Last updated 7 June 2008
Entry 1467, Gabriel Eads
State of Tennessee 7th District By virtue of Entry No. 1864 founded on part of C W. L Certificate No. 2901 for 470 acres I have surveyed for Gabriel Eads seventy two ΕΊ acres of land under the provisions of the occupant Law of 1829 in Hardin County on the Indian Creek in 12 Range & 5th Section Beginning at a large Beach standing 28 poles East from the N.W. corner of a 55 acre surveyed in the name of Wm. B. Ross running west 28 poles to Joseph Ashworths East boundry thence North 45 poles to Ashworths N.E. corner thence West 63 poles to Ashworths N.W. corner thence south 126 poles to his S.W. corner thence East 40 poles to an Elm thence south 20 poles to an ash thence west 125 poles to a small beach thence north 247 poles to a stake thence East 155 poles to a haw bush thence South 46 poles to the beginning. Surveyed (_ rest not readable)
John Eads, William Love (rest not readable).