This page was created by the late Bill Darnell.



Contact Janell McCann

Other researchers and I of this descendancy have been "stuck" on our Phillips,
McCanns, Garrisons, Lingo's, Martin's, Reeds, Gammells, Binghams and other
lateral lines who passed through Hardin Co., TN.  Any help will be appreciated,
as we are having to work with burned out counties, early deaths in AR of our
kin and little other information to go on.

Nathan PHILLIPS, b. 1801-10. IL?, d. c. ?1843, ?Hardin Co., TN?, mar. c. 1825 Hardin Co., TN?, GARRISON, b. 1801-10 (Sister of Chesley GARRISON who mar. Rebecca MARTIN?)

Sources: Census Records, etc. and data on descendants of Nathan PHILLIPS and his GARRISON wife by William H. PHILLIPS as submitted to L.D.S. archives 10-28-1973. Data furnished by Charley PHILLIPS Sep 1946, and W. A. GARRISON of Collins, AR.

I. Millie Manerva PHILLIPS, b. c. 1830, TN

II. William Leroya PHILLIPS, b. 10-19-1831, TN

III. Chesley (Charles) PHILLIPS b. 9-11-1834, TN

IV. Jeremiah M. PHILLIPS, b. c. 1834 TN

V. Milton G. PHILLIPS, b. c. 1835

VI.? Nancy M. PHILLIPS, b. c. 1827 TN, (said to be the d/o Jack PHILLIPS by descendant)

(I suspect Nancy was a child of this family, as no data can be found on a Jack PHILLIPS and there were 4 young females in this family in 1830. That would mean 2 females died or have not been found. A young widowed mother may have married again and the children left home at young ages. Or the other 2 females may have died young. It is possible this entire family was orphaned young.)

[These possible children of Nathan PHILLIPS listed in order to try to locate him and his family in TN in 1840.]

1830 Hardin Co., TN Fed. Cen. Nathan(iel) PHILLIPS 000.01-310.01 Only census record found in TN.

Males: 1 20-29 (1801-10) Females: 1 20-29 (1801-10) , 1 5-9 (1821-25), 3 0-4 (1826-30)


Ordered by the ct. that a States writ of venura facies issue to the Sheriff of Hardin County commanding him to cause to come before the ? of said ct. of pleas and quarter sessions for said county when holden the next ct. of pleas and .... in the town of Savannah on the 1st Tuesday after the Monday in September next. One being Nathan PHILLIPS. Hardin Co., TN Co. Ct. Min., Bk. C, p. 65


Ordered by the ct. that Jas. ROBINSON, C. L. PORTERFIELD, Wm. MADDOX, Jas. G. WILLOUGHBY, Bowen DAVY, Nathan PHILLIPS & Wm. K. BLAKELY be appointed a jury of view to view & mark out a road of the 3rd class including from Eliz. DICKSON to D. H. ROBINSON Mile & make report to next term of this ct.. Hardin Co., TN Co. Ct. Min., Bk. C, p. 78


Nathan PHILLIPS on list of ct. of pleas and quarter sessions, to serve as a juror. (Next page he is one of those selected.) Hardin Co., TN Co. Ct. Min., Bk. C, p. 79


Ordered by the ct. that Solomon BRAZILTON, Josiah FORESTER, Nathan PHILLIPS, Benjamin SUMNER and Alexander BAKER be appointed a jury of view to view and mark a road leading from William JONES’ , the nearest and best route to WRIGHT’S Old Place and report to the next term of this Ct.. Hardin Co., TN Co. Ct. Min., Vol. C, p. 532


Moses BALEY to William PHILLIPS, both of Hardin Co., TN, for $1.00 sells PHILLIPS personal property, as he is indebted to PHILLIPS for $180. due and payable on 25th of Dec. with interest, also $40. judgment in favor of William HUGHES. Hardin Co., TN D.B. G, p. 102-3.


Ordered by the ct. that William PHILLIPS be appointed overseer of the road in the place of William S. DAVY and that have the same bounds of hands to work said road and keep the same in good repair. Hardin Co., TN Co. Ct. Min., Bk. D, p. 237.


