14. April 2018 · Comments Off on NEWBERN, T. D. · Categories: Obituary · Tags: , ,

Obituary T. D. Newbern

A telegram received (missing text) Saturday morning by relatives announcing the death of T. D. Newbern, which occurred in Conway, Ark., on the above mentioned date was a shock to this community.

Mr. Newbern was apparently in good health, and had not complained until the morning of his death. He went to the store, in which he was employed to perform his duties, but soon afterwards his sufferings increased, and he decided to go to a near-by drug store for medicine. While on the way, he sank in the street and expired instantly of heart failure.

Deceased was a member of a family of sixteen children, born to the late Dr. D. J. Newbern and to Mrs. C. L Newbern, who with eight children survive. His life of 51 years was spent here until about a year ago, when he moved to Conway, Ark. He leaves a widow, the daughter of Captain W. J. Redd, and one daughter, Miss Mary.

The remains were brought here and laid to rest in the family square in Union Cemetery. The funeral services were held from the Methodist church, of which he was a member and a steward for a number of years before his departure, and were conducted by the pastor, Rev. S. M. Griffin, assisted by Rev. S. L. Jewell. An immense throng was present, both at the church and at the grave, many friends from the country attending. Out of respect to his memory, the public school, a trustee of which he once was, adjourned and attended the funeral in a body. The floral offerings were beautiful and numerous.

He was held in the highest esteem by our people. He served as Mayor of Bolivar and as Justice of the Peace for a number of years.

Noble, generous-hearted, genial Tom Newbern has answered the last call. He had a pleasant work and a smile for everybody. Not only was he popular with the older people, but the children loved him, and he had many friends among the Negroes, some of whom were present at the funeral.

Source: original newspaper clipping in scrapbook created by Ada Clark Stroup of Saulsbury

14. April 2018 · Comments Off on HUDSON, Hugh Falls (23 Feb 1910) · Categories: Obituary · Tags: ,

Obituary Hugh Falls Hudson

Entered into Paradise at Pontotoc, Miss., Feb. 23rd, 1910 Mrs. Hugh Falls Hudson, wife of Wm. P. Hudson, aged 45 years and 8 days. She was a faithful Christian and a member of the M. E. Church South at Pontotoc. A gloom was cast over the entire community when the sudden death of Mrs. Hudson was announced. With the going out of this life many hearts were filled with sorrow and pain. We in our blindness look upon death as an enemy, when if we could only see it so, it is the loving hand of the Father who quiets our vain struggling, drives away the pain and leads us into realms of everlasting peace. She leaves a faithful husband and three devoted children; Kathleen, Falls and Sue Reaves, two sisters, Mrs. J. R. Reaves, of Bolivar, Tenn., and Mrs. J. W. Clark, of Dallas, Texas, and two brothers, J. S. and L. L. Falls, of Middleton, Tenn. An infant daughter preceded her to her Heavenly home just five weeks. Oh! What a happy union. The funeral was conducted in the M. E. church by her pastor, Rev. Mr. Lockart, assisted by Rev. Mr. Cooper of the Baptist church in the presence of a large number of sorrowing friends. Death is bitter even when it takes from life those to whom there is so little to live, for when such a woman as she is taken, consolation fails of its office.

We can but bow to the stroke trusting in the all em-bracing wisdom and goodness of One who doeth all things well.

Her Niece

Source: original newspaper clipping in scrapbook created by Ada Clark Stroup of Saulsbury

14. April 2018 · Comments Off on LANIER, Mattie · Categories: Obituary · Tags:

Obituary Mattie Lanier

Mrs. Mattie Lanier, near Saulsbury, died January 4, 1910. She was the mother of ten children, four of whom are still living. She has four sisters living and four dead. She was 60 years of age, and leaves and aged husband. She professed faith in Christ when quite young and joined the Missionary Baptist church and has been a faithful worker for the Lord, and the church has lost a faithful member, as well as the family. She was a good mother, but the Lord knew best and has taken her to bloom in the paradise of God.

