Last updated 7 June 2008
Page 85 - Entry 1149, David Garner
Page 106 - Entry 1239, Henry Garner
Page 144 - Entry 1349, John F. Garner
Page --- - Entry 1597, Henry Baker
Page --- - Entry 1598, Gabriel Eads
Page 144 - Entry 1673, John F. Garner
Page 219 - Entry 1679, Henry G. Garner
Page 85 - Entry 1149, David Garner
Hardin County}--- David Garner Enters 131 Acres of land by virtue of Sixteen dollars & 38 census in hand paid Situated in the County aforesaid on the Waters of Smith Fork in Range 13 & Section 4th Beginning at a poplar with a buck & black Oak pointers the South West corner of Entry No. 133 for 274 in the name of Poul Riggans thence South 80 poles thence East 31 poles thence South 60 poles thence East 55 poles thence South 8 poles thence East 72 poles thence North 149 poles thence West 158 poles to the Beginning Located 24 Aug 1846.—David Garner
Page 106 - Entry 1239, Henry Garner
Entry number 35. 35 is marked out and 28 written below it.
Hardin County}--- William Garner Enters 238 –123/160 Acres of land in Accordance with an Act of the General assembly of said State passed 17th Nov. 1845 in Range 13 Section 4. Beginning at the South West Corner of Entry No. 206 for 160 Acres in the name of James Hardin thence West 220 poles thence North 213 poles to Entry No. __ in the name of David Garner thence East 721 poles to the North West corner of said Entry No. 206 thence South 60 poles thence East 60 poles thence South 40 poles thence East 20 Poles thence South 30 poles thence East 341 poles thence south 50 poles thence East 20 poles thence South to the beginning located the 31st of August 1846.---William Garner
Page 144 - Entry 1349, John F. Garner
Hardin County}---John F. Garner Enters one hundred & twenty four acres & 40 poles of land under the provision of the Occupant Law of 1842. Range 13 & fractional Section 5th. Beginning at an Ash the South East corner of Entry No. 843 in the name of Samuel H. Wilson, thence West 89 poles to a dogwood & Chestnut, thence North 45 poles to a Stake, thence West 73 poles, thence South 50 poles, West 3 poles, thence South 80 poles, East 185 poles, North 130 poles, thence West 20 poles, South 45 poles to the Beginning. 4 Nov. 1847.—J. F. Garner
Page --- - Entry 1597, Henry Baker
Hardin County}---Henry Baker Enters 48 + 96/160 acres of land in accordance with an Act of the General Assembly of said State passed the 2nd of November 1847 in Range 6 & Section 4 Beginning at the Northeast corner of Entry No. 50. Thence North 48 poles, thence West 162 poles South 48 poles East 162 poles to the beginning. This 14th Sept 1848 – Henry Baker
Page --- - Entry 1598, Gabriel Eads
Hardin County}---Gabriel Eads Enters 101 + 65/160 acres of land in Accordance with an Act of the General Assembly of said State passed the 2nd of November 1847 in Range 13 Section 4 Beginning at the North West corner of Entry No. 196. Thence East 178 poles North 90 ½ poles West 86 poles, South 2 poles, West 82 poles, South 14 poles, West 42 poles South 42 degrees East 19 poles, South 55 degrees West 6 poles, south 37 ½ degrees, East 7 poles, South 40 poles, South 13 degrees East 20 poles, South 40 poles East 14 poles, North 20 poles to the Beginning. Including __ bounds & (ex?)cluding in Quantity Entry No. 1469 for 10 acres in the name of Henry Garner. This 4 Oct 1848. Gabriel Eads
Page 144 - Entry 1673, John F. Garner
Hardin County}—--John F. Garner Enters 124 –60/160 acres of land in accordance with an Act of the General Assembly of said State, passed the 2nd of November 1847 in Range 13 & fractional Section 5. Beginning at the South east corner of Entry No. 843, thence West 89 poles, thence North 45 poles, West 73 poles, South 50 poles, West 3 pole, South 80 poles, thence East 185 poles, Thence North 130 poles, Thence West 20 poles, Thence South 45 poles to the Beginning. This January 2nd 1849. –John F. Garner
Page 219 - Entry 1679, Henry G. Garner
Hardin County}---Henry G. Garner Enters 63- 72/160 acres of land in accordance with an Act of the General Assembly of said State passed the 2nd of November 1847 in Range 14 of section 4 beginning on the South West corner of Entry no. 725, thence East 114 poles, south 108(?) poles, West 74 poles, thence North 19 degrees west 105 poles to the beginning. 1st Dec 1848.---Henry G. Garner