Hardin County, Tennessee

Deed Book H

Last updated 7 June 2008


Page 488 - Gabriel Eads to R. I. Bailey

Page 489 - Samuel F. Wilson to Eli Pack

Page 488 - Gabriel Eads to R. I. Bailey
This Indenture made & entered into this 20 Sept in the year of Our Lord 18 hundred & fifty between Gabriel Eads of the County of Search & State of Arkansas of the one part & Robert I. Bailey of the County of Hardin & State of Tennessee of the other part. Witnesseth, that for and in Consideration of four hundred & ninety six Dollars by the said R. I. Bailey to the said Gabriel Eads the receipt whereof is hereby Acknowledged. The said Gabriel Eads has this day sold & Conveyed & by these presents do bargain alien sell & convey unto the said R. I. Bailey his heirs & assigns forever the following described tract of land to wit! One tract of land in the State of Tennessee lying in Hardin County in Civil district No 5 on the waters of Smith Fork Containing by estimation two hundred acres of land and bounded s follows- Fifty five Acres in Range 12 & section No 7 Surveyor District n being a part of 160 acres tract granted to James Emerson by James Hardin No 19545 dated July 17, 1823 bounded as follow to wit, Beginning on an Elm the South East corner of the said 160 acre tract, thence west 113 +1/3 poles to a white oak, thence North 80 + 1/3 poles to a dogwood, thence East 113 ˝ poles to a hickory, thence South 84 + 2/3 to the Beginning on other land of one hundred & forty five acres in Said County Range 12 & Section 4 date of Survey 23 Jany 1846, Beginning at a sugar tree running south 203 poles to Beech oak & White Oak west 113 + 1/3 poles to a stake in the South West corner of Gabriel Eads land East 113 + 1/3 poles to the Beginning for the said $496 in hand paid & the said Gabriel Eads for himself his heirs Executors & administrators doth agree to warrant & defend the right title Claim & interest of the said bargained promises with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging to the said R. I. Bailey his heirs & assigns against the claims of any person and all persons whatsoever. In Testimony whereof the said Gabriel Eads doth hereunto set his hand & affix his seal this date aforesaid. Gabriel Eads {seal}

Submitted by Donnie Pickard

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Page 489 - Samuel F. Wilson to Eli Pack
Filed for registration the 30th October 1850}
I Samuel F. Wilson have this day bargained and sold and do hereby transfer and Convey to Eli Pack unto his heirs forever for the Consideration of four hundred and fifty Dolllars to me paid one tract or parcel of land lying an being in the state of Tennessee and county of Hardin and in Range 13 section 3 and containing by estimation 40 acres and bounded as follows. Beginning at a poplar 10 poles W and 20 poles W from the N.E,. corner of one Entry in the name of Daniel __ for 44 acres No 721, thence N 113 +144/160 poles to a poplar and Black gum, thence W 37 poles to a __ _ ___ of pointers, thence E. 37 poles to the Beginning. Also one other tract Containing by estimation 38 acres more or less lying and being in the county and state aforesaid and Range & Section aforesaid bounded as follows, Beginning at a horn beans at the N. W. corner of __ Entry in the name of David Robison No. 727, Thence S. 5 poles to a horn beans, Thence W. 30 poles to a Box Elder, thence N. crossing the creek at 12 poles in all 40 poles to a sweet gum, thence E. 180 poles to a dogwood, Thence S 55 poles to a Sweet gum, Thence W 78 poles to the Beginning. Also one other tract or parcel of land lying and being in the County and State aforesaid and Range & Section aforesaid containing by Estimation 31 acres 128 poles more or less and granted to the said Wilson by the State of Tennessee by Grant No 10826 and dated the 29 Oct 1849. Beginning at the S. W. corner of Entry No 727 in the name of David Robison for 40 acres thence N 96 poles to a stake of Horn beans (didn’t copy rest of document)

Submitted by Donnie Pickard

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