14. April 2018 · Comments Off on CLARK, John C. (25 Feb 1895) · Categories: Obituary · Tags: ,

Obituary John C. Clark


Mr. John C. Clark Dies Very Suddenly at His Home in Covington Last Monday Morning

Mr. John C. Clark died very suddenly at his home in Covington, of Bright’s disease, last Monday morning at 6 o’clock. Mr. Clark had been in bad health for several years, but there were seasons when he would grow better, and while his family and friends had little if any hope of his permanent recovery, still his death was a sad and sudden shock to them, although it was not wholly unexpected that he would pass away with little warning. Mr. Clark often had considerable difficulty in breathing, and would sometimes be obliged to get up in the night and sit in his chair, and would thus be relieved to some extent. He arose for this purpose, it is said, about 4 o’clock Monday morning and was sitting in his dressing gown and slippers in his chair before the fire, when suddenly his wife was aroused by an unusual sound and hastening to his side, found his already beyond human aid and life was soon entirely gone.

Mr. Clark was in his fifty-fourth year and was born in Hardeman County, near Saulsbury, in the year 1841. Moving to Covington in the year 1873, he formed a partnership with Messrs. John A. Crofford and W. W. R. Elliott, Jr., in the mercantile business under the firm name of Crofford, Clark & Elliott. Mr. Elliott retired shortly afterward from the firm, leaving the business in the hands of Crofford & Clark. This firm continued for sixteen years one of the most successful businesses ever conducted in Covington, in the corner store not occupied by M. A. Walker.

A short while after moving to Covington, Mr. Clark married Miss Luta Malone, of Memphis, who has shared life’s joys and sorrows with him and who is thrown into the deepest state of grief by his sudden death. Five children – three sons and two daughters – also survive him.

Mr. Clark was born and raised on a farm and the early habits of industry and economy there acquired laid the foundation for a business life of notable success. He was a gallant soldier in the late war and filled with honor the position of lieutenant in the Twelfth Tennessee regiment. At the battle of Pulaski, Tenn., in October 1864, he received a wound which disabled him for the balance of the way and from which he suffered many years.

Mr. Clark was an exemplary Christian man and had been a member of the Presbyterian church for many years. He was also a member in good standing of the Ancient Order Workmen. He was a useful and public spirited citizen and never failed to give substantial encouragement to the poor and worthy. The very reticence and modesty which the man possessed often kept the outside world from finding out many of the good deeds that he did. He was a kind and indulgent father and husband and no man was more attached to his family. Covington suffered a severe loss in his death.

The funeral services were held Tuesday evening at 2 o’clock at the Presbyterian church, conducted by the pastor, Dr. F. L. Ewing. The solemn services were listened to by a large congregation. At the conclusion of the religious services the remains were taken to Munford Cemetery for burial, followed by a large number of sorrowing friends.

On the grave were placed many beautiful flowers – a fitting tribute to a man whose pure life and integrity have blessed this community for so many years.

(b: 11 Dec 1840, d: 25 Feb 1895)

 Source: original newspaper clipping in scrapbook created by Ada Clark Stroup of Saulsbury

14. April 2018 · Comments Off on SMITH, Waverly Earl (29 May 1911) · Categories: Obituary · Tags:

Death of Earl Smith

A sad death occurred at Grand Junction Monday evening, when the life was crushed out of Earl Smith, while attempting to pass between two box cars on the Southern Railroad. His little son, sitting in a buggy a short distance away, witnessed the horrible scene. Mr. Smith was about 32 years of age, and leaves three children. He was a splendid young man, popular and held in the highest esteem by everybody. His untimely end is deeply deplored and has cast a gloom over the community.

Source: original newspaper clipping in scrapbook created by Ada Clark Stroup of Saulsbury

14. April 2018 · Comments Off on MOORMAN, Achilles and James C. · Categories: Bible · Tags: , , , ,

Family Bible of Achilles Moorman (1773-1815)

Bible on display at the Ames Plantation in Fayette County Tennessee. Plaque on the display reads: “This Bible was purchased ca 1809 at the estate sale of Achilles Moorman by his brother James C. Moorman. Micajah C. Moorman (b. 1775 – d. 1826), brother of Achilles and James purchased 1,971 acres of land upon which the Ames Manor now stands in 1824. His son-in-law, John Walker Jones, along with Micajah’s widow and children moved to this site ca 1826. It was at this location that John Walker Jones established his Cedar Grove Plantation, the forerunner of today’s Ames Plantation and where he built this Manor House in 1847. Bible donated by Mrs. Anna Elizabeth Baker Thompson, the great-great-great-granddaughter of Micajah Clark Moorman.


Written in the Bible

The property of Achilles Moorman, in the year of our Lord 1809,

Price $18.00

This Bible was purchased by James C. Moorman. The sale of Achilles Moorman dec…


Family Records

NOTE: Transcribed information refers to children of Andrew Moorman and are siblings of Achilles Moorman


Milly (Mildred) Moorman was born Jan 13 1772

Micajah C. Moorman born Jan 21 1775

Elizabeth Moorman born November 7 1777

James C. Moorman born March 10 1779

Nancy Moorman born July 31 1781

Lucy Moorman born April 20 1783

Patsy Moorman born April 30 1785

Judith Moorman born July 1 1787

Andrew Moorman born April 18 1791


Lucy Bennett departed this life March 2 1810

Andrew Moorman my father departed this life March 10 1791

Elizabeth Moorman departed this life November 7 1809

Nancy Moorman departed this life November 19 1802

Andrew Moorman departed life in July 1814



A. (Achilles) Moorman & Dorcas his wife was married March 28 1798

(at this point the information appears to have been written by James C. Moorman)

