This page was created by the late Bill Darnell.
Other researchers and I of this descendancy have been "stuck" on our Phillips,
McCanns, Garrisons, Lingo's, Martin's, Reeds, Gammells, Binghams and other
lateral lines who passed through Hardin Co., TN. Any help will be appreciated,
as we are having to work with burned out counties, early deaths in AR of our
kin and little other information to go on.
Chesley GARRISON, b. c. 1807, TN, mar. Rebecca MARTIN
I believe Chesley was an uncle of our Millie Manerva PHILLIPS who mar. Bartholomew James MCCANN. It has been reported she was a daughter of Nathan Phillips and a Garrison wife.
W. B. GARRISON and Uriah COSTELLO bondsmen for mar. lic. of Uriah to Elizabeth SHIPMAN. Hardeman Co., TN Marriages, p. 11.
1830 Hardin Co., TN Fed. Cen. Mary MEREDITH 000.1-000.000.01
1840 Hardeman Co., TN Fed. Cen. p. 240 Chesley GARRISON 30/39, 1F 30/39, 1F 50/59, 2M 5/9, 1M 0/4
1840 Hardeman Co., TN Fed. Cen. p. 240 William GARRISON 20/29, 1F 30/39, 1F 5/9, 1M 0/4
1840-11 Chesley GARRISON buys cow & calf from estate sale. Hardin Co., TN
1841-9-27 Chesley GARRISON bought clock from estate sale. Hardin Co., TN
1842-3 Chesley and William GARRISON bought from estate sale. Hardin Co., TN
Inventory of moneys due of est. of Jonathan W. MARTIN: A receipt on John FULLER of Illinois for an execution against G. W. PAYNE of Illinois, insolvent, $427.94, also money due from Wm. H. MAJORS, Samuel DAVIS, Sam SHANNON, Jason FAULK, Jesse POWERS and Samuel HARBOUR. s/Chesley GARRISON. Total amount due $780.27. Hardin Co., TN Will Bk. D, p. 64
Ordered by the ct. that Chesley GARRISON be appointed Administrator of the estate of Jonathan W. MARTIN, deceased. Hardin Co., TN Co. Ct., Min., V. C, p 546
Chesley GARRISON, Administrator of the estate of Jonathan W. MARTIN, deceased, this day returned into open ct. an inventory of said estate which was sworn to and ordered to be entered in the inventory book. Hardin Co., TN Co. Ct. Min., Bk. A, p. 26.
Ordered by the ct. that Chesley GARRISON be appointed Administrator of the estate of Jonathan W. MARTIN, deceased. St.. of TN, Hardin Co.] April Session 1843
Whereas it appears to the ct. that Jonathan W. MARTIN is dead and having made no will or testament and application being made by Chesley GARRISON to have letters of Administration be granted to him on the estate of the said Jonathan W. MARTIN, decd., he having given bond and security by law in such case is required the ct. therefore order that he have letters accordingly. These are therefor to authorize and empower you the said Chesley GARRISON To enter into and upon all and singular goods and chattels rights and credits of the said J. W. MARTIN, deceased and the same into your possession take wheresoever to be found in this state and a true and perfect inventory thereof make and return into our ensuing county ct. on oath and all the just debts of the intestate pay so far as the said goods will amount or extend the residue thereof deliver to those who have a right thereto by law. Herein fail not. Hardin Co., TN Co. Ct., Min., V. C, p 546
Chesley GARRISON, Administrator of the estate of Jonathan W. MARTIN, deceased, this day returned into open ct. an inventory of said estate which was sworn to and ordered to be entered in the inventory book. Hardin Co., TN Co. Ct. Min., Bk. D, p. 26.
Chesley GARRISON Administrator Statement---State of TN, Hardin Co. County Clerk Office, March 18, 1845. By virtue of the authority in me vested by law, I Welsey COVEY, Clerk o the County Ct. of said county have this day met with Chesley GARRISON, Administrator of the estate of Jonathan W. MARTIN, deceased, to make settlement with him as such administrator and find the same to be as follows.
Said Administrator is chargeable as pr. amount of inventory returned this amount $780.27
By a receipt on John FULLER for a debt against G. W. PAYNE, said PAYNE is insolvent 27.94
One receipt on William H. MAGON for the collection of a debt insolvent 23.50
A receipt on Saml. DAVIS for the collection of a debt on John B. MASSEY insolvent 28.27
Total 79.71
Here ends p. 152, continued on p. 153, other payments made. Net amount $439.36 Hardin Co., TN Wills, Bk. D, p 152-.
