Will of Henry Watterson

Book 2, Pages 165-166 Proven: March 5, 1877 [Transcriber’s note:  This will was very difficult to read and had several corrections including lines crossed out that obliterated other lines] Divisional lines of H. Watterson farm Carters Valley whereon I now Continue reading →

Will of Samuel Farris

Book 2, Page 164 Filed and Proven: January Term 1877 I Samuel Farris of the County of Hawkins and State of Tennessee considering the uncertainty of this mortal life and being of sound mind and memory do make and publish Continue reading →

Will of William Trent

Book 2, Pages 163-164 Filed and proven: October Term 1876 In the name of God, Blessed be him. I, William Trent of the County of Hawkins and State of Tennessee having in view the uncertainty of life and the certainty Continue reading →