, Aug. 19, 1923. He was hit by a train near Bull’s Gap. Perhaps there is a newspaper article about his death. He married Sarah SCARBER or SCARBROUGH or SCARBOROUGH and they had several children one of which was my Grandpa. I would also like to know if anyone can help with Sarah’s death date, burial place, family members, etc. James served in the 1st TN Cav. under Brownlow. Sarah’s nickname was Sallie. Thanks for the help in climbing my family tree.
Phyllis WEST PARSONS — 5676 S. County Rd. 200 E., Clayton, IN 46118
Submitted on Sun Nov 29 23:14:47 EST 1998

I’m searching for the marriage record for Austin/Augustine WILLIS to Arilla DYCHE, 15 Dec 1837. This information is from “The Willises of Virginia” by Maud Potter and “The Gideon Macon of Virginia” genealogy. Neither give locations nor sources. I have traced other family members to this area. Can anyone help, please??
Polly Willis Gingold
Submitted on Sun Nov 29 22:18:32 EST 1998

J.C. MOORE, Born – 28 Feb 1824. Died – 31 Dec 1910. Buried – Osage, TX. Grad. of U.S. Mil. Academy 1849. <> Any information on parents or siblings and their birthdates, places would be greatly appreciated.
Ric Terwilliger — 2252 U.S. Hwy 52 W Apt H-5, W. Lafayette, IN 47906
Submitted on Sun Nov 29 13:44:50 EST 1998

Will exchange information on THACKER of Hawkins co., TN. Sarah THACKER b abt 1838, of Hawkins co., Tn. Md Lewis ANDERSON after Sep 1860 of Hawkins co.,Tn. b abt 1834 of Hawkins co., Tn. ch: David, Robert, George, Allen b Oct 1867, James b oct 1876 and Margaret b Oct 1876 Hawkins co., Tn. Lewis was Son of David M. and Margaret ANDERSON of Hawkins co.,Tn. Anderson ancestors came from Belfast, Ireland to Amherst, Virginia. Catherine CRAWFORD b Sep 1812 of Hawkins co., Tn. md Pleasant BARRETT B Nov 1811 of Hawkins co., Tn. Catherines father was William CRAWFORD? Pleasant BARRETT’s parents were Meshack BARRETT b abt 1770/80 in NC and Sarah HAMILTON. Catherine MEEK b May 1845 in Va md John BARRETT b Jan 1841 in Hawkins co., Tn. John BARRETT’s parents were Pleasant BARRETT and Catherine CRAWFORD. Catherine Meek’s parents were Jesse MEEK and Francis ? of Va.according to 1840 and 1850 census of Washington co., Va. snail mail:Betty MITCHELL; 13006 132 Ave. NE; Kirkland, Wn. 98034
Humphries — Betty Mitchell 13006 132 Ave. NE, Kirkland, WA 98034
Submitted on Sat Nov 28 17:51:48 EST 1998

I am looking for information on the father of Ephraim Turner Beatty, born. Feb. 18, 1854, in Maury Co., TN and died Aug. 3, 1938, in Monette,Mo. His father was John Beatty, born 1816? he married Elizabeth Pinkerton, Feb. 5, 1838 in Williamson, Co., TN. Elizabeth was born 1822? I am in need of more information on the above individuals. Ephraim had a child by Carrie McCaul, John Alexander Beatty, b. 4/5/1878 and d. 4/17/1955, he lived in Monette, Mo. He married Ida Jane Jefferson had two children Rolla Ephraim Beatty and Loraine Beatty. They lived in Monette, MO. I would greatly appreciate any information anyone might have. Thanks Brad Beatty
Brad Beatty
Submitted on Sat Nov 28 16:40:17 EST 1998

Looking for Barney vaughn who resided in Hawkins County Tn. He was born 18ll and later moved to Fayette County Illinois. This was around Salem, Illinois. He was married to Elizabeth Chaffin.
richard vaughn
Submitted on Thu Nov 26 17:50:23 EST 1998

Looking for information on William STACEY / STACY who married Rebecca GRIFFITH in Tenn. Rebecca was supposed to be Cherokee. Her father was Jonas GRIFFITH. Do not know for certain the ancestry of William. Would like any information on either or both families.
R. Arand
Submitted on Wed Nov 25 23:29:05 EST 1998