Jonathan W. MARTIN is probably the father-in-law of Chesley GARRISON.
1850 Tishomingo Co., MS Fed. Cen., 128, Southern Div., hh 556
Chesley GARRISON 43 TN mar. c. 1830?, age 23 in 1830
Rebecca 41 TN nee MARTIN
Ezekiel 18 TN named for Ezekiel of Hardin Co., TN?
Leroy D. 14 TN mar. 2 McCann daus.
Mary A. 9 TN mar. Wm. Leroya Phillips
Sintha E. 5 TN
Mary MEREDITH 83 NC Relation?
See records herein of Jonathan W. Martin and Leroy D. Martin. Are they father and brother of Rebecca?
1860 Drew Co., AR Fed. Cen., Bearhouse TWP, hh 308
Elizabeth 43 KY
Sinthy 15 TN
Martha 11 MS ] Are these 2 step-children, daughters of
Louvecy 7 MS ] Elizabeth by prior marriage?
L. D. 24 TN
1857-11-12 Martha W. GARRISON 24 mar. Pleasant M. STRINGFELLOW 27 - Who is she?
1870 Drew Co, AR Fed. Cen., Smith TWP, hh 16-16
Chesley GARRISON 63 MS Farmer
Elizabeth 52 KY
1880 Drew Co., AR Fed. Cen., Collins TWP, hh 59
Ches. GARRISON 72 TN NC SC b. 1808 Has Typhoid
Eliza 47 AL TN TN Widow of LANG
Cynthia 35 TN TN AL dau
Frank 12 AR TN AL son Frank LANG
William 10 AR TN AL son Lang mar. Manerva MCCANN
Lucy 7 AR TN AL dau Lang
Sarah 6 AR TN AL dau Lang
Taylor 7 AR TN AL gr-son
1903-10-14 J. T. GARRISON 30 mar. Armenia CAUSEY 34, Drew Co., AR
I. Ezekiel Nevison GARRISON
Is Ezekiel Nevison GARRISON, 1st s/o Chesley, named for Ezekiel GARRISON of the Ezekiel in Hardin Co.? 1850 Ezekiel in hh of pts. 1860 Where?
1870 Drew Co., AR Fed. Cen., Bearhouse TWP, p. 555, hh 25
E. N. GARRISON 36 TN Farmer /$150 No read or write
Elizabeth 36 TN No read or write
James D. 19 MS No read or write
Alfred 16 MS
Riley W. 14 AR
Chesley 13 AR b. 1857
Margaret 14 AR
Mattie 6 AR In hh of Enoch PHILLIPS 1880
Shelby 4 AR
Phodin? (m) 1 AR
1880 Drew Co., AR Fed. Cen., Bearhouse TWP, hh 105
Adaline GARRISON 37 AL GA SC Widow of Ezekiel N. GARRISON, 2nd wife
Louisa (LANDFORD?) 11 LA GA AL
Emma KARR 60 SC SC SC mother
1900 Dallas Co., AR Fed. Cen., Chester TWP, hh 78/84
James GARRISON 40 MS MS MS b. 1860, mar. 17 yrs
Bessie 32 MS SC SC b. 1868, mor 9 ch, liv
Henry 14 MS MS MS b. 1885
Sallie 13 AR MS MS b. 10-1886
Charlie 11 AR MS MS b. 10-1888
James 9 AR MS MS b. 12-1890
John 7 AR MS MS b. 11-1892
Ellie 5 AR MS MS b. 9-1894
Same 4 AR MS MS b. 2-1896
Jettie 2 AR MS MS b. 2-1898
Female 1/12 AR MS MS
1879-12-14 Chesley Hugh GARRISON 21 mar. Sallie Ann WILSON 22, Drew Co., AR
1880 Drew Co., AR Fed. Cen., Bearhouse TWP, hh 106
Chesley GARRISON 21 AR -- --
Anne 21 AL GA GA
George 6 AR AR AL bro. per H.M.P.