Alma West

Source: original newspaper clipping in scrapbook created by Ada Clark Stroup of Saulsbury

14. April 2018 · Comments Off on ARNETT, Emma (24 Jul 1910) · Categories: Obituary · Tags: , , ,

Obituary Emma Arnett

Mrs. Emma Arnett, wife of J. W. Arnett, died near Saulsbury, July 24th, 1910, aged 35 years. Deceased was a daughter of the late R. N. Bryant. She is survived by her husband and two girls, aged 13 and 4 years, also her mother, Mrs. Bettie Bryant, and two brothers and one sister. The remains were laid to rest in Union cemetery, Bolivar, Monday afternoon, the funeral services being conducted from the Presbyterian Church by Rev. F. M. Wells, of Jackson. Mrs. Arnett had been a resident of Bolivar for the past three years and by her lovely life and genial nature had made many friends. She joined the church when twelve years of age and was always active in church work. Her illness, which was of several months duration, was borne with patience and fortitude of a noble Christian woman. The bereaved have the deepest sympathy of our people.

Source: original newspaper clipping in scrapbook created by Ada Clark Stroup of Saulsbury

14. April 2018 · Comments Off on WARREN, George M. (01 Jun 1910) · Categories: Obituary · Tags: , ,

Obituary George M. Warren

After a long illness, Geo. M. Warren died at his residence in Bolivar, Tenn., June 1, 1910. For several years past, deceased had been in declining health, and sought the climates of Texas and Mexico, only to gain temporary relief.

George M. Warren was a son of Mr. and Mrs. John Warren, and was 52 years of age. In 1882 he was united in marriage to Miss Mattie A. McDaniel, the result of the union being one son, Charles.

George Warren was a man of high sense honor, kind, sympathetic, charitable and a good citizen. He was a member of the Presbyterian Church, Independent Order Odd Fellows, Endowment Rank Knights of Pythias.

The funeral services were held at his late residence, conducted by Revs. R. B. Swift and T. E. P. Woods, and the remains were laid to rest in Union Cemetery in the presence of many friends.

The aged parents, devoted wife and son and his brothers and sisters have the tender sympathies of our people.

Source: original newspaper clipping in scrapbook created by Ada Clark Stroup of Saulsbury


14. April 2018 · Comments Off on FINGER, D. L. (18 Aug 1910) · Categories: Obituary · Tags:

Obituary D. L. Finger

D. L. Finger died August 18th, at his home, two miles north of Saulsbury, in the 56th year of his age. Deceased was engaged in farming and lived in the neighborhood of Saulsbury all his life, with the exception of his early boyhood days, which were spent in northern Mississippi, where he was born. He was a member of the Methodist Church. A wife and two daughters, one of whom is Mrs. H. E. Carter, of Bolivar, survive; also a brother, John Finger, of Nashville, Ark., and a sister, Mrs. J. S. Newton, of near Saulsbury. The remains were laid to rest in Spring Creek graveyard, Rev. J. G. Williams conducting the funeral services from the late residence.

Source: original newspaper clipping in scrapbook created by Ada Clark Stroup of Saulsbury



14. April 2018 · Comments Off on BURNETT, Robert (01 Nov 1910) · Categories: Obituary · Tags:

Obituary Robert Burnett

Again the angel of death of Tuesday night, Nov. 1, 1910, has entered Mrs. Robert Burnett’s home, near Saulsbury, and bore her beloved baby boy, Robert, to a land were pain and sorrow never enter. Robert was two years and two days old. He was sick three months and bore his suffering patiently. He was a beautiful and lovable child, the pet of the household and friends. How his mother, who so tenderly nursed him while hoping and trusting each day he would be better tomorrow, will miss him. In taking from your arms this little one, I pray that you will try to accept the cross and bear it. God’s richest blessings by upon you and your other little boys and girls.

There was an angel band in heaven

That was not quite complete,

So God took darling Robert

To fill the vacant seat.

A Friend

Source: original newspaper clipping in scrapbook created by Ada Clark Stroup of Saulsbury



14. April 2018 · Comments Off on BARDEN, L. T. (27 Feb 1917) · Categories: Obituary · Tags:

Obituary L. T. Barden

Resolutions of Respect

We your committee appointed by Berlin Lodge No. 170 to draft resolutions on the death of our beloved brother, L. T. Barden, beg leave to submit the following:

Brother Barden was born in October, 1836, in Tippah County, Miss.: was married to Miss Mary Elliott in 1880. Brother Barden died at his home near Saulsbury, Tennessee, Tuesday, February 27, 1917, after a lingering illness of several weeks duration.

Brother Barden had been a consistent member of the Masonic fraternity for about 50 years, a Royal Arch Mason about 15 years and a consistent member of the M. E. Church South about 25 years.