ELISHA LAWSON m. ELIZABETH RADER 1819 in Greene,TN. Son ALEXANDER LAWSON was b.May 29,1824 in Hawkins Co.,TN.By 1826 they were in Carroll,IN.,and then to White Co.,IN. bef. 1850.Alex became a minister for the Church of Christ.Who was the father of this Elisha? I have seen BARTHOLOMEW LAWSON listed as BART, BARTLY, BARCLAY LAWSON.Is it proven that this is the same person? I would like to hear from anyone that is researching this line or knows about the Lawson family. Also am researching CHRISTOPHER BURCH, b. abt.1809.By 1830, he was also in Greene Co.IN and his son, SIMEON BURCH was born there. I believe they traveled with the LAWSONS from TN. to IN., and then to White Co.,IN.where three of the Burch children m. three of the Lawson children,1848-50’s. From there they went to MN. in the 1860-70’s. Who are CHRISTOPHER BURCH’S PARENTS? parents? Possibly LYDIA GOODWINE and CHRISTOPHER BURCH m. abt. 1794? Why did so many go into IN. and MO. at this time? Thanks for a great page!!
Susan Axton
Submitted on Sun Nov 22 19:18:51 EST 1998

Looking for info and relatives of James Lawrence Coldwell b. 3-10-1817 in Hawkins Co. Tn. d. 3-2-1866 in Surgionville, TN. He married a Julia Melissa Bryan on 2-29-1848. They had a son William Andrew Coldwell b. 4-20-1866 in Hawkins Co. TN. that married a Rachel Southerland on 12-24-1890 in Hawkins Co. TN.
Johnny W. Caldwell
Submitted on Sat Nov 21 09:23:07 EST 1998

My daddy,William Hurttle HAWKINS, was born in Hawkins Co. Tenn. in 1915. I know his father’s name was William Mack HAWKINS and his mother’ name was Hassie LOCKE. Her father was Will Locke. I have not been able to find anything on them at all. On my daddy’s birth certificate it lists both parents as being born in Hawkins Co. also and their residence as Morrisburg. Does anyone have any info on either side. Thanks so much.
Marilyn K. (Hawkins) Lowe
Submitted on Fri Nov 20 18:47:01 EST 1998

I am looking for my grandfathers family or his fathers name and what happened to him . name unknow . my grandfather was born in Hawken co. TN. in 1873 his name John Calvin Herd thank you.
Jerry Herd — 12404 fm 90, Mabank, TX 75147
Submitted on Wed Nov 18 22:42:03 EST 1998

I am looking for any information about Matthew WALLEN/WALLING that may have lived in Hawlkins County about 1790. He purchased land with several other WALLEN/WALLINGS. Matthew probably migrated to Kentucky in about 1830 or so. Need to find Matthews father. Thanks for any help you can give.
Donna Miller
Submitted on Tue Nov 17 20:56:29 EST 1998

Henry C (or G) Blakely b.5-12-1833 Rodgersville, Tn B Co., 61st Tenn. Mtd. Inf. Died in hospital in Mobile 8-12-1863 Would like to know where he is burried.
Bill Blakley — 1555 Washington Ave. , Mukilteo, WA 98275
Submitted on Mon Nov 16 23:08:02 EST 1998

SANDRA YOUNG — 719 S. Newton Ave., Springfield, MO 65806-2743
Submitted on Mon Nov 16 13:10:16 EST 1998

In Hawkins county looking for SMITH jw married to a Bolin,marie and a HOlT, sullivan married to PRICE , mary ann.
cecil holt
Submitted on Sun Nov 15 20:46:18 EST 1998

Seeking Mary J. Lawson b 8/22/1831 m Jas M Smith of Greene Co in Old Fort 2/6/1852 d12/9/09 in Polk Co. This is my great gmother but I have no info for her ancestryexcept. UK.
Hilton C. Estes
Submitted on Sun Nov 15 19:58:06 EST 1998

1850 Census lists John W. Peters(born GA) married to Martha (born TN), cannot find in 1860 census. Any and all info on past, wife, and children.
william Bohne — 20392 Mt Olivet Rd, Leavenworth, KS 66048
Submitted on Sat Nov 14 23:23:27 EST 1998