Rosey 2 AR AL AL sis. "
1886-10-10 Charles H. GARRISON 28 mar. Jane W. WEBB 28
1900 Drew Co., AR Fed. Cen., Bearhouse TWP, p. 23, line 45
Chesley GARRISON 41 AR AR TN b. 9-58 mar 20 yrs
Jane 45 TN TN TN b. 1-55 mor 2 ch, liv (2nd wife)
William A. 12 AR AR TN b. 11-87
Viola 11 AR AR TN b. 5-89
1894-11-8 G. H. GARRISON 20 mar. Edna STRICKLAND 16
1905-9-27 W. H. GARRISON 18 mar. Lena (Tina?) PHILLIPS 17
1906-9-23 Viola GARRISON 17 of Bearhouse TWP mar. E. M. JONES 36
1915-2-3 George W. GARRISON 38 mar. Hattie NOWLAN 31
1900 Drew Co., AR Fed. Cen., Bearhouse TWP, p. 24
George GARRISON 24 AR AR MS mar 6 yrs, b. c. 1876
Edna 21 AR MS MS mor 3 ch, 3 living
George W. 3 AR AR AR
Horace F. 1 AR AR AR
II. Leroy David GARRISON mar. the two following MCCANN daughters
Louisa Elizabeth MCCANN, b. 8-15-1847 AR, d. c. 1871, mar. 1) 8-20-1864, Calh. Co., AR, by Elder A. S. JOHNSON , (she was 16, he was 24), William J. JOHNSON, b. c. 1840, d. in TX?, Louisa Elizabeth (MCCANN) JOHNSON, mar. 2) 8-23-1865, (she was 17) Calh. Co., AR, Bk. A, p. 36 Leroy David GARRISON
Nancy Jane MCCANN, b. 2-18-1851 AR, d. 3-12-1910, bur. Chambersville Cem., Calh. Co., AR, mar. 20 Aug 1871, Leroy David GARRISON, b. 6-17-1836 TN, d. 10-15-1915, bur. Chambersville Cem.
1870 Drew Co., AR Fed. Cen., Smith TWP, p. 656, hh 11
David GARRISON 34 TN Fmr 0/$100
Elizabeth 23 AR
James 4 AR
hh 12 Melvina MCCANN 40 TN
hh 13 Sarah GARRISON 24 TN
hh 14 William GARRISON 59 TN [bro. of Chesley?
hh 15 Mary TIDWELL 26 MS
1880 Drew Co., AR Fed. Cen., Collins TWP, hh 58
Jane 35 AR TN TN
Chesley 13 AR MS AR
Andrew 8 AR MS AR
Willie (f) 2 AR MS AR
1900 Calhoun Co., AR Fed. Cen., Moro TWP, hh 87
Leroy D. GARRISON 63 TN TN TN b. 6-1836 mar. 26 yrs
Nancy J. 49 AR TN TN b. 2-1851, 6 ch, 5 liv
Mary L. 19 AR TN AR b. 2-1851
Milton B. 13 AR TN AR b. 10-1886
Marion W. 13 AR TN AR b. 11-1888
1895/12/25 A. L. GARRISON 22 mar. A. S. HOUSE
1900 Calh. Co., AR Fed. Cen., Jefferson TWP, p. 17B, hh 2993-295
Andrew L. GARRISON 26 b. 9/1874 AR TN AR mar. 4 yrs
Addie L. 23 b. 9/1887 AR AR AR mor. 1 ch, deceased
1910 Calhoun Co., AR Fed. Cen., Moro TWP, hh 151
Andrew L. GARRISON 36 AR TN mar. 16 yrs
Addie L. 34 AR mor 5 ch, 3 liv
Julian O. 8 AR son
Mamie L. 5 AR dau
William R. 3 AR son
1910 Calhoun Co., AR Fed. Cen., Moro TWP, hh 140
Milton B. GARRISON 23 AR TN mar. 3 yrs
Mary W. 21 AR MS mor 2, liv.
Verlie U. 2 AR AR AR Dau
Eulah L. 1/12 AR AR AR Dau
1910 Calhoun Co., AR Fed. Cen., Moro TWP, hh 142
Marion W. GARRISON 32 AR TN AR mar. 1 yr
Ruby E. 14 TX wife 0 ch
Leroy D. 78 TN US US wid father
1830 Hardeman Co., TN Fed. Cen., John GARRISON 001.100.1-002.000.1
A. William GARRISON, b. c. 1811 TN
I believe he is a younger brother of Chesley GARRISON and of wife of Nathaniel PHILLIPS.
1840 Hardeman Co., TN Fed. Cen. (listed alphabetically)
p. 240 Arthur GARRISON 30/39, 1F 30/39, 1F 10/14, 1F 5/9, 1M 0/4, 1F 0/4
p. 240 Chesley GARRISON 30/39, 1F 30/39, 1F 50/59, 2M 5/9, 2M 5/9, 1M 0/4
p. 240 William GARRISON 20/29, 1F 30/39, 1F 5/9, 1M 0/4
Wm. GARRISON, No. 630, 1840 Occupancy law, 148 A., R 12, S 3, located 27 Feb 1841. Hardin Co., TN Land Entry Records, p. 247
1842-3 Chesley and William GARRISON bought from estate sale. Hardin Co., TN
1850 Where? MS?
1860 Searcy Co., AR Fed. Cen., Locust Grove TWP, p 559-551
W. G. GARRISON 49 TN Fmr Mary 51 TN
Alexander 18 TN b. c. 1842 William 14 MS b. c. 1846
1870 Drew Co., AR Fed. Cen., Smith TWP, p. 656, hh 13
Sarah GARRISON 24 TN Dom. Serv. No write [Widow of Alexander?]