1850 Lauderdale Co., AL Federal Census, 2nd Div. E., p. 305, hh 61


Sousannah 50 SC

Sally 27 TN

John 19 AL

Jane 16 AL

Sousannah 13 AL

Sarenah 10 AL

Edney 7 AL

Mason 4 AL

Benj. H. ALLEN 21 AL Silversmith

Jane ALLEN 19 TN

I. Millie Manerva PHILLIPS, b. c. 1830, TN, m 1) Bartholomew James MCCANN, mar. 2) Mrs. Minerva [PHILLIPS] MCCANN, 35, mar. 2] 5-15-1864, Calh. Co., AR by A. S. JOHNSON, M.G., Bk. A, p. 1- W. R. ROWLAND, 40

See MCCANN Genealogy for descendants of Millie M. PHILLIPS and Bartholomew James MCCANN

9. David Marion ROWLAND, b. Feb 1865, TX, d. Dec 1917, AR, bur. Oak Grove Cem. mar. 1] 1898 Mattie TUCKER, d. ante 10-26-1896, mar. 2] c. 1898 Millie E., b. c. 1875 AR

a. Willie May ROWLAND, b. c. 1894 AR b. Joseph Marion ROWLAND, b. c. 1896 AR

c. Minnie ROWLAND, b. c. 1900 AR d. Josephine ROWLAND, b. c. 1901 AR

e. Robert ROWLAND, b. c. 1903 AR f. Mittie ROWLAND, b. c. 1904 AR

g. Mable ROWLAND, b. c. 1906 AR h. Lola ROWLAND, b. c. 1908 AR


Deed James N. MCCANN and M. C. MCCANN, his wife, to D. M. WROLAND for $250. land N fractional half SW 1/4 of Sec. 90, TWP 14, Rng. 5W [less 2 128/160 A], 77 32/100 A. s/Jas. N. MCCANN and M. C. [her mark] MCCANN. Wit. L. D. GARRISON. Drew Co., AR


D. M. WROLAND petition for gdn. of his minor children Willie May and Joseph Marion. B.M., W. H. ROPER. The children are entitled to land from their mother in Drew Co., AR: SE 1/4 of SE 1/4 and E ½ of SW 1/4 of SE 1/4 of Sec. 9, TWP 14, S. Rng. 5W. Land not cleared for cultivation. Petitions ct. to sell for offer of $150.00. Drew Co., AR Prob. Bk. J, pp 288-9


Land of deceased wife of D. M. WROLAND sold at courthouse 12-12-1896 to Jay & G. W. AVERY for $50. cash and a note of $100. Drew Co., AR Probate Bk. J, p. 305


AVERY did not pay the $100. note, petition to ct. to sell 3 bales of cotton offered for the land. Also ask permission to give deed. Ct. approved the sale and he was ordered to give deed. Buyer not named. Drew Co., AR Probate Bk. J, p. 444

1900 Calhoun Co., AR Fed. Cen., Moro TWP, p 38A, hh 110-110

David M. WROLAND b. 2-1867, 33, mar 2 yrs TX UNK UNK Fmr Owns, Morgt. Fm

Mary E. b. 1-1876, 24, mor. 1 ch, liv. AR GA GA

Joseph M. b. 2-1894, 6 AR TX AR

Millie M. b. 5-1896, 4 AR TX AR

Minnie b. 7-1899, 10/12 AR TX AR

1910 Calh. Co., AR Fed. Cen., Jefferson TWP, hh 8-8

David M. ROWLAND 45 TX MS MS mar. 2 times, mar. 12 yrs

Mollie E. 35 AR GA GA mar. 1 time

Joe M. 16 AR

May 14 AR

Minnie 10 AR

Josephine 9 AR

Robert 7 AR

Mittie 6 AR

Mable 4 AR

Lola 2 AR


1850 Dallas Co., AR Fed. Cen., hh 99 [Next door to Wiley MCCANN, 23]

William ROLAND 26 IL [right age to be 2nd husb. of Millie]

William T. 3/12 AR

1850-26=1824 Age of William ROLAND in 1850 Census

1864-40=1824 Age of William ROLAND in 1864 when married Millie.