I am looking for information about my great grandfather, Grover Cleveland WILLIS, who was born in Rogersville, TN in 1884. He had a half-brother named Thomas Clarence MILLER who was also born in Rogersville around 1889. I have two small pieces of history: a photo of two small boys and a woman with the notation “Grover Willis, his mother Laura and brother Tom Miller” and an envelope (no letter) addressed to Grover in St. Joseph, MO between 1922 and 1930 (this is the time I know he was there) — the return address is “Mr & Mrs T.C. Miller Rogersville, TN”. If you have any information that might help me in my search I would appreciate hearing from. Of course, I’ll share my info with you as it develops. Thanks in advance and good luck with your search…. Cynthia Barnes San Francisco, CA
Cynthia Barnes — 1970 Sacramento St., #301, San Francisco, CA 94109
Submitted on Thu Nov 12 23:57:59 EST 1998

Am looking for any information on Anderson STROUD who probably arrived in TN in late 1700s from NC. His son Wade H. Stroud was born in 1808 and married circa 1830 Nancy Stubblefield. Any tips, suggestions, or leads appreciated.
Charles C. Chadbourn, III
Submitted on Wed Nov 11 17:57:57 EST 1998

I am looking for information on the following family: George EVERHART who married Rebecca GRUBB (perhaps GRUBBS) and had the following children: Jeff EVERHART birth and death dates unknown, thought to have died at about 12 yrs. old, and David Walter EVERHART, b. 06/10/1875, d. 04/18/1965 in IN and my Grandmother, Catherine Elizabeth EVERHART, b. 08/27/1877 in Rogersville, Hawkins CO, d. 10/19/1965 in IN. She married George WEST in Hawkins CO on 02/19/1894. Their son, my Father, Otis Lawrence WEST, who went by the name Lawrence, birth certificate said he was born 06/26/1912 but I found him as a 3 mo. old baby in the 1910 Hawkins CO census. TN has no record of his birth. Any information on these people would be much appreciated. Thank you.
Phyllis WEST PARSONS — 5676 S. CR 200 E., Clayton, IN 46118-8962
Submitted on Tue Nov 10 15:27:20 EST 1998

James WEST married Sarah (Sally) SCARBOROUGH (SCARBER) in what year in Hawkins CO.? He was born 09/16/1836, served in the Union Army, 1862 to 1865, 1st TN Cav., Co. C, under Brownlow. He was killed by a train in Bull’s Gap, 08/19/1923 but is not listed in the book, “Hawkins Co TN Death Records 1914-1925” that I bought from the Hawkins CO Hist. Soc. Any information on these 2 families would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Phyllis WEST PARSONS — 5676 S. CR 200 E., Clayton, IN 46118
Submitted on Tue Nov 10 15:05:30 EST 1998

I am searching for info on a Capt. Thomas Coldwell b. cir. 1750. The Capt. was supposedly for his Revolution War service. He married a Delphis Ballard. I know of only one son Thomas II, who also lived in Hawkins Co.
Johnny W. Caldwell
Submitted on Tue Nov 10 03:48:05 EST 1998

About five years ago my father found a CHARLES cemetery on a farm that borders the Holston River in the Honeycutt community. Many of the head stones in the cemetery are illegible, and some never had any writing on them. Are there any records on this cemetery available?
Stephen Thomas Charles
Submitted on Mon Nov 9 22:51:54 EST 1998

Thomas D. Johnson Born 1830 I think Hawkins Co. Married Charity Carter Dat.? Children Sally 1852 or 53, Mary T. 1855 or 56, Alexander 1856 or 57, Enos March 11, 1859. Married Margarett Mahan or Mahon Ordained 12/11/1892 Stoney Gap Church Elder Robert M. Trent Rev. David T. Born Jan. 18, 1883 Clinch, Tn. Married Hattie Drinnon Oct.7, 1917. Know nothing pass Thomas S. So hoping someone there can help me. Trying to get this together for my grandchildren. Thanking one and all for any information you may share. David T. was ordained 1912 Stoney Gap Church, Hancock Co.
Joan Carter, Grndaug — 1109 Old Williamsburg Road, Sandston, , VA 23150
Submitted on Mon Nov 9 17:37:48 EST 1998