Sarah 6 AR
1870 Drew Co., AR Fed. Cen., Smith TWP, p. 656, hh 14
William GARRISON 59 TN No read or write
Mary 62 KY No write
William 23 MS b. c. 1847 MS
1870 Drew Co., AR Fed. Cen., Smith TWP, p. 656, hh 15
Mary TIDWELL 26 MS No write [Wid. d/o William?]
Mary L. 10 AR No read or write
Nancy E. 8 AR
Samuel 5 AR
Joseph 3 AR
Lucy 2 AR [Mary may be in Searcy with husband in 1860?]
I believe he is another brother of Chesley GARRISON.
Ezekiel GARRISON, No. 1410, By Cert. No. 4879, issued by Reg. of W. TN this date to John BRAGG, 5 A., Range 12, Sec. 2, on Horse Creek, for complement 2 June 1824. Hardin Co., TN Land Entry Records, p. 85
Ezekiel GARRISON, No. 1399, Assignee of Jesse JOY by virtue of two Certificates No. 5369 for 7 A & No. 5368 for 7 A, Register of W. Tennessee 17 May 1824, Range 12, Sec. 2, on waters of Horse Creek, June 2, 1824. Hardin Co., TN Land Entry Records, p. 84
Entry No. to Ezekiel GARRISON, assignee of Jesse JOY, 14 A in Rng. 12, Sec. 2, on waters of Horse Creek. Hardin Co., TN Land Entries V. 4, p 84
Entry No. 1400, Survey 907, Ezekiel GARRISON, assignee of John BRAGG, 5 A in Rng. 12, Sec. 2, on waters of Horse Creek. Hardin Co., TN Land Entries V. 4, p 88
1830 Hardin Co., TN Fed. Cen., p. 401 Arthur GARRISON 20/29, 1F 20/29, 2F 0/4
List for potential jurors at next term of ct. of pleas and quarter sessions: Arthur GARRISON. Hardin Co., TN Co. Ct. Min., Bk. C, p. 84
1840 Hardeman Co., TN Fed. Cen. p. 240, Arthur GARRISON 30/39, 1F 30/39, 1F 10/14, 1F 5/9, 1M 0/4, 1F 0/4
1840 Hardeman Co., TN Fed. Cen. (listed alphabetically)
p. 240 Arthur GARRISON 30/39, 1F 30/39, 1F 10/14, 1F 5/9, 1M 0/4, 1F 0/4
1850 Hardin Co., TN Fed. Cen., p. 15/527
Arthur GARRISON 44 KY (Bradley Co. 1860) b. c. 1806
Cynthia 48 TN (MARTIN?)
Nancy 20 TN
Sarah P. 17 TN
Rebecca 14 TN (Named for Rebecca, w/o Chesley, aunt?)
Jonathan 13 TN
James K. P. 7 TN
Valdora Dewitt GARRISON, b. ca 1829 AL, d. 1860-70, Drew Co., AR
1850 Drew Co., AR Fed. Cen., Marion TWP, hh 43
Valdora Dewitt GARRISON 21 AL (b. 1829)
Mary A. 19 MS
Valdora N. 1 AR
1860 Drew Co., AR Fed. Cen., Marion TWP, hh 246
V. D. GARRISON 31 AL Farmer
Elizor E. 31 TN
George 10 AR
Virginia (J.) 3 AR
Ruth 1 AR
(See 1870 Sabrina (Elvira) GARRISON, has Virginia, 13)
1874/12/9 George S. GARRISON 24 mar. Laura J. DENTON 17, Drew Co., AR
1888/1/27 Jennie GARRISON 30 of Marion TWP mar. G. W. BREWER 40 of Prairie TWP, Drew Co., AR
1870 Drew Co., AR Marion TWP, p. 622, hh 338
Sabrina? GARRISON 40 KY (Elvira)
Virginia 13 AR
Richard 8 AR
Emily 5 AR
Clemmie E. 3 AR
1880 Drew Co., AR Fed. Cen., Marion TWP, hh 311/320
Virginia 23 AR SC KY
Dewitt 18 AR SC KY (Richard)
Emma 15 AR SC KY
Clemmie 13 AR SC KY
1886/1/12 Clemmie GARRISON 19 of Bearhouse TWP mar. John Leander FERGUSON 21, Drew Co, AR
1880 Drew Co., AR Fed. Cen., Bearhouse TWP, hh 114
Laura GARRISON 24 AR AL AL (wid. George S., s/o Valdora?)