James C. Moorman & Jane Robinson was married 15 Aug 1799

James C. Moorman was born 10 March 1779

Jane Moorman wife of James C. was born Dec 23 1779

James C. Anderson to Jane R. Moorman was married on the 27 Oct 1819

Micajah Lynch & Nancy R. Moorman was married on the 27 June 1821

Henry Clark & Judith Moorman was married on the 27 June 1821



A. (Achilles) Moorman was born Nov 10 1773

Dorcas Moorman was born Feb 5 1772

Thomas J. Moorman was born June 6 1810

(at this point the information appears to have been written by James C. Moorman)

Children births of James & Jane Moorman

Nancy Robinson Moorman was born June 5 1800

Jane Robinson Moorman was born Sunday 30 May 1802

Judith Moorman was born 30 Oct 1804

Matilda Moorman was born Sunday 15 March 1807

Elizabeth Moorman was born Saturday Dec 30 1809

Lucinda Jennings Moorman was born Sunday July 19 1812

Robert Moorman was born Sep 15 1815

James A. Moorman was born April 19 1818

Moorman Family Bible Page 1

Moorman Family Bible Page 2

From the family Bible of Charles Jones COX (1824-1903).  Family records are as follows:

Richard Samuel Cox was born May 6th 1845

Margaret Catherine Cox was born March 29th 1847

Allison Cox was born December 29th 1849

John Haywood Cox was born January 15, 1852

Tabitha Elisabeth Cox was born February 6th 1855

Thomas William Cox was born February 9th 1857

Kitty Arminda Cox was born February 15th 1860

Wiley Jones Cox was born March 6th 1862

Mary Francis Cox was born December 25th 1864

Charlotte Temple Horne was born November 15th 1823

Charles Jones Cox was born August 25, 1824

Charles Jones Cox and Charlotte Temple Horne were married April 26th 1844

source: The Holy Bible, American Bible Society, 1850

submitted by Jim Daniel

25. February 2018 · Comments Off on CLARK, Smithie Durden (d. 13 Jan 1913) · Categories: Obituary · Tags: , , , , , ,

Mrs. Smithie CLARK died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J. R. STROUP, Monday, Jan. 13, 1913. She was born May 14, 1828. She professed religion in early life at the age of 14 years, united with the Cumberland Presbyterian church on the 13th of the month, it being the same day of the month on which she died. She was married to Jack CLARK in the year 1858. She leaves four daughters and one son. Her husband died when the children were quite small, leaving the raising of the children to the mother, who worked and brought up her children to be as dutiful as any parent could. The children are: Mrs. R. L. LIGHTFORT, Bolivar; Mrs. J. R. STROUP, Mrs. Allie SCOTT, Mrs. J. H. COX, W. W. CLARK, Saulsbury.

Mrs. Clark was sick almost two weeks with pneumonia and bronchitis. She was carefully watched night and day by her four daughters, also her son a greater part of the time, and her good and faithful physician, Dr. W. L. Goddard. Every attention was given her, but God knew best. He called her home. She has gone from among us; gone to meet and be with those of her kindred and friends who have already crossed the dark valley through which we all must pass. She has gone from the scenes and surrounding of her home. There are many men and women in this county who will learn of her death with sorrow.

She was one of the few who stayed with us after the days of their four score and four years had been exhausted. She was a devote Christian lady, loved her church devotedly. There was never a mother who loved her home more or who was more beloved in it. There was never a sting to her words or a cloud on her face for her loved ones. They knew her as none other did. Whatever the world may think of her foibles, whatever it may think she lacked of being a perfect lady, they found nothing wanting in her to make her the perfect mother. They can look back to no bitter days, to no unhappy nights, to no tears and no sighs that she caused, but to only long unbroken chain of days and months and years when she was with them and found her greatest happiness in making them happy. When her personal purity, uprightness, integrity and Christian walk are considered, she was far superior to the great majority. Her life has been an inspiration to others, and her example is worthy the careful, sturdy and earnest emulation of the generations that are to come after them.

The funeral services were conducted at the Cumberland Presbyterian church at 12 o’clock, Tuesday, by her pastor, Rev. S. H. Braly, of Bolivar. The services were such as befitted her life and character and the tributes paid her memory were only such as she deserved.

One Who Loved Her

Source: original newspaper clipping in scrapbook created by Ada Clark Stroup of Saulsbury

25. February 2018 · Comments Off on DANIEL, Simpson (d. 22 Aug 1901) · Categories: Obituary · Tags:

The subject of this sketch was born March 14, 1848, departed this life, August 22, 1901, age 53 years, five months and eight days. He leaves a wife and 5 children and a number of relatives and friends to mourn their loss. He was truly a good husband, father and a good Christian citizen.

He joined the Cumberland Presbyterian church and lived a consistent member. He then became dissatisfied with the doctrine taught by them, and joined the Primitive Baptist church at New Salem, Tippah county, and lived an humble member until his death. He is a son of Elder Starling Daniel, who was well known all over this country.

He was baptized by Elder A. B. Morris, at Denmark, Miss., near Oxford.

Source: original newspaper clipping in scrapbook created by Ada Clark Stroup of Saulsbury

A survey of the Zion Temple II Cemetery has been added. The cemetery is located southwest of Grand Junction off of Smith Road.

Zion Temple II Cemetery

A survey of the New Bethel Baptist Church has been added. The cemetery is located southwest of Bolivar off of Van Buren Road.

New Bethel Baptist Church Cemetery

A survey of the New Hope Church of Christ Cemetery has been added. The cemetery is located northwest of Middleton, on New Hope Road.

New Hope Church Cemetery

A survey of the Jones Grove Baptist Church Cemetery has been added. The cemetery is located northeast of Hickory Valley off of the Somerville Rd.

Jones Grove Baptist Church Cemetery