William T. ROLAND b. c. 3-1850. Who and where raised after father disappeared. Where in 1860 and later census? William T. ROLAND would be half-brother of David Marion WROLAND?

Glenna ROWLAND b. 1884

1880 Calh. Co., AR Fed. Cen. - Did not find

1900 Calh. Co., AR Fed. Cen., Dallas TWP, p. 66A, hh 7-7

Elizabeth C. ROWLAND 12-1828 71 Wid, mor. 14 ch, 5 liv. AL NC NC Rents Home

Alexander B. 3-1870, son 30 Teacher AR IL AL

James M. WILLIAMS 9-1831, bro. 69 AL NC NC

1900 Calh. Co., AR Fed. Cen., Dallas TWP, p. 66A, hh 8-8

Thos. S. ROWLAND 8-1852 47 mar. 27 yr. AR IL AL Owns Mort. Fm.

Missouri A. 9-1854 45 mor. 8 ch.,8 liv. AR TN TN

Missouri C. 8-1880 10 AR AR AR

Harvey L. 6-1883 16 AR AR AR

Anna E. 3-1886 14 AR AR AR

Glenna S. 4-1889 11 AR AR AR

Claud R. 1-1892 8 AR AR AR

1900 Calh. Co., AR Fed. Cen., Dallas TWP, p. 66B, hh 10-10

Stephen ROWLAND 8-1854 45 mar. 16 yr., AR IL AL Owns Farm Free

Mattie 9-1864 35 mor. 7 ch., 5 liv., AR AL AL

Chester A. 9-1884 15, AR AR AR

Edgar C. 11-1886 13, AR AR AR

S. Myrtle 11-1889 10, AR AR AR

T. Norman (son) 11-1895 4, AR AR AR

W. Doyle (son) 10-1897 2, AR AR AR

1900 Calh. Co., AR Fed. Cen., Dallas TWP, p. 66B, hh 12-12 Mary J. ROWLAND, Widow with family - did not copy.

Is it possible that William Thomas Rowland was raised by someone in TX and he went back there later. Perhaps he could lead us to what became of his father, who may be the man Millie McCann married 2nd and went to TX? It is also noticeable that these people all had Illinois connections.

William T. ROWLAND could be half-brother of David Marion WROLAND?

II. William Leroya PHILLIPS, b. 10-19-1831 TN, d. 1897 Collins, Drew Co., AR mar. 7-30-1854 Mary Ann GARRISON, d/o Chesley GARRISON & Rebecca MARTIN, b. 11-24-1841, Drew Co., AR, d. 8-30-1917, bur. Centerpoint Cem.


1860 Drew Co., AR Fed. Cen., Collins TWP, hh 128-128


W. C. 1 TN William Chesley, per Wm. H. PHILLIPS

M. A. (f) 19 AR

Tina 2 AR Rebecca Fortina b. 12/14/1856 per W.H.P.

1870 Drew Co., AR Fed. Cen., Collins TWP, p. 101-101

William PHILLIPS 49 TN $600/300

Mary A. 30 TN

Becky 14 AR

William 10 AR

Nathan (Aleck) 1 AR


Deed from William L. PHILLIPS to Charley GARRISON in sum of $600. for goods, wares and merchandise and being desirous of buying other goods ... during the present year for purpose of enabling me to carry on my farm ... All my land: SE 1/4 Sec. 4 TWP, 14 S. of Range 5W, [crops, livestock, etc.] If not paid by 1-1-1878 or cause to be paid $600. and whatever addl. amount he may be due this conveyance to be void if paid. Also I appoint Charley GARRISON my atty. to save expense and delay of legal proceedings. Wit. M. L. BAKER. Drew Co., AR Deed Bk G, p 170-71

A. Rebecca Fortina Elizabeth PHILLIPS, b. 12/14/1856 Drew Co., AR, d 8-5-1880 unmar. [Source: Wm. H. PHILLIPS]

B. William Chesley Davidson PHILLIPS b. 6-14-1859 Drew Co., AR, d. 8-7-1880, Drew Co., AR

mar. 8-14-1879, 8-14-1879, Mahala "Haley" MCCANN [Source: Wm. H. PHILLIPS] d/o George W. MCCANN and Sarah BINGHAM..

