Will of Samuel Curry

Will Book __, Page 94 Considering the uncertainty of this mortal life and being of sound and perfect memory, blessed be Almighty God for the same, do make and publish this my last will and testament in manner and form Continue reading →

Abraham Molsbee Biography

Abraham Molsbee, who has extensive farming and stock-raising interests which he is profitably conducting in Montague county, is also well known as a minister of the Brethern church, and his upright life has commended him to the confidence and good Continue reading →

Gonce Cemetery

Located at Eidson, TN. This list of burials was submitted by R. Wilson in 1998. (1) Enoch Gonce (2) Mary Robinson (3) Joe Robinson (4) Therman Robinson (5) Mary Anne Robinson (6) Dock Robinson (7) Jack Quillen (8) Ewin Quillen Continue reading →