Will Book __, Page 220

*** Nuncupative Will ***

Be it remembered that on the sixth day of January in the year 1837, we, Thomas Eidson, William Rogers and Jack Sensabaugh, citizens of Hawkins County, State of Tennessee, being near neighbors of the late Jacob B. Groves, and in being in the house of the said Jacob B. on the night after said 6th of January and a short time before the said Jacob B. died, and whilst the undersigned Thomas Eidson was behind the said Jacob B. on the bed supporting the said Jacob B., and the undersigned William Rogers and Jacob Sensabaugh were standing by the bedside on the same Jacob B. … he said,

Tommy, Tommy, I was to make a right to Howe‘s children for the land of Jacob Howe but have never made the right. I aimed to make a deed yesterday when I went to town, but I did not go”

He continued, “John and Winstead‘s wife have no share in it for I have paid them for their shares — and I want the land divided among the balance of the children…”

And then he observed, “Men take notice…”

Just at that time Mrs. Fanny Groves, the mother of said Jacob B. approached the Bed, and the said Jacob B. continued, “Mother, don’t grieve after me, for you have a plenty here to last you your days, and what is mine is all yours.” The old lady seemed much affected.

Shortly after, his sister Mrs. Charles came, and she observed, “You are very sick, Brother”, to which he replied, “I am, my days are nearly numbered”.

And in about one hour after, expired, without saying any thing more as to his property.

The undersigned Jacob Sensabaugh states that he did not pay particular attention to what Mr. Jacob B. Groves said in relation to Howe‘s land, but distinctly recollects hearing his state that he did not want the balance of Howe‘s children wronged out of their land.

He also distinctly recollects and paid particular attention to what Mr. Groves said to his mother, that “What was his was all hers”.

The undersigned further state that the said Jacob B. was of sound disposing mind and memory at the said time.

In witness thereof we have hereunto set our hands this 13th day of January, 1837.

Jacob Sensabaugh
[X] Eidson (his mark)
William [X] Rogers (his mark)


D. Alexander
W. T. Senter

This Hawkins County Will was transcribed by one of the following volunteers:  Audrae Mathis; Gary Fletcher; Betty Mize; Diana Arney; Karen Negron, Kathey Welder.

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