8-14-1879 W. C. PHILLIPS 20 mar. Mahala MCCANN 21, Drew Co., AR

1880 Drew Co., AR Fed. Cen., Collins TWP, hh 56-56


Mary 46 MS -- --

Tina 22 AR TN MS

Aleck (Nathan) 11 AR TN MS

Charles (C. G.) 10 AR TN MS

1880 Drew Co., AR Fed. Cen., Collins TWP, hh 64


Martha A. 19 AR TN TN (Mahala MCCANN, d/o George W.))


Wylie MCCANN 17 AR TN TN Bro/Law b. c. 1863

1887-11-9 Nathan A. PHILLIPS 19 mar. Martha A. HARRELL 16, Drew Co., AR


This is to certify that C. G. PHILLIPS has made arrangements to live with is father and mother W. L. and Mary A. PHILLIPS and is to help to pay up the place and have 1/3 of proceeds of the place and at their death he is to have all the land they have. s/William L. and Mary A. PHILLIPS. Wit. J. H. CASH and J. M. SHEPPARD. Drew Co., AR Will Bk. B, p 60

1895-9-22 C. G. PHILLIPS mar. Juous (Inez per W. H. Phillips) BROWN 17 Drew Co., AR

1900 Ashley Co., AR Fed. Cen., Bayou TWP, hh 290

Charley PHILLIPS 28 b. 3-1872 AR TN MS Lbr hawler. mar. 5 yrs. Gave data in 1946?

Inona 22 b. 2-1874 MS MS MS mor 2 ch, living

Claudie 5 b. 10-1894 AR AR MS

Otis 2 b. 8-1897 AR AR MS

Is this the same Charley as C. G.? is there a mixup in the name and the marriage date or birth date of Claudie. Also I have note he died 1947 and is buried at Mt. Pleasant (Campground) (Methodist) Cemetery in Drew Co. His wife died 1966 and is also buried there.


Elder H. PHILLIPS 1878 1956

Elizabeth Florence 1880 1954

Posey 1908 1972

Henry Elroy 5-16-1910 5-1-1969, AR PFC., 36 Mil. Pol., W.W. II

Lester Arthur 1911 1958

Thomas B. 11-18-1919 6-11-1980

1900 Ashley Co., AR Fed. Cen., Bayou TWP, hh 307

Nathan A. PHILLIPS 34 b. 9-1865 AR MS MS mar.-yr, Edger in Sawmill

Nancy D. 18 b. 4-1872 AR AR AR No ch

Mary L. 11 b. 11-1888 AR AR AR

Nathan J. 8 b. 1-1892 AR AR AR

Willie 5 b. 9-1894 AR AR AR Compiler of L.D.S. data.

III. Chesley (Charles) PHILLIPS b. 9-11-1834, d. 4-1-1896, bur. Centerpoint Cem., Drew Co., AR mar. 7-11-1858, Drew Co., AR, Mar. Bk. B, p 183 Rhoda SHEPHERD, b. 8-1840, d. 12-14-1905, bur Centerpoint Cem.

(If the birth year 1834 is correct then is he a twin to Jeremiah, #IV.? Where is he in 1850 and 1860?)

Centerpoint Cemetery


Chesley P. PHILLIPS 9-11-1834 4-1-1896

Rhoda PHILLIPS 8-1840 12-14-1905

1870 Drew Co., AR Fed. Cen., Smith TWP, hh 83-81

Charles PHILIPS 30 TN

Rhoda 28 TN

Noah 10 AR

Ann 3 AR

7-17-1879 Noah PHILLIPS 19 mar. Martha HARDY 18, Drew Co., AR.