Willie (dau) 4 AR AR AR
Jimmie 2 AR AR AR
1893/4/3 Willie GARRISON 27 of Bearhouse mar. Thomas HUDSON 31, Drew Co.
1822 Petition of Bedford Co.: Wm. GALBRAITH wants to build a bridge across Duck River at Shelbyville for his Carding Machine. Signers of Petition: Carthon GARRISON, Wm. PHILLIPS, James GAMMILL, Alexander EAKIN, Thomas PHILLIPS, Benj. PHILLIPS, Andrew GAMILL, Jonas MARTIN, Andrew R. MARTIN.
1830 Bedford Co., TN Fed. Cen.
p. 1 (Isaiah?) iah GARRISON 210.001-1
p. 59 Saml. R. GARISON 001.100.1-001.000.01
1830 Hardeman Co., TN Fed. Cen., p. 385 John GARRISON 40/49, 1F 40/49, 1M 15/19, 1M 10/14, 2F 10/14
Deed from Daniel CHERRY of Haywood Co., TN to Jonathan W. MARTIN of Hardin Co., TN, for $150. paid, for 50 A, in county of Madison, St.... of TN, in 17th Surveyor Dist. Range 1, Sec. 3, on Turkey Creek granted to CHERRY by St.... of TN. No. 318, adj. William HALBERT. Wit. Harris B. LILLY, Renit? BROOKS, A. W. SWEENY, A. F. McCAIN?, Albert G. CHERRY. Reg. 6-19-1838. Hardin Co., TN D.B. D, p. 216-7.
Jonathan W. MARTIN wit. will of Henry REYNOLDS, decd., exors. Jesse B. GANTT & Elisha PACK. Other wit. William PICKERY, John C. REYNOLDS & Jesse B. GANTT. Hardin Co., TN Co. Ct. Min., Bk. C, p. 15
Jonathan W. MARTIN was this day duly & constitutionally elected constable for Capt. BURGES Company for the ensuing 2 years who gave bond & security which was received by the ct. and took the necessary oaths for his qualifications as such. Hardin Co., TN Co. Ct. Min., Bk. C, p. 30
Leroy MARTIN to serve on grand jury. Hardin Co., TN Co. Ct. Min., Bk. C, p. 107
Deed Daniel CHERRY of Haywood Co. to Jonathan W. MARTIN for $150.00, 50 A in 7th Dist., Rng. 13, Sec. 3, on Turkey Creek, adj. William MALBERT. Wit. A. W. SWEENY, A. F. MCLAIN, Albert G. CHERRY. Hardin Co., TN D.B. D, p. 216-7
Leroy D. MARTIN Entry No. 548, 50 3/4 A on Turkey Creek, Rng. 12, Sec. 3, Adj. William HOLBERT, Samuel HOLBERT. L. D. MARTIN, locator. Hardin Co., TN Land Entries V. 4, p 253
Quit Claim for $1.00 all rights of he and his wife Mary J. MARTIN. She is heir of John KINDEL, deceased. Payable to James L. KINDEL of same county. There was a marriage contract made 10-5-1848, reg. 10-10-1843 in Bk. G, p. 31-34. Wit. Wm. KINDEL & George F. BENTON.
Another Quit Claim to Elizabeth KINDEL for distributive share of his wife Mary J. MARTIN of estate of John KINDEL.
Another deed John KINDEL, deceased, his heirs, agreement. Elizabeth KINDEL, widow, James. L., William C., Alford K., John N. KINDEL and George F. BENTON, Manerva BENTON, James MARTIN & Mary J. MARTIN, children of deceased, all of lawful age - distribution of tavern house and other buildings & houses and out houses on the town of Savannah, and all land in Hardin Co., all stock, furniture, etc. is allotted, divided and distributed to Elizabeth during her lifetime, also all debts. Negroes are divided or money in place thereof. Mary J. quit claims her share. Hardin Co., TN D.B. G, p 158-160.
Ordered by the ct. that Joseph MARTIN be released from paying poll tax this county not being his place of residence as of that the sheriff herein a credit for the sum. Hardin Co., TN Co. Ct. Min., Bk. D, p. 90.
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