I am looking for the name of my g-g-grandfather. I am Howard H. SAMS, Jr. My father was Howard H. SAMS, Sr., b 22 Sept. 1914, d 24 July 1992. He married Rosa E. LIGHT, b 20 Dec. 1926. Mygrandfather was Rice SAMS, Sr. b 7 Mar. 1879, d 5 Jan. 1955. He married Martha Elender PRATT, b 4 Nov. 1884, d 21 Feb. 1973. My g-grandfather was William …… SAMS, Sr. b 11 Mar. 1840, d …..1885. According to a marriage cert., his name was spelled Willincam SAMES. He married (K) Catherine ……. FLEENOR. b 24 Mar. 1844, d 10 Nov. 1899. I am stalled here as to William’s fathers name. I have heard that his name was Plase …. SAMS(SAMES). William was listed in the 1870 census of Hawkins Co. to have been born in N.C. All of his children were born in Tn. William SAMS(SAMES) had the following children: Daniel b 19 Sept. 1864……William, Jr. b 11 Mar. 1866, d 1888…. Rebecca b 8 Jan. 1867……. John b ??????……Cora b 25 Dec. 1871……Elijah b 7 Oct. 1872…….Rice b 7 Mar. 1879…….Nelia b 4 July 1882. 423-288-0247
Howard H. SAMS, Jr. — 5853 Orebank Rd., Kingsport, TN 37664
Submitted on Sun Nov 8 08:24:40 EST 1998

Seeking information on BETHANY SMITH of Caswell County, NC who married JOHN APPLEBERRY in Hawkins Co. TN in early 1840’s. They had four children, MARY, MARTHA “CAROLINE”, WILLIAM, and DAVID. Bethany died in Tennessee in 1850, John and William died in Kentucky in 1864, Mary died in Tennessee in 1864 or 1865. Martha Caroline lived until after 1900, while David lived to at least 1878. Also seeking information on the parents and siblings of BETHANY. Father was WILLIAM SMITH, Sr., mother was ? . This part of the family lived in Hawkins County between the years of 1837 and 1842 (the APPLEBURY’s remained after the Smiths left) In addition to Bethany, other children were WILLIAM SMITH, JR., MARY SMITH, LEANNA SMITH, SIDNEY SMITH, THOMAS SMITH, CALVIN SMITH, LOREAN SMITH, and AZARIAH SMITH.
Kirby Ross
Submitted on Sat Nov 7 19:00:47 EST 1998

If anyone out there is researching the Rogers/Rodgers families of Hawkins County, would sure like to compare notes with you. Edna
Edna Clack
Submitted on Sat Nov 7 09:46:14 EST 1998

Please need information on OBEDIAH/OBEDAH GOODMAN found in Hawkins county 1810/1812 tax lists or any information on ALETHA (ALLY) RICHARDSON his wife?
sandy wallace
Submitted on Wed Nov 4 17:15:29 EST 1998

Seeking information re: papers of Mrs. F. M. ANDERSON, known to be a resident of Rogersville in 1920. It is my understanding that she was collecting information re: the LEE/LEA family. Does anyone know if the information was published? Or if the papers passed to the local historical society or an individual?
Sandy Pierce
Submitted on Mon Nov 2 22:10:18 EST 1998

Info on parents & children of William DAY & Elizabeth FRY, both born 1805-08 in TN. They lived in Bull’s Gap, Hawkins. Was John DAY, born 1830-32, TN, their child? In Oct. 1848, in Hawkins, John DAY married Fanney EVANS (Fanney born 1830-32, TN). Want info on her family.
Submitted on Mon Nov 2 19:39:44 EST 1998

If anyone has the Hawkins Co Deeds 1787-1795, I would sure appreciate a lookup for Benjamin, Joseph, or Andrew ROGERS. Thank you. Edna
Edna Clack
Submitted on Mon Nov 2 15:12:56 EST 1998

HUNGERFORD,Thomas or Tom born Nov 04, 1895 (I was told Waverly), in Humphrey Co., Tenn he married my mother Jemima Louise Wilson and lived in for a while in Bristol, Va. and Rogersville Tn
Jimmy Hungerford — PO BOX 16828, ASHEVILLE, NC 28816
Submitted on Sun Nov 1 20:50:53 EST 1998

Am researching my Great Grandfather Christopher Levi Slater of Hawkins Co. He married Sarah Francis Morrisett. Their Daughter, Eliza May Slater was born Nov.9, 1871 in Hawkins Co. Does any one have any information about Christopher? Thanks for any help.
Mary Lynn Felsberg
Submitted on Sun Nov 1 13:24:30 EST 1998

Looking to share info on any TUCKER and LAWSON info. I have a huge file with lots to share!
Mary Tucker Bell
Submitted on Sun Nov 1 01:53:03 EST 1998

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