1880 Drew Co., AR Fed. Cen., Collins TWP, hh 61

Chesley PHILIPS 45 TN -- --

Rhoda 32 MS -- --

Mahala 18 AR TN MS

Josephine 11 AR TN MS

1880 Drew Co., AR Fed. Cen., Collins TWP, hh 63


Mattie 18 AR TN MS

J. P. BURTON 36 AR (boarder)

1900 Ashley Co., AR Fed. Cen., Bayou TWP, hh 296

Noah PHILLIPS 38 b. 5-1862 AR MS MS Mgr. Sawml- brdrs-mar. 1 yr-Own home free

Francis 22 b. 8-1877 AR AR AR Mor. 1, liv.

Eck? 8 b. 4-1892 AR AR AR

Mathew 5 b. 5-1895 AR AR AR

Clara J. 6/12 b. 1-1900 AR AR AR

IV. Jeremiah M. PHILLIPS, b. c. 1834 TN, d. 1864+ mar. 7-25-1853, Calh. Co., AR, Vol. A, p 27, he was 20, she was 24, Elizabeth FENTON, b. c. 1832 TN, d. 1865+?

1858 Jeremiah PHILLIPS to B. J. MCCANN for $150. for 2 cows, 2 yearlings, 2 sows, 10 shoats, about 50 bu. corn. Note due 12-8-1859. Calh. Co., AR Deed Bk. B, p 409

1860 Calh. Co. AR, Moro TWP, h 62

J. PHILLIPS 26 TN Fmr $130 b. c. 1834

Elizabeth 28 TN (Betsy on group sheet of Wm. H. P.)

Thomas (Jet) 4 AR b. c. 1856

Enoch (E. P.) 3 AR b. c. 1857

John 2 AR b. c. 1858

Jane 1 AR b. c. 1859

William JOHNSON 21 TN

1863-8-20 William JOHNSON mar. Louisa E. MCCANN, d/o Millie M. PHILLIPS & B. J. MCCANN.


R. H. ATKINSON: PHILLIPS and MCCANN not Probated, examined and allowed. One day after date, we promise to pay to the order of J. S. ATKINSON, administrator of H. ATKINSON deceased, $31.00 for value received, negotiable and payable without defalcation or discount with interest from maturity, at the rate of 10% per annum. Due 1-1-1862. s/J. M. PHILLIPS and B. J. MCCANN

I, Richard ATKINSON, adm. de bon of H. ATKINSON, deceased, do solemnly swear that there has been nothing paid or delivered toward the satisfaction of the above demand to the best of my knowledge and belief and that the sum of $31.45 is justly due with interest.

1870 Drew Co., AR Fed. Cen., Collins TWP, p. 102-102 (next door to uncle Wm. A. PHILLIPS)

Jet (Thomas) PHILLIPS 14 AR

Enoch 13 AR

John 12 AR

Lou A. 5 AR

A. Jet (Jethro?) Thomas Phillips, b. c. 1856 mar. 12-19-1875 Drew Co., AR, Emma MCBRIDE, b. 1860.

1880 Drew Co., AR Fed. Cen., Bear-house TWP, hh 110


Emma 21 AR AR AR

Adelia 3 AR AR AR

Lenora 1 AR AR AR

B. Enoch P. PHILLIPS, b. 5-14-1856, d. 3-7-1920, bur. Centerpoint Cem., Drew Co., AR, mar. 1-14-1877 Drew Co., AR, Elizabeth MCBRIDE, b. 9-20-1861, d. 7-1-1924, bur. Centerpoint Cem. (he was 20 and she was 18 when mar.)

1880 Drew Co., AR Fed. Cen., Bearhouse TWP, hh 109

Enoch PHILIPS 24 AR -- --

Elizabeth 17 AR

Della 8/12 AR (Aug.)