Brother Barden is survived by only his wife, all of his nearest relatives having passed away before him.

Death having again invaded our ranks and called from labor to refreshment our beloved brother, therefore be it

Resolved 1st: That in the death of Brother L. T. Barden this Lodge has lost one of its truest and best members, the community a good and honorable citizen and his companion a dutiful husband.

2nd: That while we try to emulate his many noble virtues.

3rd: That while we deeply mourn his untimely departure, we bow in humble submission to Almighty God who doeth all things for the best.

4th: That we tender to the bereaved companion our heartfelt sympathy in this her sad hour of bereavement.

5th: That we wear the usual badge of mourning for 30 days.

6th: That a copy of these resolutions be sent to his wife and one to each of the county papers for publication.

Respectfully submitted,

A. Godsey

A. Richards

E. Bailey

Source: original newspaper clipping in scrapbook created by Ada Clark Stroup of Saulsbury



14. April 2018 · Comments Off on LIGHTFORT, Edward L. · Categories: Obituary · Tags: ,

Obituary Edward L. Lightfort

Edward L. Lightfort Dies in Memphis Hospital

The following notice appeared in the Commercial Appeal of Wednesday and will be read with sorrow by many friends in Bolivar, the boyhood and young manhood home of the deceased.

Edward Lee Lightfort, 61, well known Memphis jeweler and watchmaker, died at the Baptist Memorial Hospital at 11:45 o’clock last night following an illness of two weeks.

Mr. Lightfort, for the past five months connected with the jewelry department of the Sears, Roebuck Company, was stricken while at work about two weeks ago.

Mr. Lightfort was a native of Bolivar. He moved to Memphis 17 years ago and established a jewelry business on South Main Street, which he operated until going with the Sears, Roebuck Company. Before moving to Memphis he operated a jewelry and watchmaking establishment at Bolivar, where he was also well known.

He was a Mason and member of the Knights of Pythias, Woodmen of the World, and an active member of the Episcopal Church.

He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Anna Elizabeth Lightfort; two sons, A. E. and E. M. Lightfort, of Memphis; two brothers R. L. and A. L. Lightfort, of Bolivar, and a daughter, Mrs. L. E. Ryster, of Memphis.

The remains were brought here Wednesday afternoon and buried in the family square in Union Cemetery. The Episcopal burial service was impressively read by Rev. H. E. Spears, rector of St. James’ Church, in the presence of many friends, after which the grave was banked with beautiful flowers.

Accompanying the remains were his wife, Mrs. Lizzie Lightfort; son Alfred, and daughter, Mrs. Ryster, and a delegation of friends from Memphis.

Source: original newspaper clipping in scrapbook created by Ada Clark Stroup of Saulsbury

14. April 2018 · Comments Off on McDANIEL, Rev. C. C. (27 Jan 1907) · Categories: Obituary · Tags: , ,

Obituary Rev. C. C. McDaniel

Rev. C. C. McDaniel died near Pine Top, Hardeman County, Tenn., Sunday, January 27, 1907, of malarial fever, after an illness of four weeks. The remains were buried at Walnut Grove, Monday. Rev. E. Z. Newsom conducting the funeral service in the presence of a large number of friends.

Deceased was born August 2, 1833, in “Spencer’s Cove,” in the eastern part of Middle Tennessee, near Crab Orchard Cap. At an early day he came with his parents to Hardeman County and located in the old 13th civil district, near Walnut Grove. He was twice married, first to Miss Elizabeth Rose, by whom he had two children, one of whom, W. A. H. McDaniel, survives. His second wife was Miss Cynthia Ervin, daughter of Dr. James Ervin. Seven children were the result of this union, five of whom are living – C. J. C., Mattie, Ernest, L. G. and Solon McDaniel. His second wife died in 1899.

When twenty years of age, Mr. McDaniel entered the ministry of the Baptist Church and served various churches in this and other counties for period of fifty-three years. He was Moderator of the Unity Baptist Association for ten years and was also a member of the Board of Trustees of the S. W. B. U. of Jackson. Nearly thirty years of his life were spent in teaching school. He was County Surveyor for many years. In the War Between the States, he rendered valuable service to the Confederates as a member of Captain Henderson’s Scouts under Forrest.

Mr. McDaniel was a man of vast information and remarkable memory. He had many friends who will learn with sorrow of this death.

Source: original newspaper clipping in scrapbook created by Ada Clark Stroup of Saulsbury