Martha GARRISON 16 AR Fm Lab (d/o Ezekiel N. GARRISON)

Della Jane PHILLIPS, b. 8-5-1879 AR, d. 4-16-1962, bur. Centerpoint Cem., mar. 10-17-1895 Drew Co., AR, R. N. MCCONN, b. 5-27-1871, d. 4-19-1939, bur. Centerpoint Cem. He was among the 30+ who were killed by a tornado that struck the church and cemetery as a service was letting out.

1900 Drew Co., AR Fed. Cen. (no reference noted)

Enoch P. PHILLIPS 45 b 5-1855 AR AR AR mar. 22 yrs

Margaret E. 38 b 9-1861 AR AR AR mor. 10 ch, 7 living

Lottie 15 b 7-1884 AR AR AR

Bertha 12 b 2-1888 AR AR AR

Grisham (J. G.) 7 b 8-1892 AR AR AR

Wesley 5 b 2-1895 AR AR AR

Vernon 1 b 7-1898 AR AR AR

Lottie bur. Union Cemetery, others bur. at Centerpoint.

1902-7-13 Lottie PHILLIPS 17 mar. W. L. TALLEY 22, Drew Co., AR

1906-2-11 Bertha PHILLIPS 18 mar. Charley MCDANIEL 20, Drew Co., AR

1913-8-17 Grisom PHILLIPS 21 mar. Ola BURCHFIELD 16, Drew Co., AR

1915-12-12 Vernon PHILLIPS 21 mar. Ida Mae CASH 18, Drew Co., AR

C. John PHILLIPS, b. c. 1858, d. 1860-70?

D. Dellie Jane PHILLIPS, b. c. 1859

E. Lou A. PHILLIPS, b. c. 1865, mar. 1890 Willie WILLIAMSON of Dermott, AR

V. Milton G. PHILLIPS, b. c. 1835, d. c. 10-31-1851, Calh. Co., AR


Milton died intestate in Calh. Co., AR on or about above date, had personal property, may diminish in value, B. J. MCCANN appointed administrator. Calh. Co., AR Prob. Bk. A, p 315

VI.? Nancy M. PHILLIPS, b. c. 1827 TN, said to be the d/o Jack PHILLIPS, mar. Joseph R. MCCANN

(I suspect she was a child of this family, as no data can be found on a Jack PHILLIPS and there were 4 young females in this family in 1830. That would mean 2 females died or have not been found. A young widowed mother may have married again and the children left home at young ages. Or the other 2 females may have died young. It is possible this entire family was orphaned young.)

1850 Dallas Co., AR Fed. Cen., Champagnole TWP, p. 9, hh 58-58

Joseph R. MCCANN 26 TN Farmer

Nancy M. 23 TN b. c. 1827, nee PHILLIPS

James K. P. 5 TN

Leroy S. 3 AR this is a GARRISON name

Anna E. 1 AR

George W. 17 TN Lab. bro.

See MCCANN Genealogy for this family.Enoch PHILLIPS

William H. PHILLIPS said an Enoch PHILLIPS mar. a MCCANN. Is he a brother of Nathaniel PHILLIPS or the same one as Nathaniel in 1830 census?

1831 Hardeman Co., TN Tax List Enoch PHILLIPS 1 WP .53


1850 Drew Co., AR, Smith TWP, p. 103, hh 411

William H. PHILIPS 53 NC Fmr, No R/W, b. c. 1797

Mary 40 KY

Joel T. 11 AR [should be in AR 1840 it this is correct]

John M. 7 AR

Wilford G. 2 AR


The relationship of William H. and William A. PHILLIPS is not explained unless I read the census wrong, but twice? Is this William H. PHILIPS the one in the early Hardin Co., TN records? William A. and William H. are door-to-door in 1850. Is it likely he is Nathan and the middle initial is wrong on census? Is it also a possibility his older children left home to live with relatives when the father married 2nd time?)

2-27-1849 William PHILLIPS 20 mar. Mary Ann CONDREN 23, Drew Co., AR

1850 Drew Co., AR, Smith TWP, p. 103, hh 412

William A. PHILIPS 22 LA

Mary 25 Ind

Elizabeth 5 AR

Sarah I. 4 AR


1870 Desha Co., AR Fed. Cen., Richland TWP, hh 9

William H. PHILLIPS 20 AR

Eliza J. 22 AR

George W. 10 AR

1860 Drew Co., AR, Saline TWP, 768-768

J. L. PHILLIPS 39 IL Mechanic

M. E. 31 IL

M. J. 5 IL

T. E. 3/12 AR

1870 Drew Co., AR Fed. Cen., Mill Crk. TWP, hh 117-127


Manervia 36 MS

John 15 AR

William 10 AR

Manervia 3 AR

Jane 19 MS

1870 Drew Co., AR Fed. Cen., Mill Crk. TWP, hh 117-127


Mary 15 MS

John 18 AR

Allis (Alice?) 17 AR

Thomas 11 AR

Anna 11 AR

12-21-1898 Lenora PHILLIPS 18 [b. 1880] mar. Julian DYE 18, Drew Co., AR

Lenora PHILLIPS, b. 10-1-1879 AR, d. 8-30-1949, bur. Union Ridge Cem., Drew Co., AR, mar. 12-21-1898 Drew Co., Julian U. DYE, b. 12-31-1881, d. 12-20-1947, bur. Union Ridge Cem.

Adelia (Hattie A.) PHILLIPS, b. 11-13-1876 AR, d. 11-8-1905, bur. Centerpoint Cem., mar. 2-26-1896, Drew Co., AR Hiram A. JONES, b. 10-13-1867, d. 12-9-1933, bur. Centerpoint Cem.

James PHILLIPS, b. 1859, mar. 10-21-1890, Drew Co., AR Mattie GIBBS, b. 1876.

9-27-1905 W. H. GARRISON 18 mar. Lena (Tina) PHILLIPS 17 [b. c. 1888], Drew Co., AR




Sheriff William THOMAS sells property of Jeremiah PHILLIPS to James MCCOUN of Fayette Co., KY for 14#, 4 sh. to partly satisfy judgement against him in favor of John S. TANDY. Part of in-lot #85, adj. E 3rd St., Water St., 1/2 A with dwelling and other buildings in town of Port William. Gallatin Co., KY Deeds, Bk A1, p. 360


Sheriff William THOMAS sells property of Jeremiah PHILLIPS to Simon ADAMS for 59#, 8 sh. to partly satisfy judgement against him in favor of John S. TANDY. 2 in-lots #10 & 11, 1/2 A ea., on Front St., and 2 out-lots #39 & 40 nearly 5 A each. Gallatin Co., KY Deeds, Bk A1, p. 362


Hardin Co.


Joseph PHILLIPS, No. 637, No. 2934, 9th Dist., R. 7, S. 6, on bank of TN River, located this date, (Don't you know the TN river was pretty then.) Hardin Co., TN Land Entry Records, p. 119

1830 Hardin Co., TN Federal Census

p. 267 William P. PHILLIPS 200.011-100.01

p. 277 James M. PHILLIPS 30/39, 2M 20/29, 2F 15/19, 2F 0/4

p. 279 Elizabeth PHILLIPS 50/59, 1F 30/39, 1M 20/29, 2M 15/19, 1M 10/14, 1F 5/9

p. 409 Samuel PHILLIPS 20/29, 1F 20/29, 1F 15/19, 1M 10/14, 2M 5/9, 2F 0/4

p. 410 Nathaniel PHILLIPS 20/29, 1F 20/29, 1F 5/9, 3F 0/4

1834-9-14 Joseph PHILIPS called for Jury Panel, Hardin Co., TN


Wm. PHILLIPS, No. 3307, Occupant law of 1833, claim enters as his reserve 156 A., 9th surveyors dist., 6 range, 4 section, 30 Nov. 1835. Hardin Co., TN Land Entry Records, p. 192


Wm. PHILLIPS, No. 3307, 1833 Occupant Law, 156 A., 9th dist., 6th R., 4th S., located 30 Nov 1835. Hardin Co., TN Land Entry Records, p. 192



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